Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I plan on y'all giving me tuff love if I'm not working out on a regular basis! I've kind of been half assing it. But my plan is to go in the mornings and that way I have to workout for at least an hour. What else would I do? Sit in the parking lot at work? I don't think so! And in the evenings to keep from snacking I'm going to at least go for a walk, do a DVD or something on the wii fit, or yoga or something. I tend to snack at my parents house so this is my plan of attack. I'm shareing it with you to hold me to it. I know you will! I want to be out of the 200's!! I'm so pumped I'm ready to start it now! And I'm sure part of my gain is because TOM is here full force!! But I'm ready to hit it come Monday!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks for the tough love girls...yea yea, time to suck it up and quit sulking.

    Im going to take your advice and focus on re-controlling the food intake, then I will add excercise back in.

    I dont really have anything (holiday, party, or vacation) coming up except for the wedding in August so I should be full steam ahead until then...lets hope I stop spiraling and get back on the horse

    When the hell am I going to learn not to eat like this though? I want to learn that this food makes me sick and that I shouldnt eat it, and I want to learn that I shouldnt eat my feelings....when is all that going to come?!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the tough love girls...yea yea, time to suck it up and quit sulking.

    Im going to take your advice and focus on re-controlling the food intake, then I will add excercise back in.

    I dont really have anything (holiday, party, or vacation) coming up except for the wedding in August so I should be full steam ahead until then...lets hope I stop spiraling and get back on the horse

    When the hell am I going to learn not to eat like this though? I want to learn that this food makes me sick and that I shouldnt eat it, and I want to learn that I shouldnt eat my feelings....when is all that going to come?!

    I don't eat my feelings so much as I use to. I still eat when I frustrated or mad sometimes but it's mostly when I'm bored. I don't think that is something you can force. It just happens. Just keep telling yourself no. Don't do it to yourself. You know you can always message one of us and you know if you message me on fb I get it almost instantly. Can just send me a message and say "gimme some tuff love". Because you don't want to spiral out of control and let 1 bad day turn into several. Take this week to get back on track with eating and work the gym back in maybe this weekend. You are stil recovering from vacation, after all. Do less...that's been my mantra for the weekend. :laugh: Which is why I'm taking a step back from working out till moving is over. I can't do it all. I get too overwhelmed, beat myself up and fail miserabley and end up worse of.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    OMG I am so freaking bored! I'm sitting here priceing a truck I want to buy. Never a good thing! Last thing I need is to get rid of my car and buy a truck. I'm so country I swear. Pretty sure I'm going to see my weight back down tomorrow. YAYAY!! With this new girl here there is half as much work as I use to have. So now I'm really bored during the day. I need to start bringing a book.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Agreed on the boredom, Jess!!

    Boredom is not good for me feeling like this... my brain wanders and catastrophizes. Blah...

    I need a hobby ASAP!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I think we've all been in your situation; I know I have been. Think of it as baby steps. Afterall, you know what is good for you and what isn't and that alone is progress over where you've been in the past. The next baby step is to eliminate one of those bad-for-you-foods each day, even when you think you want it. Don't tackle everything at once. Eventually, all of the baby steps will add up to a huge lifestyle change. Look how far you've gotten!

    Like Jess said, message us on Facebook or feel free to text me! I think you can access my cell phone number from FB and I have unlimited texts. Seriously, we're here for you!

    Ladies, when I'm bored at work, I daydream and/or shop online. It's dangerous...seriously! I'm in love with Amazon.com.

    On the plus side, when I got back from lunch, my new snowshoes were waiting at my desk. Yay!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris: I think we've all been in your situation; I know I have been. Think of it as baby steps. Afterall, you know what is good for you and what isn't and that alone is progress over where you've been in the past. The next baby step is to eliminate one of those bad-for-you-foods each day, even when you think you want it. Don't tackle everything at once. Eventually, all of the baby steps will add up to a huge lifestyle change. Look how far you've gotten!

    Like Jess said, message us on Facebook or feel free to text me! I think you can access my cell phone number from FB and I have unlimited texts. Seriously, we're here for you!

    Ladies, when I'm bored at work, I daydream and/or shop online. It's dangerous...seriously! I'm in love with Amazon.com.

    On the plus side, when I got back from lunch, my new snowshoes were waiting at my desk. Yay!

    I agree. I've got unlimited texting as well. I text my cousin whenever I want to eat something bad. Except here lately. I just been eating. But I'm working on being more disciplined this week and hitting the gym next week.

    I love shopping online! It gets me in trouble all the freaking time! When I move home I will have more money. Hopefully I can have some more control!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Girls hang in there...we will do it !!!

    Crazy lady spin teacher is subbing tonight, and i am going to the calss..we don't go on tuesday's usally but she is really good...i call her crazy, she just is tough. But she knows what she is doing, she is helping me ...

    so tonight no dinner until we get back...

    I got everything pinned down for friday, the surgery center called me. I think they don't have the insurance right , but i have much they are charfging for friday and will pay it (with mom cc), then whatever they bill us after the fact we will pay. Suprised i am only borrowing like 1100 from my mom, i was thinking it was going to much much more. So pretty excited about that.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Been quiet tonight.

    Felt pretty good , did great at my spin class, did the most cal burn i did yet
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello from St. Louis! I completely wrecked my day today in the 3 hours I was on the plane with snacking. Boo to licorice and potato chips. Knew I didn't need to buy them. Bought them anyway. Ate an entire container for 900 cals. Feel completely gross now. Blech. My mom asked me if I needed anything before I came up to bed, I said, "Self control about 2 hours ago." Funny, and completely true!

    Hoping to put all that awfulness behind me with this trip. There are lots of opportunties for me to exercise here. I brought my suit and goggles, so I can swim laps - either at the neighbor's pool or at the community center. The community center costs $4, so we'll try the neighbor's first! I also checked out a studio here where I can do hot yoga. I will NOT let this vacation be an extension of my attitude tonight - knowing better, but not "caring". I have come too far to blow it all in a week. (I am clearly speaking to not only me, but all of us that have made poor choices and are feeling gross because of it.)

    Off to bed. Talk to you tomorrow....I'll be the one with the really full tummy.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Lauren: Last night my sister offered to buy dinner if we got Chinese food. Considering she NEVER buys dinner, I figured I should take advantage of it. So...yup, I'm over on calories and sodium for yesterday and seriously slacked on my water. We'll be extra awesome today to make up for it, that's all!

    Deb: Glad things look like they're on track for the surgery. Yay on hitting your highest calorie burn at spin class last night! Way to go!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: WAY over (908 to be exact!)
    Sodium: WAY over
    Water: 20 oz....way under
    Exercise: None, was watching the storm warnings, then ended up reading the evening away.
    Proud: Even though I went over on the calories and sodium, the scale still said 190.4 this morning...I'll take it!

    I've got today's food planned out, so everything should be fine today. I may go a little over on sodium if I have any snacks that I haven't counted yet, but nothing crazy.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    morning gals :)

    busy day today too..can't wait until all of this is OVER

    check in:
    calories: I am thinking over...
    execise: spakling and sanding my childrens' walls for painting and moving furniture around
    water: not enough
    proud: I know I made some bad choices these past couple of days..but it's not hte end of the world..I am still under control..finally!

    chekc back later

    Have a great day girls!

  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    This looks like a really good group to be a part of - is it too late for me to join?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have all these stupid "special projects" at work so if I'm around today you'll know I'm procrastinating so feel free to yell at me.

    I hate the scale and I'm boycotting it. Apparently something I ate yesterday had a crap ton of sodium in it because all of me is puffy this morning and I was up ANOTHER pound. 5 pounds from Sunday.
    I'm irritated.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok, I am now at 197.6.....ouch :frown:

    Thats a gain of 5.4lbs and 2lbs of it being gained since I came back from vacation! So like I said this week Im going to focus on food and then next week pick up with the excercise. I have my day planned out I dont plan on eating anything that I havent logged...hope that works!

    Update on me- TOM finally ended after 24...yes 24 days. I think I pulled something on my right shoulder I can barely lift it and it hurts, I may have slept on it funny. My son is showing signs of being ready for the potty so Im excited, and hmmm thats it for now

    Be back later to chat

    Mekhala0 Welcome! Of course you can join. We are usually very chatty although we are missing a couple of people right now. Summer has been quite the challenge for a lot of us but together we will get through it. We check in daily with our calories, water intake, what excercise we did, and name one thing we are proud of. You'll catch on quickly. On Friday we weigh in and the person with the biggest % lost picks a challenge for the following week...I look forward to getting to know you

  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    sounds great...

    here goes....

    water intake 3 glasses - still have time to have some more though...

    cals 1842
    Exercise 158 - 25 min leisurely walk.

    Very proud of joining this group today and of going swimming yesterday and monday morning.

    Hope you are all feeling great - right... off for more water. x
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I'm sorry the scale wasn't kind to you this morning. I don't know abut you but when I have a high sodium day I usualy don't see it on the scale for 2 days. Did you have a high sodium day on Monday? It could be lingering. Hope it's kinder tomorrow!

    LilDeb-So glad to hear everything is in order for surgery! Hope all goes smoothly and she heals quickly.

    Heather-mmmm chinesse food! Way to pay and make up for it today!

    Cris-You sound like you are just having a rough time girl! You need some rest. Good luck on the potty training.

    mekhala-Welcome to our wonderful group!

    POS Me-Hope things slow down for you. I miss you!

    Well I got more packing done last night. THANK GOD! I got home and the a/c upstairs wasn't working. Was over 90 degrees up there and humid as all get out. My bedroom is upstairs. Which is what needs to be packed first. So I tuff it out and packed about 3 boxes. Couldn't handle it anymore. Went downstairs to cool of and make dinner. Packed a box or two down there. Was stewing about having to sleep on the couch and shower upstairs in the hot box. Thought I would try my luck and the turned the a/c back on and to my suprise, it worked! Someone was lookin' out for me. So I stayed up till 12 packing more boxes. Mom is coming over tonight to help me out. Just about finished. The best part was I made about a dozen trips up and down the stairs moving everything to the 2nd floor and I didn't feel beat up and exhausted. Makes me feel great. I remember when we moved into our first apartment 4 years ago on the 3rd floor, enither one of us could make it up 1 flight without being winded. Even after living there a year. I love being in better shape!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning to all. Just finished a healthy breakfast of greek yogurt and Special K. Yummy yummy! I WILL be more focused today and meet my food and exercise goals. I'm hoping to head over to the neighbor's pool and put in a few laps this morning. I'm going out to lunch with my dad, so I'll just need to make sure I make healthy choices there and don't go overboard (that means no Imo's Nancy!).

    Welcome to mekhala!

    Pos - Is that a new picture? Looking HOT lady!

    Speaking on new pics, LittleSpy, I'm loving yours - super cute.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    And the really good news is I'm only up 1 pound from last week. YES!! :bigsmile:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Busy day so far (YAAYYY!)

    But I wanted to say hello and send a big THANK YOU :flowerforyou: to Kerri for listening to me blabber/ramble yesterday. One of the bazilliion reasons this group is so great. :)

    Checking in for yesterday -
    water - terrible
    calories - under!
    sodium - over by 5
    exercise - nada

    One out of four isn't bad considering the mental disaster I had yesterday.

    Happy Wednesday, ladies :)