Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Afternoon gals,

    I am not caught up on posts since Saturday. I have a busy day, plus hubby is home. He hurt his calf yesterday saving my son (4 y/o) from drowning in the lake...it became too steep for him to swim ( the water went from walking on rocks to not touching to bottom in a matter of seconds) thank god everyone is safe!

    On a happier note, I tried on a pair of junior size jeans (size 13) and they fit. I bought them a year ago ( but didn't fit at the time) so I tried them on to see if maybe they fit and they did and I wore them yesterday. they were so comfy...yea :)

    I will chat some more tomorrow when everything is somewhat back ot normal.

    Have a great day gals!!!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-Holy smokes you are in a juniors 13!? I couldn't get my big toe in that! Awesome job girl!

    meokk-I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I feel you. Bad days like that are going to happen. It is interseting how we notice more that we do bloat up. I never could tell before and I can DEFINITELY feel it now! Hope today is a better day for you! Glad I made your day about the Smurf's! I freaking loved that cartoon. I looked at Walmart, they have the whole first sesason for $45. Seems kinda pricey. Idk. I want to buy it! :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Pos_Me: I'm so glad to hear that everyone is safe...that must have been so scary!

    Julie: I can actually SEE when I'm bloated now, too, especially in my lower stomach. It's pretty flat most of the time but it pooches out when TOM is here or I've gone WAY over on the sodium.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Glad I made your day about the Smurf's! I freaking loved that cartoon. I looked at Walmart, they have the whole first sesason for $45. Seems kinda pricey. Idk. I want to buy it! :laugh:

    There used to be several episodes of the smurfs on cable on demand. Of course, I don't remember which channel, but search all the kiddie ones. My old roommate and I used to watch them when we weren't exactly sober. Carebears were on the same on demand channel.
    My husband is jokingly hellbent on naming one of our kids some derivitive of Gargamel (and Skeletor). :indifferent: If we had girls, of course they would be Gargamelody and Skeletoria since naming a girl Gargamel or Skeletor would be absolutely *ridiculous*.:tongue:

    I liked the smurfs when I was a kid but I straight up don't get it now. :laugh:

    Edit: Yeah, the past tense of "like" is "liked"...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I donn't have time to completely catch up ... but I did notice that Blue had a birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLUE :drinker: !
    I'm just stopping in to let you know I probably won't be posting much this week. I am super busy at work, and I also have those spinal tests - the icky one is tomorrow (myelogram) ... I'm a bit nervous about that one and I'm supposed to lay down the rest of the day so that makes me nervouse about how I'm going to be feeling afterwards. I also have an EMG on Friday ... so in between I will be trying to get all my work done.
    I didn't track over the weekend, but think I did ok. I am happy to report that I lost another pound so I am back to where I was before I started having all this neck/arm trouble.
    Have a great week everyone!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Pos - I'm glad everyone is safe! That sounds very scary. Congrats on a roomy 13!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    pos_me - So glad to hear that everyone is okay except for some minor bumps! Congrats on the Junior 13's!!! I don't think I have ever fit into a size that small!:sad: But maybe one day!

    Meokk - I so know what you mean on the eating everything in sight. Shockingly mine was like a week before TOM popped his head in for a visit. Right now I am cramping but nothing too terrible. Hopefully yours get better soon!

    Miranda - I also do a lot of online shopping. Most stores have great return policies!

    So I know it isn't the healthiest option (mainly the sodium) but I brought a lunchable for lunch and apparently didn't even think to look at the sugars and they are WAY HIGH!!! Like 32g of sugar for this lunch combo thing! Holy moly that made we WAY over on sugar today. Guess there will be no more of that!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Started the week off right. :smile:

    I went to the gym this morning and burned over 500 calories. And then I took a shower there. And I didn't die and it wasn't that bad and I'm going to do it again tomorrow. :tongue:
    I was nearly 15 minutes late for work though. I guess it just takes longer to shower and dress in a 2'x2' space. :ohwell:

    Good for you! Did you wear your....... :smokin: THONGS?:smokin: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi ladies,
    I donn't have time to completely catch up ... but I did notice that Blue had a birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLUE :drinker: !
    I'm just stopping in to let you know I probably won't be posting much this week. I am super busy at work, and I also have those spinal tests - the icky one is tomorrow (myelogram) ... I'm a bit nervous about that one and I'm supposed to lay down the rest of the day so that makes me nervouse about how I'm going to be feeling afterwards. I also have an EMG on Friday ... so in between I will be trying to get all my work done.
    I didn't track over the weekend, but think I did ok. I am happy to report that I lost another pound so I am back to where I was before I started having all this neck/arm trouble.
    Have a great week everyone!

    Hope everything goes well! Let us know how it all goes.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- I DID wear my thongs! I think I even giggled out loud when I put them on about them being called thongs.

    PosMe -- So glad everyone is okay! How scary! And congrats on the juniors 13 DENIM! Juniors jeans give me the hardest time because not only are they jeans, but also juniors pants have like no hip room. And I have a lot of hips (which my mother so kindly reminded me of this weekend when she mentioned she thought I'd have no problem at all having a baby since I have such "nice hips." Yeah whatever, mom, just call 'em "Birthin' hips"-- I know that's what you're thinking. :grumble: Sorry for the tangent. :laugh:).

    IstPaul -- You'll be in my thoughts this week with all those tests. Thanks for helping me get past my shower-at-the-gym-phobia!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    raider - I'm right with you on wearing the black. I do know I look much better in colors, but I don't want a lot of attention drawn to me. Does that make sense? I have been wearing bright tops this summer, but the pants...only black! :tongue:
    cris - congrats on the toilet conquest. :laugh:
    heather - thank goodness for the inadequate Denny's service, eh? :wink: Speaking of daring us to wear brights, what is our challenge this week and who gives it? That would be a great challenge, actually.
    Julie - you are right! LOL I love coral! It looks great on me on the top! Also, I still kind of smile when I see you write "husband." I love it! :happy:
    Miranda - wow, the bad luck of your plus size stores is sad! Where do you shop that LB is closed? I hate LB, btw - when I was small enough to fit into it, that is. :tongue:
    Pos - Oh my word I am so happy your son is safe! That is so frightening! I'm sorry your hubby got hurt. Congrats on the juniors!!! Is your name Laila? That is SO beautiful! :flowerforyou:
    meokk - I am sorry about your bad day. You are always here for me when to lift me when I have a bad one. Put it in the past, like you always tell me, and think only forward. :heart:
    lstpaul - I am praying for you. Did they mention to you to drink a LOT of water after the tests? Ask them if you should. I know I had to so that I would not get a migraine (something about the spinal fluid...?).

    Oh my Lord you are all babies! THE SMURFS? Those were popular when I started teaching!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    You are all babies or I am WAY OLD!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    AND I'm too tired to edit that for grammar purposes! :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK, I've come up with a good challenge I think......
    So when you go to add a food in the diary and you select add food, you can then show "favorites for all meals".
    Well do that and then scour the list for anything unhealthy or processed. These are the unhealthy and/or processed food that you eat the most so the challenge is to NOT EAT ANY OF THOSE this week.

    back up challenge:
    If you are an absolute angel ( We have those in this group ??:laugh: :devil: ) and don't have any unhealthy or processed foods in your favorites list then your challenge is to go one day SUGAR free, no added sugar in any form in any food for a whole day.

    Best of luck everyone :drinker:

    1stPaul - hope our tests go well, we are all thinking of you, xoxoxo:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Was busy doing wedding stuff all morning and I come back and have to catch up on 2 pages! Sheesh!!! Good news- photographer booked, venue booked, videographer booked..and I also booked a photobooth, thats my BIG splurge. I have ALWAYS wanted one at my wedding. I get all the pics that are taken throught out the night and when people get their photobooth strips it will say "Cris and Bobby" and our wedding date on the side...so Im using that as the "favors". The photobooth people also make a scrap book with every single picture that was taken through out the night along with a message from the people in the photos! Im so excited!

    Julie- Coral and Turquoise are my FAVORITE colors to wear...they look great with my tan skinned, if I do say so my self :blushing: But I dont fit into any of that stuff yet...my closet is mostly grey and white...boooo!

    Heather- I doubt 190 by the end of the week is feasible. I may be back to 193 in the morning but I wont be able to lose 3lbs this week and I will be on vacation from Wed til Sunday :sad:

    Jess- Ok so we have between today and Wed to do day 2! LET'S DO THIS!

    Kohls= YES AWESOME STORE! Just found out about how great it is rtecently and its now my favorite place to shop!

    Pos_me- OMG just reading your post made my heart sink thats so scary! I am glad your son is safe.

    Istapul- I'll be thinking of you, I hope it all goes well! Sounds like you are back on track. great job! I wanna see a big 20 lost from you!

    Meook- I assume I will fail miserably at your challenge but I will try. Damn near everything I eat is processed. I live off frozen stuff. Im convenience driven what can I say?

    Be back later
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    As far as the clothes and shopping..i do think i have a lot of dark too...well i have colorfull stuff but it is all stuff that i fit into now (not 55 lbs ago), i love coral too, and greens ...I put a shirt on yesterday it fit (which hadn't in years), but then i am wearing it (it was coral by the way with flowers on it) and i am like dang this shirt is ugly.

    I have for the last several year bought most of my clothes at Avenue, the jeans fit me good (they are really stretchy), and to me didn't seem as expensive as lane bryant, i really haven't bought new clothes for me in a while though...especially i got 2 trashbags of clothes from jess yesterday woohoo...was quite surprised the 22 were almost fitting and the 24's fit but on the road to being too big...

    lstpaul - good luck with your tests.

    went to lunch , applebees had the salad like 300 something cals...so that is good...no exercise thought :sad: but my arm hurts sooo badd, i think i tore a msucle or something going to try some heat pads on it later.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - Did I miss something?? What happened to your arm? Sorry it hurts hopefully the heating pad will help.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright, ladies, these are my no-no foods this week (I actually have been REALLY trying to avoid extra processed foods the last week or so because I feel that's part of my problem. Except I've been bad to pack a frozen meal for lunch. But this week I'll only have leftovers! Putting my foot down. :wink:):
    1. Vanilla protein powder
    2. Peanut Butter Company - Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut butter ("All natural" my *kitten*. Peanuts, evaporated cane juice, cocoa, cocoa butter, organic palm oil, vanilla, lecithin, salt. Does that sound "natural" to you? Luckily I won't let myself buy it anymore because it gets me into mega stand-in-the-kitchen-with-my-finger-in-the-jar trouble -- hence the being very high up on my favorites list thing)
    3. Land O Lakes light butter w/ canola oil (DONE!) I've been using very tiny amounts of regular butter instead
    4. Peanut Butter Company - The Bee's Knees (yeah... see #2. I do indeed have 2 processed peanut butters on my favs list.... along with 1 actually natural peanut butter that is nothing but peanuts & salt)
    5. Protein bars. NO more of these. Seriously.
    6. Is it okay for me to eat Arnold's Double Protein Bread? Pretty please? Definitely processed... but at least no HFCS which is more than I can say for most sliced breads. I only eat 1 slice a day, if that. :flowerforyou:

    I guess I'm just a little confused about what we're considering "processed." For example, natural peanut butter is definitely processed, but it's just peanuts and salt. Some things are inarguably "processed" like protein bars and "light" butter. But, when it comes to things like bread or dairy it's not like you can have UNprocessed bread and cheese (or even milk as far as most of us are concerned). :tongue: So, that's where I start getting lost on the clean eating thing. :huh: Sorry I'm slow, I just don't know where the line should be drawn.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I haven't watched it since I was a kid. We will see if I still like it. I found it on a cartnoon network so I set it up to record.Pretty excited!

    lstpaul-Hope your tests go well this week! We're praying for you! Take care of yourself.

    blue-I love reading your posts and comments to everybody. Always brighten my day and make me smile!

    POS Me-I'm so glad your family is safe! That's scary!!

    Cris-That photobooth sounds awesome! I have seen those and think that is so neat!

    LilDebbie-Yes the coral did look good on you yesterday! Hope you like all the clothes. Not sure there is anything very colorful that I sent ya! HAHA! Hope your arm feels better soon. Rest it and don't push it.

    This may sound stupid but how can I tell if something is processed if it doesn't come out of a frozen boxed meal?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I emailed my resume to someone for an HR/Payroll job this morning and they called me this afternoon. I'm afraid to call her back. O_o

    I don't know why I apply for jobs like that (ones I can get but don't want). :laugh: It's with a private staffing/headhunting/outsourced HR company. I was just super surprised to even be getting a call. I probably send at least 2-3 resumes/applications EVERY WEEK and NEVER hear from anyone! *sigh* I guess I'll call back. But now I'm nervous for no reason (because I don't even really want the job!). I just want more money. :tongue: And it sure would be nice not to work in a cube next to old mr. jerkface...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Good luck with your tests. Hopefully nothing too serious.

    Pos_Me: Wow, size 13 juniors? I could squeeze my way into a 17 juniors if they had more hip room. Like Julie, I've been told I have birthin' hips....when I was 13....by my friend's 80+ year old grandmother.

    Meokk: Like Cris, just about everything I eat is processed due to my schedule. I would say I would attempt it, but I know I'll be packing frozen dinners for lunch the next few days for work. I will attempt to behave on Friday because I have the day off and no major plans to throw me for a loop.

    I forgot to mention that I went clothes shopping yesterday. Normally, this makes me depressed and very critical of myself. However, I was happier when I got done shopping than I was when I started because everything I tried on fit. I only tried on size 12/14 pants and large tops. It was so much fun being able to be picky enough to only get what I really wanted and what actually looked good instead of getting what looked "okay" due to lack of options. If my stomach would get a bit flatter, I would be able to wear absolutely anything I wanted and be confident about it. Woo hoo! Okay, sorry to brag, just had to share.
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