July 1st - 30DS



  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    I just started today, one day behind I suppose!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 6 completed :)...No soreness extra energy...in 4 days I move to level 2, which I've never done before I usually quit or get to busy to continue I'm dedicated this time. Nervous but deteremined.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Good job ladies! How bad is it that I am only on day 2, slept in this morning and missed doing it! Had my husband pinky swear that we were Shredding right after the kids go to bed. So sore from yesterday and did a 10.5 miles family bike ride today. Have a feeling Day 2 is going to be rough!

    And I still can't find that dang tape measure! Will keep searching!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Boy, this better do something for my arms. Day 3 down! Good to know everyone else is out there doing it too.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I started July 2nd....so I did my 2nd day today. I am SO SORE....EVERYWHERE!!! What a great workout. I am determined to keep going. I even took a couple of before pics - BLEAH!!! But I decided I wanted to have a pic to compare to when I get to day 30. Good luck everyone!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Good job brendalyne! I wish I had taken a before photo...maybe I should still do it. Just finished day4 so there can't be much of a change. And, yes, day 2 was my sorest day too. I felt much better today and felt I could push harder. Hubby is still dying :tongue:

    And finally found my measuring tape. Bleh. So disgusted my bust and waist are the same. Bust is disappearing but waist is lingering. Soooo not fair.

    Bust: 35.5
    Waist (bellybutton): 35
    Butt: 39
    Thigh: 22
    Bicep: 11
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    And finally found my measuring tape. Bleh. So disgusted my bust and waist are the same. Bust is disappearing but waist is lingering. Soooo not fair.

    I hear you! My bust is disappearing and waist is being stubborn too! I sure hope this helps. Day 3 is DONE - it was much better than day 2! I haven't convinced my hubby to try it yet - he heard me complain about how sore I was yesterday and I think it scared him! Last night - when I was so sore - I convinced myself to go 5 days and then take a break. Today I feel so good.....I'm going to try to just keep going!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Day 4 is done....and it's getting better each day (although I still haven't convinced my hubby to try it yet)!

    What's interesting to me is that the number of cals I've burned each day is going DOWN (I use an HRM) - 325, 304, 278, 257! It is getting a tiny bit easier each day - but I'm still sweating BUCKETS by the end. Anyone else experienceing this? I am wondering now if I should try level 2 tomorrow. Any advice?
  • Buckeye_Jenn
    Buckeye_Jenn Posts: 48 Member
    I had such good intentions but missed Friday's workout and it all went downhill from there. Can I start today?
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Absolutely Buckeye! Better today than not at all, right? Good luck!

    Brenda - My calories are also going down pretty steadily (I also use a hrm). I started at 142 and am now down to 100. That just means you are getting more fit, right? I sure hope so because as I am getting closer to my weight goal, I am having to do some pretty intense workouts to get a burn. Last Saturday I did a 1 hour 45 min hard bike ride in 90 degrees and only burned 326 calories! My muscles are still slightly sore so I am going to wait a few more days for Level 2. Plus I need to give hubby a chance to survive a workout before increasing difficulty! :tongue: Can you tell I am loving being more fit than my husband? The guy who was captain of the high school basketball team, made the football team in university, master of all sports!!! Bwahahaha! His little mother-of-4-kids housewife is kicking his butt! Okay, I had to get that glee out of my system so I can be supportive in real life. Truly I am just really happy he is making the effort to do it with me. I worry a lot about his increased weight. He was always such an active guy and I can see how much he has slowed down. Hope your hubby is inspired by you, Brendalyne!

    I didn't get Day 5 in this morning as we were up so late watching the fireworks. Planning on doing it tonight but am considering trying my first 5k this evening. My gym has a "Fun 5K" tonight and while I have just finished C25K I still can't quite run a full 5k distance. But think I may challenge myself. We'll see. Not sure I could do a shred after that!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Whew....glad to know what I'm experiencing (cals burned going down) isn't just ME! And I certainly hope it does in fact mean we are getting more fit!

    I've decided to stay at level 1 for now.....especially since I'm still doing the wimpy push-ups (and struggling with that, I might add) and am no where CLOSE to kicking my actual BUTT! Oh yeah, and using wimpy 2.5 pound weights too! LOTS more work to do for ME!

    toadie - Your message made me laugh.....especially the "His little mother-of-4-kids housewife is kicking his butt" comment. :bigsmile:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Your weights are better than mine brendalyne...I have cheddar cheese soup cans. Really need to find my actual weights. Think I might have got rid of them last year at a garage sale. :grumble:

    So we missed doing it yesterday. Didn't do it in the morning and then I did a 5k in the evening and hubby did a 12 mile bike ride. To buy himself some hand weights. Crazy man bought 20lbers. And carried them in his backpack all the way home. :noway: We were a little sore. But got up this morning and got in Day 5. My calves were killing me today but assuming it was from the run last night. Going to take it easy today and do some low level time on the elliptical tonight.

    How is everyone doing? Still with it?
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    thought i'd stick my face in and say hi!

    tonite will be day 10 of level 1 for me. definitely getting easier as the days go by. i'm sure level 2 will be harder though! i'm using 2x2.5lbs weights too by the way and i'm male. they're the only weights we have in the house and i didnt want to buy any more. i'm trying to lose weight rather than bulk up anyway and i can tell its working so far. weighing myself weekly and i lost 4lbs in the first week on 30DS! was happy with that.

    so get ur husbands doing this with you as it will knock them into shape if they stick at it! :happy:

    and feel free to send me a friend request - the more support the better.
  • Buckeye_Jenn
    Buckeye_Jenn Posts: 48 Member
    I did Level 1, Day 1 last night and it wasn't too bad. I've been working out regularly for a while so I'm a little sore, but not so much so that I can't sit, stand or run up the stairs easily. I'm going to yoga this morning to stretch out a big and then I'll do the Shred this afternoon.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Did Day 5 Level 1 this morning before work! It's getting better day by day! I bought some 3 lb weights last night - the 2.5 lb ones I was using were just round circular weights to put on a weight bar and weren't real great to use......and I thought maybe my hubby would join me this morning. He grunted, rolled over and went back to sleep! I'll keep working on him though! I'm actuall UP 2 pounds for the week.....but out of curiosity I measured my waist this morning (my stubborn area) and I've lost 1/2 inch! So that really pumped me....even if the scale's not showing it yet. I plan on hopping on the bike after work today and go for a nice long ride!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Just did level 1 day 5, feeling good! I started on the 2nd so I haven't missed yet. Yesterday killed me though, maybe I hadn't been pushing hard enough for the first 3 days? I don't know. But shout out to the weird weights! I'm using pasta sauce cans LOL.
    Congrats on the 1/2 inch! That's quick progress!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Just finished day 8, suppose to be day 10 but I missed the 3rd and 4th. I went ahead and stuck with my schedule for moving up a level...and this was my first day of level two...let me just say alot of plank position my arms are jelly.

    No change in my weight but my bathing suit and work pants are fitting better and I can tell a difference in my arms. Only 24 day s till I'm beach bound so lets get this done :)
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    It's funny to hear the cans that people are using. A couple of things I can do with 5 lb weights, but anything involving shoulders it's a can of white beans and a can of garbanzo beans. Not sure what I'll do after I eat one of these!
    I've eaten all my calories and I'm starving!!!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    gd50cent - Woohoo on your loss! Its good to hear from someone further along. I'm feeling a little worn out but reading your message made me think "I just need to make it to day 10!"

    Buckeye - Good job for getting started! I had been working out prior to this as well and I am positive that is why I am handling it better than my husband. And that yoga sounds good...

    brendalyne - Yay for a shrinking waist! I'm going to avoid measuring until the end but I am already seeing more definition in the sides of my abs. Now if only the pooch would go.

    chellaJKR - I'm on the same day as we missed one. Gonna try to make sure that doesn't happen again! I had a hard time yesterday but I think it was from my run the day prior. Let's hope today is better! When are you thinking about trying level 2?

    lilynedensmom - Planks on level 2? eek. Yay on your NSV! Its crazy but I think my arms are looking better too. And yes, I am also beach bound 20 days....no rest for us!

    keggen - lol! Do you still have your "weighs"? No weight eating allowed! ha!

    As for me, my legs were feeling wiped this morning so I am GOING to do Day 6 tonight. Like I said, I think I can already see a difference in the side of my abs and arms so I need to keep this going. But I am having a hard time getting my regular cardio in as well which is bumming me out. I was getting some good weightloss with that and I feel like if I abandon it, the weightloss is going to stop. And then my husband did a hard workout (a soccer practice) yesterday and woke up in the middle of the night with a calf cramp that last 25 mins. He said he was beginning to think it was a blood clot and was going to wake me to take him to the hospital! So I have a feeling no Shred for him tonight. He is such a doorknob. He does very little activity but then jumps right into intense sport with people 10 years younger than him. It happens all the time. How about some moderation buddy? *sigh* Yes, my sympathy gene is broken. Anyway, I'll still be doing it tonight...especially because I know you will all be Shredding it up hard today! Thanks for the support everyone!
  • slk210
    slk210 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on Day 5 and I hate the butt kicks too. Count me in on the challenge.