Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    blue-that sounds like one hell of a day! Glad to hear today is going better for you!

    kerri-I hate days like that. Hope you perk up soon.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I want you all to know I am NOT changing the orange hair. I am instead embracing my "inner Ronald McDonald orange" and......

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: i'm lovin' it. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Sorry, I HAD to make the pun. :wink:
  • Cals -- under by 100
    Water- 128 oz (wooo I was going to the bathroom allll dayyy lol :b )
    Exercise - yeahh something like that
    Proud: 2 weeks in && I'm still sticking strong to my lifestyle change.

    Hey everyone! All that water did some work on my bladder lol but I'm definitely excited that I was able to drink all of it. I'm started to get bored with the elliptical and treadmill, and it's extremely hot if you don't get out early in the morning or late at night when it's already dark ughhh... any suggestions? I hope each of you are doing well, the weekend is so close yayyy! :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in
    Calories: under, but that is ok. I was over 2 day in a row..
    exercise: if you count cleaning my home and walking kohl's looking at all the clearence racks.
    water: still not enough!
    Proud: I picked out nice clothing for me ( but I didn't buy)..I tried on more mediums and some smalls shirts. I also tryed on a size 10 jeans..and they fit, but not for pulic..maybe for my hubby to look at because it was a workout getting in and out of them..can I use that as a workout under exercise:laugh:? they were called skinny jeans..and it made me look skinny...:blushing:

    have a great evening gals!

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I will be taking some time off...

  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I just installed my app a d I'm going to buy running shoes tomorrow so I can either start this weekend or next Friday.
    What works best for you ladies?

    Just downloaded it too! Next week sounds better for me. I need to go get some shoes too so that will give me some time.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    Hey everyone! All that water did some work on my bladder lol but I'm definitely excited that I was able to drink all of it. I'm started to get bored with the elliptical and treadmill, and it's extremely hot if you don't get out early in the morning or late at night when it's already dark ughhh... any suggestions? I hope each of you are doing well, the weekend is so close yayyy! :)

    I have tried and liked some of the Video on Demands through the Cable provider. I know At&t and Time Warner have it you might check it out. Or you can join Meokk, tstout and me and start the c25k next week.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I will be taking some time off...


    I'm so sorry to hear this, COGirl. But you have to do what you have to do. I will be praying for you. :heart:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:
    calories - great, stayed under sodium for once LOL
    water: 100
    exercise: 75 mins of brutal PT, with arm weights up to 60 lbs.!!! Go me!
    proud: that I survived yesterday and had a GREAT day today!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I will be taking some time off...


    I am having trouble reading her blog am I doing something wrong? :heart: :heart: :heart: U!

    Colgrl - We will miss you but understand. Hope you come back soon! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Its almost 10pm and Im exhausted so Im sorry if I leave a lot of you out....

    Heather- I think you would make a fantastic PT! One of my favorite trainers at the gym is a little on the heavy side shes prob near 200lbs and man oh man is she FIT! She kicks my *kitten* (spin class) and I have no idea how she does all that work with her weight but shes amazing. Knowing she can do it and be fit and healthy gives me an extra push to make me feel like I can do it too!

    Jess- Spin class totally killed me today after yesterday's run. I dont know how I'll feel tomorrow but we can talk in the morning to see if we still want to do day 2 tomorrow if we are both in pain it may not be a good idea to try and fail! We should end it in a positive note!

    Meook- Yay on the dress!!! SMALL!? wow congrats girl!!!!

    cogirl- i hope everything is ok, havent had time to read your blog but i will in the morning...i hope you still lurk at least we will miss you!

    blue- glad today is going better

    Checking in:
    calories- 1210
    water- yup
    sodium- 2700....right before a weigh in...way to go cris...sheesh
    excercise- spin class
    cals burned- 668
    proud- that I pushed my self in spin class even though I really wasnt feeling it today and im proud that i played with my son even though I was super sore and really just wanted to lay down and whine

  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Check in

    Calories - Over
    Water - Not so good
    Sodium - Way under ( Complete shock!)
    Sugar - under by 1
    Exercise - none
    Proud - That I downloaded c25k and have a game plan for exercising! Thanks for the extra push Meokk and Teresa!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    fo sure I am nowhere near a size small really nor may I ever be. This dress was a total fluke but still fun for my size 14 *kitten* to fit into a small.

    Cris. I'm a bit worried about you and don't want you to get burned out again. Your net cals today were 550? That's seems scary low to me. Pls take care.

    Ok raider. I may do a trial run this weekend just for fun but I'll start next week with you. Are we aiming to complete 3 workouts by the end of next week or the week after?

    Tes - I second the DVD idea. It is way to hot where I am to work out in the daytime too. Lots of us use the 30 day shred DVD by Jillian michaels. It's tough but only lasts 25 mins.

    Co girl we will miss you !!!!!!! Don't leave us !!!!!!

    Blue - I love it !!!!!! Embrace l'orange !!! And holy crap you can lift 60 lbs with your arms !!!! That's very beefcake of you ;-)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I'm pretty sore as well. It's been so long since I did that DVD! I've been doing stretching but feel like running tomorrow might be pushing it. We may have to push day 2 back to another day. Anyway you could squeeze in day 2 and 3 before you leave? If not we will wait till you come back. We're finishing this together!

    Checking In

    Calories: 1465
    Water: 120oz
    Exercise: Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout
    Proud: I'm trying to come home every night and move around and not sit on the couch all night.

    I tried to make the brownies from Losing It tonight. Note, if you do not have enough honey, it will not turn out. They taste like air basically. :laugh: Better luck next time. Didn't want to stop just because I didn't have enough honey. Eh! What can ya do?

    Happy weigh in ladies! I still wont be reporting a loss towards the biggest loser winner but I definitely will have a loss for the week, I hope! AH!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I was planning trying on making those brownies from "losin it " this weekend and if thney turned out for my bunco next wednesday, i will have to remember the honey...i got a full bear in the pantry :smile: so i should be good

    Blue - glad you are doing better today !!

    mEEOK - wtg on the "S", that is awesome even though you think you can't wear anythingelse a "S" , one thing is good :smile:

    Raider - I am with you...a 20 would make me freaking estatic at this point...I was soo freaking excited when i actually could put on 22's the other night, of course they won't all fit but some of them were..woohoo.

    So i did good at fuddruckers...I had a Buffalo burger , with cheese and no bun, with a side salad and my dressing from home :smile: Under 500 cals !!!

    Phone had been ringing nonstop all night..everyone telling serena happy birthday. We went and picked out and orderd her cake for saturday, we ended up getting one that is in the shape of a big 7, it is a cupcake cake, we had one for her a few years ago, to me lot easier than having to cut up the cake, and kids like it :smile: Of course it is pink !!!

    So far, only 1 kid rsvp that she sent invitations too...so not sure if anybody will tomorrow or if some will just show up. So looks like we will at least have 6 (my niece and nephew, abby, the one rsvsp, and a friend of mine 2 little boys.), I think she will still have a good time.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Hey everyone! Well I missed everyone so I decided to catch up on my iPhone! :laugh: Now it's great but takes forever so I'm gonna try to address everything I can remember (I have caught up but it's a lot to remember)
    so first things first...

    Whoever was saying their mouth burns when they eat kiwi, this is a sign of severe latex allergy. I'm not sure why, but kiwi is a trigger food that as a nurse we have to ask patients when they get admitted.

    So I've had a few iffy days. I have done ok but I'm just barely at my calorie goal each day or a bit above. So I'm ok with that, this is family camp and there is a lot of eating and as long as I'm making better decisions than I was I'll be happy :bigsmile:
    I have been ok with my water but why is it that when it's hot you want to drink less? I'm kind of bummed about my excercise. I was gonna bring my Shred DVD but our player at the cabin is fritzed so that nixed that idea. I was gonna go for a bike ride but the tires are flat :frown: But I am WAY more active than normal. You have to walk everywhere here, I'm probably walking a mile every day just for the bathroom! :laugh: but I'm doing good and have let go of my hesitation about vacation. I have made some bad decisions but as bad as they are I am ok because:
    1. I'm taking credit for every single bite going into my mouth and
    2. My activity level is up and
    3. As bad as my decisions may be I have been under 2000 cals everyday (I think) so they are WAY better than before!
    But I'll talk to you all later!
  • Tubbyangel
    Tubbyangel Posts: 25
    Hello everyone, thank you all so much for your warm welcome I am checking in for yesterday which turned into a pretty bad day I was doing great untill yesterday evening, my bf has had a chest infection and now I have it too I felt so wiped out yesterday I could'nt even do 15mins of the mybody fate app ( if you havnt tried you should give it a go its good fun) I am doing to the doctor in 1hour to get checked out.

    check in for yesterday
    calories: over
    water: does tea count?
    proud: so wiped out I cant think of anything !!!!

    I also weighted myself this am and have put on 4lb!!!!!!! what the *****!!!!! I have been good lately eating only fod I have prepared myself and keeping the portion size down. TOM is 14 days late maybe its on it way at least it better be!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I guess i will be the first to weigh in !!!!! I was quite suprised this morning !!! Scale was 3 x at 263.1 , 5x at 262.8 , then like 3x at 263.0...so decided i will take 263.0 that is what i wanted this week anyway :smile:

    That means I hit 55 lbs by serena's party Yay!!!!!

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I am almost the same as I was 2 weeks ago, however, TOM (3rd day)..still lurking.

    Happy weigh in gals...GOOD LUCK!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1269
    Exericise: Nothing official
    Water: 10 cups
    Proud: I kept my calories down since I chose not to exercise. Woot!
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