definitely no message=no friend. and if it's the first time you've seen the username and there seems to be no reason.. why would you friend them?! likewise feel free to go through and have a cull of people on your friendslist who you never interact with.. it's your fl, your rules!
Optimus prime is a Transformers character haha. Septimus was close enough! I probably woulda gone with Stepember-it up or something of the likes xD [/quote] ok that is even funnier, I've just invented a new superhero all by myself!!
lol love it! I believe it's a transformer or a power ranger or something?? was just struggling for a september pun!
well done! it's always (sadly) the food.. and the accuracy of the tracking.. :)
have you put any videos of your squats up? :)
hiya try this: remember to change your gender to female!
Kita sounds horrid situation, glad you are literally staying strong! Well ladies I FINALLY got back in the gym after almost exactly 3 months and over a stone in weight *sigh* I saw a sports massage lady on sat. She couldn't really massage my arm as the muscles weren't tight. She also noted how left centric I am and how…
I'm sure thewomanformerlyknownasbeautiful tried that cool sculpt thing.. worth checking her blog? anyway, this is what the huz and I will be doing this summer! !!
welcome! xx
feel free to send anyone here an FR, just put in the comments where you know us from :)
yay!! I've had the laser treatment on my upper lip, which has definitely made a difference although not 100% better. :)
it's less complex than it writes! it's how my mum taught me when I was a teenager.. and not in the shower, over the sink (so at least you have a mirror to look in!)
here's my tip.. put your arm you are shaving up in the air. now bend your forearm at right angles so your hand is in front of your face but your arm is still raised. Take your thumb, and hook it into/against that tendon on the inside of your armpit. Push/pull so it stretches it and this will give you much better flat…
am I a bad woman for giggling at 'greasing the groove'?! wishing I could get back into it.. enjoy ladies!
hwilmott that sounds amazing! well jeal! :)
congratulations Stef! I have to say I found maintenance ghastly. hope you find it a more positive experience!
I'm sorry to hear you had that experience. Two suggestions.. wear earbuds (even if you tuck them into your waistband and aren't listening to music. And stop being so nice. The first time 'thank you, but I'm happy with my programme' is ok. The next time 'If I want advice I will ask someone qualified for it' the third time…
I'd go to a gym first to see that you love it and are committed to it. It would be silly to shell out on a bunch of kit you've never used and then never use it!
nobody says you have to start with 20kg! start where you can with good form and then build from there :) I'm sure your husband can recommend wrist strengthening exercises ;) ;)
*waves at Elaine* I'm only lurking at the moment with my arm :( it's too depressing to see all the workout reports. I'm calling the doc back tomorrow as 2 weeks on ibu 3x/day has done nothing. if anything it's worse with shooting pains too. although the gardening I've been doing probably hasn't helped!
congrats on the job!!
I have thought about it yes just need to source one! Thanks :-)
the IMG s need to be lower case. that's all :)
my gym visit yesterday was short and half hearted. arm hasn't been feeling too bad so I did some squats (just the bar), press (bar), bench (bar) and curls (10kg bar). last night it was sore again. I was v careful to keep straight wrists with the squats but suspect they are the culprit. I can't even lift a jug of water or…
stef, you misspelled that. it's gainzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...!
Hiya Not even posting this in the workout thread.. did a wee bit in the gym last night but very half heartedly with my arm (even went on the dreadmill for a few minutes!). Fricking tendonitis. and life getting in the way physically and mentally. Your normal programme will now resume ;)
love it! Thanks OP :)
you buy 'fancy' soup from the supermarket and the only factor is protein content, not flavour..
Lol at manchild. Re tweaks and twinges, lifting is all I care about! This darn tendonitis.. I lifted a pan with soup in this evening and it was painful. Grrrrrr.