July 1st - 30DS



  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Back on the shred today! Day 12 & the 2nd day at level 2. I was moaning and groaning through the whole workout, but I burned an amazing 380 cals according to my HRM! :happy:

    I don't I've sweated so much in my life in such a short period of time. Oh....and my hubby, out of the blue last night, said "Wow, I can really tell you're getting more muscular". I was wearing my workout clothes at the time. YAY! He may not be joining me on the shred, but he inspires me every single day! :love:

    Have a good one today guys - let's SHOW Jillian what we're made of! Woot woot!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    380 calories! wow! good job. maybe i should get me a HRM to see what i really burn. i just go by what MFP gives me.
    i do level 2 then follow it with 5 minutes on the treadmill and 5 mins on the exercise bike - when i mark that as a 30 min workout it gives me 321 calories.

    just 3 more goes on level 2 for me. feeling like i'm ready for the change to level 3 soon! think i've almost had enough of those squat and v raise thingies too! some bizarre noises coming out of me when i do those!!

    still havent quite managed to go through all of level 2 without some sort of mini break. last nite i had to take a min breather in the 2nd circuit of the above mentioned squat / v raise exercise but i was determined not to take another break so forced myself to finish the last minute of abs without a break. that seems like the longest minute ever!! lol

    still sticking with single jump rope though rather than double jump rope - not sure i want to risk the extra impact on my knees as i've had bother with them before.

    although if level 3 is up another gear from level 2 maybe i should push myself a bit over the next 3 goes in preparation!

    double jump rope it is for this evening then! :noway:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- way to go! it's so awesome when our hubbies notice! :-) i learned a few days ago not to try to drag anything out of mine! i asked if he thought my thighs were looking more tone and he said, "i think you're just realizing you didn't have bad legs to begin with." hmmm... not quite the encouragement i was hoping for. he is proud of me for sticking with it so long this time around. i've been a light bulb exerciser since i had my second child... on... off... on... off...off....offf....offfffff! lol. anyway, the support here at mfp is fantastic and you 30 DS'ers are awesome thanks everyone! :-)

    i woke up VERY sore at 6 this morning... must have slept wrong? anyway, i went back to bed thinking maybe i'd just take a day off. i drug myself out of bed at 7, saw my workout clothes lying on the bathroom counter and put them on. I'M GOING TO TRY TO GET THIS DONE i thought. i can do anything for 20 minutes! i put the video in, pushed, and it was actually a decently easy day! :-) Day 9 level one finished. One more day of level one and i'll move up to level two. am i going to need a little more space for this one?

    Oh, and it didn't stop there... after the shred i decided i'd weigh myself just to see how things were going. i put my wii fit plus game in, weighed in (still no movement on the scales) and decided i'd go ahead and do the island run! wow, i went from not wanting to do anything to going above and beyond my goal! :-) small victory for me!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    380 calories! wow! good job. maybe i should get me a HRM to see what i really burn. i just go by what MFP gives me.
    i do level 2 then follow it with 5 minutes on the treadmill and 5 mins on the exercise bike - when i mark that as a 30 min workout it gives me 321 calories.

    just 3 more goes on level 2 for me. feeling like i'm ready for the change to level 3 soon! think i've almost had enough of those squat and v raise thingies too! some bizarre noises coming out of me when i do those!!

    still havent quite managed to go through all of level 2 without some sort of mini break. last nite i had to take a min breather in the 2nd circuit of the above mentioned squat / v raise exercise but i was determined not to take another break so forced myself to finish the last minute of abs without a break. that seems like the longest minute ever!! lol

    still sticking with single jump rope though rather than double jump rope - not sure i want to risk the extra impact on my knees as i've had bother with them before.

    although if level 3 is up another gear from level 2 maybe i should push myself a bit over the next 3 goes in preparation!

    double jump rope it is for this evening then! :noway:

    "some bizarre noises coming out of me when i do those!!" lol... i'll be starting level 2 saturday. i'm a little intimidated, but i'm not going to let it psyche me out! the first time i put the shred dvd into the player several months ago i thought "i'm moderately in shape, i'll just start out at level 2." i made it about 13 minutes in and felt like i was going to be sick or pass out.:sick: i shut off the dvd and felt sick for about 3 hours. :ohwell: ugh. anyway, i've actually worked up to it this time around, so it may not be quite as bad as it was before! here's hoping!!!:glasses:

    keep up the good work everyone! :-)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    gd - definitely invest in an HRM! The squat and v raise thingies are a KILLER! And the very last ab exercise (can't remember what it's called) is so much harder than it looks......or maybe it just seems like a killer because it's more of the plank position!

    J - Good for YOU! I love your attitude - "i can do anything for 20 minutes" - that will get you through Level 2 for sure!

    Keep trucking guys! I love the support I get from each of you. We are a TEAM! And gd is leading the way telling us what to expect at the next level!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Awesome job everyone!!! Today i did L2D1, and I forgot about all the exercises in this section....but i do have to say there is hope...this is my 2nd go at the 30DS, and I can really see a difference in my endurance throughout the levels. I remember the 1st time I did level 2, i had to pause the dvd a few times just to be able to catch my breath! today, i didn't pause the dvd at all, i did take a few "5 sec breaks" during some of the exercises...but it is def going much better than the 1st time around! We are getting so much stronger!

    j - Way to go!!! that is awesome that you we're able to get thru it and then soem more :)

    breanda - Great job getting back at it!! That is a phenomenal burn!!!

    Keep up the great work!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    first of all, thanks for all the encouragement!

    second, the last few days i've noticed i have to wait on the dvd until the biggest loser previews finish and THEN i have to watch jillian introduce the program... AGAIN. i don't remember having to do this before, but the player won't let me ffw it, skip through, or even head to the main disc menu. what's up with that?
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    day 18 done! quite pleased really. i'm quite a determined person. i set myself a target of doing all 30 days in 30 days and i'm fairly confident i'll mange it. but just typing that i've worked out 18 days in a row is quite amazing for me. considering i was doing nothing before i started!! although i have worked out in the past when trying to lose weight but at most would have done about 4 days a week. gotta love the 30DS - so intense, yet short enough to squeeze into any day.

    as for tonite i managed double jump rope on the first circuit but back to normal jump rope for the 2nd go - it just feels a bit awkward to me doing the double jump rope. got through the squat / v raises part without a break and also the final abs bit but had taken a 2 second break or so on the final plank jumpy out leg thing (thats its technial name! :laugh: ) just before the last abs bit. was a good workout though. and added another 10 mins cardio on the end again.

    off work the next 4 days so should have plenty of time to pick when to do the next couple of days on level 2 before hitting level 3 on sunday. looking forward to counting down from 10!

    and a minor victory i guess - i bought 4 beers to have tonite seen i'm off work tomorrow but worked out that even having 3 of them would take me over my calories for the day so i put 2 away and only had 2 of them - til tomorrow nite at least.

    a man putting beers away - discipline and a half!! :drinker: :tongue:

    although poker nite with the guys tomorrow nite so will have to be good tomorrow day to allow for the carnage! :laugh:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    gd- poker night, carnage... lol.

    you're an inspiration to us all! thanks for sharing your gains and struggles! :-)

    have a great weekend, and congratulations on walking away from beer #3! :drinker: (<---- see, HE only has two in HIS hands too!)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    You guys crack me up!

    J - I've had the same issue with my dvd.....but I THINK I have it figured out (my fingers are crossed now).....it seems that if I hit STOP on the DVD, before shutting it off, then when I turn in back on the next time I'm back to the begging of the workout where you select the Level. Or maybe I've just been very lucky these last couple of days! I understand your frustration because I experienced the same thing.....so I turned it on and THEN put on my shoes, HRM, got my glass of water, got out my mat, etc to I wasn't wasting time!

    gd - I KNOW you can do all 30 days in a row! You are doing great to be working through it with so few modifications. I agree that the double jump rope thing just seems awkward. That final plank jumpy out leg thing is quite a move! I actually did it without modification.....for a few seconds! :grumble: But eventually I'll get there too! It's inspiring to know it's actually possible for a normal human being!:happy: I bet those beers tasted MIGHTY GOOD! Have fun at your poker night!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ohhh... good idea for the dvd aggrivation brendalyne! i just want to skip the fluff... is that so wrong??? :grumble: thanks again for keeping me on track earlier... i lost my focus for a minute! :blushing:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    You guys are doing SO awesome!!! I'm going to try to go back to daily again!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    J - you and I are NOT the only ones who have experienced the DVD aggravation. Someone posted the following on another thread: I found that if I stop the DVD just before the level ends, and turn the dvd player off, that when I go to play it the next day, it will start back up at the very end of level. Then I can just select the level again and I don't have to listen to the intro all over again. Hope that helps and that it will save you some time.

    Day #3 at Level 2 is in the record books! I did double check my HRM and realized that I hadn't updated my weight for a couple of months.....so it was 7 lbs heavy, which means I haven't been burning quite as many cals as I thought I had. BUT today i still burned 335....so it wasn't as horribly "off" as I'd feared.

    But boy oh boy, my HRM is beeping at me a LOT - my heart rate is definitely WAY UP THERE when I'm doing this workout!

    gd - so did you do the double jump rope thing today? I was thinking about that as I was doing the REGULAR jump rope!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Squeezed a few double jump ropes in near the end but mostly single jump rope. But no breaks today so I'm happy I got thru it all without stopping as i've been having at least a 2 or 3 second breather every day in either the plank jacks, v raises or final abs sessions.

    19 down, 11 to go! Ooh, I'll be in the 20's tomorrow!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Results after day 10: (6/30,7/5,7/15)

    Weight: 122.5, 121, 120.5
    Neck: i'm pretty sure they were all 13.5, but for some reason it says 13. i wonder if it won't accept decimals on neck? weird
    Waist: skip, 29, 28.5
    Bust: skip, 35.5, 35
    Hips: 36.5, 36, 35 (WOW!)
    Arms L: skip, 11.3, 11.3
    R: skip, 10.8, 11 okay, this is a gain, because i now have derringers! - mini gun. hee hee.
    Thighs L: skip, 22.3, 21.8
    R: skip, 21.5, 21.3
    Calves L: skip, 13.3, 13.3
    R: skip, 13.3, 13.5
    and another measurement that may seem weird, but it is a trouble area for me, so i'm keeping track
    Just above the knee L: skip, 16.3, 15.3
    R: skip, 13.3, 13.5

    Well, there they are. Gains are gains, right? I really need to get a body fat scale. I think that would keep me motivated once my waist and hips shrink a bit more and i start gaining more muscle in my arms and legs. Still, it is a little exciting to have lost an inch and a half in my hips!

    Day 10- Today was a little rough for me for some reason. I know my heart rate was higher and I was working harder than normal. I think I'm going to have to try some protein before my next workout and see if that helps at all. You know what? It could also be because I'm using 5# weights for nearly all of the exercises... yeah, that might just be it....

    gd- you're doing great! have you thought about what you'll do when your 30 days are over?
    brendalyne- i'll be starting level 2 tomorrow... yikes!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    cmg- thanks for the encouragement. it's great to know that your endurance increases if you stick with it. i'll probably be wishing i had a bit more endurance tomorrow when i start level 2! :ohwell:
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    gd- you're doing great! have you thought about what you'll do when your 30 days are over?

    Quite possibly jillians ripped in 30 DVD which is meant to be along the same lines as 30DS. It's the same format of 3 mins strength, 2 mins cardio, 1 min abs. Think i read each level is a week long - although surely that would be ripped in 28! Lol

    I think it'll either be that or she has this thing called 30 day slimdown which is a 30 day program using 3 of her dvd's, 30DS, no more trouble zones and burn fat boost metabolism. It's like a rotation of each DVD. I'll copy n paste it below-

    It goes a bit like this-

    DAY 1 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 2 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 4 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 7 - OFF!
    DAY 8 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 9 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2

    DAY 11 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2
    DAY 14 - OFF!
    DAY 16 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2
    DAY 18 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1 & 2

    DAY 21 - OFF!
    DAY 22 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2 & 1
    DAY 26 - OFF!

    I like having a plan to follow so it will be something similar so I know what I'm doing each day.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    wow gd! that's quite the rotation! it makes me tired just lookin' at it! :noway:

    I'm on day 11, so I started Level 2 this morning. I wasn't really sure I wanted to do it with my hunky hubby in the house, but he was very kind and refrained from staring at me. In fact, when the puppy started trying to munch on me while I was doing walking out push-ups, he even resuced me...twice. Those little puppy teeth can be like needles! I am very thankful I have toned my arms a bit because he got a good mouthful of tricep in his vices this morning! I can't imagine how much more he'd have gotten 11 days ago! :ohwell:

    I just have to say, I was dreading this move, but it really wasn't THAT bad! In fact, I couldn't believe it was over so soon! YES! I have certainly made big cardio strides in the past few weeks! :-) Oh, and now I know what you guys are talking about when you mention the V thingies.... 5# weights aren't going to be used there for awhile! :sad:

    Have a great weekend everyone!:glasses:
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    wow gd! that's quite the rotation! it makes me tired just lookin' at it! :noway:

    I'm on day 11, so I started Level 2 this morning. I wasn't really sure I wanted to do it with my hunky hubby in the house, but he was very kind and refrained from staring at me. In fact, when the puppy started trying to munch on me while I was doing walking out push-ups, he even resuced me...twice. Those little puppy teeth can be like needles! I am very thankful I have toned my arms a bit because he got a good mouthful of tricep in his vices this morning! I can't imagine how much more he'd have gotten 11 days ago! :ohwell:

    I too have puppy issues.. but my trouble puppy is a 7 month old 60lb lab who is still in the stupid puppy stage... I try to push him away and say no and he's just like, "what mom?" and comes right back lol. He's adorable though so it usually makes me laugh. He's not too bad he just gets in the way sometimes... and tries to lick me "ooohh salty nom nom"
    As for the DVD... once the workout is over and it goes back to the menu I just leave the DVD player on (I do not press STOP) and switch it back over to the tv. Next day switch it back over to the dvd and it's ready to go already. The first two days I watched the intro and was like if I have to watch this every time I'm going to be really annoyed. This is the only solution I've managed to find.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Here's my whine for the day - I truly detest the "v-raise" thing! Raise the weights to eye level? Well, maybe the first few Jilian you torture monster! :sad: I made it through them today.....modified....but I did NOT take a break so that is progress. In fact I didn't take a break through any of it, which is a first! :happy: 6 more days of level 2 left - I can handle i!. Sweating buckets, but I can do it! :tongue:
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