Over 200 New Year New Me Part 28



  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Good morning everyone....

    Check in
    Calories: over....I waited way to long to eat yesterday and then I overate for supper, and then I wanted a candy bar....so I had one.....and a slushie :sad:
    Water: 64 oz
    Excercise: took the kids to the lake. I didn't get to swim cuz I was by myself and had to hold the baby the whole time, but it was getting out of the house
    Proud: that I'm admitting my short comings from yesterday out loud and holding myself accountable

    I am in a funk today. I am tired and frustrated with myself about eating a candy bar last night. I am hurting a lot due to the weather. This is the first time this year that I've hurt this bad. And when it gets like this it's a struggle to get my legs moving adequately enough to even walk, so excercising is pretty much out of the question. :frown: I have had reconstructive surgery on both hips and when it's raining a lot I think my joints swell cuz they hurt straight up but when I try to walk it's like trying to move an old gear that is slow and stuck and doesn't want to rotate. Which then makes my pain worse. I am hoping it gets better but probably not until this line of storms pass....

    hope everyone else is doing well....
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    So I was just browsing on some of the message boards and read something interesting, that made me go....'ummm duh!' I couldn't believe I hadn't realized this myself.

    So anyway when we all sign up and put in our "goals" it asks for excercise goals. Which then increases your total calorie allotment. So then when we add our excercise every day it gives us more calories that we can eat (if we so choose). So in essence we could be "eating" our excercise calories twice and in turn over eating! :noway:

    I just went and changed my excercise goal to 0 mins a day. So that way my calorie allotment would be based on diet alone and when I enter my excercise (if I manage to do anything) it will be extra. So that way I can choose to eat my excercise calories or not, but it'll be a more accurate reflection of my true intake. It changed my daily calorie by almost 100. Not a huge amount but those add up fast.

    Anyway I'm sure you all already realize this but I just wanted to throw it out there in case anyone wasn't realizing this, and maybe this had something to do with the stalls in weight loss. :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So anyway when we all sign up and put in our "goals" it asks for excercise goals. Which then increases your total calorie allotment. So then when we add our excercise every day it gives us more calories that we can eat (if we so choose). So in essence we could be "eating" our excercise calories twice and in turn over eating! :noway:

    Nope. It doesn't add exercise cals until you enter them. :smile:
    The only way you'd be double eating your exercise calories is if you included your exercise in your "Activity Level." Mine is set to sedentary since I have a desk job and I don't include my exercise in my activity level. If I did include my exercise in my activity level, I'd choose "Active" or "Lightly Active" and then, yes, MFP would include those calories in my daily goal so whenever I exercised, I would *not* log it and I would *not* eat those extra calories.

    But your exercise goal is just that, a goal. MFP doesn't assume you're going to meet it. :wink:

    Edit: Oh, but one thing that isn't explained on MFP is that you should readjust your calorie goals as you lose weight. As you lose weight, your body is using fewer calories to do your normal daily activities (In my case, it takes a lot less energy to move 194 pounds around than it did to move 275 around so I need fewer calories each day now). At 275 set to lose 1.5 pounds a week, I was allotted like 1800 calories to eat. Now I get 1250. :frown: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1065 :frown:
    Exercise: None
    Water: 8 cups
    Proud: Made dinner without calculating calories. When I logged it, it was WAY lower in calories than I thought.... so I ate twice as much as I had planned. :laugh: But, as you can see, I still didn't really eat enough.

    I don't know if I've had a stomach virus or what the last few days. I haven't felt like eating much. If TOM hadn't been raging for 7 days I'd seriously think I was pregnant. Every time I eat I feel a little sick. And then last night after dinner I thought I may die. My stomach was hurting so much I'm actually now worried I may have an ulcer. I went to bed at 8pm. Tried to get back up and midnight but still felt horrible so went back to sleep. On the plus side, I got up at 7am of my own free will which is absolutely nutso for me, especially on Saturday. I'm feeling better so hopefully the stomach ache won't come back when I eat breakfast.

    Gotta go wash out the hair dye!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    So anyway when we all sign up and put in our "goals" it asks for excercise goals. Which then increases your total calorie allotment. So then when we add our excercise every day it gives us more calories that we can eat (if we so choose). So in essence we could be "eating" our excercise calories twice and in turn over eating! :noway:

    Nope. It doesn't add exercise cals until you enter them. :smile:
    The only way you'd be double eating your exercise calories is if you included your exercise in your "Activity Level." Mine is set to sedentary since I have a desk job and I don't include my exercise in my activity level. If I did include my exercise in my activity level, I'd choose "Active" or "Lightly Active" and then, yes, MFP would include those calories in my daily goal so whenever I exercised, I would *not* log it and I would *not* eat those extra calories.

    But your exercise goal is just that, a goal. MFP doesn't assume you're going to meet it. :wink:

    Edit: Oh, but one thing that isn't explained on MFP is that you should readjust your calorie goals as you lose weight. As you lose weight, your body is using fewer calories to do your normal daily activities (In my case, it takes a lot less energy to move 194 pounds around than it did to move 275 around so I need fewer calories each day now). At 275 set to lose 1.5 pounds a week, I was allotted like 1800 calories to eat. Now I get 1250. :frown: :laugh:

    Well when I went in and took out my excercise "goal" it changed my daily calories from almost 1800 down to 1700 even, so almost by 100.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    I don't know if I've had a stomach virus or what the last few days. I haven't felt like eating much. If TOM hadn't been raging for 7 days I'd seriously think I was pregnant. Every time I eat I feel a little sick. And then last night after dinner I thought I may die. My stomach was hurting so much I'm actually now worried I may have an ulcer. I went to bed at 8pm. Tried to get back up and midnight but still felt horrible so went back to sleep. On the plus side, I got up at 7am of my own free will which is absolutely nutso for me, especially on Saturday. I'm feeling better so hopefully the stomach ache won't come back when I eat breakfast.

    Gotta go wash out the hair dye!

    Maybe you had a mild case of food poisoning? Some people's systems are able to fight the bacteria better than others so therefore their symptoms aren't as bad.....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So anyway when we all sign up and put in our "goals" it asks for excercise goals. Which then increases your total calorie allotment. So then when we add our excercise every day it gives us more calories that we can eat (if we so choose). So in essence we could be "eating" our excercise calories twice and in turn over eating! :noway:

    Nope. It doesn't add exercise cals until you enter them. :smile:
    The only way you'd be double eating your exercise calories is if you included your exercise in your "Activity Level." Mine is set to sedentary since I have a desk job and I don't include my exercise in my activity level. If I did include my exercise in my activity level, I'd choose "Active" or "Lightly Active" and then, yes, MFP would include those calories in my daily goal so whenever I exercised, I would *not* log it and I would *not* eat those extra calories.

    But your exercise goal is just that, a goal. MFP doesn't assume you're going to meet it. :wink:

    Edit: Oh, but one thing that isn't explained on MFP is that you should readjust your calorie goals as you lose weight. As you lose weight, your body is using fewer calories to do your normal daily activities (In my case, it takes a lot less energy to move 194 pounds around than it did to move 275 around so I need fewer calories each day now). At 275 set to lose 1.5 pounds a week, I was allotted like 1800 calories to eat. Now I get 1250. :frown: :laugh:

    Well when I went in and took out my excercise "goal" it changed my daily calories from almost 1800 down to 1700 even, so almost by 100.

    That's because your weight has changed since the first time MFP set your calories. I'm sure your exercise goals had you burning more than 700 calories a week. Because MFP has no idea what intensity of exercise you're planning to do. If I said I wanted to work out 4 days a week 1 hour each time, MFP doesn't know if I'm going to be walking or running or ellipticaling or lifting weights or whatever. All those exercises burn way different amounts of calories, so MFP would never be able to adjust my calorie goals according to my exercise goals. :wink:

    If you go back in right now and adjust your exercise goals, you'll see that MFP won't change your calorie allotment. I promise I'm not just trying to mess with you. :laugh: :smile:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    I promise I'm not just trying to mess with you. :laugh: :smile:

    :laugh: I didn't think you were!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK computer geeks? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

    Help me with this slow-*kitten* computer! :laugh: Now it reads that my "start-up disk" is "almost full" and to delete some thingies or something and I have NO idea what a start-up disk is, nor where to get one! :embarassed:

  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Ugh! I don't know what's wrong with me....I am already over my calories for the day :noway: .....it's not even 3pm yet :sad:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    myworld - I hope you made it through the day. :flowerforyou:

    check in:
    calories: under a bit
    water: working on 100
    exercise: none, really. My knee is really hurting, as bad as it did 93 pounds ago. I took off exercising last night and tonight. I will discuss it with the PT on Monday morning. Plus I'm having surgery (the yucky female kind) Tuesday so I can't take any advil or naproxen. Ugh.
    proud: I made it through the day without crying?
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    OK computer geeks? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

    Help me with this slow-*kitten* computer! :laugh: Now it reads that my "start-up disk" is "almost full" and to delete some thingies or something and I have NO idea what a start-up disk is, nor where to get one! :embarassed:


    you have a Mac right? if so teh following is for you.

    Find out where your space is gone.
    Empty more space and keep 15 % or more free at all times.
    This is a simple app that will show the files http://freshmeat.net/projects/directorylister but there are others that will show where your space is gone.
    More the files you need to an external hd, or out of boot volume at least, and empty space - and empty trash after cleaning.
    Do you have filevault on? That will also use a bit more space (or will be more problems disabling it - will need at least as much empty space as last reported filevault sparseimage size was)

    google start up disk is almost full to get more info
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The spa was fabulous. We had a great time and I really enjoyed the relaxation and the time with my girls. We lucked out and got a king suite instead of a double so we had lots more room in the hotel. Dinner was delicious and all in all it was a great time.

    Today we slept in and had brunch at a diner. Pancakes and eggs for me. TASTY! Then I went north of the city to a park by the Hudson river (Croton, NY b/c meokk might know where it is) to meet Jonathan for a picnic. There was a ton of beer (it was a homebrewers picnic!), and I managed to keep my intake down to less than 20 oz. It was a little harder to resist the food. Someone brought some of the best pulled pork I've ever had. Then there was fresh guacamole and chips. Also, some delicious desserts - flan and blueberry pie. I had small servings of both, but those calories added up! Now we're headed out to a friend's birthday party. I may have one drink, but I'm just not feeling drinking a lot tonight. I don't need the empty calories! We'll see how I do tomorrow when I check in!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: 2001....but so delicious!
    Water: 56 oz....bad Lauren!
    Exercise: None
    Proud: When I weighed in at 180.4, that's the lowest weight I've been in 5 years. That's pretty freaking awesome.

    And Blue....:flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK computer geeks? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

    Help me with this slow-*kitten* computer! :laugh: Now it reads that my "start-up disk" is "almost full" and to delete some thingies or something and I have NO idea what a start-up disk is, nor where to get one! :embarassed:


    you have a Mac right? if so teh following is for you.

    Find out where your space is gone.
    Empty more space and keep 15 % or more free at all times.
    This is a simple app that will show the files http://freshmeat.net/projects/directorylister but there are others that will show where your space is gone.
    More the files you need to an external hd, or out of boot volume at least, and empty space - and empty trash after cleaning.
    Do you have filevault on? That will also use a bit more space (or will be more problems disabling it - will need at least as much empty space as last reported filevault sparseimage size was)

    google start up disk is almost full to get more info

    Thank you!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    double post
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Check in

    Calories: WAY over
    Water: awful only 5 or 6 cups
    Excercise: none
    Proud: can I really be proud after yesterday? I guess I'm proud of myself that I logged all my calories...I'm embarassed to say how many though! And I'm trying to make today a better day....:ohwell:

    So I really don't know what was up with me yesterday. I ate a TON...not a TON of food but a TON of calories. The whole time I was thinking 'WTH am I doing?!' I think part of it is we need to go grocery shopping and we don't want to go before we go camping today so there was little in the house, and what was there was not even close to enough for good choices. I am trying to make today a better day. I brought bread and lettuce to work for breakfast instead of dropping by to say hi to my old friend Ronald! I know there will be a lot of junk food camping this week but I will *try* to make the best decisions I can and to not get caught up in the 'eat, drink and be merry' atmosphere. My hubby felt so bad for me last night when he got home from work, just said I'm sorry there wasn't enough food for you to make a choice. I just decided yesterday was only one day and I will not dwell on it. That I will do the best I can today, and tomorrow and keep going....:smile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hmm....last night did not go as planned. Two beers at the bar, then we hit this fantastic hog dog place for late night food. I had a hot dog, a few tater tots, and a few cheese fries. Good news - I did not eat an entire thing of either, but shared both of them. This is huge progress considering 6 months ago, I would have torn through a hot dog and a majority of the cheese fries. My body is totally paying for it because I woke up at 5 am, filled with gas (sorry if that's TMI!) and ended up throwing up. :sick: I still feel super gassy today (fortunately it's all coming out of my mouth and not the other end....) so I am paying for the gross-ness of what I consumed last night.

    Check in:
    Cals - So over it's ridiculous - 2546!!!! :noway:
    Water - 72 oz (maybe more)
    Exercise - Shaking my booty on the dance floor last night.
    Proud - That my body knows that what I ate is not good for it. I felt it almost immediately. Good to know my body knows what's good and not good for it. Now if only my brain will catch up....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy crap holy crap holy crap crap crap.
    I weighed 192.2 this morning. :drinker:
    Hopefully that will keep me in line while making 4 different kinds of cake balls today. :noway:

    Myworld -- Great attitude about yesterday. Today's a whole new day. Better yet, this second is a whole new second.
    Elmox -- It's crazy when your body seriously physically rejects the bad for you stuff. I very nearly tossed my cookies last night over 4 beers. 48oz of beer. That's just crazy.

    I hope I can maintain this loss all week. I drank 60oz of water before I went to bed at 4am so I don't think I'm even extra dehydrated or anything.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'm baaaaaaack!

    I read through all the posts but too tired to comment on it all. I am back up in weight but Im going to officially *kitten* the damage tomorrow morning. I am really dehydrated and we are ordering dinner since we just got back from vacation and there is no food whatsoever in our house. Im sure Ill be somewhere near 197 tomorrow morning.

    Ann- Im sorry about your loss

    julie- congrats on your 192!!! i see a 18? in ur future
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Ann – Sorry about your Aunt. For the info you were asking, I started out at 282 and was told to eat around 1500 calories with no exercise. I am know eating 1460 at 262.0 with no exercise.

    Laila – Thanks for informing us about Ramadan. I had heard of this before but didn’t know much about it. I am not sure what to tell you but the only thing I can say is listen to your body.

    Teresa – Glad that you are feeling better! I am right there with you with the see sawing on exercise. Hopefully I am back on track. Hope your HS Reunion went well. I had mine about a month ago and was a little disappointed with it but that could mean I just had too high of expectations.

    Jess – I think that the little packing at night and then moving the majority of the stuff on the weekend will get you out in time. At least you will be burning lots of calories! I was the same way when I did Bollywood. Everyone would have been rolling in laughter. Hope your back is feeling better.

    Myworld – I know I am late but I think you were the one that asked about FB and feel free to add me raider_ape@hotmail.com

    Deb – Hope you enjoyed your childless weekend with the hubby!

    Julie – Amazing transformation! Your pics and progress keep me truckin’ along! You look beautiful, no makeup needed.

    Nancy – I totally agree about the extra charges for bigger sizes! I wish I was able to get rid of some clothes. But I am sure I will be going through the same emotions that you did when I do get to that time. I love what Lauren said!

    Well I haven’t caught up completely. Only up to Page 5, I will hopefully get caught up tomorrow on break.

    I lost 2.5 lbs for .95%. sorry I didn’t copy all of them.

    Did W1 D1 today! I was proud of myself. How did you girls log it into MFP?
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