Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Pos_Me - that earlier congrats on your lowest weight was really meant for you. Sorry! I get really mixed up when I read more than one page! Ooops sorry El, but I hope you're at your lowest, too!

    Congrats Pos_Me on your lowest weight! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ANOTHER COMEBACK KID HERE FOR YA, HOLLA! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Nancy - Sorry about your so called "friends". I understand why it was bugging you. I think what some of the girls said are some good ways to deal with it. But there is no excuse for them to jump on your weigh loss wagon. They are not the ones that actually did all the hard work! :heart: :heart:

    Julie and Pos_me - Congrats on the lowest weights!! That is awesome!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cris and Deb - Great job on being proactive on your exercise today!!!

    Jess - That is great that you were able to go up and down the stairs that much and not be wiped out!!:drinker: :drinker: Sorry about things with Mike. Too bad he is reacting the way he is. He will realize that it was better to end it now before you two got further in the relationship and got hurt even worse.

    So today I went to my nephew's birthday party and I did pretty well. I was hungry so I had 2 hot dogs (1 with bun and one without) so not as bad as it could have been. And then I had a very small piece of cake, I should have just skipped the cake because it wasn't really worth the calories. So today I was talking to my dad and step mom about c25k and telling them that I am going to start it next week and they really thought they might actually do it too! That would be so cool! They don't have iPhone's but they do have so phone that has apps and we found a c25k app and they are going to try it out. I am really excited to start this, hopefully I will still feel this way next week when I start it.

    Oh I almost forgot. I weighed this morning and I am still at 264.5 so no weight loss for me. Hopefully since I went to the store and bought food that I will be better this week instead of eating out everyday. I do know that on Tuesday I am going with my sister to go look at wedding dresses!! I am excited but that also means that I need to get my but in gear so I can look good for her wedding next April. How awesome would that be if I had lost all of my weight by then!! At the rate I am going right now that isn't going to happen so I need to get it in gear. Okay sorry about going off roading there. :bigsmile:

    Check In
    Calories - Under at the moment but starting to feel a little hungry so I might end up being a little over
    Sodium - Pretty good
    Water - Not nearly enough
    Exercise - Did a little walking but didn't count it.
    Proud - That I didn't over indulge on cake!! This is a HUGE accomplishment for me!

    Nancy and Lauren - Hope you are still having a great birthday weekend!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh, I forgot, Raider, Tstout - I bought running shoes today. I'm ready to do this (tremble, tremble). I'm thinking I could start day one next friday and day two next sunday. Is that too soon for you ladies?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am thinking i am going upstairs and watch tv in my bed...drives me nuts when inlaws are here...I know she can't help it, but drive me nuts, i dnon't know how i could handle it all the time like my father in law.

    My MIL was in a car accident about 4 years ago and had permant brain damage. She isn't all there...She is good most of the time but sometims she gets on a tangent or flustered she gets all upset, then FIL yells at her. Then she gets more upset and just won't sit down and chill.. I really do respect people who work with mentally ill people, ...I really do.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - I'm glad Serena's party went well. That is terribly sad about your mil. I think watching TV in bed is a good idea.
    raider - GREAT JOB on the cake intake! I wish I could say the same. :embarassed: I had a big piece of birthday cake tonight. Ugh. Birthdays are so fattening! Thank goodness they only come once a year! LOL OK who am I kidding I LOVED EVERY SINGLE BITE OF MY CAKE. :tongue:

    Well, I did not drink tonight, even though I was tempted, so that is a big thing. Whew. I woke up so sick this morning from all of the junk and beer - I just didn't want the same thing happening tomorrow morning. I ate three pieces of pizza and had a few scoops of artichoke dip. Not bad for me!

    check in:
    calories: oooh too close for comfort!
    water: 100
    exercise: 40 mins Old Bessie, Shapely Girl aerobics DVD with 5 lb. weights
    proud: I made myself exercise even though I did NOT want to at all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Got home from my mom's about an hour ago. I ate too much and drank too much but probably didn't do *so* bad (except with sodium -- suffice it to say my mom wouldn't even let my 86 year old gramma eat any of the snack foods she had made because they were loaded with sodium, lol). I had a good time even though a lot of my family wasn't able to come because they had to work today (this was our little wedding "reception" my mom insisted on having).

    I tried some new beer which was AWESOME (Highland Black Mocha Stout -- OMG! I love supporting local breweries, especially when they make kickin' beer). It must have had an insanely high alcohol content (for beer) because I was tipsy after the first, drunk after the 2nd, and D-R-U-N-K after 1/2 of the 3rd. Then there was sparkling wine... and... oh dear. I had to pour 6oz of yummy stout down the drain. My mom was a happy lady because I let her take about 3 billion pictures. Every picture she has of me since I was like 5 years old is me either hiding or making a stupid face. I spend every birthday and holiday ducking and covering or with my tongue out and my finger up my nose. She hates it. :laugh:

    I have no idea where I am on calories today -- probably around maintenance amounts. I expect my weight to be up tomorrow from all the sodium. I plan to go to the gym though. And then I plan to paint a room or 2 in my house which is something I've wanted to do for 3 years. :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Sounds like you had a great time last night! At least you enjoyed yourself. And way to go on letting your Mom throw the party for you. Post some of those pics for us to see!

    So excited for those starting the c25k this week! Y'all are going to do great, and you know we are all here for support!

    I weighed in when I got home this morning after breakfast. The scale showed 212.2...and that's after breakfast. YAY! Could I be seeing the 20?'s this week!? I hope so! I better bust my butt, even if I am STILL sore! Have a great Sunday!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Oh, I forgot, Raider, Tstout - I bought running shoes today. I'm ready to do this (tremble, tremble). I'm thinking I could start day one next friday and day two next sunday. Is that too soon for you ladies?

    Yeah for the running shoes! I still haven't bought mine but I do have so shoes that I can wear until I find some time to go get them. Those days are good for me. I am thinking of maybe doing it either Thursday or Friday for Day 1 and then see how well I do with that and hopefully do day two on Saturday or Sunday. Somewhere along those lines.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I am glad to hear that all of the parties that went on yesterday were a lot of fun!! I am off to another birthday party with hot dogs and cake again. Then home for italian chicken, this is what I have been wanting for a loooong time!!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The birthday weekend has been a blast! Over for sure in my calories yesterday, and will be over today as well. As Blue says, thank goodness birthdays only come once a year!

    Yesterday was great fun and I did pretty well on calories....until I started drinking beer. WHOOPS! I was a good girl and exercised right when I got up, but it was only 28 min (280 cals), so it certainly didn't make up for all I ate and drank. I made a really tasty french onion dip using 0% Fage yogurt for the party with carrots and celery. There were some chips as well (you can't have french onion dip without chips!), but I managed to mostly eat the veggies. We had BBQ chicken, grilled veggies, pesto pasta salad for lunch. Then I got my suburban bakery cake. Icing = LOVE! But SO sugary!!

    Last night I had 7 beers and a shot of whiskey. This was over like 10 hours, but it was definitely the most I've had to drink in a long time. The shot was the last thing of the night and I'm definitely feeling the effect today!

    Went out to brunch and feeling very heavy from all the food. I think it's good when our bodies tell us that the bad stuff isn't good for us. Hopefully it will help me make better choices in the future! Tonight we're having asparagus, baked potatoes, and steak. Gotta love birthday dinners! I'm already close to my calorie limit for the day, so I know I'm going over. Don't have the energy to exercise today. Exercise is happening tomorrow, so I'll work really hard to erase the damage of this weekend!

    Have a good day!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Seems like not only are we log-in twins, but almost birthday twins! AND both hail from Lou! I am mirroring you with b-day celebrations. Man I got pretty sick from Friday night's ordeal. Saturday, much better. Both days very little exercise. But today I went to the gym and worked HARD for 75 minutes! Wooot! Not gonna be able to walk tomorrow! LOL But at least I will not feel guilty eating another piece of another birthday cake! This time my FAVE - coconut cake! Mmmmm!!! :laugh:
    The scale was broken at the gym and I took that as a sign that I better get to moving this *kitten* this week before weigh-in!!! :drinker:

    Going out for Thai food tonight. Oh my word I love Thai!!! Can't wait!!! Then I am forcing all of my musician friends to go bowling! LOL Musicians are notorious for NOT being in shape! We have no time, work late hours and eat crap from the gigs we are at!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So I decided to go to the grocery store yesterday and get healthy stuff to eat this week. I have packed my meals for tomorrow so I am going to be on the right track! All healthy foods are ready for some eating this week. I am so proud of myself!!

    Check in
    Calories - It's going to be close
    Sodium - Over (Didn't realize how much sodium a cup of green beans from a can had! :noway: :noway: )
    Water - Definitely not enough
    Exercise - Playing with the kiddos at the party but nothing really to count.
    Proud - That I packed my lunch so that I have no excuses tomorrow!!!

    Well I will be back tomorrow to see how everyone's weekends were! Have a great night everyone!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Good job, raider, getting to the store and buying healthy. Two thumbs up! And as for the canned green beans, yeah, the sodium will get ya there. I rinse my canned veggies with water before cooking them. I was told to do this to help eliminate some of the sodium. Not sure how much it helps, but I always feel better! :tongue:

    I had a blast tonight celebrating my birthday (again LOL). Curried tofu with jasmine rice. Can't beat that! Oh yeah and two pieces of coconut cake! Now you really can't beat that! Especially since I PLANNED for them and saved my calories just for the cake! Oooh I am good! :wink:

    check in:
    calories - under (sodium too!) (but not sugar, ooop.)
    water - 100
    exercise - 75 mins at rec center with elliptical, arm weights, and treadmill
    proud - I planned for my cake and ate it too! :tongue:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Weighing in late for the week! I am at 273.8, which is only a 1.4 lb gain after eating whatever the heck I wanted at restaurants for dinner for 2 weeks, so I'm ok with that. My parents have finally gone home, and I can really get back into my routine. I had great intentions to log my food last week but I did breakfast and lunch a few days and then never logged dinner because it was too hard to figure out stuff for restaurant food.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Started the week off right. :smile:

    I went to the gym this morning and burned over 500 calories. And then I took a shower there. And I didn't die and it wasn't that bad and I'm going to do it again tomorrow. :tongue:
    I was nearly 15 minutes late for work though. I guess it just takes longer to shower and dress in a 2'x2' space. :ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Looks like my 190 wont be happening this month...Im up to 194.4 this morning which isnt bad considering my choices on Saturday. That's only 1.4lbs over Friday so Im ok with that, I hope its gone quickly. But with vacation coming up this week as good as I plan on being its inevitable that I will show a gain when I come back since we are going to be eating out a lot. I was kind of in denial about it but eh...

    Saturday I planned on 6 beers, which quickly turned into 8...which was fine because I had plenty of extra calories, but after the 8 beers I was STARVING (beer munchies?!) so I decided to eat a hot dog and a grilled cheese, and some of the chinese food bobby made...I consummed 1200+ cals in one sitting...how disgusting! :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    Well back at it again this morning...moving on!

    Have a great day everyone

    Weekend check in:
    cals- 1256 Fri, 2700 saturday, 900 sunday
    water- Fri-yes, Sat- no (unless you count water in the beer), Sun-yes
    sodium- over every day but Sunday
    excercise- fri and sunday nothing, saturday spin class for an hour
    proud- that I didnt gain 5+lbs like I have been on the weekends recently. I was only "bad" one day instead of the entire weekend
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Looks like my 190 wont be happening this month...Im up to 194.4 this morning which isnt bad considering my choices on Saturday. That's only 1.4lbs over Friday so Im ok with that, I hope its gone quickly. But with vacation coming up this week as good as I plan on being its inevitable that I will show a gain when I come back since we are going to be eating out a lot. I was kind of in denial about it but eh...

    Saturday I planned on 6 beers, which quickly turned into 8...which was fine because I had plenty of extra calories, but after the 8 beers I was STARVING (beer munchies?!) so I decided to eat a hot dog and a grilled cheese, and some of the chinese food bobby made...I consummed 1200+ cals in one sitting...how disgusting! :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    I did this last night. And I am yelling at myself for it. I went to Taco Cabana on my way home last night. How awful!! But the good news is the scale only shows about .5 of a gain right now. But I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated. I'm planning on hitting the gym hardcore this week!

    Cris-Are you sore from your class? What's our plan of attack for c25k this week? Or are we going to pick up when you come back?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    G' morning Jess!- My legs are a little sore but not too bad...I think I can squeeze day 2 in either today or tomorrow. You want to shoot for today? My legs ARE sore, so if I go and find out that I cant then I can try again tomorrow or Wednesday morning. I doubt I will be able to do the last workout this week though :ohwell: Im sorry
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Howdy ladies !!

    i wish it was more weekend today :sad: weird our alarm when off, then dh hit snooze then appearently our power flahsed cause i turned over to look at it and it was flashing like 12:05..and the cable was resetting.

    No working out again today (two days in a row...oh no :smile: ) i think i hurt my arm so tyring to let it heal a little...going to lunch with friends from work(have to swtich on call stuff over), they didnt' care so i picked applebees , i know i can get a low cal thing there.

    then appt w/ serena's counselor tonight...busy busy...GOt to get my house super clean, as i am having BUNCO at my house on wedensday, first time ever i have hosted...my kids destroy everyone and i know my house isn't probably as neat and clean as all theres (as most stay home), but going to try the hardest to get everything looking super nice), ...some days i really think i am too busy for work :) but i guess i got to go do it...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    G' morning Jess!- My legs are a little sore but not too bad...I think I can squeeze day 2 in either today or tomorrow. You want to shoot for today? My legs ARE sore, so if I go and find out that I cant then I can try again tomorrow or Wednesday morning. I doubt I will be able to do the last workout this week though :ohwell: Im sorry

    Don't be sorry! Just do what you can and let me know. I'm perfectly okay with waiting!
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