Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hello, ladies:

    I planned on checking in last night, but our plans changed a bit so we didn't get home until after 10pm and it was after 11pm by the time we unloaded the truck, showered and got to bed. Wheeling is actually a LOT of fun. I was surprised I liked it so much and Nate (bf) is thrilled I enjoyed one of his favorite hobbies. It's amazing what vehicles are capable without breaking...whoa. I'll try to get pics on Facebook sometime this week.

    On Saturday night, we swam in the pool with the kids and I felt pretty darn confident in my tankini! After taking the kids back upstairs for bed, I snuck down to the fitness center (don't worry, all kids were with their parents!) and worked out on the elliptical for 45 minutes. I felt like I needed to do something after snacking off and on throughout the day.

    Today, I'm back on track and went for a run this morning. I was struggling a bit because I think I was a tad dehydrated from the weekend, so my calf muscles were tight. I ran 20 minutes and walked the remaining 10, then did my stretches. At least I did something before meeting a friend for Mexican food. We're having grilled porkchips and steamed corn for dinner so all in all, I'm doing okay other than sodium.

    This morning the scale said 190.4, so only up 1/2 lb. from before the weekend. Yay!

    Raider: Way to go on starting C25k. I logged mine as treadmill intervals (I ran on the tread for most of the program), but had the actual calorie burns from my HRM.

    Lauren: Glad you had fun on your Staycation. You look adorable in your polka dot dress! I think it's great that you volunteered at a soup kitchen. Doing volunteer work is awesome!

    Jess: Way to go on the crazy amount of exercise this weekend and fitting into the dress for the wedding better than when it arrived. You must be losing inches!

    Cris: Welcome back from vacation. It sounds like you got some good exercise in and I'm sure the majority of your gain, if not all of it, is sodium-related and it will come back off fairly quickly.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Dinner went good...i ate way too much, i had a plan of getting a little indivudal pizza, but they ordered like 4 for the table, and i was not even paying attention to what i was eating :sad:

    Not sure anyone noticed i lost anything...that is okay...I know i did and that is all that matters :smile: i took a pic of me in the car, and it looks pretty good ...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: I'm glad you had a good dinner. The new pic looks terrific!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Deb - LOVE the new pic! I'm sure people noticed, but they may have been unsure about how to tell you. It can be a touchy subject - noting weight loss.

    Heather - WTG on working out on vacation! That takes great dedication and makes the snacking so much more worth it!

    Check-in for today:
    Cals - Over, 1584. My sister-in-law's parents and little sister are visiting this week and we hosted them for dinner. Jonathan made steak tacos, homemade guac and salsa, and roasted corn. They brought over a key lime pie and I ate half a piece. Wish I would have had as much willpower with the guac! Healthy fats, right? CRAP! just realized I didn't enter the wine I drank. Make that 1654 cals. CRUD.
    Water - 64 oz as of now, will get in at least another 16 oz
    Exercise - None...though I should have woken up early apparently!
    Proud - Of the kind compliments on my size 12 polka-dot dress from you ladies. Also, our guests greeted me with a, "Hey Skinny!" and "You look great!" I'll take that.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals!

    Jess, Elmox, and Litdeb Nice picture(s)...All look so great. Ya should be proud of ya accomplishments:flowerforyou:! sorry for the slang...

    check in: yesterday
    calories: over by 200 with my exericse calories
    exercise: 20 minutes aerobics ( didn't burn much- it was too easy for me) and 30 minutes biggest loser yoga with bob harper...love it! burned a total of 300+
    water: not quite ( I serously need to get back ot drinking @ least 8 cups)
    proud: even if the scale is not moving as much as I would like it too..I can do things now that I couldn't when I was heavier..I am less tired and have lots of energy..

    I might be really busy today. I ( along wiht my kids) will be painting my kids rooms ( son wants sky blue and daughter wants light lilac purple) so I will be one busy bee.

    Have a great day!:heart:

  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    blue - Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have off days. :flowerforyou: I'm sure you'll be back up to your weights in no time.

    new picture people - Everyone looks fantastic! :smile:

    I am finally able to move after my trainer beat me to a pulp last week. Seriously, I could barely move after Tue and Thu sessions. She did tons of hip/butt/inner thigh work, and I could barely move any time I wanted to get out of a chair or off the couch! :grumble: Oh well, I can move now and hopefully it did its job. :smile: She said she could tell that my body is changing shape and my butt is lifting up (not just from last week, but from the past couple months).

    I am still at 273.6, so no loss for me last week, boo hoo! I really need to kick it up a notch with my cardio and get over the hump.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks on the pic :smile: i was bored in the car waiting to go to dinner (got there too early),

    I was very proud last night cause i wore my wedding rignt..yes it fit!!! Okay it fit last night , this morning i had to pry it off, i was loosing feeling in my fingers :sad: I am sure it was from all that sodium in the pizza last night. I am up like 2 lbs from friday, but i guess it would to be expected.

    I am going to spin class tonight...our tough lady we take on sunday, she is subbing tonight so we are going for more torture :smile:

    Trying to debate if i should go at lunch too...or just tonight.. If i do both i will be looking at like probaly close to a 900 calorie burn today..
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Just a quick Hi
    Miss you all, guests leaving this evening so I'll be back on here soon

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-So glad you enjoyed wheeling. I've never done it but always wanted to. Guess I'm going to have to come to Minnesota and go with you and your bf. haha..just kidding!

    Deb-Cute pic!! That's awesome that you wedding ring fit. It's definitely the sodium

    POS Me-Have fun painting!

    Meokk-We miss you! Hopeyour doing well.

    Well I went and met my sister and another girl last night and got some moving boxes. Went and bought some rubbermaid containers. I went through a lot of stuff last night, made a huge pile of stuff to sell in the next garage sale and have already thrown a trash bag of stuff away. I have a problem with clutter. I want to keep everything. My goal is to reduce my clutter. So I got a couple boxes packed. I was up pretty late because I was so excited about going through stuff I didn't go to the gym this morning. I figure maybe my nightly packings are going to count for my exercise till after the move. I was going from the time I got home till I went to bed. Which means I wasn't munching on food! YAY! I did spend some time looking at old photo albums. I was amazed how different I look looking back at pics. It looks like after high school is when I really let myself go. I'm about back to where I was in HS. I think I was in a size 16 so probably right around 200 pounds.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1208 (:frown: My stomach did that whole death by stomach pain thing again after dinner last night. I took 3 Tums, drank 1/2 cup of milk, and went to bed at 8.30. :noway:).
    Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical; 20 minutes stregth training (arms!)
    Water: I'm not sure. At least 9 or 10 cups
    Proud: I got up early and went to the gym -- woot!

    I've MORE than made up for the big calorie deficit I had yesterday. And it's only 10am. :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just a quick hello. I've been MIA because I got very sick after my Myelogram test last week. I ended up with a horrible spinal headache that kept me mostly on my back from Thursday until Sunday - likely due to a spinal fluid leak and imbalance after the myelogram. I was really frustrated and unhappy, luckily it has apparently healed itself - I woke up without the horrendous headache yesterday, stayed home anyhow to take it easy one more day. I'm not 100% but at least I'm upright and back with the living. I can't believe how hard that was to be bed-ridden for 5 days, and to have a bad headache for that long - it was better if I laid down but didn't completely go away. The worst is that it was just a side-effect of a test ... nothing is fixed yet with my initial problems with my neck/arm. I won't meet with my neurosurgeon again until August 10th - but I'm ok with being away from doctors for awhile.
    I weighed myself this morning and luckily stayed the same. I had been eating (even though it was challenging laying down)- too much crap and no exercise, so I was worried.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I have been feeling the motivation slowly leak out... I think working from home is getting to me. I sit here by myself day after day after day. I'm really ready for school to start. Feeling quite left out of life.

    I just downloaded the MFP for my Android phone. Seeing as how I always have this thing with me, I hope I'll be even more diligent with my weight loss trek.

    Trying to keep focused...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Glad you're feeling a bit better. Make sure you take care of yourself!

    tstout: As much as I say I'd like to work at home, I know I don't have the discipline for it. I'd be lacking motivation, too, but stick with us and you'll get there! I found my mojo again after a three month plateau and am back to seeing movement in the scale...it will happen for you, too!

    Jess: You can definitely go wheeling with us! We have room for one more passenger in the back of the Jeep (it's a Cherokee, so it's all enclosed...no scary open-air vehicle!). I'll let you know when we start planning our next trip.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 24
    Sodium: WAY over (by 3769!)...Mexican food
    Water: 88 oz.
    Exercise: Running and "bed pilates"
    Proud: That I apparently drank enough water to equalize the sodium yesterday because the scale was at 190.4 this morning. Once I get the sodium completely flushed, this week should be looking pretty good!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    tsout - I work from home and have been for almost a year, i have to say i really like it,. i do get side tracked sometimes, i have to try to work on that, but i get it all done at the end of the day. I love the freedom if i need to do something , like dr appts it is soo much easier than have to drive forever and a day....oh and i like the quiet (or the loudness when i turn my radio up :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Glad the scale is moving in the right direction for you! I have been bouncing around between 215 and 210 since April. I really feel like once I move and get in my morning routine of going to the gym I'm gonna see the scale move as well. Here's to hopeing! Maybe my body needed time to catch up. Yeah wheeling in a jeep wrangler might scare me a little too!

    tstout-I can imagine how hard that would be working at home to stay away from all the food and treats. You will get there. We all go through it!

    lstpaul-I'm so sorry to hear you were down for 5 days with the dreaded headache. Glad you are starting to feel better!

    I'm having an epic day around here. I spilled coffee all down my baby pink shirt. Awesome!!

    Does anybody have a good way to fix tuna? I've been wanting tuna for some reason.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am in a funk AGAIN

    They seem to always come after a holiday or break of some sort...I take a couple of days off from eating properly and then have a hard time getting back on track.

    Inspite of my 3.4lb gain I was pretty pleased at how well I did during my vacation..I knew most of the weight was sodium and that I had actually worked out quite a bit with all the walking and swimming and carrying my heavy lil man around. I knew for a fact I could get back to my 192.2 this morning...but instead I decided to eat my feelings (big problem for me) and have been on a horrible down swirl ever since. I sit here with a cheeseburger, fries and huge mt dew...sad but true.

    I feel so drained from the trip and I needed to go to bed early to recoup but my son REFUSED to sleep last night, he ended up trhrowing up all over his crib, had to sleep in our bed, which means I get no sleep because he likes to lay on top of me and kick me all night...so this morning I was even more tired and frustrated...so yea I ate more yesterday and today than I did all weekend long on my trip.

    Why do I do this to myself? I want my dedication back!!!! I will never see 170 by the end of the year at this rate!!!

    ok I'll continue my pity party elsewhere
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris, if it makes you feel better, the scale said 195.8 for me this morning and I've been nothing but focused since my 192.2 Sunday. I was up 2 pounds yesterday morning so I kicked my butt at the gym and (accidentally) ate 1200 calories and this morning I had gained 1.5 more pounds.

    I've eaten about 600 calories worth of cake balls today. A couple glasses of Diet Dr. Pepper and not much of anything else. I'll have a healthy dinner & be fine.

    I was being so focused and the scale moved hardcore for 3 days and now I'm all the way back up to where I started middle of last week. I know it's my muscles retaining water right now because of the strenous exercise & strength training. I really do. Really. But it still pisses me off. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Count me in! I'm up 3 pounds after my weekend too. And I had the same conversation with myself Cris that you did. Why do I keep doing this to myself? The only answer I could come up with is because I let myself. You say, "well I"ve already messed it up this much what is another piece of junk food gonna do?" The only thing I have as a solution is to put down the burger and fries and mt dew and stop doing it to yourself. Maybe not go to the gym but get your eating back under control. We love you and want to see you be succesfful. But don't beat yourself up. We got nothing but love for you. You may have had a bad lunch but lets make dinner better. :flowerforyou: You can still see those 170's by the end of the year. I know you will. HUGS!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - I know it is real easy for me to keep going when i am doign good, just got to get back on the horse..even if it is just little by little ...like jess said , eat something healthy for dinner.

    iknow how hard it tis when little ones won't co-op with you...i hope you can get some rest and feel better soon.

    I have a feeling my rest will be interuppted real soon, after serena's surgery we have to wake up and give her the pain med every 4 hours (she hates taking meds by the way), so that will be ohh...soooo much fun!! Normally it is a fight but waking a sick child to give them meds in the middle of the night....so i am sure i will not get much sleep. Depending on how things go, i may take a day off next week...we will see.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: We will see the 170s by the end of the year, TOGETHER! I tend to hit the whole downward spiral when I get a little out of control, but you know what? It's time to suck it up and get your act together. You know you can, so just do it! (How's that for the tough love?) I want you to be losing right next to me as we hit the 180s, then 170s.

    Jess: I'm sure the stress of your move can take partial blame for the weight not moving downward. I know you'll get focused once you've moved. After being in a plateau for almost four months, I know how frustrating it can be. Your body probably does need to adjust to being lighter. However, with all of this said, you better get back on track quickly after your move or I'll be after you! (I needed to spread the tough love around!)

    Wow, it's hard to focus on work after having five days off!