rebekahgo Member


  • i really wish i could remember the person who posted the link that got me here. i'd been on mfp for a while, but i had never wandered into the message boards. as soon as i did, i managed to find this group, and i am so happy i did. my ONE mfp friend at the time was a proponent of eating more as well and had been…
  • Good example ^^^^^ I like doing examples for folks, but I was being lazy and not wanting to type it all out on my phone ;)
  • You can still log it but only pay attention to your calorie number like the poster above. Or log it as 1 calorie and just note what your burn is in the description or in the exercise note. Whatever floats your boat. The only time you really need to eat back exercise cals is if you have a monster burn that takes your net…
  • I say go with moderate. Most tend to underestimate their activity. Very few of us are actually lightly active. You can always adjust later if needed. Lots of trial and error type tweaking in this process.
  • Hey, EMTWL is a healthy lifestyle that you will be able to maintain...for life. Unlike eating 1200-1400 daily. I say that to soften the next words...if you're gonna do this thing, you're gonna have to banish that whole 2lb/week expectation. This is a slow process of giving your body the calories that it really needs and…
  • Because just netting BMR doesn't give your body enough calories to support your activities for the rest of the day. BMR is what you burn if you're sleeping all day and not moving at all. Just netting BMR is too big of a cut and leaves your body wanting more, more, more.
  • Lol....where the hell did Wang come from? Want...that should be want :D
  • I was actually paying half attention to it on my phone when it switched over at midnight, and I coulda sworn it did a weird number jump. But I wasn't sure. BTw, no, I don't get enough sleep, and it has already told me so :) Might have just been an odd glitch. Will have to check it on the activity manager later. I was kinda…
  • Has anyone seen an end day number change later in the next day? My 2nd day number was 2503 when it switched over at midnight, but later on it changed to 2413, which actually makes more sense, but why the change?
  • Interesting about the car. I actually figured a projection around 4 based on the burn to that point, and it came in about right at the end, possibly a little high. I will have to keep an eye out for the car burn.
  • Karin, I just asked about this in my status, lol. I thought I remembered reading that it needs a little time to settle in.
  • i'm wearing mine for the second day today!! woohoo!! i kinda love it, and being able to see the real time cal burn is totally awesome. you do have to re-sync it with the phone every time you put it back on, but that's no biggie. when you aren't wearing it (while you shower or whatever), it fills in the blank time with a…
  • Awesome!! That is the best. Did you do a happy dance in the dressing room. Happy dance is required. ;)
  • you can look at my diary! i have NO problem getting the cals in. :blushing: of course, i do not hesitate to reach for a treat. if i meet my protein goal with cals to spare, i get treats!!
  • you gals totally rock!! :glasses: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • i don't think you should bow out. i think you just haven't gotten it right yet...and that's not a criticism. this process is trial and error for most.
  • this is what i would do if i were you.... figure the average TDEE for an entire month. ignore the fact that some days are 2700 and others are 3500. yes, the number swings wildly, but i would not concern myself with that. get a daily average for an entire month. take 10% off that number. since the average is gonna be a…
  • mine are too. i bought some at academy sports and promptly lost them (i suck). gotta get some more.
  • sorry you're feeling low. i just rememberd this morning that i needed to take my before pics too. i'm gonna let the water retention go down from my workout yesterday and take them this weekend. my legs looked seriously huge last night. and my neck/shoulders FEEL seriously huge today....OUCH!!! perk up!! slow progress and…
  • i was constantly eating over when i was supposed to be at my cut. guess that's why my transition to TDEE was so easy...i was kinda sorta already eating there. i would be eating over my TDEE a good bit too, but i've gotten a bit better at budgeting to have more cals available at the end of the day. when i have a crazy…
  • considering how many calories you are eating, i think the sodium intake looks pretty good!! nice work overall.
  • i decided to go gluten free recently because of ongoing digestive issues. it got so bad last week (horrible cramping, bloating) that i decided to pull the trigger on it. my son is gluten free, so i was already familiar with the products and such. today makes a full week, and i have to say that i feel pretty great. tmi, but…
  • dammit. i never knew i had a thick neck. 13.5 over here *raises hand* it's probably disguised by my sizeable head. i'm getting less and less attractive as i type, so i'll quit now.......
  • ^^^^ pig ^^^^ :) ok, funny story. i was doing the 1A workout a couple days ago. i finished the step-ups using the 20lb dumbbells (don't mock me, i just started) and turned around to put them back on the rack, and there is a guy standing there. he was looking at the dumbbells and paused at the empty space where the 20s were…
  • recently found these.... perfect food bars. they are sooooo good. if you're one of those eat PB out of a spoon types, you will freaking love these. they have to be refridgerated, so that's where you would find them in a store. i got them at earthfare, so i imagine whole foods carries them. seriously yummy. all organic.…
  • i am totally new to lifting and liking NROLFW so far (except for my quads being about as useful as giant honey baked hams the day after lifting - i'm assuming this will pass once i'm good and into it) . i'm definitely a beginner, so you think this is a good place to start? what is the "rest of it" that you aren't a fan of?…
  • It sounds like you're kinda doing the EMTWL thing already. Just set your macros to 40 carb 30 protein and fats and set a consistent calorie goal (TDEE -15% recommended), and you're on the right track. Also watch your sodium and get your fiber in.
  • I did it yesterday. It took 46 minutes including about 6 min cardio warmup and 4 min cardio cool down. I didn't rush through anything and even had to twiddle around a bit because the gym was busy.
  • i must be a bit if a freak. i never experienced any of that full feeling. i was gung ho stuffing my face from the get go. try the full fat greek yogurt if you can find it....lots of protein along with the cals and it's delicious.
  • yep. i started at 152.5 and i got to my goal weight of 145 exactly a month later. most don't see results that quickly though. i almost feel bad about it. almost. there are actually a good many folks on here that started close to goal.