Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Glad your move went good...just realized you changed your name...gues i am slow :sad:

    blu -tomorrow is another day !!!!

    Check in for me -
    Cals - like 54 left, that is eating exercise cals
    Exercise - 1 1/2 hr wii , only like 294 cals, but me and hubby doing it together, and it was a good time..if i didn't havfe that i would of been over :smile:
    Proud - That even though we didn't make it to the gym we did the wii fit so we could have something.

    Day 2 post op, she is doing a lot better, she is starting to drink more , but not enough, but more than yesterday. She started eating a little..and lots "i'm bored' But then i think she wears out too..Last night was very tough , she wouldn't swallow anything nor take her antibotic at one time she had antibotic in her hair all over her face and her bear. I had to give her the 1st dose today in 2 doses, but got the afternoon one all in one.

    She takes her pain meds pretty good so that is good, since it is every 4 hrs i would hate to fight that much. so gave it at 10, and will havfe to wake up like at 2 to give it to her...they don't make this med easy, i get it in the syringe, but the bottle is like huge, so i have to poor it in a cap , a real pain, i am sure i am wasting some of it.

    I think soemtimes she thinks she is fine, and wants to do all this but then lays down , she isn't sleeping during the day though, i wish she would ..biggest problem right now is to get the fluids, a little better today but still not great, just worried about her getting dehdrayted so got to keep trying at that.
  • Danielle_81
    I'm guessing everyone is out enjoying their weekends! I haven't checked in at all since I've been back. I'm having some difficulty getting back on track. I'm going grocery shopping today so hopefully I'll be doing better after we get some food back in our house.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    check in: yesterday
    calories, under ( 1188) but over in fat ( 24 grams over) those darn cashews
    exercise, lots of walking about 2 hours altogether
    water, not enough
    proud, trying to keep it together on weekends...which is so hard comparing to a regurlar day( weekday)

    have a great day gals,

    be back on tomorrow to catch up!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - how about popsicles? I remember my brother eating those like mad when his tonsils came out. I guess you could even make your own with pedialyte or something so that the extra electrolytes would be in there...? Just wondering! Still praying for Serena's recovery. :heart:
    myworld - how did the grocery shopping go? Just hop back on that horse and you'll be fine! :drinker:

    I am still baby sitting my nephew dog. I can not wait to get back into my own bed! :tongue: I am getting old - I used to be able to lay my head down anywhere and *poof* be out immediately. Now I toss and turn and worry and growl and complain and curse and... :laugh:

    check in:

    cals: OK
    water: working on 100
    exercise: 15 min walk - wanted longer but Sparky was like, "Um, no, it's effing hot - I'm turning around!" LOL; PT exercises; Shapely Girl DVD with 3 lb. weights
    proud: I feel good! :bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    whoa, quiet weekend for us lot !!!

    I completed Day 2 of the C25K this evening. Took a different route to minimize the steep uphills so just gentle slopes this evening. I almost didn't do it because my quads are/were still so sore. I'm hurting now, walking down stairs is seriously challenging.

    Lil Deb - so pleased to hear Serena is doing well:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    check in last 2 days:
    calories - pretty good, over by 20 yesterday, under by exactly 1 today
    exercise - housework yesterday, C25K today
    water - good 90+ both days
    proud that I did the Day 2 even though I was very sore.

    night night, talk to you soon
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi Everyone! I have missed you all so terribly!! I feel like I am missing a piece of myself without being able to talk to ladies every day. Stupid Work!! Why does one bad egg have to kill it for all of us???? So I have had a pretty stressful week this past week. For warning there might be some TMI involved........So Tuesday my dh and I went to my OB/GYN to talk about the fertility drugs that I have been on (Only really for one month) but didn't work the first month. Last month (More like 6 weeks) I did an ultrasound and they found a cyst so they didn't let me do the drugs and then I had another one done 2 weeks ago and the cyst had cleared which was GREAT news! I thought this would mean that we got to start up again but the doctor had other plans. She has decided that since I have more than one thing going against me that we should go to a fertility specialist. My dh was checked out and his swimmers are fine so we determined that the problem was me. That hit really hard for me. The doctor didn't say we couldn't get pregnant but I sort of took it that way. I was also told that I had to get my triglycerides down before I got pregnant because I cannot be on the medicine that I am on when I do, so the Dr suggested we hold off on trying for a few months. Here this really hurt and made me realize how important that my eating habits are. So anyways, we called the fertility doctor (to see what she has to say) and made an appt I asked the lady how much it would cost as a ball park figure and she told me without insurance coverage it would be about $650 ($400 just to see the doctor and $250 for a sonagram)!!! OMG I CANNOT AFFORD THAT!! That really bad me freak out! Hopefully when the New Patient Coordinator calls she will be able to give us a better price or we just won't be able to go any further and just hope and pray that we get pregnant. So that was Tuesday. On Wednesday, I opened the mail and found out that are DANG mortgage company has not paid our insurance for the house! What the Heck!! This whole house process has not been a good one. So we call the insurance and find out that our mortgage company called and told our insurance that we were going to start paying for the insurance ourselves. What kind of nonsense is that? No one ever told us this and don't know why it wasn't being taken out but the good thing is that every person that my dh talked to told him that they were suppose to be taking it out and weren't. So hopefully the mortgage company will pay it but I am thinking that we might have to get some lawyers involved because I don't have $1000 to pay to have the insurance paid for. I will say that I am glad that our insurance is willing to work with us and reinstated our policy and made it where we didn't have a lapse in coverage but I am not sure how long they will do that for. Okay, so my rant is over.

    Meokk and Teresa - I have started C25k but I have only been able to do W1 D1. I know I started off well and had every intention to keep it up but working 2 jobs and studying for my CPA is starting to get hard to juggle. Hopefully really soon I will be able to figure out when I will be able to get back on a workout schedule. Meook, great job on doing W1 D1 and D2!!! That is awesome! Teresa, Good Luck with starting it this week!

    So food wise I have been doing okay. I have been over a few days but not as bad as I usually have been. It ranges from 200-300 calories. If I worked out it would be a lot less!

    I did read all the posts but since I hadn't been on in a week it was hard for me to remember everything. Congrats to all that lost this week and glad everyone is doing well.

    I did weigh in and I am still at 262.0 so a 0 loss for me.

    I sure hope that I get to talk to you all before another week. Miss you all! Love you all too!!
    Sorry for the super long post!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hey ladies I know its late, but this is the first time I have had to myself today.
    So I went to Carraba's yesterday and had really good intentions, but the food is just so dang good there. I ended up having a bloody mary to start the whole night off and from there the decisions all went downhill!!:tongue:

    I ate what I wanted to and it was all very very good. I weighed myself this morning and no gain!!! Nto even water weight!!! WOO HOO> I know I was chugging water like crazy after dinner.

    So here is my check in for yesterday:
    Cals over by a lot even with some bed pilates exerciss!!!
    water\: a gallon for sure
    Exercise: bed pilates :wink:
    proud: that I got some bed pilated.... the hubby is out of town a lot!

    Anyway, I will talk more to you all tomorrow

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Back to STL and ready for a new week. One without all that delcious food that comes with being at Grandma's house!

    Saturday check-in:
    Cals - OVER!! 1866
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 25 min walk, 1.85 miles
    Proud - We were out on our boat and I water skiied for a bit. Not long and not that well, but considering I haven't skiied in at least 5 years, I'll take it as a good thing. Proud that I was willing to try and put myself out there.

    Sunday check-in:
    Cals - over (see it's little b/c it's just by a little bit!) 1562 (+129 w/exercise cals)
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 2.5 mile walk (50 min) at the track. Ran the straightaways, walked the curves
    Proud - Exercise! I have exercised every day since I've been home. I would have been OVER if I hadn't. Also made good choices and had a low-calorie dinner.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Oh and Deb, so glad to hear Serena is doing well...as well as can be expected for a 7 year old out of surgery!
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    My computer at home is broken so had to abandon soming on - luckily i can log food through my phone on the adroid app!!

    I went to an alternative therapist at the weekend for a colonic irrigation - she found that i have an infection in the intestine and has put me on a candida program - has anyone else heard of this? its basically eating only fruit and veg for the next month to clear it and having another 3 colonics, one every 2 weeks - she said it will stop my brain fog and get rid of my back ache.... i do feel better for it now, but i am a bit worried about cuttting out all sugar and carbs for a month!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Meokk, congrats on accomplishing day one of c25k:flowerforyou:!

    Litdeb, glad the surgery came through with excellence. I am glad Serena is doing well.

    Jess/red, I am hoping the pack/unloads is done..job well done sista. Now for the hard part..unpacking, did I mention I HATE doing that.. Good luck girly!

    Lauren, aww my weight loss sista are going to meet..tell us ( the rest of the weight loss pants sista) all about it…

    Blue, the weekends are hard for me too because that is when it is the busiest days for me…Did you do your workout (aerobics)? just remember…TODAY IS A NEW DAY :):heart:

    myworld, like I told blue, today is a new day :); Before you know it those 6 pounds will be gone…. Did you make it to the market? I know you can do this..don’t give up! :flowerforyou:

    Julie, I hope you’re having fun @ the concert..and hope the drive back is not too bad ( crossing my fingers for no traffic)..LOL

    Kerri, I LOVE CARRABAS….I am so jealous. When we ( my family) goes I go full fat all the way…chicken parm with fettuccine alfredo..don’t forget the appetizer – shrimp scampi ( to die for)..now I want Carrabas. Have fun and enjoy the company more than the food..lol:laugh:

    Raiderape, sorry to hear you are dealing with so much: 2 jobs, mortgage problems, fertility stuff, and CPA test..I know it too much but you can vent all you want ..hoping and praying things work your way:heart: . Sending positive vibes your way:flowerforyou:

    Mekhala, Sorry but I have not hear of that procedure..for if it’s going to help with brain fog and back ache then by all means go for it..all I can say is you are one tough cookie..I can’t stay away from carbs for more than a day. Good Luck girl!

    We are missing a few people...hope all is well:heart:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey girls!

    Meook- I am so proud of you for doing c25k...and going up hills?! Look at you go!

    Myworld- I always have a hard time getting back on track after vacations and holidays...Best thing to do is take a deep breath re-evaluate and hop back on the wagon

    Deb- I hope Serena is starting to feel better, I can imagine that a 7yr old is hard to keep amused for too long...my step son is 8 so yea I know

    Lauren- You are my freaking hero! I hope someday I am as dedicated as you to getting excercis in...you have no idea how inspirational you are being! YOU ROCK!

    Julie- Yea...Richmond ALWAYS sucks! I drive to NC to visit my BFF and thats where I always get stuck..I know smoking is bad but if I didnt do it I would prob kill someone sitting in that traffic. I also got stuck there for ever when we went to Busch Gardens...hope you are having fun!

    Raider- I am so sorry...I cant imagine how you feel. You have a lot going on. I hope it all resolves itself soon. Trying to get pregnant while under stress is hard. Sending good vibes your way

    So I have def let myself go lately...Back up to 201.8 this morning. Surprisingly I am not really upset. I did enjoy just laying low and eating whatever without overthinking how many calories I would have at the end of the day. I am ready to get back on track though! I really really want to shoot for 170lbs by the end of the year, which means 5lbs a month from here on out.

    Goal for end of Augut 190 (yea again..lol...it was my end of May, June and July goal too..hah) but this time I will get er done!

    I went to a bridal expo yesterday and it was a blast, a lot of cake tasting...yum amazing flavors! But seeing the fashin show reminded me that I want to look HOT in my dress and I better get a move on!

    190 HERE I COME! (again)

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I went to the furniture place on Saturday and looked through 7 more books until I fell in love with this bedroom set. I loved the other 2 I posted a couple days ago..but hubby was not all that thrilled about them. So we both LOVE this one. We order it today and Hopefully it won't be long..........

    here is a picture of the bedroom set..


    not sure how to do a image so you don't have to go to the link..sorry

    I can't wait. I am so happy!

    ok..sory for all the rambling :)

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Holy smokes! What a weekend!! I've caught up on the posts I missed..sorry about the long winded post but I feel like I missed a ton and I have to fill ya in on the weekend, of course!

    POS Me-Which bedroom set did you end up with!? I'm sure your gain is temporary. With all the packing and moving and painting you have been doing! I love that you shared your shopping deals with us!! You and Julie always find the good bargains'!

    Blue-Yay for feeling better and being back on the Aleve! You know the Aleve is just a temporary thing! Pretty soon you wont need it at all and will feel great. That's so sweet that you take in cats like that! I would get attached too. My managers family fosters dog and he is constantly telling me about the dogs they get and trying to give them to me. No more pets for me!

    Elmox-No Chick Fil A in New York!? Oh I don't know what I would do without that!! Glad to hear you are having a great time on your trip!

    Meokk-Doesn't it feel great to know that you CAN run!? Uphill noless! That's awesome! Glad you pushed through and enjoyed the run!

    Kerri-Did you stay away from the steak? That's some awesome control and restraint.

    raider-Wow! You are having one tuff week girl! I'm sorry to hear that the fertility doctor is going to cost so much money. Maybe the eating more healthy and getting yourself in better physical shape is just what your body needs to get pregnant. Hopefully you wont need that doctor if you can't afford it. I'm so sorry to hear that. Insurance and mortgage company fiasco. It's a headache for everybody especially first time home buyers. I use to work at Countrywide. I feel for you.

    Cris-Glad to see you back! It's a new month..let's start it fresh! No excuses and tuff love!? I'm in!

    As of this morning I am showing a 1 pound gain. I was so freaking bloated I couldn't wear my rings. That has never happened since I began this journey. I can only imagine how much water I'm retaining. How sure how considering I sweat my ever loving *kitten* off! What was I thinking moving myself in 105 degree weather!? Oh well. We got about 90% done. Just small stuff left. All the big stuff is moved. We didn't break any furniture and only made a few nicks in my roommates book shelf. We were both very impressed and proud of ourselves for being able to do this move ourself up and down 3 flights of stairs. Neither one of us was in too much pain. A couple bruises, scratches and a little muscle soreness. I love this feeling! Thank you all so much for the well wishes and the possible new job. I woke up really refreshed this morning. It's a new month and a new begining for me. I went to the gym just like planned first thing this morning. I showered and got ready there. Not the biggest fan of that but it makes my morning commute less stressful and I get the gym in first thing. Not having to sit in traffic is motivation for me to get my butt out of bed. I took it kind of easy this morning. My lower back is a little sore. I was going to attempt to do w9d2 of c25k but when I started to jog I could feel the tension in my back and decided to stick with the elliptical. I have about 5-10 boxes left to unpack. Mostly just deocrations and DVD's and stuff. I went shopping yesterday and got me some new cute clothes. I took a pic of my new "bar" outfit I'm going to wear Friday. I'm standing kinda manly though. Maybe I'm trying to look tuff. I'm not sure! But thought I would share it. How country am I? That's all I can think when I look at it! LOL

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- Congrats on your move! You wanna do d2 tomororw? Thats what I am going to shoot for...I plan on going to the gym today to "ease" myself back into it then attempt d2 tomorrow...let me know if you are up to it...we NEED to finish it this month!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I'm in! Lets do d2 tomorrow! I say we need to finish this beast asap! Like no later then a week from Wednesday...or the end of this week. Something! I'm ready to be done with it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ugh me too...I have a total mental block though when it comes to getting it done...we only have 2 left!!!

    LOL can you go really early tomorrow (before work) so that by the time I get off work you are done and I will HAVE to do it so I dont let you down!? Ok thanks

    hehe thats how I stay motivated ...ok lets do this

    I was shooting for one Tuesday and prob next one next Tuesday but I guess I could do d3 on Friday?? Lets see how we feel!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am doing morning workouts from here on out. It makes most sense for me to get up and drive to the gym by work so I don't have to sit in traffic all morning. Not sitting in traffic is motivation to get my butt out of bed...so yes I will be going tomorrow morning. 5 AM bright and early! I say we can do one tomorrow and finish next Tuesday? I don't think I will be going on Fridays. Not 100% sure yet though.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    jess, we ( hubby and I) didn't go with the two I posted a few days ago. when we got to the furniture place..hubby was not on board wiht those ( he said they were alright - they didn't appeal to him as much) so after looking through 7 more books we finally agreed we LOVE this one. It cost so much more than the other 2, but we BOTH love it.

    here is a link, WHat do you think?


    ALso, the pound gain is JUST water weight...by friday I see a loss in your future.

    Cris, hun, don't beat yourself up because a miner gain. I KNOW for sure it will come off:wink: ..I love your dedication and motivation..I know the weight is just water weight too..not fat so it will come off in no time. sending you love and a big hug:flowerforyou: I know you can do this! All for one and one for all..we are in this together..you are not alone.:wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im having a really hard time going back into my schedule of eating. I was ok with eating every 2-3 hours but since I have been eating more "snack" rather than actual meals lately I just want to constantly be chewing on something!!!

    I stuck to bfast as planned and had a small snack to hold me over to lunch but its 1136 EST and Im starving! Im trying to hold off til 12 for lunch so I am just chugging water (Already had 60oz) and keeping busy!

    Ugh its gonna be a long process to get back on track!