July 1st - 30DS



  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Day 6 done....plus 15 minutes walking/jogging. I'm gonna hit the shower now and head to work! Good luck everyone - keep on trucking! I'm really looking forward to the planks in level 2 - NOT!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    thats 11 days in a row done for me - first day on level 2 today. thats about all i can manage to type for now. LOL!!

    ok i'm not that bad but wow that felt like it was up a gear from level 1. i thought i sweated a lot on level one but that was a crazy workout! a bit shaky in the arms after that. had to do a couple of the modified moves and even had to take a mini break or 2 near the end.

    although i've never really done anything like this before so my body isnt used to all this. i'm usually just running or cycling.

    had heard people talking about lots of planks on level 2 and TBH i didnt even really know what they meant but now i do!!

    although i'm sure like level 1 it gets easier as the days go by.

    certainly feel like i'm getting shredded though so its all good. 30 days of this is gonna make a difference - thats what i'm focusing on.

    11 down, 19 to go............
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Hey there! I just found this group :) I started the Shred again on the 4th…today I completed day 4. I’ve done the full 30 days once before so I’m hoping I can do it again! I am also on week 2 of C25K. Good luck everyone! It’s great having people on here to help keep you motivated thru the whole 30 days :)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Hi cmg! Will be good to have someone around who's done the 30DS before. I'm taking the fact you're doing it for a 2nd time as a good thing! I take it it worked well for u the first time?
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Yes it did :) I joined a group the last time I did it, and I think that really helped. Days when I didn’t feel like doing it, I checked the thread and saw other people did it and it motivated me to do it even more :) The last time I did it, I lost I believe 9 inches overall and a little over 5lbs. Def helped get me back into my size 12 jeans (which were hiding in the bottom of my dresser lol) and helped me find Onederland :)
  • Buckeye_Jenn
    Buckeye_Jenn Posts: 48 Member
    I just finished Day 3! So it's technically only day 2 because I didn't get to it yesterday after an hour yoga class and 30 minutes of 4.0 walking on the treadmill. The yoga class was a killer and it was almost like doing Shred because we did an absolute ton of high lunge pulses and loads of shoulder work, so with the cardio I'm counting it for yesterday. It was a little easier today. Not a lot, but a little. My least favorite is the shoulder raises with side lunges. The shoulder raises kill me!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome cmg4721!

    Didn't get it done yesterday. :sad:

    We do it in our basement playroom because it has foam mats. Yesterday I starting cleaning the floor, picked up some mats to find this nasty yellow/brown liquid under the entire floor. *gag* Turns out that a drain in a window well was plugged and this sludgy water has been seeping through the water frame. So had to spend all evening fixing the drain, cleaning up the mess, disinfecting the floor, etc. Ugh. At least it was just dirty water and not what I initially thought...we have a very reluctant potty-trainer right now.

    On the plus side, I finally found my 5lbs weights in the attic. Gonna feel the burn today!!!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    toadiejones - oh NO! That's not the kind of surprise anyone likes to find. Sounds like you still had a massive workout though from the clean up!

    I was REALLY was tempted to skip today.....but I forced myself out of bed and did it anyway.....because I didn't want to have to say I didn't get it done today! And I knew this morning was my only option to Gitter Done. So - day #7 is in the books! A whole week and I've survived! My husband even joined in this morning for the very first time. Watching him struggle made me realize that I have made progress in just 7 short days! 7 down - 23 to go! My official weigh-in is tomorrow, but I checked today. My weight is being really stubborn - I'm actually still up .8 pounds from last Saturday! But I will not give up.....because my capris that I wore last Friday are definitely more comfortable around the waistband today. And THAT is a good feeling.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    toadiejones - oh NO! That's not the kind of surprise anyone likes to find. Sounds like you still had a massive workout though from the clean up!

    I was REALLY was tempted to skip today.....but I forced myself out of bed and did it anyway.....because I didn't want to have to say I didn't get it done today! And I knew this morning was my only option to Gitter Done. So - day #7 is in the books! A whole week and I've survived! My husband even joined in this morning for the very first time. Watching him struggle made me realize that I have made progress in just 7 short days! 7 down - 23 to go! My official weigh-in is tomorrow, but I checked today. My weight is being really stubborn - I'm actually still up .8 pounds from last Saturday! But I will not give up.....because my capris that I wore last Friday are definitely more comfortable around the waistband today. And THAT is a good feeling.

    well done for getting it done. and glad to hear ur husband had a go too! and better fitting clothes are always a bonus. i believe they call that a NSV around here. lol

    day 12 done for me today. 18 to go.......
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    toadiejones- I think you definitely burned and deserve some calories for that clean up.
    I skipped day 10 since we night o' planks at pilates and I was beat by the time I got home at 9. I just didn't see myself working out for another 20 minutes before going to bed.

    So I did first night of level 2. Oh, yeah that's another step up. Sometimes even the cans of beans were too much.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Yay brendalyne for your husband joining in!!!

    Finally got day 6 done. Started at 9:45pm and did 45 mins on elliptical and then did the shred. Hubby looked at me like I was crazy and backed out. I think I need to go up to Level 2. Today my hrm said I only burned 97 calories. 97 measly calories!!! I'm sweating like crazy and sore but apparently my heart is more fit than the rest of me. Guess I have c25k to thank for that. So Day 7 Level 2 for me tomorrow.

    Great job everyone! Keep it up!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Got up and did Day 7 level 2 first thing this morning. Added in harder (5lbs) weights. Got a better burn of 127. Had to go easy on those plank/jack things and the v-presses only made it as high as my chest instead of eye-level but feel like I will eventually get there!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    So I obviously can't count since I started Level 2 at day 8. Duh. Well, I'm there so I might as well go for it. I'll need a few extra days there to make progress on some these moves anyway.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Day 8 and still on Level 1.....but I defintely felt comfortable kicking it up a notch on the cardio especially. And according to my HRM I burned 271 cals vs 240 day beforeI. Evidently my ticker is NOT in as good a shape as yours toadie! Today was my official weigh in day.....and I'm up 1 1/2 pounds! I must admit that it was a bit disheartening. I've been up and down the same 3 pounds for 3 weeks now. sigh. I really hoped that the 30DS would get me going again. I will stick with it though because I KNOW I'm building muscle, and burning fat. I bought a "Fat Loss Monitor" and according to that my body fat percentage has gone a half a percent. So that makes me feel a LITTLE bit better. You guys inspire me to keep going! So thank you!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Hi all! Brendalyne said I should join you guys, so here I am! I started the shred on July 5, so I'll be on day 6 Monday (I'm probably not gong to do Sunday workouts... day of rest and all). Anyway, it sounds like everyone's doing really well so far. Keep up the good work!

    Here's a little tip for the "pooch" some of you have mentioned... In my Winsor Pilates Abs DVD Mari says you need to pull your bellybutton in to your spine when you're doing ab work or the pooch will just grow as the growing muscles push it out further and further. Hope this helps someone!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Also, have any of you noticed that on level one at one point when jillian is with the girl who does the modified moves the other girl isn't doing anything? lol. Just wondered if anyone else noticed that. I just caught it for the first time today! :-) No wonder she can push it so hard and still smile sweetly, she stops when the camera if off of her! ;-) i have to say it's nice to know SHE is human too!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    hi j, welcome along. the more the merrier!!

    yeah i noticed the girl taking it easy on level 1 thinking the camera was off her. made me laugh! think thats the bit were she just does the biceps curls on their own without doing the lunge. or maybe thats another one. been on level 2 a few days and cant remember exactly. not much chance of taking it easy on level 2 though thats for sure!

    and whats this about sunday being a day of rest?? lol. there's no such thing when ur on the 30DS. jillian will not be happy with you. :wink:

    i promised myself i'd do 30 mins of extra cardio on my days off as well as the 30 DS so no rest for me today. but its weigh in day tomorrow so its like my last chance workout! :laugh:
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    That's day 14 done for me. Level 2 getting ever so slightly easier. Still tough but a bit better than the first couple of days of it. Hit the exercise bike and treadmill for 30 mins as well. A good last chance workout!! Lol.

    Looking forward to getting tomorrow's workout done so I'm at the half way stage.

    And first thing tomorrow is weigh- in day. Curious to see what the scales say!!

    14 down, 16 to go!!!
  • fresprit57
    fresprit57 Posts: 15 Member
    Yep have:happy: my 40 year class reunion in September...my goal is to lose 10 lbs by then. :happy:
  • melo78
    melo78 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, Is still ok to join?

    I'm on D3L1. I think having people to check in with will make the 30 days easier:) Good luck to everyone!