Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    good evening gals :)

    I am so tired...organized my kids' rooms and I packed/organized my room so I can start painting. Thanks heather and Jess on feedback towards bedroom set:flowerforyou:

    Litdeb, hope eveything goes well before, durning and after the surgery:flowerforyou: keepin your family in my prayers:heart:

    check in
    calories, on target..1200 to the T
    exercise, if you consider organizing, cleaning, and moving furniture than yes, I did that for 4 hours..tired as hell:yawn:
    proud, daughter made homemade brownies and I did NOT have one piece...weight in is tomorrow..I want to see results..hopefully ONEderland:bigsmile:

    Have a great evening girls, and happy weigh in:wink:

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ok so I have to vent. I was all excited because I found out we get my future brother in laws truck tonight too. Awesome we would have both trucks tomorrow. Get home and f'ing a/c downstairs now isn't working! FML!! I hope this one is just froze up too. It must've just quit because it's only 88 in here and our thermostat is set to 85. We can't have it not working when were moving. Ok. Vent over. I feel better!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Laila - I think I'm gonna have to go with the first one. I like darker wood. But I agree they are BOTH beautiful! My bedroom set consists of a mattress, box spring, and some plastic dealie with drawers that are jammed sitting next to it. :tongue:
    Deb - I am praying for Serena for tomorrow's surgery. Everything will be fine!
    meokk - I am IN for the weekend challenge! Woohoo!!!
    Lauren - I am PMing you my cell phone number - how long are you in Lou? YES let's meet up!
    Jess - Oh Lordie Mae I hope that a/c gets fixed STAT! Mine freezes over at least once every summer.
    Julie - my electric keeps going out, too! At least once a week for about four weeks this has been happening. They say we have a bad ground fuse in the transformer. Since it only services 47 houses in the neighborhood, it never gets first attention! Grrr! I am a girl who does NOT do well without her a/c! :laugh:
    tstout - sounds like your Ohio friend is very wise. :smile:

    check in:
    calories: great
    water: 100
    exercise: GREAT PT session today. Thank goodness I discovered that the pain was coming from no Aleve for ten days prior to the surgery! Now that I am back on Aleve, all is well! :wink:
    proud: I gave it all I had at PT today.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hey ladies!!
    I have been having the worst week at work! ARGH! ok got that out of my system.

    Deb: I am sooo happy for you and the 25# that is so great! I am hoping to see 29# really soon!!! hoping surgery goes well tomorrow, I will be thinking of you.

    I am totally in for the challenge this weekend! I am SICK and TIRED of losing really well during the week and then screwing it all up on the weekends!!!

    Jess: That really stinks about the AC, I hope its just frozen up and can thaw before the move.

    Blue: great job on the PT today!!! Way to go!!!

    Laila: I can barely get this browzer to work so I can not vote on the furniture, I am sure you will make the right choice for you though.

    Check in for today:
    Cals: under by around 200.
    Water over a gallon!
    exercise: I did intervals on the machines in the gym and it was AWESOME!
    proud: that I am continually changing up my workout so it doesnt get boring!

    I really wanna see 291 tomorrow!!! That will put me at a 40 pound loss overall and I want that so bad I can taste it!!!

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great night and I will chat more in the am!!!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Laila: I vote #2, too!
    I had my first Kohl's experience tonight! Got a cami & a jacket for $8.99 total. I only had about 20 minutes before they closed or I'm sure I would've found some more stuff.

    I also went to Marshall's where every single size 12 fit me. And not will-fit-me-in-5-pounds fit, but actually fit. I'm barely losing weight, like 5 pounds in the last 2 months, but 2 months ago size 12 pants did NOT fit like that so something's happening. Yay! I also bought a shirt which I had grabbed out of the "Large" section. I didn't check the size on it, just tried it on and it was awesome so I bought it. Got home, saw the tag and said "Holy *kitten*." It's an "S"!! :noway: Obviously sized wrong or something, which I'm sure is why it ended up at Marshall's in the first place, but for some reason it still made me a little giddy. :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I had some great shopping moments today too Julie. Had a blast with my mom, found some great clothes. Bought a pair of 12 white straight leg jeans and a pair of 10 (!!!) linen capris! WAHOO! There were 12s I tried on that were too big. So freaking awesome!! Also got some bras that fit correctly. I think I was closer to a 40DDD, am down to a 38DD. And for my sale mavens, got $36 bras for $19! It was sale + 20% off at Macy's and Mom and I definitely took advantage of that.

    Had some bumps in the road. We got Chick-fil-A at the mall (split a meal between the two of us, so that's good). There's no Chick-fil-A in the Northeast, so I let myself be bad. But again, splitting = 320 cals. Tonight was big time bad Lauren. Went to Jason's Deli to meet a friend (she drove in 90 min to see me - I feel so special!). I was planning on getting a 420 cal wrap when she announced she was getting a potato. I had not even realized they had potatos. Huge, awful for you, delcious potatos. And that was that. 1000 (!!!) calories later (they didn't have the cals listed for the potato, if they had, I would have gone with the wrap, that's for sure!), I was stuffed and regretting the poor decision. Oh well. Focusing on the great time I had with my friend.

    Cals - Over! 1947
    Water - Not enough...48 oz
    Exercise - 25 min of swimming, 5 min of treading water = 326 cals (ish)
    Proud - Fabu new clothes in sizes I am proud of.

    Blue - I'll be looking for your message. I head back to NYC on Tuesday night. I'm headed down to Springfield, MO (and surrounding area) tomorrow for the weekend. Going to see my mom's side of the family (Grandma, aunts/uncles, cousins). They haven't seen me since 45 lbs ago, so I'm excited to show off my new look!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Pos Me - I like the 1st one, since you'll probably have it for another 15 years, the 1st one looks more classic to me and a bit like it belongs in "True Blood" which I :heart:

    LilDeb - Here's to an easy and successful surgery for Serena tomorrow :heart: :heart: double hugs:heart::heart:

    Elmox - enjoy your trip, fun shopping and I hope you meet up w/ Blue. good going on the 10's and white skinny jeans...woo hoo:drinker:

    Jess - sending cool breezes your way and if that fails, a hunky AC repairman he he he :bigsmile:

    Lilspy - Nice with the "S", now we both have one freak item of clothing in our closets with an "S" tag !!!!!!

    I went to the best show this evening, any of you like The National?? They were awesome live, so good that I'm going to buy tickets to see them again in Jersey.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Calories- OK I think
    Exercise - walking & dancing at the show so not sure exactly how many cals
    water - 90 ish oz

    Happy weigh in ladies
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    everything went a bit pear shaped last night.... had chip butties and a fish cake becasue i couldnt be bothered to cook for one!!

    so rechecking in !! cals = 1000 over!!
    water = not enough!!
    exercise= 25 min walk to work - forced - car was broke!
    Proud = spending time with the sister i have nothing in common with and finding some common ground - making it a weekly thing.

    cant remember all of your names so here is my attempt at starting to get to know you.....

    - peeps going in for surgery i hope you have a speedy recovery!
    - peeps going away, have a lovely time!!
    - all of you very good people that are exercising and keeping under your cals and over your water - WELL DONE!!
    - Those that are having a break - wont be long befor you are back on the wagon - do it guilt free!!
    - Those who are in need of motivation and feel yourselves slipping - i am one of you!! we can do it !!
    - The weekend challenge sounds fab!! i have had my naughty day.... strapping myself into the wagon for the weekend!!!

    - coolness sent to those too hot, warmness sent to those too cold....

    If i have missed you i didnt mean to - i'm sure you will all be familiar soon!!

    Hugs mekhala xx
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning all...I am sure nobody is even up yet !!!! It is 5 am yes 5..

    I will be the 1st to check in..i am proud to say I am officially working a 25#...258.9!!!! That is 1.6 lbs

    lildebbie .................-1.6........0.61%
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning everyone :)

    Surprising loss for me seeing as how I've done a crappy job of eating/working out lately. But I shall take it! I was thinking about my goals that I set when I first joined this group and one was to be down to 225 by my high school reunion. I'm at 227 and the reunion was last weekend. For my lack of serious workout effort, I'll take this as positive. So now on to my next mini-goal:

    Class starts the last week of August... so! First day of school: I REALLY want to see a 21# on the scale.

    With rugby starting next week, I'll have 1 to 2 days a week of kickmyass workouts (between 700 and 1300 calories a practice!!). And I have every intention of doing c25k in the mornings especially on days I don't practice. No reason I can't see that 21#.

    Debbie - Good luck to day with Serena's surgery! I'll be praying for her.

    Check in for yesterday -

    calories - under
    sodium - under
    water - awful... must drink more water
    exercise - the boyfriend and I got some hitting practice in last night (hitting = tackling). I'm sure it looked hilarious to passersby... me trying to tackle him.
    proud - I got a LOT of stuff done yesterday. Housework, actual work, grocery store, made my much needed eye doctor appointment! (playing rugby blind isn't as fun as it sounds)

    Happy Friday, my friends :flowerforyou:

    lildebbie .................-1.6........0.61%
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    No loss for me this week which doesn't surprise me. I am back down to 194.8 so that's only .4 above last Friday. I'm okay with that for a few reasons. Namely pizza yesterday (cals okay but sodium not so much) and whatnot weight (which I haven't dropped since last Sunday. No worries, that's normal for me). So, all that being counted I'm probably in a 193ish range and I'd be happy with that. I think the 192.2 last Sunday was a dehydration fluke. I can live with that. :tongue:
    I'll change my ticker to whatever my weight is next Friday.

    lildebbie .................-1.6.......0.61%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals,

    Not a happy morning for me! My upper back is killing me:sad: . for the past couple of days I wake up with a stiff upper back and I though it was,maybe, due to my 4 y/o son coming to sleep right on top of me @ 3 am:yawn: . However, last night he stayed in his bed. I can't blame it on my hubby becasue for the first time in ages he slept on his side of the bed. see before it would be hubby close to me (squishing me to say the least) and then @ 2 or 3 am my son decides his bed is not good enough and my chest is much softer than anything possible. did I mention that we are getting a bedroom set well I need one so bad because I am upgrading to a King size bed..the queen bed is too small especially if my son ( who keeps growning) sleeps with us. that was the firsting thing I suggested on my list when we said we need a bedset... OK vent over...feeling better, or somewhat better:sad:

    lildebbie .................-1.6........0.61%

    I am not sure why I gain weight. I stay within calories and tried to do some kinda physical work ( as a form of exercise), so I was very suprised to see a gain:cry:

    congrats litdeb and trout on ya awesome weight loss:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lildebbie .................-1.6.........0.61%

    Don't wanna leave off my big fat gain! :wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Julie, I am so happy you finally went to Kohl’s, it the best store for their bargains and coupons. I hope you took advantage of both :)

    If you like stores like Marshall’s try Burlington coat factory..Cheaper and the same product..Happy shopping!

    Elmox, it sounds like you are having a blast reuniting with friends and family. Congrats on a size 12 straight leg jeans ( I always have to get boot cut or relax fit) you are becoming Skinny Minnie:flowerforyou: .

    I can’t believe you have no Chick-fil-A in New York. I live in Pennsylvania and we have a couple here..my daughter loves it more than any fast-food joint. Just remember they don’t open on Sundays like the rest of the fast-food places.

    Tstout, I think your goal(s) sound attainable ..you got a good plan on your hands. Before you know it you’ll be in 21#..stay focused :)

    Meokk, I am in for this weekend’s challenge.

    I like the cherry wood too, my whole downstairs: dining room (table, floor, and china cabinet), living room ( end tables and entertainment center), and kitchen cabinets are all cherry wood. But when I saw bedroom 2 I love the details in that one too so it going to be very hard to decide..

    off to see if I missed logging something yesterday that gave me a gain this morning..I think my body LOVES to stay fat but my mind wants to get thin:sad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just wanted to drop in and say hello and happy weigh in! No loss for me this week. I maintain my current weight. That's okay with me seeing as I haven't been to the gym in a week. And I'm bloated, I can feel it. I hope to see a big loss next week! Moving is underway....super excited! I just got a call from a friend of mine. He has a operations managment position opening at the bank he works for and the location is in the same city I'm moving to. I'm going for it!! He's up there in the company and can put in a good word for me! It's a good day! Be back later if I can! Congrats to all the biggest losers so far. Haven't read the posts but I will catch up later! Love y'all!

    lildebbie .................-1.6.........0.61%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- thats exciting! good luck with the move and I hope this new job is yours!

    Lildeb- sending you prayers

    Lauren- Hooray on skinny jeans

    ildebbie .................-1.6.........0.61%
    Cris..........................+10............0.0% (no, that is not a typo...) eh...kind of over it. I'll make up for it next week
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    ildebbie .................-1.6.........0.61%
    Cris..........................+10............0.0% (no, that is not a typo...) eh...kind of over it. I'll make up for it next week
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    No more working out on Thursday nights for me! Boo! I was at 189.4 yesterday morning, which is the same as last Friday, then 189.8 this morning. I so badly wanted a true loss this week, but it will come next week. Darn sore muscles. I blame Bob for his Cardio Max DVD with a million and one lunges, making my butt muscles sore. (okay, vent over).

    Deb: My thoughts are with you today for Serena's surgery. Great job on the official 258.9!
    Julie and Lauren: Congrats on your awesome clothes shopping adventures yesterday! I want to go shopping now, but have to pay bills and see if there is anything left over for fun stuff.
    Jess: Good luck on the move this weekend. I'm sending you good vibes for the potential job.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 577 calorie deficit (mostly exercise cals)
    Sodium: Over by 788
    Water: 76 oz.
    Exercise: Walking at volunteering and Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Level 1 followed by Slim & Limber stretching video. Total calories burned was 525.
    Proud: That I got back on track with the water intake.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning all!!
    Here is my weigh in for the week
    lost 3 pounds

    ildebbie .................-1.6.........0.61%
    Cris..........................+10............0.0% (no, that is not a typo...) eh...kind of over it. I'll make up for it next week
    Kerri..........................-3.0.........1.01% (not sure if I did the math correct?)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    ildebbie .................-1.6.........0.61%
    Cris..........................+10............0.0% (no, that is not a typo...) eh...kind of over it. I'll make up for it next week
    Kerri..........................-3.0.........1.01% (not sure if I did the math correct?)

    be back later but basically quite pleased that I'm back down from 2 weeks ago. Last week I was up by 0.8. So down by 1.6 total since last Friday.