TOPIC: Over 200 New Year New Me Part 30



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Very sad news about Jeskya. I'll be praying for her and her family.

    Random question about sodium - MFP sets my daily intake goal for 2500. I know very little about good/bad numbers, so I'm wonder what goals you all have set.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- I have my sodium set to 2000mg and try to keep it between 1000mg and 2000mg. Any less could be dangerous. Any more and I retain water so that's why I chose that range for myself. Some people can eat way more with seemingly no ill effects.

    On days I workout a lot, I don't concentrate as much on keeping my sodium low. I don't intentionally eat extra sodium like some folks and I've never noticed a problem. I guess that's one of those "everyone is different" kind of things.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Elmox-I have mine set at 2500 as well. I try to stay between 1500-2000. I hear anything under 1000 your body isn't getting ENOUGH sodium. Not sure how true that is. And anything over 2500 is overkill and will hurt your weight loss.

    tstout-Great job on resisting those sugar cookies!

    CoGirl-I never though of trying oranges and other fruits. That sounds delicious! Water just gets so boring and I have noticed that when I get bored is when I Turn to other bad for me options. Thanks for the suggestion. You are such a busy lady! You are like super mom!

    Deb-Hope the problems with Serena are just temporary. Just stop and take a deep breath. Your a great Mom. I know you will get through this.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Very sad news about Jeskya. I'll be praying for her and her family.

    Random question about sodium - MFP sets my daily intake goal for 2500. I know very little about good/bad numbers, so I'm wonder what goals you all have set.

    I have my sodium set @ 1700 - 2000. If I go over 2000 I see a gain on the scale. I know Mfp sets it at 2500 but that hinders my weight loss.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    POS Me-In no way did you gain 2 pounds overnight. We all know that's the sodium. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can with the time you have right now. I think you have more then enough on your plate. HUGS! :flowerforyou:

    thanks Jess:flowerforyou: YOu are so sweet:heart:

    I am tired of making empty promises..this summer has been the hardest for me. I also can't wait until fall begins and my life is somewhat back to normal.

    I planned to be @ 160 by my birthday ( Oct. 4) but that seems like an unrealistic goal. when I made it ( the beginning of January) I though it was great goal and since time/months flew by and I am no where near that weight. It seems that I am struggling to lose every single pound. I want to see ONEderland so badly but every week I am disappointed. I somewhat follow the plan eating wise, but my weight is a standstill. I ate too mcuh yesterday ( like 3000 calories worth) so I gained weight..why is it so easy to gain weight but so hard for me to lose the weight. I bust my butt and bearly see a loss. I have no idea what to do any more....
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-In no way did you gain 2 pounds overnight. We all know that's the sodium. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can with the time you have right now. I think you have more then enough on your plate. HUGS! :flowerforyou:

    thanks Jess:flowerforyou: YOu are so sweet:heart:

    I am tired of making empty promises..this summer has been the hardest for me. I also can't wait until fall begins and my life is somewhat back to normal.

    I planned to be @ 160 by my birthday ( Oct. 4) but that seems like an unrealistic goal. when I made it ( the beginning of January) I though it was great goal and since time/months flew by and I am no where near that weight. It seems that I am struggling to lose every single pound. I want to see ONEderland so badly but every week I am disappointed. I somewhat follow the plan eating wise, but my weight is a standstill. I ate too mcuh yesterday ( like 3000 calories worth) so I gained weight..why is it so easy to gain weight but so hard for me to lose the weight. I bust my butt and bearly see a loss. I have no idea what to do any more....

    Summers hard. We have all learned that. There is so much going on and so many tempations. It's easier when it's winter and fall. I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS stall from about my birthday until August or September. Look at it this way. Your basically maintaing, and that's a huge accomplishment. Because you aren't gaining the weight back. Your keeping it off. I don't remember who it was but someone said that once you lose about 10% of your weight your body needs time to adjust. Your body could very well be adjusting to this change. You've lost 43 pounds since January right? That's incredible. Most people couldn't do that. And the best part is you haven't given up. You will get passed it. Have you tried changing your routine up? Or maybe zig zag your calories for awhile? Your body may need a change of pace. Hang in there. Were all gonna get through this dreaded summer together! :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning Girls,

    How horrible about Jesyka's baby...I havent been on FB yet today so I hadnt heard. My heart hurts for her, I cant imagine losing my lil one.

    Momma, MStahl and Cogirl- So glad to see you all back, even if just for a quick pop in! *****WAVES HI****

    Jess- I love lemon water, yum! How are you adjusting to staying with the rents? Everything going ok?

    Blue- I checked in I checked in! **Picture annoying kid jumping from desk while waving arm in the air***

    Lauren- I try to stay around 2000. On days I work out I may go over because I already have a sodium deficiency and if I sweat too much of it out while working out I tend to get dizzy.

    Ok so the trainer told me I am waaaay under eating and working out too hard and not eeffectively :grumble: :embarassed:

    We all know I am way under eating (except on weekends, lol) but I have a mental block about eating too much. I told her I promised to eat more ..yea we'll see.

    As for working out- I am doing too much cardio and no strength training which she didnt like. So she wants me to do 3 hrs of cardio and 2 hours ST per week. The cardio needs to be split into 2-3 High intensity days (Heart rate between 155-160 through entire 20 mins workout) 2 Medium intensity days (Interval training or classes- keep HR between 135-145...can fluctuate above or under dont need to maintain) and 1 low intensity workout for 45 mins to an hour once a week..low intensity is keeping HR at 115-120 which is like a fast walk for yea. I need to keep my HR at 115-120? for an hour? how boring and looong! But she said its the combo of Hi-Med-Lo cardio training that gets the best results.

    So eat more (damn it) work out more, but with less intensity and more consistency.

    We start "training" Aug 25th so I will tell you what she teaches me then!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    POS Me-In no way did you gain 2 pounds overnight. We all know that's the sodium. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can with the time you have right now. I think you have more then enough on your plate. HUGS! :flowerforyou:

    thanks Jess:flowerforyou: YOu are so sweet:heart:

    I am tired of making empty promises..this summer has been the hardest for me. I also can't wait until fall begins and my life is somewhat back to normal.

    I planned to be @ 160 by my birthday ( Oct. 4) but that seems like an unrealistic goal. when I made it ( the beginning of January) I though it was great goal and since time/months flew by and I am no where near that weight. It seems that I am struggling to lose every single pound. I want to see ONEderland so badly but every week I am disappointed. I somewhat follow the plan eating wise, but my weight is a standstill. I ate too mcuh yesterday ( like 3000 calories worth) so I gained weight..why is it so easy to gain weight but so hard for me to lose the weight. I bust my butt and bearly see a loss. I have no idea what to do any more....

    Laila, you sound like I felt a couple weeks ago. I've had a super successful week since last Thursday and I think this is why:
    1. I got real. I knew I had consistently been eating too little the majority of the week and then WAY too much on weekends. I corrected that and have logged pretty much every bite of food I've had since last Thursday. If I look at my food diary reports, this is the first week I haven't missed a day logging since I got married in JUNE. And the 2 months before that included my birthday badness and dh's birthday badness. So, that's like 4 months of really being off track. Funny how those are the 4 months I didn't lose much weight, eh?
    2. I started really exercising again. I've only been going to the gym sporadically, again, since I got married. I exercised 4 days in a row, took yesterday off, and plan to run tonight. The plan is to exercise consistently at least 5-6 days every week.
    3. I'm focusing on healthy calories again. This is probably the hardest part for me. I had kind of settled into a "eh, it fits into my calorie allotment, I can eat it" kind of mindset and I think that was hurting me. I'm still going to do that to some extent, but not like I was. Because let's face it, a big ol' pint of beer or a piece of cake is pretty great motivation for me to go to the gym on the weekends. :laugh:

    Sit down and refocus and analyze your diary and reports and see where you go off track. Then get back on. You can do this! You ARE doing this!
    I think we all set unrealistic goals at first. I honestly thought I would be VERY close to my goal weight by now. I'm over 11 months into this. I really expected to have lost 100 pounds at this point. I thought that was so reasonable but obviously it wasn't. I haven't even made my 8.1 goal of 190 yet and I made that goal a few months ago with losing less than 5 pounds/month in mind!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Living with the rents is going okay. It's been a chore trying to teach my Mom how to cook. I try to plan things and ask her to go to the store and get something and she gets side tracked or forgets or has to go pick up my niece. My sisters fiancees house is on the market and his daughter and son watch my niece during the day, so when there is a showing they all have to leave and we can't leave them sit outside in the 110 weather for long period of time. Understandable. So..the nights are hard eating wise for me. She means well and she is really trying. I almost ate a piece of cheesecake last night, till I looked and saw it's 410 calories. I almost wet myself. And the neighbor is always wanting to get together and drink beer. Poor guy just wants to get outta the house since he's home ALLl day! Otherwise everything else is going great. My dog LOVES having an acre to run around on. She sleeps all night every night, it's greatness! And I love that not having to sit in traffic is forcing me to go to the gym. Not loving having to fill up with gas every 3 or 4 days though. :mad: It'll get better when I'm not still paying for my apartment and the added gas expense. I'm stretched pretty thin right now.

    I may have to try what your trainer suggested. Maybe with the HR tweaked a little. I mean I know we have a good 20 pound difference between us but that might just be what I need. I've heard good things about higher and lower intesity days. What's it gonna hurt? And I know I need to strength train. YUCK!

    Thanks for asking about how things are going! I was really depressed last week, it had finally hit me and I pretty much felt like I failed at life. But this week is looking better. :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: I have my sodium set at 2500 and try to stay under it, but I usually fail. I'm not as worried about it on the days I drink a lot of water, though. Little water + high sodium = gain on scale. At least it's usually temporary, lasting only a day or two. As the others mentioned, you want to get at least 1000 mg sodium because it regulates blood pressure.

    Jess: You are not a failure in life for moving home to save money! I did it for a while after being on my own, until I could buy a house. Consider it a stepping stone to get yourself back on track for longer term goals.

    Cris: Thanks for sharing the info from the trainer. Maybe we'll all benefit from your free PT sessions!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess: You are not a failure in life for moving home to save money! I did it for a while after being on my own, until I could buy a house. Consider it a stepping stone to get yourself back on track for longer term goals.

    Thanks. I'm just always way too hard on myself. Just really got to me last week. I was a mess. Would just sit at work and cry. But I talked to my sister and she made me feel a lot better.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Julie and Jess for the pep talk. I really needed that. I am happy I am maintaning, but I would like to lose something or aleast be 199 soon. It's so close yet so far away....

    Tomorrow is the beginning of Ramadan. I feel so lost. I want to do this the right way and somewhat healthy without hurting my metabolism. It's only one month so I hope I won't do too much damage.

    thanks for listening :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I didn't the job at the library I wanted. I didn't think I would since it was a 2nd level position and I don't have any library experience (other than spending most of my childhood in one :laugh:).
    BUT! What I hoped would happen did happen and it looks like they promoted someone from the level 1 position. SO, now I get to apply for that job (and not get it :tongue:). If I even got the job (I don't even expect to get an interview), it would be a $5,000/year pay CUT. But I am a little overqualified so maybe they would consider giving me more money. I have to just hope that my college degree works in my favor for the job instead of putting me in the "overqualified; not to be considered" category. I mean, what do they effing want?! I'm not qualified for the level 2 job because I don't have experience, but I probably can't get the level 1 job because I have too much education. :grumble: Negative Nancy.

    I just think that I'm pretty much the perfect candidate -- someone with a degree who wants to get her masters in Library Science yet is still willing to work for nothing (and I do mean NOTHING -- like my first real job right out of college nearly 4 years ago paid more) just to get the experience.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Good luck on the job! The whole finding employment thing is quite the Catch-22, isn't it? I remember when I was trying to get my very first job and no one would hire me because I didn't have experience. I asked several of those who interviewed me how I was supposed to get experience if no one would hire me and they didn't quite know how to answer that. It's almost worse being told you're overqualified. It makes me want to ask, "Would you rather I had omitted information from my resume?"

    Jess: So glad you're feeling better after talking to your sister. You're awesome, so stop being hard on yourself!!

    Laila: Best of luck on Ramadan. I wish I had good advice for you. Just do your best and I'm sure things will fix themselves when it's over.

    So, I forgot to pack a lunch today, so after researching different foods near work, I've decided I'm going with a honey bourbon sub from Quiznos. I really wanted popcorn chicken but I can't justify eating that many calories for lunch because I wouldn't have much left for dinner and I don't know what the family has planned for dinner, so I have to behave. It's frustrating sometimes, isn't it?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    So I just found the picture of me that woke me up and made me realize that I needed to make a change. My exact words were, "Oh my gosh, I'm a fat cow!"

    This picture was taken on my Grandma's wedding day last November. It now hangs proudly in her living room. I was back at her house in July and it was really hard to see this picture of myself. I know it's a good reminder of where I don't want to return again, but it's kind of painful. Does that make sense?

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: I can hardly believe that's you! Look at how much you've changed and accomplished. As hard as it is to see these pictures of ourselves, they can be motivating and as you said, reminders of how far we've come and that we don't ever want to go back.

    So, I lied and ended up getting the popcorn chicken and fries that I was craving. But, the portion was much smaller (but same price) than I remember from last time, so that's a good thing. Who'd ever thing I'd want less for my money? Oh, well, at least I still have plenty left over for dinner! Woo hoo!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Heather, I'm glad the portion was smaller for you! Sometimes we do want less for our money!

    It's hard for me to believe that's me too.... Thanks for the reminder of how far I've come. It's easy to forget, but hard to see where I was.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-I can't see the pic but I'll be sure to look tonight!

    Heather-That sounds so tasty! Glad you still stayed within your calories though.

    Oh how I wish it was Friday! Friday after work I'm driving with my best friend to Tulsa to go visit my cousin. Always good times there. I told myself I had to reach my calorie burn MFP suggests by Friday otherwise no beer what so ever! I know I shouldn't have it regardless's summer! I'll just limit myself. And I am going to treat myself to a pedi as long as I meet my goal as well. I hope I hope I hope I hope I see a loss this week!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello laides -

    Well i drug my but up to the gym (didn't want to go), i didn't do at intensity that i normall do (but given what chris PT said maybe it is better that you do some hight and some medi\um and some low, that is what i am going with at least :grumble:)

    Lauren - What a difference !!

    Julie - I would hope you get that level 1 job. If you do get an internview express all your interest and who knows the little too much overqualifcation may make up in eagerness!!!

    I have just been wanting to eat!! I have to stop this..I have to get back on eating good, drinking water, and working out...i am not totally fallen offf the wagon but i feel muyself slipping off...and I need to stop it now and get back on track.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- I can hardly wait to see the before picture of you (like Jess, I can't see it at work). I came across an absolutely terrifying one of myself this weekend. It was so bad, I had to post a thread about how bad it was on a public forum. :laugh:
    I specifically remember telling dh to NOT get me in the picture, just to take pictures of the birds. He so never listens to me. :tongue: And like I said in the thread, the picture isn't even of me at my highest weight! :noway: I bet my mom has some hideous ones from holidays & such. I should ask to go through them when I see her Saturday. I just want to know how bad it really was, you know?

    Deb -- I'm glad you went to the gym! It's awesome that you recognize yourself slipping. You've had such a packed last couple of weeks -- just take a minute to breathe & then pick yourself back up & get back full force. :flowerforyou:

    Jess -- I'm with you on the Friday thing. So excited to eat terrible food & see my mom & then party with people I haven't seen since May (haven't seen some in years). I WILL be going to the gym Saturday morning. I will I will I will!

    Heather -- Mmmmmm. Popcorn chicken. ::drool::