TOPIC: Over 200 New Year New Me Part 30



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member

    YES! Summer I love you, but you're killing me. So many delcious cook outs and gatherings. You would think with all the delcious fruit and veggies available it would be easy, but no. So much harder to behave!
  • I saw that segment, and that is why I am here, I am hoping this will get me started, I gotta start somewhere!! right??
  • tag, for later
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    YES! Summer I love you, but you're killing me. So many delcious cook outs and gatherings. You would think with all the delcious fruit and veggies available it would be easy, but no. So much harder to behave!

    I'll drink to that!
  • oh I so hear that about the beer.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I've never been to one of the DD&D places but have always wanted to. We watch the show and drool, then try to guess how many thousands of calories each item has. I think there are one or two places here in Minnesota that have been on the show, but so far we've stayed away in an attempt to behave. As far as those Famous Amos cookies go, I'm thinking it might be fate...but only because you have more than enough calories left to have them. Otherwise, I'd say throw them away!

    Carylaine: Welcome to this fabulous group!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie I say go for the cookies if you can make it fit. For the first time in weeks I'm not craving sweets! Thank you lord!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Does anybody drink lemon in your water? I hear it's really benefical when losing weight. I've been drinking my water with lemon in it today just to give it a different taste. I needed a change up. Think I'm definitely dropping some water retention! I've taken about a million trips to the restroom! :tongue: :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for the cookie support. :tongue:
    I decided to eat half of them & then leave the package at work for some other time this week. This way I have 174 calories left after dinner for a more filling snack if I want/need it.

    I bought tickets to see Gogol Bordello & Primus again October 6th! This time with hubby!
    Gogol Bordello added some more US tour dates after their European tour and hopped back on Primus' tour for ONE night and that night is in Asheville, NC! I love Asheville and is the area I thought I wanted to move before I discovered Charlottesville. It's a beautiful mountain town which will be awesome in autumn with the leaves changing color. Hubs & I are going to make a day trip out of it, stopping for lunch at my favorite pizza joint in my hometown, and then going to Asheville & spending the day walking around and hanging out & then awesome concert. I just can't wait.

    I know I sound so lame but I've battled depression & anxiety since I was a teenager and I've never really been someone who enjoys DOING things like this before. In the past, I've been a horrible miserable hermit. I lost weight and gained a life!
    Seriously, I get so super excited about EVERYTHING now! :laugh: Everything is just so much more fun than it used to be.

    Like this weekend, I'm so stoked just to go eat & go to a going away party for a buddy of mine (she's actually not moving any farther away from me than she lives already -- she'll just be 1.5 hours in the opposite direction :laugh: Which happens to be the direction of the beach which happens to mean I'm going to be much more motivated to visit her after she moves, lol).
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I got a response from Ann and here is what she said

    "Ann Westfall: I am good I have just been really busy.My dad has been in the hospital and I have just had alot on my plate.Thanks for checking on me Laila.Miss you gals too .I will be back soon promise."
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Julie: I have found I have tons more energy to do things too. So instead of just wanting to sit at home and veg out all the time, I want to be out doing things. I know I have a lot longer to go before I get to a weight that is even close to healthy, but I can have fun while I'm on the way right??

    Maybe once I fit in the seats at concerts, or plays or anything really, I will be more likely to go.... I can't wait!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for the update Laila! Good to know she's okay.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got a response from Ann and here is what she said

    "Ann Westfall: I am good I have just been really busy.My dad has been in the hospital and I have just had alot on my plate.Thanks for checking on me Laila.Miss you gals too .I will be back soon promise."

    Thanks for letting us know she's okay!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    This is part of the reason I'm so excited about the concert in Asheville --

    Stunning, right?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Girls, Momma's back. I am not going to be very social. :frown: I was spending too much time on the computer. But I started to gain back some of my weight. So I am back on mfp but you won't see me very often. Just wanted to let you all know I am doing good and back on track:heart: YA!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    That sounded rude. Sorry girls I am excited to see you all and wanted to say hi. Just wanted to let you know I may check in periodically but I am going to be really focused on just recording calories and exercise and getting off the computer. Ryan starts kinder tomorrow and I am hoping all will go well. No I am having FAITH that it IS going to go well
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-So glad to see you back!! Missed you! It's okay if you can't be on as often as you used to be, long as we get to hear from ya and know your doing well! Welcome back!

    Julie-That looks absoultely stunning!!
  • So I was over again yesterday :embarassed: I wish it had been different, but I did learn that when I am sleep deprived I want to eat EVERYTHING!! I was still feeling some of that today so I just weighed myself and am up 2.4lbs :sad: Not awful but I'm also quite upset with myself.

    Tomorrow is my daughter's b-day and tonight we are going for pedicures and then dinner....I'll try to be good. And tomorrow we are going to an amusement park, the good news with that is I'll be walking all day. I actually have very mixed emotions about this as I like to ride roller coasters but am nervous about even trying. What if I get on and I can't fasten the safety belt and they make me get off? That would be awful....and of course then I wouldn't be able to be sad or upset about it because that would ruin my daughter's day. I am thinking about not even trying to ride any rides and saving myself the possible embarrasment.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Jess, I missed you so very much. It looks like you all have been doing great. Congrats on all the weight loss going on here.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hey Ladies!!

    Sorry I have been MIA for most of the last 2 weeks. I just don't have as much time since I am not suppose to be on the internet when I am not on break. Working 2 jobs and studying is catching up to me. I am still tracking as much as I can and I have surprisingly lost 2.5 lbs since the Friday before last! I couldn't believe it! I think about you all and miss you so much! I sure hope I can get this stuff worked out and make time for you girls again.

    You are all doing great! If you want and haven't already you can add me on FB. I am on that usually more often then here when I have a few minutes to spare. Email :

    Talk to girls really soon!!
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