TOPIC: Over 200 New Year New Me Part 30



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I hear ya on the Autum weather! However, I have to pray for beautiful weather for my sisters wedding in October. It's always hit or miss with Texas. It's either going to be freezing butt cold or beautiful. And it is an outdoor wedding and I'm in a strpless dress. AHHHH!

    LilDeb-Dang girl look at you go!!! You amaze me!

    POS Me-I admire your strength. I would of probably pigged out till I made myself sick.

    Okay so I must ask if you are the praying kind please pray for my friend/co worker. She found out yesterday that her father in Louisania had been shot in the chest. He's in critical condition in the ICU. She's on her way there to go be with him. I believe he's in his 80's. Not too sure. Very sad.

    On a happier note, I'm still down on the scale! WOOHOO!! I was afraid I overdid it with my taco salad last night! And I kicked my butt at the gym again this morning. I did this weight machine called hip abductor. Works the hips and inside of your thighs. OH MY GODDNESS GRACIOUS. I never felt a burn so bad in my life!

    I'm gonna stop rambling and go drink my coffee now!

    Happy Friday EVE!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    OH AND IM AT A NEW LOWEST OF 192.0!!!! LOL, ok so its like 0.2 lower than my other lowest but its lower!!! I can not freaking wait to see 190 on the scale cause I am so ready for the 180's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont know who said it but something about after losing 10% of fat your body readjusts or something.

    Well according to the PT I met with my current body fat is 33% is that even possible? I started at 49% body fat...I really think I misheard her. I thought that at 33% I'd be done, and trust me I still have plenty of FAT to lose. So I dont know I have to talk to her about that and make sure she has it right.

    But anyways, the point of my ramble is that even though Ive been stuck at 192-195 FOREVER...(3 months, hehe) my body has totally reshaped in that time. I feel skinnier and look skinnier without any weight loss. My legs are def thinner and not as lumpy and my back has NO rolls whatsoever. I am starting to finally get some of my confidence back.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And I'm still yapping.
    I was up a pound on the scale this morning so that's probably the start of TOM bloat. Been threatening me since Monday. :grumble:

    Calories: 1411 (estimated deficit 589 -- good!)
    Exercise: nope -- Worked 8.30am-9.30pm and then went grocery shopping (Spent $63 and SAVED $116!!!). Got home around 11.30. Ate dinner at 1am. :noway: That's probably another reason for the ^1#
    Water: I think I was a little low -- 7 cups?
    Sodium: 2067mg. Over by 67 (yeah, the slice of pizza I had for breakfast may have had a little something to do with that :laugh:)
    Proud: That's one whole week fully back on track. HOORAY!

    Pretty funny story:
    We had a fill-in manager last night at work. He manages another of our restaurants. I guess it's been a while since I've worked while he was filling in at our location. I walked in and he didn't know who I was! At first I thought it was just because it had been so long but after I got back from my first deliveries he walked up to me and said "So...... You look really different from the last time I saw you... What... What... Wha... What did you do?!" :laugh: So I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and laughed & said "Um... lost 80 pounds?" And he said "Yeah... I thought... so... Um.... you look really awesome." So I said "well, thanks." And then I walked away to the back of the store and like 2 minutes later he comes back there and said "Um... So... are you still with Scott?" BAAAHHHH HAHAHA! What?! :laugh: Smooooooooth, sir, smooth. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-That story is freaking hilarious! I LOVE IT!! Men, I swear!:laugh: Did you hold out your finger and just nod?

    Cris-yay for gaining your confidence back and seeing 192! At this point in time I'd be excited for .2 as well! When you don't see the scale move down for so long you will take just about anything! 33% fat that's awesome! My scale still says I'm at 48% or 51%...I think when I started I was into the 60% somewhere. Talk about having fat to shed. I need to research this 10% theory. I can't remember who brought it up. Thought they said there was a book about it..

    Has anybody heard from lstpaul? She had all those tests done and then vanished. I hope she's okay! Might need to stalk soon!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- YAY!!! 192! I feel you on the redistribution thing. I've lost about 5 pounds in the last 2 months yet I've dropped 1.5-2 pant sizes. Explain that one to me. I'm beginning to actually feel a little bit attractive for the first time in my life. I'm still super self conscious but I walked around in shorty shorts in front of my husband for the first time EVER a couple days ago (Yeah, my self confidence has been so bad I was embarassed for my husband to see me in shorts. And it's been that bad as long as I can remember. I realize I have issues.). I don't remember what I was looking at/watching a few days ago but there were girls in corsets and thigh highs and whatnot. Dh suggested (in a serious way) that I get some "clothes" like that! :laugh: :blushing:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Wow, don't you love when people who could care less suddenly are interested when you lose a little (or in your case, a lot) of weight? Don't they realize that saying anything just makes them sound so shallow? Ugh. As far as Minnesota being "hot and humid" I suppose it's all relative. This is the longest heat wave we've had in a long time, so we're just not used to it. It felt like 101 (heat index) yesterday, which is crazy for those of us in the "frozen tundra."

    Jules: I have to back Julie up on her explanation of eating more calories. I realize it sounds counter productive, but my weight loss sweet spot tends to be 1500-1800 calories as well on days I don't exercise and about 2,000 on days I do exercise.

    Laila: Congrats on getting through your first day of fasting!

    Cris: I'm going to agree with you on the body needing an adjustment after 10% weight loss. I've lost around 14% now and am finally starting to lose again after a four month plateau. As long as I don't blow it today, I'll have a loss for tomorrow! Like you, I can tell my body was changing through my plateau even when the scale wasn't. Weird how that works, isn't it?

    Jess: You're right, this week is taking forever! You're also right in that I almost made up for the poor potluck decisions yesterday. I walked for 3+ hours in the scorching heat (for MN) and only had a little bit of Chex Mix in the evening as a snack. I drank a ton of water, too! Whew.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 106
    Sodium: Over b y 3169! My total sodium for the day was 5669...I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack instantly!
    Water: 94.25 oz!
    Exercise: Walking 3 hours at volunteering and bed pilates.
    Proud: That I drank lots of water and saw 188.6 on the scale this morning, even with the sodium. Hopefully the sodium doesn't catch up with me tomorrow.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Definitely get some "clothes" like that! I love surprising the bf with that stuff and trust me, he enjoys it. It actually makes me feel more attractive and sexy instead of self-conscious.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heahter-Kudos to you for being able to do things like that for you bf. I don't now if I could. Maybe in another 20 pounds! Gotta find a bf's on the to do list. LOL

    Calories: Somewhere around 1500
    Water: 120oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes on elliptical and 10 minute jog
    Proud: I didn't go out and get a taco salad for lunch that I wanted oh so badly. I made home at home for dinner last night instead!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Laila- Great job getting through day 1!!! I could tell how much you enjoyed that coffee...

    Meook- I miss you! Hope work slows down soon and wedding stress ...well you only have about 2 months left right? Its almost over!!!!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories- 1210
    water- lots 100+
    sodium- 2670...another fail
    excercise- spin class!! different night, new instructor...loved it!
    cals burned- 843!!! WHOOP WHOOP!
    Proud- that I watched what I ate even though I really am having a hard time wanting to eat everything in sight. I took a bite of my son's food here and there but not enough to add up to over 100 cals, and since I burned so much in spin class I didnt beat myself up about it

    Miss you too Cris!!!
    But you know I'm gonna say something about that deficit don't you ?!?!?
    Net calories of only 367 :grumble: I'm only bugging you because I care :heart: :heart:
    How many net does your trainer recommend?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie: Wow, don't you love when people who could care less suddenly are interested when you lose a little (or in your case, a lot) of weight? Don't they realize that saying anything just makes them sound so shallow? Ugh. As far as Minnesota being "hot and humid" I suppose it's all relative. This is the longest heat wave we've had in a long time, so we're just not used to it. It felt like 101 (heat index) yesterday, which is crazy for those of us in the "frozen tundra."

    That definitely is hot! I start to melt over 90. I just can't take it. And you can feel quite free to laugh at me when I complain about it being cold here in the "winter." :tongue: I'll be like "OMG, I was freezing. I totally had to put on a light zip up hoodie it was so cold. 45 degrees -- brrr!" :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie- 45 degress I would need more then a light jacket. I would freeze my buns off!! So I'm with you. I hate the hot and the cold. I need to live somewhere that it's like 60's and 70's year round!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie- 45 degress I would need more then a light jacket. I would freeze my buns off!! So I'm with you. I hate the hot and the cold. I need to live somewhere that it's like 60's and 70's year round!
    :laugh: Well... I'm sitting here in a hoodie right now because it's a frigid 69 degrees in my office. Ha! It's the contrast that gets me. I'm outside walking around and it "feels like" 115 and then I come in and sit on my butt in 70 degrees and I think I'm freezing to death. In the winter when it's 30-40 degrees outside, I'd probably feel like I was having a hot flash at 70*F inside.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Meokk - I love that you get on to Cris. This is why we are awesome.
    Cris - Dang on the new teacher and those cals burned. But back to what meokk mentioned....
    Julie/Heather - I've been amazed at what the loss has done for me "in the bedroom" :wink: I feel so much more confident in front of my husband and find myself enjoying bed pilates much more. :bigsmile: :blushing:
    Blue - Yeah for checking in and holding us accountable to do so as well!
    Jess - Way to go on the self-control!
    Jules - Glad you're finding new ways to cook healthy. I know there's an entire recipes section on here that has lots of suggestions.
    Laila - Nice work on day 1! You can do this and it will get easier. Know you are an inspiration in your strength!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over by 20. Yes, 20. Which in my book is like even.
    Water - 80 oz (100+ if I include seltzer)
    Exercise - walked a mile, not much, but I'll count it
    Proud - We had snacks last night for our Bible study. We bought some empanadas and I made watermelon sorbet. It was a very nice treat and didn't require us to bring any appliances with us! Ha! SNARK! :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'm gonna stop rambling and go drink my coffee now!

    Happy Friday EVE!

    Julie, deb, and Meokk, and Cris, Thanks for the encouragement! I did pretty well calorie wise...I think I went over because I had another fresh soft pretzel ( those things can rack up pretty quick - they are like 400 calories each stinking pretzel) before bed..oh well

    Jess, Way to go on losing some weight and having tacos...
    Now, did you have to mention coffee..I am craving it so badly today... I can't wait until time breaks... 9 hours until then...

    now off to do my workout before I get hungry..

    be back in a few
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Meook- You know I loooove you! And yes, I was totally expecting you to jump all over that deficit. My trainer recommends that I eat at least my 1600 a day (I think thats what MFP tells me to eat) and I can continue to not eat my calories if I eat the 1600...but yea she was not so happy that I was eating around 1200-1300 cals and then buring 400-600. I really have a mental block about it. I have heard everyone talk about me eating more, and I've seen it through Julie, Heather, and Blue that it DOES work...I dont know why I just cant do it. I think mostly its because the 1200 calories I eat arent "healthy" calories, so I freak out thinking that if I eat 1600 unhealthy calories I will gain...which I will. I guess I compensate for the unhealthy calories by eating less of them, dunno. But thank you so much for caring about me and yelling at me for being dumb, it makes me happy that you care.

    I was really considering doing a boudoir session for my fiance...Im scared but I KNOW he would love it. Its still a possiblity we will see next year how I feel about my self image.

    weather- I looove 60 ddegrees. I cant stand hot I would much rather freeze. I am a fall/winter girl I hate being uncomfortable and sweaty
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi all!!

    I'm way later in posting than my usual first thing in the morning... I got up and had the itch to clean. So I just spent 2 hours scrubbing my kitchen. It looks beauuutiful! (Smells better, too). Makes me feel like cooking something yummy for dinner. The boyfriend has had a TERRIBLE week at work (he worked from 9:00AM to 11:00PM yesterday ---no typo there). I went to visit him and bring him dinner last night. I'm hoping to get the house looking spic and span by the time he gets home so he can just relax.

    Unfortunately, my clean-stuff itch happened before the eat breakfast itch... so now I'm starving and a little light headed. It is FOR SURE time to eat something. haha

    Julie - too funny about your coworker! At my 10 year reunion, I had a couple of "who is that" looks. haha

    I'm I didn't manage to scrub my finger prints off of my fingers... my hands feel raw from all of the scrubbing. (Which says to me: I deserve a manicure this weekend!)

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - over by 70
    Water - boo...
    Sodium - Under!!
    Exercise - Bit of cleaning, but that's about it
    Proud - I let myself have the fries I was craving but I only ate part of a small (instead of the large I normally would have gotten)

    Jules - Welcome!! This group is phenomenal. I've started and stopped using MFP a million times until I joined this group.

    Cris - WOO!! Way to go on your new low!!:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Have you ever thought about just trying out the 1600 calories for a week or two and see how it goes? I really would hate to see you doing harm to your body. We just love you and want you to be healthy! :flowerforyou:

    tstout-Any chance I could recruit you to come clean the kitchen at my old apartment? We need to clean it before we turn in the keys.

    POS Me-Day 2 here you come! Your a strong woman I know you can do this!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris - To add onto Jess's comment. (A week or 2) or 3 or 4. I have a feeling if you suddenly jumped to 1600 calories you *would* gain for a couple of weeks (and then level off & then start to lose again). Maybe increase slowly -- add 50 cals Monday, 50 more Thursday, 50 more the next Monday, etc until you get to 1600. If you really think you would consistently gain weight eating 1600 calories a day with all the exercise you're doing, then you must know your body is in starvation mode. You should definitely still be losing weight eating 1600 and burning 400-800 cals several times a week. I've proven to myself (AGAIN) this last week that my body needs more food than my mind thinks I need to feed it. My brain has a hard time accepting it, too, so I do know where you're coming from. I guess the idea of a permanently effed metabolism scares me just enough to keep me trying to eat more. And of course you know I don't eat all "healthy" calories either. :laugh: There's a big difference between me saying I *TRY* to eat healthy calories vs. actually eating healthy calories. :tongue: (example - on the menu for dinner is a chocolate banana protein shake & Boba Milk Tea).
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    youo guys are killing me but I know you are right...I have to think about this though.

    Maybe in September when I am excercising more constently? I found that during the summer I have gone a entrie week without any excervcise!

    Im really thinking about it, I promise...and it means a lot that you are all concerned. Its a mental thing that I have to battle out in my head :embarassed:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    i cant type...sorry for the typos