Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I feel like were missing a lot of people. Where is everybody? :cry:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I was thinking we're missing a lot of people, too! Cute new screen name...now I'll have Gretchen playing in my head the rest of the day.

    Julie: I love the new pic. You look gorgeous!

    Mekhala: Welcome! Hopefully you'll love this group of awesome women as much as I do. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Today is dragging soooo slowly for me at work. Yesterday flew by, so I guess it has to even out by being boring today. Ick. It sounds like we're going back to our full 40 hours starting next week, but we're so slow at work, I can't imagine what I'll do to even attempt to look busy enough to fill 40 hours at work. Of course, I want the pay again, but geez! Guess I'll be stalking here even more.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm not very clever in the nickname department but I told a co worker about the website and I don't want her to be able to find me. So I changed my sn. :tongue: Don't want her knowing I'm on the boards all day.

    I feel ya on the day dragging. It's no fun. I'm just sitting here stareing at my computer and play my words with friends! Stupid game! I'm hooked on it!!

    Forgot to comment earlier

    LittleSpy-Cute pic!!

    Elmox-Way to turn the begining of your trip around. I love all the activities you have planned!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yea and the spiral continues....Im over it...gonna ride this one out

    I know Blue hasnt been on...miss her....Lauren while you are in town go hunt her down for us and bring her back will ya?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ps- jess, I love the name too. I had a group of friends in college and that was our little "anthem" if you will...then last year I was standing barefoot on my front porch holding my son and I looked up and sure enough the christmas lights were still up (in may)...I was like OMG the song is coming true!!!

    Heather- Forgot to mention that Ive gone wheeling before, not hardcore but OMG is it fun! I miss it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm eating lunch, so it's okay for me to be here. :tongue:

    Heather -- yay! Glad you're getting your full hours back at work. Sucks to be bored, but I imagine it sucks even more to be missing like 20% of your paycheck. When i really have nothing to do at work but want to be productive, I use the time to plan meals and write out grocery lists. This can take as little or as much time as I need it to (because I could scour all the deals at grocery stores & write out seperate lists for each store I pass to save the most money based on the groceries I need.

    Jess -- I also feel like a lot of folks are missing. I know we fluctuate a lot, but I feel like the group of gals hanging around is quite a lot smaller than usual. Did Blue say she was going somehwere & I missed it or do we need to stalk full steam ahead?

    tstout -- glad things are going better for you today!

    There's something wrong with my brain. I feel really stressed and trapped in general right now but I can't really identify the trigger. Maybe it's just the culmination of the cumulation of lot of different stressors. I'm glad I'm getting away from it all this weekend but the 7 hour road trip (x2) by myself is adding to the stress.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue was having a really rough time so I think we may need to stalk her! Hope she's okay.

    Cris-I freaking LOVE Gretchen Wilson!! I'm okay with being a redneck. I'll be one loud and proud! :bigsmile: I hope you get out of your funk.

    LittleSpy-7 hours yourself? That's a long time. I would get lonely! I can do max 5 hours by myself.

    Heather-That's great that your going back to full time. The checks will be nice but I'm sure you will be back to full blown stalking again. I'm with Julie. I make grocery lists and plan out my meals when were not doing anything here. Not a whole lot to do.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: The question is whether you turn the Christmas lights on in May. On the next wheeling trip, I should tell bf that his son can't come with because Cris and Jess need to ride with! He'd love hauling three hot ladies around and the other guys would be jealous, so I see a win-win!

    Jess: I won front row seats to a Gretchen concert when she was in Mankato about 5-6 years ago. Josh Turner and Van Zant were her opening acts...it was awesome! She sang Barracuda with Van Zant and now I think of her every time I hear it; she was dead on!

    Julie: Great idea on researching grocery deals! I've pretty much decided I'm going to try to do a lot more shopping online for clothing, sporting goods, etc. because I can get them so much cheaper. Bf and I are planning on finding a place to try on snowboard pants for sizing and then search out a good deal online. We want awesome stuff for cheap!

    Alright, time to track Nancy down and bring her back to us!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris: The question is whether you turn the Christmas lights on in May. On the next wheeling trip, I should tell bf that his son can't come with because Cris and Jess need to ride with! He'd love hauling three hot ladies around and the other guys would be jealous, so I see a win-win!

    Jess: I won front row seats to a Gretchen concert when she was in Mankato about 5-6 years ago. Josh Turner and Van Zant were her opening acts...it was awesome! She sang Barracuda with Van Zant and now I think of her every time I hear it; she was dead on!

    Alright, time to track Nancy down and bring her back to us!

    I would just like to say that if the bf doesn't like the idea, I most definitely do! :laugh: That's awesome, front row tickets. I'm jealous. I've seen her several times in Dallas. First time was at Billy Bob's I think. Who knows. I go to so many freaking concerts it's unreal! My fav was when she opened for Kenny. Heaven! My first concert after I turned 21 too. It was ugly!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I might be one of the only people I know that doesn't care for Kenny. All of his songs sound the same to me. Now, the Brad Paisley concert was heaven. I love him...and he's taller than Kenny :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: I might be one of the only people I know that doesn't care for Kenny. All of his songs sound the same to me. Now, the Brad Paisley concert was heaven. I love him...and he's taller than Kenny :tongue:

    haha! I will admit that they do. They all remind me o being on a boat just chillin'! But I've been a Kenny fan since I was 14 or 15. So my love goes way back. I am going to my FIRST Brad Paisley concert next weekend. I cannot freaking wait!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm here, my sisters! You know I would NEVER leave you! I had the D and C yesterday and was pretty wiped out. All I did was log my calories when I got up from my 8 hour nap. LOL Please pray for me that the results have no sign of cancer. If I get a clean report, I get to lower my hormone meds, which is absolutely wonderful. The hormone meds put me in PMS 24/7. Really hard on me, but I can't have a hysterectomy because I am allergic to anesthesia.

    The doc gave me the thumbs up to exercise today, so I am forcing myself to go to the gym. I say "forcing" because with my knee in pain I have not had a good workout in a week. My PT on Monday demoted me to ground zero after I told him of the pain. Epic fail. But then it dawned on me yesterday in the hospital that I have had to stop all Aleve and pain meds for ten days before the surgery - no wonder my knee has been dying! I guess I really need that Aleve.

    All new pics are adorable! Red, I did the same thing with my login name after I figured out I had a friend who was following me on here. It worked, whew. I hope it works for you! We both changed to colors - red and blue! :)

    I am in the weight loss funk that some of you are in as well. That frog has been sniffing the same sunflower for weeks. Argh!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue I've missed you! You always make me smile and there is always a giggle in your post! Glad to hear you are doing okay. I will pray pray pray for a clean report for you! haha, I didn't even realize we are now red and blue! I hope it works too. I don't want her stalking me on here! GRR!! Be careful at the gym. Don't overdo it with your knee hurting. Are you able to go back on the Aleave?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh how I love this discussion board! I need to stay off other boards because I'm just getting irritated. I think Julie is in the same boat. :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh how I love this discussion board! I need to stay off other boards because I'm just getting irritated. I think Julie is in the same boat. :laugh:

    Yeah I just had to stop. But it seems I can never stop BEFORE I tell someone how ridiculous they're being. :laugh: Seriously though. :noway:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yes, I get to resume the Aleve. Thank goodness. It sort of bothers me that I have to take Aleve to feel pain-free, but I guess it could be worse, right? I am glad to be back!

    OK so I had to wear this new-fangled gown to the surgery. It had big vacuum-like holes in it at strategic places. Very interesting. Never saw that before. Kept wondering if at some point, they hook up a vacuum hose to clean you up after surgery. Well, when I was on the table, a nurse came over and hooked up a vacuum hose to one of the holes by my shoulder, and all of a sudden this WARM, SOOTHING air started flowing across my body. OMG it felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good because usually it is freaking freezing in the OR! So I guess the gowns have built-in heaters now! LOL
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh how I love this discussion board! I need to stay off other boards because I'm just getting irritated. I think Julie is in the same boat. :laugh:

    Yeah I just had to stop. But it seems I can never stop BEFORE I tell someone how ridiculous they're being. :laugh: Seriously though. :noway:

    Yeah I was yelling at my computer just like "are you kidding me!?" I have to walk away. It's time.

    The Aleve wont be forever. Just keep that in mind!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, mekhala! You will love it here.

    lstpaul - I was worried you'd get the dreaded headache, which is why I suggested you drink tons of water after the surgery. I am surprised no one suggested that to you. The water flushes out any leak that may have occurred. Spinal headaches have to be the worst of them all, in my opinion. Keep drinking tons of water and I hope you feel better soon!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Blue: Sorry I stalked you...But, I'm hoping you get a clean bill of health and the returning to the Aleve helps your knee. As far as the PT taking weights away from you, please don't feel as if it were being demoted. Your PT is making sure you don't hurt yourself worse. You'll work your way back again, trust me! You rock!

    Jess: You're going to LOVE Brad's concert. He has mad guitar skills that no one knows about because they never play that stuff on the radio...just the "mainstream" stuff. Boo to the radio stations for that! When Brad comes here again, you bet I'll go!

    Julie: What on earth were you and Jess yelling at your computers about? I need to stalk you gals more closely here because I feel like I'm missing out on the action!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Julie: What on earth were you and Jess yelling at your computers about? I need to stalk you gals more closely here because I feel like I'm missing out on the action!

    We were just trying to help a girl out who posted a discussion about how she's too fat to not see the scale moving for 2 weeks. Everybody told her she needs to eat more and she kept saying she physically can't eat that many calories unless it's bad food. Makes no sense to me. You should go check it out if you need a giggle.