TOPIC: Over 200 New Year New Me Part 30



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh my gosh. I just looked at my nutrition reports for the last 90 days and they're SCARY! Until I recommitted last Thursday, all of my daily values for *essential nutrients* were WAY WAY WAY low. No wonder I woke up last Monday with the worst cramp ever in my leg. I hadn't had more than 1400mg of potassium in who knows how long. Most days look like they're under 1200mg. :indifferent: Um... recommended potassium intake is like 2000mg/day. It looks like I've reached that amount 5 times in the last 90 DAYS. And the 2 highest intake days were were in the last 6 days.
    Wake up call!

    Lilspy, I used to worry about Potassium too but since NO food labels contain potassium amounts, most of the food in the databases has zero or NA for potassium even if the food contains lots. Annoying but not worth worrying about too much.

    Hmm, maybe you're right. Some of the foods I eat do have potassium on the nutrition label but I think that's mostly because they're salted with potassium chloride so it's labeled as a warning for people with kidney problems.
    Either way, I'll take it since I haven't gotten leg cramps since last Thursday! :drinker:
  • purpleprose
    Welcome Purpleprose !!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love that you stalked us first :laugh: I suppose you know what to do then......check in every day with calories, water, exercise and something you are proud of. Weigh in on Fridays and the biggest loser for the week hands out a challenge.

    This is a great forum for motivation, all the women on here are the best.

    So now, sans gall bladder I suppose you are off bananas and avocados? a friend of mine had hers out and she can't go near the things. I'm with you on the running. I'm half way through week 2 of C25K right now and a couple of us on here are early on in the program, several others have finished or are nearly there.

    Bananas are totally fine - low in fat! No idea why your friend went off of them (avocados are somewhat fatty, in a good way, I guess), but I, thus far, have not discovered any new food intolerances.

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey girls, a little update...5 hours until I have my coffee:sad:

    OMG, I hate the first couple days of is torture:sad: :sad: :cry: :sad: :sad:

    OK, enough rambling back what I was doing...

    see ya later
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Purpleprose: Welcome, officially, to the group! I look forward to getting to know you. For starters, where are you from? Just my curiosity...

    So lunch didn't go quite as I expected. The Lean Cuisine meal I bought grossed me out because the food on the box did not match the food inside. Basically, the enchilada sauce on the box was white (sour cream) and yellow (cheese) but the food inside the box had a greenish tint. However, the expiration date was good and it's been frozen the whole time, but even if it was still good I couldn't get past the mental block. If the box showed green sauce, I would have been fine eating it. Weird. I threw away the LC, but ate left over pasta salad from yesterday, applesauce and a small ice cream dessert. Everything is accounted for in my log and all will be fine because even without exercise calories, I have 800 calories left for dinner.

    Okay, I really should find something work-like to do for a while.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Purpleprose-Welcome to the group officially!!

    POS Me-Your in the home stretch! Almost coffee time.

    So I might of overdone it at lunch, a little bit. UGH! DAMNIT!! Gonna have to make up for that! Bring on the water!
  • purpleprose
    I'm orginally from Pennsylvania, but currently live in Virginia while I attend grad school (I also did my undergrad here). Spent the last 5 years in NYC!

    Thanks for the welcome, everyone. :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm so sleepy. 5pm seems like an eternity away right now.

    Dh and I are going to try Boba/bubble tea tonight. Anyone ever try it?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm orginally from Pennsylvania, but currently live in Virginia while I attend grad school (I also did my undergrad here). Spent the last 5 years in NYC!

    Are you at UVA?

    Edit: Let me clarify -- I'm not being creepy. I'm only asking because I'm newly obsessed with Charlottesville. :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    TOM is not supposed to be here until next week but all I want to do today is EAT, perhaps I'll be getting an early visit :grumble:
  • purpleprose
    I'm orginally from Pennsylvania, but currently live in Virginia while I attend grad school (I also did my undergrad here). Spent the last 5 years in NYC!

    Are you at UVA?

    Nope, I'm on the eastern side of the state!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm so sleepy. 5pm seems like an eternity away right now.

    Dh and I are going to try Boba/bubble tea tonight. Anyone ever try it?

    I LOVE bubble tea !!!!!!!!!
    Usually I get the green tea and the little tapioca balls are the best. I even love the oversized straw they give you for sucking up the bubbles :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    TOM is not supposed to be here until next week but all I want to do today is EAT, perhaps I'll be getting an early visit :grumble:

    I know the feeling! I think I'm going to be getting an early visit too. BOO!! My own fault though.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm orginally from Pennsylvania, but currently live in Virginia while I attend grad school (I also did my undergrad here). Spent the last 5 years in NYC!

    Are you at UVA?

    Nope, I'm on the eastern side of the state!

    Oh, that's cool, too. :tongue: I was just in VA a couple weeks ago (Fredericksburg & Charlottesville). It was my first time in Charlottesville and I loved loved loved it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy man. watch my downward spiral.
    I'm not even trying to do any work anymore.
    I just texted dh "TEA!!!" because I'm excited & I wanted to remind him to be ready (he takes FOREVER) to go.
    He replied, "T and A"

  • purpleprose
    Charlottesville is gorgeous - I do love the mountains and UVA is so pretty. I haven't really spent any time in Fredericksburg, but I understand that the old downtown is really pretty. Too bad traffic on I-95 is always such a killer. It took 6 hours for my friends to come down from Annapolis last weekend....a drive that should take 3 hours at MOST.
  • louddownunder
    Sheesh, I suppose you all realise what an overwhelming amount of motivation, support and KNOWLEDGE you all are?? Okay, have to run to the early morning gym session (I've been giggling over your "it's almost Friday" posts as it IS Friday morning already here in Australia).

    First off, I'll start playing around with the calories and deficit over the next few weeks - scale budged today - I'm down POINT ONE of a pound. Not exactly substantial loss, but heck, better than the not moving version. Julie - thanks for the insight on that.

    Cris - didn't realise that you could lose sizes without pounds - is that muscle gain vs weight loss or just redistribution? Either way, congrats!

    As a Canadian girl born and bred, you're all killing me with these too hot/too cold stories - after growing up in winter weather of minus flipping freezing every winter, moving to Melbourne was a revelation. It's "mid winter" here right now, and the coldest it ever gets is mid 40s F. Of course, having said that, we also get up to 115F in the summer on occaision - but no humidity (if you want humid, go to Sydney).

    My hubby's away on a conference until tomorrow night, so I just need to avoid the burning desire to graze eat. Have a ton of fruit and veggies in the house to relieve temptations.

    Okay, have a good day/evening all - I'm off to the gym and then a very long day at the office. But heck, It's FRIDAY!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    But heck, It's FRIDAY!

    Shut up. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    But heck, It's FRIDAY!

    Shut up. :tongue:

    No fair!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I actually vote for it to be next Wednesday at 5:00 PM CST. YAY for vacation!

    Julie - HILARIOUS text from your dh. He sounds kind of like my boyfriend. Or most boys... come to think of it hahaha.

    I think some of the cleaning fumes have gone straight to my brain. Allow me to explain:

    I am sitting here at home and there have been jets screaming over the house most of the afternoon, shaking the windows. I didn't think much of it at first, but it kept going. Then the panic part of my brain starts thinking "Ohh what if [insert CNN worthy tragedy] is happening!"

    So I put on sneakers, filled up my Nalgene, and texted the boyfriend... he responded "It's the air and boat show, dear". (Note: We live a mile from Lake Michigan)

    Poo... :blushing:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    tstout-That's too funny girl! You were ready to see some serious CNN newsworth business! Maybe next time.

    So I need some advice. I feel absoultely bloated from lunch. Stupid On The Border. I feel so full. I guses at how much chips and salsa I ate and then my enchilada. I'm still showing like 400 calories left but I feel like I've eaten a million. Would it be bad of me to skip dinner and just eat some fruits and veggies?