July 1st - 30DS



  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    started this last week - on day 8 today and have moved onto level 2 for some variety :)
    up at 6am every morinng for this - lovingthat fact that after 25mins i feel like ive done a 60min aeroboc lesson, and love the resitance training in it too :)
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Got it done this morning. This time I know I totally maxed my calorie burn as I was kicking Natalie's slackin' butt. You don't think I see you slackin' Natalie? Ha!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    gd – awesome job!!! You’re almost there!

    claire – that does seem to be how it always works…you get used to comething, then it’s time to switch it up lol

    toadiejones – I literally just laughed out loud!! Way to kick Natalie’s butt!!

    Jagoochie – awesome job getting it done!!

    Keep it up :)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i just shared this nsv with the turtles, but i'm posting it here too!!! (so ignore if you've already read it over there)

    NSV- i don't own a body fat scale, but the last time i checked myself it was around 25-26%. no one who knows me believes this, but sadly, it's true. i've been walk/running for several months and have been doing the 30 day shred for somewhere around 12-13 days. i checked my body fat last night on the same scales as before and it says i'm at 19%!!! REALLY??? from 26 to 19??? quickly, i rechecked because i thought it MUST have been a mistake. NO ONE can burn that much off THAT quickly, can they? ...but no... it was still 19%. if i wasn't at my in-laws i'd be doing a double jump rope.

    this morning i did level 2 and still wanted more... i put level one on and got a little less than halfway into it and stopped... i guess i'm no beast- YET. (so i biked instead!)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I hope to feel better in the morning so I can get back to the shred tomorrow! It seemed really weird to NOT hear Jillian telling me that I can't "phone it in" first thing this morning!

    Keep it going everyone!
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I know I wont be able to fit in my daily shred tomorrow so I decided I'd do my last day of level 2 and first of level 3 both today.
    Has anyone else found level 3 an anti climax? I was doing the slacking moves so maybe that's why but I found level 2 A LOT harder. Not complaining :P but still.
    Anyone else feel the same? Or feel the same in the next few days when you get to your level 3?
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    I'm in!!! :0)
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    I agree, level 2 is tougher
    I know I wont be able to fit in my daily shred tomorrow so I decided I'd do my last day of level 2 and first of level 3 both today.
    Has anyone else found level 3 an anti climax? I was doing the slacking moves so maybe that's why but I found level 2 A LOT harder. Not complaining :P but still.
    Anyone else feel the same? Or feel the same in the next few days when you get to your level 3?
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Hope you are feeling better today brenda! And, j, that's incredible! Good work!

    Despite saying I was going to sit at Level 1, I was bored this morning and tried Level 2 again. And I rocked it! It was so much easier so maybe I had just moved up too quickly last time. I was able to do everything...every plank exercise and even the much-hated v raises! But from what you guys say, maybe I should skip and go to Level 3:wink:

    Keep up the great work!!!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Well....I'm "phoning it in" today too....still have the flu.

    That is encouraging to hear about Level 3!

    Toadie - WTG! I was ready to go get my cans of soup for the v-raises. I'm only using 3 lb weights and the 2nd round just is a killer for me!

    Keep shredding everyoneQ
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Back it today after 2 days of not feeling well. Day 17 is now DONE! It felt so much harder today - I suppose due to being sick for 2 day! But WOW....my husband was laughing at me because I was yelling at Jillian today! Oh - and probably making all sorts of weird noises too just trying to survive!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Back it today after 2 days of not feeling well. Day 17 is now DONE! It felt so much harder today - I suppose due to being sick for 2 day! But WOW....my husband was laughing at me because I was yelling at Jillian today! Oh - and probably making all sorts of weird noises too just trying to survive!

    glad to hear you r better and back at it brendalyne! no shame in missing a few days if ur not well. congrats for jumping back on board so soon.

    day 25 done for me today. just the 5 more now! keep on shredding!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    well, the a/c and furnace that was supposed to take 5 days to install is going on day 11. hopefully they'll have that thing up and running soon! it's been in the mid to high 90s here all week. in the meantime, i'm staying at my in-laws in the air. i brought my laptop and am doing jillian in their basement (it's so nice to have air when you're kicking your own butt!) it'll be nice to be home again, but i feel like i'm on vacation! grandma has more toys than we do, so my four kids are really enjoying themselves, which is always a relief for the momma!

    i finished day 15 today! (5th day on level 2) i'm mostly doing the unmodified moves, but NO DOUBLE JUMP ROPE! (if you REALLY want to know why not, you can send me a message and i'll share, but i don't think you REALLY want to know! lol.) anyway, by the time i'm done my arms and thighs are screaming. ouch. i guess it doesn't help that i'm pushing myself to do another 10 minutes on the stationary bike with high tension. i'm surprised i can even go up the stairs! :-)

    the one thing i have to say about this workout is that the ab work is not intense enough for me. it could be because of my pilates base, or the fact that it only lasts one minute... anyone else think the ab section is a bit weak?

    brendalyne- glad to have you back! what day are you on now?
    gd- you're almost done... are you still going to hang out with us when it's over?
    toadie- keep up the great work!
    keegan- way to go!
    frespirit- welcome!
    everyone else- i have a horrible memory... i'm sure you're doing great too! keep pushing. we get a little better each day!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member

    gd- you're almost done... are you still going to hang out with us when it's over?

    of course! will probably move on to another of jillians workouts once i'm done with the 30DS so i'll not be going anywhere. no point in killing myself for 30 days and then slacking off. think the MFP police would be after me if i did that anyway! lol.

    plus i'm dying to know what you's all think of level 3. i think level 3 is a lot more intense on the core/abs etc. so you'll probably like that. i definitely prefer it to level 2. although double jump rope makes an appearance again! lol. i barely done double jump rope in level 2 but have managed it every time in level 3. think it was so late in level 2 that i was knackered by then but its early enough in level 3 that i can cope. but then there's plenty of other level 3 moves which are crazy! :wink:
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    j– that is awesome!!! You’re hard work is paying off!
    claire– this is my 1nd time doing the shred and I def like level 3 better than level 2…I think the cardio intervals in level 2 are killer
    toadie – great job!!! That is awesome that you were able to get thru it :)
    brendalyne – glad you’re feeling better and are back at it :)
    gd – you’re almost there!!! Keep it up :)

    Keep up the great work everyone :)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    gd- great! you'll always be just one step ahead... ;-) by the way, i just realized where you live... who wants to take a field trip to visit gd and his wife??? you'll show us around, right?
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    gd- great! you'll always be just one step ahead... ;-) by the way, i just realized where you live... who wants to take a field trip to visit gd and his wife??? you'll show us around, right?

    ha ha! no probs j! the only thing i ask is that you bring the sun! :tongue:
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    On the downside, I have a cold which means I have no will power when it comes to food.
    On the upside, all those killer shoulder moves seem to have paid off. I didn't find side planks in pilates class nearly as hard.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    No shred for me today guys. :sad: Woke up feeling rather quesy again....remanents of the flu bug I guess....so I decided to just lay low today. I will probably take a little walk over lunch today though. We are leaving tonight to go see my step-son, wife and 2 grandkids.....so I won't be shredding tomorrow either. I'll be pulling our grandaughter around in a wagon though, and may try to do a little jogging too. Depends on how I'm feeling of course. Getting sick this past week has really thrown me off. But I know (in my head anyway) that I need to take time to completely recover before hitting it really hard again. I feel like I've been benched from the game! :grumble: But I can still cheer from the sidelines! GO SHREDDERS! :bigsmile:
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Just finished D1 of L3. Wow. That just flew by. I'm not saying it was easy. Maybe it was just because I was always trying to figure out up/down, big weights/cans o' beans or no weights, oh I need the mat, ok back up again.
    I agree with GD - double jump rope is attainable first thing in the workout.
    I did figure out - I'm no rockstar!
    Can't wait to hear from others!