Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Heather, I liked the stalk - made me feel loved! Yeah, I am needy like that after surgery! I love you all! My uterus loves you all as well for sending it positive thoughts, but that may be TMI. :tongue:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I am here! I had a super busy weekend with all the kids being over. Every other weekend is supposed to be like that, but for some reason the planets hadn't aligned or something in a while. CRAZY busy! And now work is getting to be the same way. I am online, but mostly I just have time to read a couple posts and get back to work.

    Cris: I know you will get back down. Vacation always throws me off too, but you can do it and we can help.

    Blue: Im so sorry you had to have that procedure. I had one a few years ago and then an ablation. Supposed to fix my dang TOM, but it didn't work. I really do not want a hysterectomy, but may end up having one... I will pray that your results come out in a positive way for you.

    tstout: no worries!!! I'm glad I could be there for you! I am sure you would/will do the same for me if and when that time comes.

    Red(Formerly known as Jess) I sure wish we could have known each other when I was in my 20's, You sound like my kinda galpal!

    lildeb: I am sure all will go well with the surgery on Friday, but I will pray for you and your family anyway.

    Checking in for this past week!

    Water: great
    Cals: Greater!!
    exercise: everyday
    proud: that I have work to do at work instead of getting paid to do nothing.... that was getting kinda old!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Kerri - What an amazing check-in! WTG!

    Jess (it's highly likely I am going to continue to call you Jess....deal with it :wink: ) - :heart: that is all. Sorry I haven't been an active Words with Friends partner.

    Blue - Welcome back baby! You are back with a vengeance! If you feel like taking a walk this week, let me know. Perhaps we can meet up at a track for some outdoor walking. Would love to meet my twin!

    Heather - Hooray for more hours and money!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Kerri-Glad to see you are still around! Was wondering what happened to you. WTG on not letting life get in your way.

    Elmox-It's okay to still call me Jess. I just use jess41684 for everything. You can call me hey you and I will probably still respond. Only cause I like to talk.

    Blue-Definitely sending positive vibes to your uturus! :flowerforyou:
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Hello Everyone~
    Checking in and so glad I did.What a week and a half ~
    Been a good one.settling in and feeling better.
    Please everyone -hang in there and keep it up.
    I find alot of inspiration here (this board) where on others...............welllllllllll..'enuff said.

    currently gained a pound lost 2 1/2 inches~oh YAY me..lol.

    Laters All~
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Molly: Nice job on losing a few inches. If I had to choose between losing inches OR pounds, I'd choose inches because that's what affects how your clothes fit!

    Blue: Glad you liked the stalk rather than being creeped out! Happy vibes to the uterus!

    Kerri: Glad you're still here after your crazy weekend!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess and Julie: I just read the thread about the woman who can't eat 2,000 calories. Wow, she's a bit on the dim side, isn't she?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess and Julie: I just read the thread about the woman who can't eat 2,000 calories. Wow, she's a bit on the dim side, isn't she?

    Oh good heavens yes. And I feel bad because I really want everybody to see positive results. She just seems to be making excuses. I checked out her food diary and she eats fast food quite often. I am guilty of this lately, hence why I haven't seen much loss! Not sure what lapband has to do with her not being able to eat 2000 calories in healthy food either. But to each his own!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lol, yeah, dim is an understatement. I refuse to even go back and read anymore of that thread. I just don't have the energy. My main beef with her was that she kept saying she had tried all of everyone's suggestions and was just flippantly dismissing them. Yet she was claiming to have only plateaued for 2 weeks. The first week you don't even know you're standing still. So really, she's had ONE week to "try" all these different suggestions and write them off completely.

    People (my former self included!) so often don't understand that healthy does NOT mean low calorie. There are plenty of healthy calorie dense foods in existence.
    It's like she just wanted people to say "Oh, no, hun, you're doing everything right. You're just not losing weight because God and science hate you" or something. :tongue: Like she is a victim and just can't be held accountable for the big mean ol' plateau (I don't even consider a 2 week stall a plateau, but I guess that comes with my personal experience. :laugh:). Poor thing. :huh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    good evening gals,

    I have not read post since yesterday..so I am a little ( 2 pages behind) and I will get to them tomorrow...hopefully!

    check in:
    calories: a little over..1269 ( had pizza for dinner)
    exercise: 5 hours painting, but I only counted 3 and supposingly I burned 800+ calories
    water: about 8 cups, not really sure
    proud: I had a slice and a half of pizza and I was STUFFED, before I would eat 2 or 3...and I was bearly stuffed..now one and I was full, but hubby wanted me to eat his other half..( he fed me the other half). I ate less than my son ( 12 y/o) and my daughter (13 y/o)..who knew...

    sorry for all the rambling..I miss ya and hopefully thing will get back to normal.


  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Gals, in a non-pervy way I must say you are all lookin' mighty sexy in your new pics! :wink: I mean it! You sisters are bringing it on! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Oh I can't describe to you how much better I feel after I went to the gym and worked out. OK, who the hell just typed that last sentence? LOL I HATE working out! But I must say that after I did today, I felt soooo good. More in control. Like I could breathe better. I dunno, maybe I just needed to MOVE! :laugh: I've been whining and sitting around for a week - many reasons for it, but none valid! I was scared to go today because I still am not feeling "perfect" from the surgery, but I took it easy and broke up the elliptical into two sessions. I even got the courage to weigh in on their new scale. All I can say is, thank GOD it didn't read over 400! There is hope for a comeback with me, girls, and I am going for it! :drinker:

    Those of you who may not feel like you are all the way into this right now, why don't you join me? You have to start someday and somehow - why not make it now? WE CAN DO THIS, SISTERS!!! :heart:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:
    calories: good, even sodium!
    water: 100
    exercise: 2 - 15 min ellipticals plus arm work
    proud: I forced myself to get back on the horse and I actually did it! Usually after a week of pity-partying-for-one I give up and eat more. Not anymore!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- I love uuuuuu, nuff said!

    Jess and Julie- its too late for me to look up that thread but Ill be doing it in the morning, I can not wait to read your comments, lol

    Heather- I looove Brad Paisley...Kenny gets a little old like you said. I wish I had more girls friendrs around that would go to concerts with me, Bobby likes (c)rap and I find it ridiculous so he wont go with me to concerts

    Istapul- hope you are starting to feel better

    I am not doing well at all no excercise eating everything in sight...Ive come to terms with it and Im trying to refocus...I'll get back on track, its just a matter of when...meanwhile I'll still be around cause I hate not being able to chat with my best gal pals
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Had a busy day yesterday wasn't on much, going to go back later and read through the posts...

    but just had to post i am in 250ville this morning !!! yes i was 258.9, i was soo freaking excited!!!!
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    Hi All

    You all sem to be doing really well... i might get into trouble for reading and posting on here... but hey ho... there is more to life!!

    Istapul - hope you're feeling better, it sure doesnt seem to get you down - or it could be that i am a pain wimp and demand sympathy every time i get the chance...

    lildebbie - WELL DONE!! i am longing for the day i will reach 250ville, by my calculations it will be thi time next year!

    Blue - Glad you are back on the horse and took your leave from the pity party!

    I am liking this group already - looking forrward to getting to know you all better.

    Check in
    Water - better than yesterday
    Cals - under - i hope... still have tonight to get through - not been very hungry today but did succombe to a bacon butty.
    Exercise - 25 min walk to and from work. = 50 mins
    Proud - proud of my partner mark for sticking to MFP and loosing 5lbs while being on it.

  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    i meant get into trouble from work for being on here, when i should be working!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    What is it in our brains that makes us forget how GREAT we feel after working out. If we could just hold on to that feeling when you get done, dripping with sweat, breathing hard, proud of yourself, it would be so much easier to do this every day!

    Last night, we went to rugby (yay for exercise!)... I have such a love/hate relationship with rugby. I feel like I am behind/terrible/etc, and then magically something clicks and it's fun. My friend/teammate from Ohio plays with the team here now, and she helped put everything in perspective "Get what you want out of it, don't let yourself be pressured to do anything more or less". Which was great to hear, I've been going back and forth trying to decide whether or not I want to play this fall. I have more to think about now (Adam, the girls, school, work) than I used to. I used to be rugbyrugbyrugby and everything is secondary. No more though :) And I'm happy about that!

    I like that I have more in my life to make me happy than just one thing. Gives me something to look forward to everyday! I love spending time with just Adam, I love when the girls are here with us. We have fun staying home, hitting the road. All of it :)

    I find myself getting tripped up by small things, I just need to keep calm, stay focused.

    Sorry I'm rambley this morning :)

    Checking in for yesterday!

    -calories - under!
    -water - not enough, still
    -exercise - touch rugby
    -sodium - under!
    -proud - getting in the car and going to 7s
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning Everyone,
    I'm back !!!!!
    Guest have left and I have my peace & quiet back finally.
    Pretty good week so far, eating well, getting some exercise in, water good every day. All extremely necessary after partying on Saturday to the tune of at least 1400 cals in alcohol alone, the most I've had to drink in years.

    Welcome newbies
    Hi to 1stPaul and Blue - hoping you both are recovering well from your procedures :heart: HUGS:heart:

    I finally went to try on some dresses at Jcrew this week and HATED IT !!!!!! I am so not a dress girl, I've never worn a dress like that in my life before and it was just no fun. First I'm all sucked into the Spanx which I dislike immensely but need for my lumpy bits, the dresses are either very clingy or make me look like a plank (no waist definition) and to top it all off the woman has me trying on some of the dresses in size 8 because that's the largest sample they have and then just pulling the back tight with her hands. Not flattering to the boobs at all. Yuk, yuk, yuk, I don't know what I'll do know but I won't be going back there.:sad:

    Anyway, onward & upward......
    Raider - Tstout - did you start C25K yet? I had every intention but having to run outside is going to prove more difficult than I anticipated. My planned days were last Fri and Sun and it poured with rain on both. If the weather cooperates, I will start tomorrow.

    be back later :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-That just made my day to hear how much better your felt after your workout!! YAY!!

    Cris-Sorry to hear you are still down but glad to see you sticking around. We miss you when you disappear!

    Meokk-Welcome back! Sorry the dress shopping didn't go as planned. I'm sure you will find a dress that fits you beautifuly that you will fall in love with!

    tstout-That's so awesome to hear you talking about more then just Rugby making you happy in life. Seems like you are working on a good balance of everything life has to offer you.

    lilDeb-congrats on the 250's!! That's amazing!! I really hope to follow in your foot steps once this move is passed me. I wanna strart blowing through the numbers!!

    I got a TON of packing done last night. My Mom came and helped me and we were packing machines. We loaded up her car as much as humanl possible! On the agenda tonight, put a load of stuff in my car, wait for my roommate to get home and were gonna go drop it off at my parents along with my dog and pick up my Dad's truck. I love the looks I get driving my Dad's MASSIVE F350 Diesel. :tongue: Espeically when they see a little 5'2" girl crawling in and out of it. Pure greatness! I just gotta get through this work day. At least they are letting me outta the branch to go take a fruit basket to a customer. YES!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Meokk - I'm pretty sure April started.(YAY for you!! :flowerforyou:) I, however, have not (lazy, lazy, lazy). I'm going to try and start next week in the mornings. Rugby starts, so I will for sure need the extra fitness to keep up with all of the Division I ladies.

    Deb - Congratulations on the 250s :)