TOPIC: Over 200 New Year New Me Part 30



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris - To add onto Jess's comment. (A week or 2) or 3 or 4. I have a feeling if you suddenly jumped to 1600 calories you *would* gain for a couple of weeks (and then level off & then start to lose again). Maybe increase slowly -- add 50 cals Monday, 50 more Thursday, 50 more the next Monday, etc until you get to 1600. If you really think you would consistently gain weight eating 1600 calories a day with all the exercise you're doing, then you must know your body is in starvation mode. You should definitely still be losing weight eating 1600 and burning 400-800 cals several times a week. I've proven to myself (AGAIN) this last week that my body needs more food than my mind thinks I need to feed it. My brain has a hard time accepting it, too, so I do know where you're coming from. I guess the idea of a permanently effed metabolism scares me just enough to keep me trying to eat more. And of course you know I don't eat all "healthy" calories either. :laugh: There's a big difference between me saying I *TRY* to eat healthy calories vs. actually eating healthy calories. :tongue: (example - on the menu for dinner is a chocolate banana protein shake & Boba Milk Tea).

    I like this idea better! I keep forgetting when you make a jump like that you would gain weight first. Good suggestion!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I only did 20 minutes on the elliptical before I started feeling lightheaded...I am resting now and will be taking a shower in a bit. I think I am dehidrated today...

    8 hours till sunset...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    You know Cris the eating such a low amount of calories and exercising could be the reason you see a gain so quickly when you do have those off days. I know it's always temporary but it could be the reason the scale is affected so quickly. Just a thought. But I definitely like Julies idea with slowly trying to increase them. And when you don't exercise, just don't eat those calories. This way when you see you are getting up there in calories you KNOW you have to hit the gym that night. Kind of a motivation is how it worked for me when I was working out at night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    youo guys are killing me but I know you are right...I have to think about this though.

    Maybe in September when I am excercising more constently? I found that during the summer I have gone a entrie week without any excervcise!

    Im really thinking about it, I promise...and it means a lot that you are all concerned. Its a mental thing that I have to battle out in my head :embarassed:

    We know, Cris! We just love you is all! :flowerforyou:
    I didn't want to respond at first because I didn't want you to feel like we wer ganging up on you or anything. But of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut (as usual) because I wanted to mention the gradual thing. :embarassed:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    youo guys are killing me but I know you are right...I have to think about this though.

    Maybe in September when I am excercising more constently? I found that during the summer I have gone a entrie week without any excervcise!

    Im really thinking about it, I promise...and it means a lot that you are all concerned. Its a mental thing that I have to battle out in my head :embarassed:

    We know, Cris! We just love you is all! :flowerforyou:
    I didn't want to respond at first because I didn't want you to feel like we wer ganging up on you or anything. But of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut (as usual) because I wanted to mention the gradual thing. :embarassed:

    Yes we do :heart: U! You will work through the mental block in your own time. I know I had to. I mean who would of thought, when losing weight eating more is a good thing? I mean seriously!? Just craziness! But I like it! :tongue:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I totally agree with Julie...

    A few years ago I was at 200 and decided to join the Navy. The recruiter told me I was all set except for about 20 pounds. I went into HOLY****PANIC mode and started working out twice a day (60 minutes of cardio in the morning, 90 after wrok), eating one cup of cottage cheese and half a tomato (split between breakfast and lunch), and then a plain chicken breast for dinner.

    After the first week I lost 7 pounds and was ecstatic! So then I stopped drinking water (scary water weight aahh!) and then I cut my whole cup of cottage cheese to half a cup. The next week I was down another 4. Frustrated, I added 30 minutes of sitting in the sauna after my PM workout. Week 3 I was dragging *kitten* for sure. Exhausted all the time. Couldn't concentrate. STARVING and suffering.

    For the next few weeks I dropped 2 pounds at a time... all the while my job suffered because I was a basket case. I was almost literally terrified of food. I stayed glued to my desk whenever I knew there was a pot luck. It was terrible. I was completely consumed by getting down to 180.

    It took me about 12 weeks to lose the 20 pounds, suffering and miserable every step of the way. When I compare then to now, I can't believe how STUPID I was... I eat about 1400 to 1600 calories a day, I'm not slaving away at the gym, or torturing myself with half a cup of anything (unless it's the serving size). And here I am at 10 weeks into using MFP and I'm down 17 pounds.

    I ask myself all the time... was all of that really worth it!?? This is so much EASIER! And not to mention healthier.

    To save you another paragraph worth of details, I eventually decided against the Navy and immediately went to one of my favorite restaurants and had an entire basket of bread, 4 beers, and a giant plate of pasta. haha. I started working out with a trainer after I put back on about 10 pounds and when I explained to him my Navy experience, he threw a medicine ball at me and said I was in "big trouble". haha

    Moral of the story: Be good to yourself. haha :)

    Jess - Like I told Kerri, if you can bring your kitchen to Chicago, I'd be happy to clean it for you hahaha :laugh:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Wow I am WORDY today :) Sorry, girls!

    The epilogue to my previous story is that I was so burnt out on dieting and exercising, I ended up going from the 180 up to 240 in about a year and a half. And here I am back on track and seeing the scale move (and not having a meltdown when it doesn't)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris & Laila (& anyone else) -- Fresh Express is voluntarily recalling it's "Veggie Lovers Salad" which was distributed in Maryland, Pennsylvania (and Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Kansas, Kentucky, and New Jersey.) with a use by date of August 10 (yeah... I like how it's being recalled *after* the use by date).

    edit: I'm stupid
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    For everyone that commented- I dont feel ganged up on at all. I like hearing your stories and your experiences it makes me really believe that yes, I can eat more and lose. so thank you so much for sharing

    Maybe Ill start out by eating 1400 through August 1500 through september and see how I do. I think 1600 is scarily high though!
  • Danielle_81
    So I have lots to catch up on I just need to vent for a couple minutes....I just had a HUGE fight with my husband. He's mad because I got upset that he always seems to think my daughter is intentionally trying to make us mad. I am not delusional she's 12 and I know that at least 50% of the time she is in fact trying to make us mad. But I finally had enough and said something. Then he refused to talk to me for about half an hour and I wanted to let him calm down a little bit. So I finally ask him if he's mad, and he says no I'm irritated. So I sit down and want to talk about it and he responds with telling me how awful the last 3 days have been and he's at his limit. This shocks me. The last 3 days have been heaven with my daughter compared to the last 6 months. I don't know what to do, I want to cry, I have to go to work soon and I'm just sad. I don't really expect you guys to do anything I just needed to put it out there so it wasn't rambling in my head and heart. I do feel a little better except I really want a cigarette now ( I quit almost 2 years ago)

    Catch up and talk more later
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I would take Julies approach and gradually increase your calories. I usually eat somewhere between 1400 and 1500...1600 if I'm REALLY hungry. But I don't burn as many calories as you do. I know you can do this and I know your going to see positive results. But I think your plan sounds great!

    Danielle-I'm sorry you had a fight with your hubby. Hope things get better for you.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Danielle: Sorry to hear that you and your husband are having a rough time with you daughter. I hope everything works out alright!

    Cris: It's probably a good thing you haven't looked at my food/exercise log. I eat a little over 1800 calories a day (over 2,000 when I exercise that day). Trust me, about 80% of those calories aren't necessarily "healthy." Yet, this seems to be what works for me. Oh, and I haven't exercised in a week other than walking at my volunteer work. BUT, I'm seeing movement on the scale again, so things must be working. I'm sure it's terrifying thinking you'll gain weight back, but personally I LOVE eating and am so glad I get to eat more and be just a few pounds away from by lowest in 5 years or more. We're here to work through things with you.

    Jess and Julie: I have to giggle when you say you wear jackets at 45 degrees. I typically don't pull out a jacket until about 20 degrees unless we have snow and/or high winds. You'd be appalled at how little I wear to go snowshoeing (snow pants and a spring jacket with only thin workout pants and long sleeved tshirt underneath). I only wear snowpants and snow boots to keep from getting drenched by the snow. I usually don't ever wear a heavy winter jacket at all, even being outside doing chores with my horse. Then again, I'm a bit odd even for Minnesota!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess and Julie: I have to giggle when you say you wear jackets at 45 degrees. I typically don't pull out a jacket until about 20 degrees unless we have snow and/or high winds. You'd be appalled at how little I wear to go snowshoeing (snow pants and a spring jacket with only thin workout pants and long sleeved tshirt underneath). I only wear snowpants and snow boots to keep from getting drenched by the snow. I usually don't ever wear a heavy winter jacket at all, even being outside doing chores with my horse. Then again, I'm a bit odd even for Minnesota!

    :laugh: I at least mean a jacket over a short sleeved shirt. Long sleeved shirts and sweaters are things that don't really exist in my wardrobe because I never know when the weather's gonna go wonky & I'm going to have to shed clothes layers. So, I usually stick with short sleeves & then a jacket. And if it's forecasted to get "really cold" -- like 20 -- I wear short sleeves, a jacket, AND a coat. :laugh: Because in SC, you never know when the temperature is just going to shoot up over 80 for no reason in February. You would seriously LOL here in winter. It'll be chilly in the mornings (upper 20s) so everyone piles on their wool coats. Then in the afternoon, it's 60 degrees and everyone is walking around town to their cars after work still wearing their wool coats (rather than carrying them). Hilarious.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I've been to Minnesota and Wisconsin in the winter time and people just laugh at me. I freeze! I have one of those jackets that has a light weight fleece jacket and it zips into a heavier coat...Yeah, I wear that plus a long sleeve shirt under it. I'm a weanie. I may be from Wisconsin but I grew up in Texas! But I do enjoy the snow...when I have snow pants to wear because I hate wet cold clothes!

    I'm meeting a friend for lunch and I have sat here playing with numbers for seriously almost an hour trying to decide what to get. UGH! Sometimes I hate calorie counting. But I finally decided on something that is doable and sounds yummy!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris & Laila (& anyone else) -- Fresh Express is voluntarily recalling it's "Veggie Lovers Salad" which was distributed in Maryland, Pennsylvania (and Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Kansas, Kentucky, and New Jersey.) with a use by date of August 10 (yeah... I like how it's being recalled *after* the use by date).

    edit: I'm stupid

    Thanks Julie! But I rrarely buy salad mix...I usually make my own salad mix.

    Ground beef was also recalled, but the beef my family buys is from a wholesaler store and we grind it ourselves..I know what kind of meat I am grounding.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Great job on planning for your lunch out.

    I have logged my lunch, even with a burger and beer for dinner, I should be fine after walking for two hours at volunteering tonight. Yum!

    How terrible is it that we're slow enough at work that all I can think about today is food?
  • purpleprose
    Hey everyone!

    So I've been kind of stalking this topic since I joined MFP about a month ago...I finally figured it was time to stop lurking/creeping and time to start posting.

    I'm 28 and have been overweight much of my adult life. Since 2004 I've really packed on some weight (about 60 pounds) and I recently had a wake up call - gallstones. The fat in my diet had led to gallstones and those left me in excruciating pain if I ate too much fat. In June, the doctor told me that, until my surgery, I needed to keep to a very low-fat diet.

    I had no idea how to do that, so I started googling and came upon MFP. It has helped me so much - I had no idea how much junk I was consuming until I really started watching what I was eating. My gallbladder is now out, I'm back to a fairly normal diet (though I'll have to be on a lower-fat one forever, since I can't store bile), and I'm hoping to start exercising again soon (I got through the first 2 weeks of Couch to 5K before the surgery).

    My big goal right now - run an 8 mile race in April that my class is sponsoring/promoting. I think that getting fit is more important than the number on the scale (though that helps, too).

    Your posts have kept me encouraged and motivated and I wanted to thank you all for that! Grad school resumes next week, which I'm nervous about (eating well has been easy with so much free time - my internship has not been time-instensive), but I want to keep up my success. I've lost about 13 pounds since July 4th (and two of those weeks were on near bed rest), so I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh my gosh. I just looked at my nutrition reports for the last 90 days and they're SCARY! Until I recommitted last Thursday, all of my daily values for *essential nutrients* were WAY WAY WAY low. No wonder I woke up last Monday with the worst cramp ever in my leg. I hadn't had more than 1400mg of potassium in who knows how long. Most days look like they're under 1200mg. :indifferent: Um... recommended potassium intake is like 2000mg/day. It looks like I've reached that amount 5 times in the last 90 DAYS. And the 2 highest intake days were were in the last 6 days.
    Wake up call!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Welcome Purpleprose !!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love that you stalked us first :laugh: I suppose you know what to do then......check in every day with calories, water, exercise and something you are proud of. Weigh in on Fridays and the biggest loser for the week hands out a challenge.

    This is a great forum for motivation, all the women on here are the best.

    So now, sans gall bladder I suppose you are off bananas and avocados? a friend of mine had hers out and she can't go near the things. I'm with you on the running. I'm half way through week 2 of C25K right now and a couple of us on here are early on in the program, several others have finished or are nearly there.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh my gosh. I just looked at my nutrition reports for the last 90 days and they're SCARY! Until I recommitted last Thursday, all of my daily values for *essential nutrients* were WAY WAY WAY low. No wonder I woke up last Monday with the worst cramp ever in my leg. I hadn't had more than 1400mg of potassium in who knows how long. Most days look like they're under 1200mg. :indifferent: Um... recommended potassium intake is like 2000mg/day. It looks like I've reached that amount 5 times in the last 90 DAYS. And the 2 highest intake days were were in the last 6 days.
    Wake up call!

    Lilspy, I used to worry about Potassium too but since NO food labels contain potassium amounts, most of the food in the databases has zero or NA for potassium even if the food contains lots. Annoying but not worth worrying about too much.