July 1st - 30DS



  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    gd- great! you'll always be just one step ahead... ;-) by the way, i just realized where you live... who wants to take a field trip to visit gd and his wife??? you'll show us around, right?

    ha ha! no probs j! the only thing i ask is that you bring the sun! :tongue:

    oh man! you can HAVE the sun! PLEASE, take it!!! it has been in the 90s and 100s here and we got the first rain we've had in weeks. it lasted about 3 minutes!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    no shred for me today... livin' on ibuprofen for the next week! blah. thank you mother nature.

    keggen- wow, you breezed through level 3?! great job! i can't wait to do my pilates dvds again to see if i notice any differences.

    brendalyneturtle- have fun playing with your grandbabies... i may catch up with you yet (but not if tomorrow is like today.) ARGH! i guess i'll have to have some extra ibuprofen for breakfast. i hope you're feeling better and back to normal soon.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I was a real slacker this weekend....exercise-wise.....but I think I really needed the break. And I had an awesome time spoiling the grandchildren! The baby is still waking every couple of hours at night, so I stayed up late with him last night and was on baby duty during the day so his mommy could catch some zzzz's. I was also chief cook over the weekend while my husband helped his son work on their deck. And I loved every second of it! But I am also ready to hit it hard again tomorrow. Jillian I am BACK ON IT! No more phoning it in!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    well we got a bit of sun - probably didnt even reach 21c which is about 70F. lol. not quite in the 90's and 100's! that would be tough going! but with the sun and it being a weekend the beers and bbq came out to play. not sure how i managed to get thru the shred yesterday. its all a bit of a blur! lol. but that just leaves 2 more days to go! and i weighed-in this morning and lost another 1lb so thats 10lbs off since i started the 30DS. and i'm just 5lb away from my goal weight now. :happy:

    so just tonite and tomorrow nite to go and then i can try and sort out some before and after pics.

    glad to see you back at it brendalyne. sounds like u had a great time with family.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Back in the saddel - day 18 is finally done, after 5 days off! I felt really good....but only burned 263 cals....so to me that's an indicator that I'm getting ready to move to Level 3!

    gd - wow, you are doing amazing! Can't wait to see the pics!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Can anyone do those jumping lunges? I'm going to blame my inability to do them on my old tennis shoes.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Can anyone do those jumping lunges? I'm going to blame my inability to do them on my old tennis shoes.

    think i attempted them the first day i tried level 3 but couldnt quite get them right so have been doing the normal lunges since then. last go on level 3 tonite so will give it a go and hope i dont fall over! :laugh:
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Day 19 done. One more day of Level 2 and I graduate to Level 3!

    keggan & gd - jumping lunges? Can't wait to see what THOSE are!

    Hang in there fellow shredders!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Day 19 done. One more day of Level 2 and I graduate to Level 3!

    keggan & gd - jumping lunges? Can't wait to see what THOSE are!

    Hang in there fellow shredders!

    u go down for a normal lunge then at the top u jump and switch ur feet over and then lunge with the opposite foot forward and then repeat. thats one move i havent really even tried to do TBH. i just follow anita and do normal lunges. maybe thats why i find circuit 2 on level 3 the easiest!

    cant wait to hear what u think of level 3! i like it but it does have a few moves that really push u hard. but it works!

    i'm getting out of work early today so will be home and finished the shred for the 30th time in about 2 hours or so. :happy:
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    gd - thanks for the explanation. And now I can picture myself losing my balance and falling trying to do the jumping lunges. Okay, maybe not.....but it did remind me that today I can say I suddenly realized that my balance has really improved....which means the core is getting stronger! YAY!! I'm referring to the thingy where you raise your leg and kick it out while doing an arm press. I touched me foot down only a couple of times today.....the first day I don't think I could do 2 in a row without touching my foot down.

    It really is amazing to think about all those little "signs"....we are gettting stronger every day guys! AND I THINK THAT IS AWESOME!!! WOO HOO!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Hey guys, long time no see! I ended up missing the shred for 6 days because me and all 3 of my babies were sick! This bug is getting everyone, eh? Do you guys think I should start over, or start on the day I would've been on if I didn't miss? =/
    Not only did I miss the shred but calorie counting was NOT happening, wish me luck getting back on track. You guys are amazing!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    chellaJKR - I was off 2 days sick last week, did shred 1 day, then off 3 more days because we were out of town - and I just picked up where I left off yesterday! There was NO WAY I was starting over! :bigsmile:
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    30 days of the 30 day shred. done!!! i made it!!! whooohooo! and a yeeehhaaaa too! :)

    already taken my after pics and will try and play with photobucket tonite so i can post them beside my before pics later.

    i also got a wee unexpeted bonus. monday is my weigh-in day so obviously i weighed -in yesterday and i had lost 10lbs since starting the shred - which i was happy with. but just to check i weighed myself there now after finishing my 30th shred to find another 2lbs had packed their bags. SSWWWEEEETTT!!!

    thanx for all the support everyone! definitely helps when u know others are doing it with you. i'll be asticking around anyway to see how's get on and will let you know what i go for next.

    smiley overload time!!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    keggen – I totally agree with you…level 3 is a lot up un, down, up, down….maybe we’ll have it down by day 10 haha

    Jumping lunges are a killer….the 1st time I did the shred…I just did Anita’s lunges. This time I’m going for the jumping ones…I’m pretty sure I don’t go down as far as Natalie….but so far I have done them both days :) maybe by day 10 I’ll be a little lower lol

    brendalyne – those little things are awesome when you realize you can do something now that you couldn’t on day 1 :) wait till you go back and try level 1 again…you’ll be surprised how much stronger you are :)

    chella – I agree with brendalyne, I think you’ll be ok if you continue where you left off…glad you and your family are feeling better :)

    gd – that is awesome!!!!! Great job finishing the 30DS!!! You should feel so proud! I can’t wait to see you before and after pics!! Only 8 days to go for me :)

    Keep shredding everyone :)
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Okay thanks ladies! ;) The though of starting over was pretty daunting!
    Yeah we're gettttting better, thanks so much!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    ok - a bit scary! but time to post some before and after pics. never used photobucket before but after a couple of hours playin around with it i think i've sorted out side-by-side pics.

    ok, here's the stats -

    30 day shred done in 30 days.

    used 2.5lb weights

    over all i probably done about 85% of the advanced moves

    i done extra cardio quite a lot straight after finishing the workout although most days it was only for a short time just to work out for at least 30 mins or 40 mins some days.

    only measured my waist (widest part) before hand and went from 38inch to 36inch.

    i started on a monday and weighed myself every monday thereafter and again once finished -
    after week 1 - lost 4lbs
    week 2 - lost another 2lbs
    week 3 - another 3lbs
    week 4 - another 1lb
    after finishing day 30 - another 2lbs
    total weight loss - 12lbs

    now lets hope these pictures work! lol. took them myself on my i-phone so they arent great but they do the job i guess.
    and please excuse my sunburn. lol



  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    gd - WOW, the difference is amazing! :happy:

    Thanks for posting - it's inspiring to see what CAN be accomplished in 30 days!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Level 2 is DONE! I was getting pretty tired of that routine, so I'm excited to see what's in store at level 3 - besides the jumping lunges! I will report tomorrow and let you know what I think of the LAST AND FINAL LEVEL!!!

    gd - I'll be really interested to see what I burn tomorrow at Level 3 according to my HRM too! Probably well over 300 once again! It's funny how at each level I've started at more than 300 cals, then it dropped day by day and tapered off....and the last day or 2 back up a little. I think the last couple of days of each level....as I've seen the calorie burn go down, I've tried to kick it up a notch and do LESS of the modified moves and with no (or very few) breaks to see if I could burn more....and it does work, but I never get back over 300 again until I hit the next level!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    gd - you can see such a difference!!!! great job!! :)

    7 more days left for me :)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    thanx for the comments everyone! i think the 30DS has made me vain as i've spent more time in front of the mirror lately its just wrong! :laugh:

    but onwards and upwards - not stopping now i've come this far!

    so i hit level 1 again today just to see how it was compared to the first time around now that i've been through the full 30 days. does that make it the 31 day shred?! lol

    i have to say it was soooo easy compared to the first time around. managed the whole think doing advanced moves. managed 27 proper push-ups - 15 in the first set and 12 in the 2nd. felt my legs burning a bit in the lunge with bicep curl but managed them all ok. the rest was a breeze!

    i actually laughed at how easy some of the ab moves were in level 1. i guess all the plank and ab work in levels 2 and 3 really made a difference! and the cardio was far too easy - i actually wanted to grab my weights like in level 3! lol. if you'd told me i would've found it as easy as that about 30 days ago i'd have not believed you!!

    i agree with u brendalyne about getting pretty bored near the end of 10 days of the same level in a row. i was always well ready for the next level a day or 2 before the 10th day. think i read that ripped in 30 is 4 levels - a week each so i'm doing that next and am hoping that will be easier. think ripped in 30 came out after 30DS so maybe she got feedback abot 10 day levels being too long and decided to change it up. but other than that i'm not gonna complain - its worked wonders!

    keep on shredding u shred heads!