

  • Hey My Oh so missed sisters!!! I have missed all of you soooo much! I can't even express it in words. I just haven't had the time to log on to the computer. I have been trying to watch what I eat and stay at it even if I don't put all of my food in. This weekend I was not so great. I was eating my problems. I know I have…
  • Hey Ladies!! Sorry I have been MIA for most of the last 2 weeks. I just don't have as much time since I am not suppose to be on the internet when I am not on break. Working 2 jobs and studying is catching up to me. I am still tracking as much as I can and I have surprisingly lost 2.5 lbs since the Friday before last! I…
  • HI Everyone, I did find out yesterday that I am going to be able afford to at least go see the fertility specialist but not sure about treatments after that. Then I found out that our mortgage is going up by $135 a month for a year because I mortgage company is stupid!!! :noway: So with that and my husband trying to change…
  • Hey Everyone! Quick Check in for today: Calories: Over Sodium: Over Water : Good -11 glasses or so Proud: Not so much. I was over on everything! I haven't been this bad in a long time. Gotta get back on track! Nancy - That is AWESOME news!!! I am so happy for you!! :heart:
  • Heather and Jess - I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live somewhere that actually had seasons. As Jess knows here in Texas we don't have any seasons. It is just hot and hotter! :laugh: :laugh: I must be a part of the old folks group in not doing much. I don't know if it is that I don't really have any one to do…
  • I have a few mins to chat before lunch break is over. So I am a little less stressed today so that is helping. (Trying not to think about everything) Thanks everyone for all of that thoughts and prayers!! :blushing: :blushing: Love you all!! So far today I have been doing well. I had cereal for breakfast (surpisingly…
  • You are doing great Jess! I am so glad that you are ready for some more!
  • Hi Everyone! I have missed you all so terribly!! I feel like I am missing a piece of myself without being able to talk to ladies every day. Stupid Work!! Why does one bad egg have to kill it for all of us???? So I have had a pretty stressful week this past week. For warning there might be some TMI involved........So…
  • bump I will try and catch up very soon! Miss you all so very much! :heart: :heart:
  • Ann – Sorry about your Aunt. For the info you were asking, I started out at 282 and was told to eat around 1500 calories with no exercise. I am know eating 1460 at 262.0 with no exercise. Laila – Thanks for informing us about Ramadan. I had heard of this before but didn’t know much about it. I am not sure what to tell you…
  • Hi Ladies! I haven't had time to catch up. I am still here but extremely busy. They band us at work from being on the internet when not on break. Sucks!!
  • Good Morning Ladies!! check in for yesterday Calories - Over Water - 80 oz Exercise - None Proud - Was proud that I stuck to my food plan during the day. But not so proud that I messed it up at dinner. Myworld - Great Job on doing Day 1 of the Shred. I have never done it so I don't know anything about it. Sorry no help but…
  • Deb - Did I miss something?? What happened to your arm? Sorry it hurts hopefully the heating pad will help.
  • Hope everything goes well! Let us know how it all goes.
  • pos_me - So glad to hear that everyone is okay except for some minor bumps! Congrats on the Junior 13's!!! I don't think I have ever fit into a size that small!:sad: But maybe one day! Meokk - I so know what you mean on the eating everything in sight. Shockingly mine was like a week before TOM popped his head in for a…
  • I agree that Target's plus size section has gone down hill. I used to be able to find some really good deals there. Now I do a lot of my shopping at Kohl's. Lane Bryant seems to be a little out of my budget for the most part.
  • I was the same way when I saw Toy Story 3!! LOL! I loved the Smurfs!!
  • Good Morning Ladies! Well this morning I wake up and had an early (really late but another story) visit from TOM. I guess this is why my back was aching a little this weekend. So hopefully this bloatedness (making up words) will go away before Friday for weigh in. I really want to see a loss this week. It has been way too…
  • That is so great that you did Day 1 and didn't die!! I sure hope that I don't! LOL! I am starting it this next week. My first day will be either Thursday or Friday. I absolutely hate to run but maybe doing it with this program I will learn to enjoy it more! Good Luck and keep up the great work!!
  • So I decided to go to the grocery store yesterday and get healthy stuff to eat this week. I have packed my meals for tomorrow so I am going to be on the right track! All healthy foods are ready for some eating this week. I am so proud of myself!! Check in Calories - It's going to be close Sodium - Over (Didn't realize how…
  • I am glad to hear that all of the parties that went on yesterday were a lot of fun!! I am off to another birthday party with hot dogs and cake again. Then home for italian chicken, this is what I have been wanting for a loooong time!! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!
  • Yeah for the running shoes! I still haven't bought mine but I do have so shoes that I can wear until I find some time to go get them. Those days are good for me. I am thinking of maybe doing it either Thursday or Friday for Day 1 and then see how well I do with that and hopefully do day two on Saturday or Sunday. Somewhere…
  • Nancy - Sorry about your so called "friends". I understand why it was bugging you. I think what some of the girls said are some good ways to deal with it. But there is no excuse for them to jump on your weigh loss wagon. They are not the ones that actually did all the hard work! :heart: :heart: Julie and Pos_me - Congrats…
  • Well I forgot to weigh in this morning. How could I do that??? I guess it is because I had so much going early this morning. So I will weigh in tomorrow and add to the hopefully losing list. Happy Birthday to Nancy, Lauren and Lauren's Hubby!!! Hope you have great weekends and enjoy every second of it!!! Lauren that is so…
  • Check in Calories - Over Water - Not so good Sodium - Way under ( Complete shock!) Sugar - under by 1 Exercise - none Proud - That I downloaded c25k and have a game plan for exercising! Thanks for the extra push Meokk and Teresa!
  • I am having trouble reading her blog am I doing something wrong? :heart: :heart: :heart: U! Colgrl - We will miss you but understand. Hope you come back soon! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bump, Sound yummy!
  • I have tried and liked some of the Video on Demands through the Cable provider. I know At&t and Time Warner have it you might check it out. Or you can join Meokk, tstout and me and start the c25k next week.
  • Just downloaded it too! Next week sounds better for me. I need to go get some shoes too so that will give me some time.
  • So this morning I had my Upper GI done and was so glad that the Dr said that everything looked great! I do not normally get good results when I get procedures done so it was great news! So I have not been eating very healthy today at all. And of course I am going to pay for it. I need to stop letting myself give in on the…