Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Gmorning girls!

    The scale showed a god awful number but I am not worried, I have already put it in my mind that I am taking this week off from everything. Not just eating, but also excercising, wedding crap, sports (son)...I just want to do nothing relax enjoy life and be care free. I cant force myself to do something Im not ready to do. When Im ready to refocus I will...meanwhile I will stick around the board and get motivation from you ladies!

    Jess- I bet you look hot in that truck! Great job on the packing, I bet that burned tons of calories

    Meook- Im so sorry that dress shopping didnt go well, Im a little scared to go, so I am waiting until end of January. You are a good 15-20lbs lighter than me and if you had problems I cant imagine how it will go for me...I will be in tears no doubt...I hopeyou find something that you love soon


    Be back later
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm feeling better mentally today (probably because I forgot to weigh myself this morning :tongue:) but physically I feel crazy. Jittery, dizzy, weak -- probably allergy related, it usually seems to be when I feel like this. Though dh said he felt wonky yesterday so maybe it's just a weird little virus.

    I may leave work. I have so much sick leave. I should really use it when I'm actually not feeling well. :laugh: Plus I really really should have my tires rotated before the road trip this weekend.

    I did pretty well with eating yesterday. I didn't eat the healthiest foods but I stayed under 1400 cals. I didn't get to exercise because I had planned on Exercise TV on Demand but right after I finished dinner my power went out and stayed out for 2 hours so I got to read by candlelight as entertainment instead. :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I clearly have not read many of the recent posts and missed that important news - LIL DEBBIE - WAY TO GO !!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Speaking of missing posts - was there a challenge this week?

    OK ladies I would like to propose that we all make a pact not to have cheat days this weekend. Loads of us, me included seem to have fallen off the wagon just about every weekend all summer. It's as though the hot weather made us all loopy. :noway: :noway:
    I'm putting this out there because if I feel responsible to you guys there is a much lower chance I will cheat and I'm just so fed up of starting fresh on Monday.

    I pledge that this weekend I will stay within my calories and will do some form of exercise - Who's with me ??:heart: ??:heart: ??:heart: ??:heart: ??
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I clearly have not read many of the recent posts and missed that important news - LIL DEBBIE - WAY TO GO !!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Speaking of missing posts - was there a challenge this week?

    OK ladies I would like to propose that we all make a pact not to have cheat days this weekend. Loads of us, me included seem to have fallen off the wagon just about every weekend all summer. It's as though the hot weather made us all loopy. :noway: :noway:
    I'm putting this out there because if I feel responsible to you guys there is a much lower chance I will cheat and I'm just so fed up of starting fresh on Monday.

    I pledge that this weekend I will stay within my calories and will do some form of exercise - Who's with me ??:heart: ??:heart: ??:heart: ??:heart: ??

    Can I start this challenge next weekend? I'm moving and have no food in my house. I'm not going to go out of control but I will most likely be eating out a few meals. Pretty sure what I consume is going to be burned off moving up and down 2 and 3 flights of stairs in the 100+ degree heat?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hooray for LilDeb! Way to go!

    Welcome came meokk, you'll find the right dress for you.

    Check-in from yesterday:
    Cals - Ate all my exercise but 9, so under by 9!
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - 30 min of lap swimming. I swam 900 yards yesterday!
    Proud - All that swimming! It felt great to be back in a pool and swimming laps. I would have made it to an even 1,000 yards, but I had to come home for dinner.

    Going shopping with my mom today. I hope to get a few new bras that actually fit. When I was at my heaviest, I was straining a 40DD. The girls have definitely shrunk and I am thrilled! I'm not sure what else I want to buy, so I'll be sure to update you with all my booty later tonight.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I clearly have not read many of the recent posts and missed that important news - LIL DEBBIE - WAY TO GO !!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Speaking of missing posts - was there a challenge this week?

    OK ladies I would like to propose that we all make a pact not to have cheat days this weekend. Loads of us, me included seem to have fallen off the wagon just about every weekend all summer. It's as though the hot weather made us all loopy. :noway: :noway:
    I'm putting this out there because if I feel responsible to you guys there is a much lower chance I will cheat and I'm just so fed up of starting fresh on Monday.

    I pledge that this weekend I will stay within my calories and will do some form of exercise - Who's with me ??:heart: ??:heart: ??:heart: ??:heart: ??

    Can I start this challenge next weekend? I'm moving and have no food in my house. I'm not going to go out of control but I will most likely be eating out a few meals. Pretty sure what I consume is going to be burned off moving up and down 2 and 3 flights of stairs in the 100+ degree heat?

    If you do all that stair climbing and don't eat too badly, you'll be on track for sure. I'm talking about not eating way over my exercise cals which is what I've been up to recently.
    Hope you have a good move anyway, try to stay as cool as you can and hydrate :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm not down for a weekend challenge but for good reason. Saturday-Monday involve two 7 hour road trips, an effing amazing concert (Primus & Gogol Bordello!), birthdays of the 2 wonderful ladies I'll be hanging out with, and my very best girl friend ever (who lives 500 miles away). To be honest, there's no way I'm only eating/drinking 1260 calories a day. :laugh: I'll be lucky if I can even sneak on MFP to log in and not break my 220+ day streak. :tongue: I do plan to make healthIER choices throughout the weekend though. I'm packing snacks/lunch for the road trip rather than relying of fast/convenience food and I'm sure we'll be going out for most meals and for drinks so I'll make healthier and more responsible decisions in those situations.

    I was hoping to get a lot of walking done before the concert because I want to explore Charlottesville but then I remembered that my best friend's sister is coming with us and she's physically disabled and can't walk long distances. So... no such luck on that front. But the concert is outside so I'll probably get some exercise there walking back and forth to get more beer. :smokin:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh I definitely wont be eating over my calories. Still going to track what I eat! I'm not going to go buck wild. Still going to stick with the most healthy options as I can. Who knows. Maybe we will plan trips around when we can be at either parents house to cook us dinner! :tongue: But I'm definitely in for this challenge. I been using too many excuses to go over!

    Elmox-Have so much fun shopping!! I was happy to find out I shrank to a DD! Gotta love being able to fit into smaller cuter bras!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well my goal is to eat good this weekend but for seveal reasons . # 1 - no $$$ stupid rent house cost us 500 this month, pluse other stuff $$ wise no money to eat anywhere but here. #2 - sERENA'S surgery is tomorrow so we will be home all weekend anyway, me and hubby are going to take turns going to the gym :smile:

    I was soo happy to se that 25# this morning, I DO NOT want to see 26# ON MONDAY !!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-You are so dedicated I know you will still see that 25?'s on Monday! I hope Serena's surgery goes well tomorrow!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Regarding the dim lady from yesterday...I've known others who have had lapband and they're supposed to stay away from greasy fast food, so either she has a lenient doctor or she's kidding herself. Anyway, I bet you're adorable driving an F350 and I'll admit that I'm a bit jealous. I want a truck so badly, but can't afford one until after my car is paid off...in two years...

    Julie: Anyone who freaks out over a 2 week plateau makes me giggle. Until the past week, I was in a plateau for almost four months! Some people have no patience and obviously her loss is going to slow down if she's eating a bunch of fast food. I wanted to comment, but thought I'd just get myself riled up, so I didn't.

    Blue: I'm so glad you're feeling better after your workout! Yay!

    Deb: Congrats on seeing the 258.9 this morning. I can't believe how amazing you're doing!!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 417
    Sodium: Over by 374
    Water: 56 oz., unless I can count the watermelon I ate at 10pm last night...delicious!
    Exercise: Walking at volunteering
    Proud: The scale said 189.4 this morning, so I'm back to where I was on Friday. I'm crossing my fingers to see a 188 tomorrow.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Those were my thoughts exactly. Everybody I know who had lapband is told to stay away from the greasey food because essentially it will make them throw up. Unless you cheat the system like one girl I knew who would eat so slowly it would stay down. It would take it well over an hour to eat. Sad really. She gained all her weight back and then some after lapband and having a baby. As far as owning a truck I want one NOW!! Going to these country bars makes me want one. I've only had my car for 2 years in November. I wouldn't be upside down but the gas on a truck would be hideous with my hour long commute! Maybe someday, if I can find a job close to home. :tongue: That's so great you saw 189 again today!! Here's to hoping you see 188 or lower tomorrow!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: I'm definitely in for your challenge of staying on track with the eating this weekend and being sure to get exercise in each day! Now that I'm seeing movement on the scale again, the motivation is back and I want to see it keep sliding down!!

    My plan:
    Thursday (tonight): Meals are planned, with a little leeway for an additional snack if hungry after volunteering. Plan on doing a boxing video after volunteering tonight.

    Friday: Will plan meals in the morning and make sure I stick to it. Riding my horse AND running and/or tennis on Friday evening.

    Saturday: Running and/or horseback riding in the morning, then really watch the eating at the birthday party I'm attending that evening.

    Sunday: Walking or workout DVD in the morning. Will behave at the barn potluck, then going horseback riding with others from the barn.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I've been sitting here thinking about my game plan for this weekend and moving and next week etc. And I realized, I'm so freaking excited for Monday that it's unreal!! Because I'm going to get back in the gym and start seeing that scale move again! I am so motivated right now that I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope it sticks around!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Be sure to watch the food this weekend and you'll be absolutely fine even if you don't get the exercising done. I know you can do this!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey girls,

    Busy day for me today, again!

    Welcome newbies :)

    Jess, love the new pic and name ( I had to do a double take to see who it was) also, glad packing is almost done

    Blue, glad you’re back.. love ya ;)

    Cris, I am a (c)rap fan too…especially the new Eminem cd called “recovery” I am also an obsessed freestyle club music kinda girl..

    Istpaul, hope you’re doing well today. Miss ya too!

    Litdeb, congrats on reaching 250s..job well done!!!

    Tstout, sounds like you are better..that is great to hear you talk abou your favorite sport..have fun!

    Meokk, sorry to hear about the dress shopping..hugs, hopefully you find something you love …

    Julie, I have been feeling jittery, dizzy and nauseas…I also spotted a couple times this month ( don’t know why).. Just the thought of food makes me sick to the stomach..but I hve to eat because my glucose level drops so fast and that’s when the dizzy spells kicks in. Hubby joked and said maybe I am knocked up..I don’t think so, because this is exactly what happens to me when I do get pregnant.
    Have fun @ the concert ( it’s this Monday – if I’m correct)..have a safe trip :)

    For all the bored girls at work..or who ever want to help me out. I have to pick out a bedroom set for me ( my old one lasted 15+ years – I think it need to retire) and I am debating between two. Not sure how to upload pictures, but I will attaching a image link…see what ya think…

    I like this one very much..I want everything plus and additional nightstand..


    or..I like this one too, so that what makes it very hard for me to choose..


    feedback please..we are going tomorrow to pick and order it so I have it in time ..I have to finish painting my bedroom..

    thanks a bunch!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-I like the 2nd one!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: I second Jess' vote for the second bedroom set! It's gorgeous!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    I will try and catch up very soon! Miss you all so very much! :heart: :heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...

    I went to work out at lunch (1st time at lunch in i know a while), got all ready got everything and forgot my dang HRM...i did the workout i usally do so just estimating i guess.

    Well tomorrow is the day, serena's surgery is tomorrow...hope she (and me ) does okay tomororw.