Over 200 New Year New Me Part 28

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
I am here guys!!! My family had a surprise birthday for me on Sunday and then Sunday night my Aunt passed away she was 87 and I have had such a bad week.My weight is back up to 223 but I think its because I haven't been eating enough so now my body is holding onto it since I started eating regularly again.I have been eating very little for the past 2 weeks due to not having much food in the house because I always make sure my girls are fed before me.So now I am paying for not eating right and retaining some water.I got my Wii Fit Plus for my birthday and it says I weigh 222 so I am going to say it pretty accurate and I will start over from there.I also changed my calories on here to 1580 per day because my Biggest Loser game says that I should be eating 1732 calories a day with exercise so I have been doing this all wrong I suppose.I am so freaked out about eating too much and gaining all my weight back.I DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!! Any suggestions on how to defeat this monster of me overeating and keeping what I have lost off and not gaining it all back.I have come to far to gain it all back and I am determined to keep it off for good but I guess seeing what I should be eating and how very little I have been eating made me realize I need to change it.I have noticed I am very tired here lately too so this could be why.I am not upset with the scale or anything like that.I am actually ok with the fact that its up and that I recognize that I need more food.I have been trying to listen to the signals my body has been giving me as far as when I need to eat.I am ok with this gain as long as I don't gain anymore and start losing again LOL!! I know I will get it back under control.Can each of you girls tell me what weight you started at and how many calories you have been eating so I can get an idea of where I need to be as far as food goes? Also your fitness levels too.THanks!! I will try to keep up with my threads from now on .I just was really depressed because of my Aunt and they weren't having a memorial service for her they just cremated her.SO SAD:sad: :sad: :sad:


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt. HUGS! As far as the information you are wanting. I was 261 when I started. No mind you I have been on and off this wagon for 2 years. I didn't start counting calories until January. When I first started I was eating about 1400 and then dropped down to 1200. I'm now at 1200 and eating most of my exrcise calories, as long as I don't have a ton. I eat when I feel hungry mostly. Just try and listen to my body. So when I exercise I am eating about 1200-1600 calories. I got hooked on snacking on candy again at work so I'm trying to snack on fruits and veggies. Load up on them. I'm sorry to hear you are back up in weight though. Just stay focused. We had talked earlier about how we have all become lax and we have 1 bad day and let it spiral out of control to a bad weekend, then a bad week and before you know it you are putting weight back on. Changing your calories isn't going to be an instant fix. You wont see the difference right away. Give it time to work. Don't stress yourself out over it. And definitely don't deprive yourself of the nutrients you need. It's all about what your putting in your mouth. If you ever need suggestions for cheap and easy to make food let me know or check out my food diary. I'm a girl on a budget. Hope things get better for you. :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - I am sooo sorry about your aunt.

    My starting wegith (on MFP was 310 ) , it started out giving me 1800 cals..In the begining i would do like 20 min on the elitpcial

    of course when my weight went down and down it got less and less...

    Right not I am at 263, and I am at 1400 calories...(except this week), i work out 7 x a week , and eating 1/2 to all my exercise cals.

    Not sure how much help that is ...
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Ann I am so very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.

    As far as eating, I try to stay at or around 1500 cals. Never ever go under 1200. I also workout 6 days a week for 30-45 minutes each day doing a mixture of cardio and strenght training. Having said all that, it took me 3 months to make it this far. I tried all kinds of things. I just ultimately had to find what worked best for me and so far this is working. My advice to you, would be to try a few different things until you find what works best for you. You can do it and I am here if you need support be it emotional or spiritual!

    Oops forgot to add my starting weight on MFP was 325.

    Good luck!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- so sorry to hear about your aunt.
    As far as calories go, right now I'm set to eat 1260+ exercise cals. to lose 1.5#/week. I've been eating around 1300 on days I don't exercise and 1260+ about half of my exercise calories for about a week now. The reason I'm eating just half of my exercise calories right now is that I've realize I take bites of things here & there throughout the day and forget to log them. I'm okay with that and I'm not going stop myself from doing it (which is what I used to do when I was nazi-logging), I'm just going to make up for it by leaving myself more wiggle room. Hopefully it doesn't bite me in the rear. I *think* it's working because I was at a new lowest weight ever last Saturday before TOM started repeatedly punching me in the uterus. :laugh: This morning was the first time I weighed since Saturday (WHAT?!) and I was up 2 pounds but TOM is here hardcore so I was actually excited about that #.
    Edit: Oh yeah, my starting weight was around 270-275. Currently hovering between 194 and 197.

    So ladies, I have a horrible confession.
    I was just eating my lunch (dinner leftovers) when this hit me. I didn't cook the healthiest dinner last night but I got home late and I wanted something fast and I really had to use up some ground beef that was about to go bad. So I made frozen cheese ravioli with spinach meat sauce. What I realized when I was eating lunch is that dh and I made 2 BIG meals out of that bag of ravioli. 4 generous adult sized portions -- his portions bigger than mine (as they should be. I'm at peace with that now. :tongue:).
    So... the confession part is I used to eat ENTIRE BAGS of frozen cheese tortellini or ravioli by myself. IN ONE SITTING.
    I just ate 1/5th of the bag for lunch and I actually feel like I ate a little too much.
    That is so gross. :sick:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks gals!! I am not upset about my gain.I just want to fix it is all.I am going to continue to stay focused and get my rear back to exercising consistantly because I haven't been for about a month now so that could be the problem too.I think I will boost my cals up from 1200 to 1400 and see where that gets me.And I know it will take some time to see results from it but I am OK with it REALLY I AM !! I know in the past I would have freaked out but I really am ok with it and I know in time my body will adjust and I will begin losing again its all a matter of time.I know next year this time I will be close to my goal or at my goal if I just stick with it and try not to lose control tooo much.Thanks again gals
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    bump for later
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. You and your family are in my thoughts. Make sure you take care of yourself!

    When I was new to MFP, I weighed about 210 and was eating close to 2,000 calories a day...but, I was exercising every day at that time. Now, at 191 lbs. I'm eating about 1800 calories a day; more if I exercise and am hungry. If I eat at the 1200-1400 calorie level, I actually gain. It's weird but true.

    Being someone who LOVES food, I'm really happy with higher calories because I am losing and don't feel like I'm starving. My biggest challenge is watching the sodium as much as I possibly can. I've said it before, but I think MFP sets daily calorie goals too low, so I calculate my calorie needs on either dailyburn.com or mayoclinic.org and manually adjust MFP to fit what those sites tell me.

    Remember, Jess is right in that you won't necessarily see any changes immediately, but after a few weeks, you'll know whether your calorie change is doing good or not. If not, readjust! It's all about experimentation to find out what works for your body because that's what matters and that's what will make you have long-term success.

    On an unrelated note, I just bought a new pair of snowshoes. I scored a $190 pair of brand new Tubbs snowshoes for $70...with free shipping!! Are you proud of my bargain, Julie?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Ann – I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending {{{hugs}}}} your way..

    For me, when I started (found MFP - 2009) I was about 220, but I didn’t become serious until January 2010. I try to exercise 5 days a week for about 30 -45 minutes..some days I do 60 minutes..but that is when I go overboard the day before and I get back on track..
    For my eating, I started at 1,600 and didn’t really lose weight..so I dropped it to 1,400 and I would lose a pound but then the following week I would gain it..so I dropped it to 1,200 and eat some of my exercise calories..about 100 -200 of them, but not all. I try not to eat past 6pm because no matter what I eat I see a gain ( I hope that made sense).

    I think if I put my mind into it I would lose more weight, but the last 3 weeks I have been the same weight, but it is my fault because of me slacking off. NOT this week, I am back on track and really focusing on what I put in my mouth..everything ( sometimes my forgetful mind forgets to add things I ate to my food diary), so I just jot down what I ate and when I get close to the compute I add them..then having me sit and think of what I ate..and uploading 1/2 of what I ate…

    I hope this helps Ann, and don’t forget we are all in this together…stay postivite!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ann - I am so sorry about your aunt. :brokenheart: Happy belated birthday, sweetness. :flowerforyou: Of course you know my calories, etc. will not help you because I am way over the 200+ mark. But I can relate to gaining. :embarassed: We have all just been talking about this together. Seems summer is taking its toll on us sisters of the traveling weight loss pants.

    >>>>>We all need to commit to stop the unraveling right now. Not tomorrow, not Monday - right now. <<<<<

    :heart: :heart: :heart: We can do it, gals. TOGETHER we are stronger than one!!! NO ONE is gonna do this for us. So let's bring back the memories of how good we felt when we were eating well and exercising. Let those memories push us forward!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    OOPS - I posted on the old one ... here we go again with some addiitons:

    Hi all ... I didn't catch up on everything but I think I missed another birthday ... Happy Belated Birthday ELmox and Awestfall! :drinker: :drinker:

    Awestfall - I'm very sorry for the loss of your Aunt ... I know how hard that can be - hang in there, it's been a rough week for you. :flowerforyou:

    I'm not tracking right now ... just too much going on with my health and work, but I will check in from time to time and will get back on track soon I hope. I think I've been doing ok food-wise.

    I had my myelogram yesterday - that kind of sucked, but wasn't as horrible as I was afraid of. The test itself is a little painful but short - they numb up the surface of your skin but it still hurt deep inside when they stuck the needle in the area around my spinal cord - plus they had to do it twice because she picked a bad spot initially.:noway: Several times I got pretty painful zingers down my sciatic nerve all the way down my left buttcheck and leg - not so much fun. But worse was afterwards. I was in the hospital for 4.5 hours for the test and then several hours of 'observation' - I was on my back and feeling pretty good during that time. When I was released I was overjoyed to jump up and run to the bathroom (no way I was having someone else hold a bed pan for me:embarassed: when I wasn't allowed to get up or sit up ... so I held it for at least 2 hours) ... but then I got super dizzy and nauseous, and a headache:sick: . I guess that is a normal possible side-effect of the test so had to spend the rest of the day on my back at home and only get up to pee .... pretty darn boring. Today I feel better - just a tiny bit woozy and headachy - but my back is really sore where they stuck me with needles and my butt and hamstring is sore where I got those zingers. Hopefully they will go away soon. I'm at work - but not very comfortable and didn't sleep well. I'm SICK OF not feeling 100%! It isn't helping my exercise or diet either. :angry:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey girls,
    I have a bit of a problem..

    Ok, so Ramadan (religious holiday for all Muslims) beginnings August 11 and end in September 9..that would be 3 weeks from today. Followed by EID, but that is a whole different story…

    For those who don’t know what is Ramadan..it’s when Muslims all over the world refrain from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours. As a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-sacrifice. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking.

    Muslims are called upon to use this month to re-evaluate their lives in light of Islamic guidance. We are to make peace with those who have wronged us, strengthen ties with family and friends, and do away with bad habits -- essentially to clean up our lives, our thoughts, and our feelings.

    So in other words, I will be fasting from sunrise to sunset. This would mean every day I will beginning my fasting at 5ish am ( give or take a minutes or so) and break my fast at 8ish pm…yea, that is 15 hours of no eating or drinking. This year will be the hardest of all year because I have never fasted to 8pm..the most was 6pm ( last year). Nevertheless, since Ramadan fall in the summer (this year)…I am afraid of what to expect.
    Evey year I do lose some weight, but I gain it right back ( and more) when Ramada is over and I beginning to eat (daytime) again…

    What is a girl to do? should I stop ( when Ramadan comes) and re-focus when it ends? Or should I just eat sensibly ( I would only be eating one meal a day and maybe a snack) with in calorie range? And what should/could I do about my exercise?

    I need a plan..so I know where I am going with this.

    Thanks for reading,

    love ya,

  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Ann - So sorry to hear about your aunt!

    As for me, I started (for real) about 7 weeks ago on MFP at 242 and am down to 228. I'm set to eat about 1650 calories a day, but if I pay attention to what I'm eating, I fall well below it. My exercise has been pretty seesaw-ish over the last few months, trying to nail down a routine, but I've still managed to lose at least something every week.

    Still having a weird mental week. I'm lacking LOTS of motivation. For anything. On the upside - my sore throat is 99% gone! No waking up in the middle of the night feeling like a tiny elf is stabbing me in the throat with a rusty fork. Quite glad for that. It was getting old pretty fast.

    Did I mention I'm going to my 10-year high school reunion this weekend? I'm not really dreading it, but I'm not really looking forward to it either... we'll see.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    On an unrelated note, I just bought a new pair of snowshoes. I scored a $190 pair of brand new Tubbs snowshoes for $70...with free shipping!! Are you proud of my bargain, Julie?

    VERY proud!! :happy:
    I'm going to take a note from Pos_Me and hit up Kohl this weekend. If I can bargain groceries, I should be able to bargain new clothes, too. I haven't had much more luck finding pants for work at Goodwill or my fav. thrift store. All the ones I like and buy are about a size too small. At least I'll have lots of clothes to wear in about 15 pounds, but until then I'd like to have more than ONE pair of pants for work and 2 pairs of jeans that fit me properly. :indifferent: Also, I really need new shirts for work. The one I'm wearing right now is an XXL. :laugh: In this style, it should probably be a large or maybe even a medium. I look like a bum.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: I have no idea what to tell you about your eating for Ramadan. I can't fast for more than 6 hours, which is why I haven't been a good girl and gone for my cholesterol and lipids testing and such. Knowing I can't have anything makes me even more hungry. My only thought would be to have a larger, well-balanced meal during the hours you can eat. Try not to go under 1200 calories for any 24 hours period, though. I think the lower calories will make up for the lack of exercise. Make sure you're still checking in with us, though...don't leave us! Best of luck!

    Julie: I went to Kohls, Target and Walmart and scoured the clearance racks. I was able to find some great stuff at 30-75% of their regular prices. The bummer thing about getting smaller, is that now I'm in the size 12s, which is apparently average because there isn't much to choose from in that size sometimes...they get picked over quickly.

    I'm giving myself a mini-challenge for the next two days (Thurs-Fri). I'm off both days and am challenging myself to get up at my usual time (6:20am) to workout for an hour. We'll see how this goes. The scale was 191.0 this morning, so I really want to kick two more pounds this week to see the 180's.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    On an unrelated note, I just bought a new pair of snowshoes. I scored a $190 pair of brand new Tubbs snowshoes for $70...with free shipping!! Are you proud of my bargain, Julie?

    VERY proud!! :happy:
    I'm going to take a note from Pos_Me and hit up Kohl this weekend. If I can bargain groceries, I should be able to bargain new clothes, too. I haven't had much more luck finding pants for work at Goodwill or my fav. thrift store. All the ones I like and buy are about a size too small. At least I'll have lots of clothes to wear in about 15 pounds, but until then I'd like to have more than ONE pair of pants for work and 2 pairs of jeans that fit me properly. :indifferent: Also, I really need new shirts for work. The one I'm wearing right now is an XXL. :laugh: In this style, it should probably be a large or maybe even a medium. I look like a bum.

    I love bargains, especially Kohl's bargains, everytime you shop you get 15% off everything if you use your Kohl's card. Even if you buy clearence items 60, 70, or even 85% items...love it.

    Julie: do you have a Rainbow clothing store near you...I bought for my daughter 9 shirts ( for school), a blouse for me, and 4 denim jean set ( shirt, undershirt, and denim pants) for my 4 y/o son....all for 62 dollars... the store is aim for women and children and they had so much clearance items for working women..

    here is the link to see if a store is near you..

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Congrats on your awesome bargain!

    blue-I'm with you! We're making today a great day!

    lstpaul-That sounds awful! I hope you feel better soon!

    POS Me-I would get up and eat a meal in the morning and then have a decent sized meal at night. Think nice full things. No junk. That's going to make you feel icky. As far as exercise I might go and do a light walk at night. You don't want to do anything too intense because your body wont have the fuel.

    tstout-Glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Today I'm doing pretty good. When I want to snack I go for veggies. Tonight, I'm having turkey burgers. YAY!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Positively_Me - I think you should keep tracking your food and trying to stay within your normal calorie range. The trick is probably to plan, plan, plan ahead and have lots of good healthy foods around. There seem to be a lot of websites with ideas on how to fast in a healthy way, but I don't know if any have good advice. Keep us posted on how it is going. :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, Pos_Me! I DO have a Rainbow near me! I had never heard of it before but there are like 5 in my city. :laugh: I'll check it out. Thanks. :smile:
    As far as Ramadan goes, I agree with the other ladies. Eat sensibly, log your food, and try to be sure you're eating enough.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Yay, Pos_Me! I DO have a Rainbow near me! I had never heard of it before but there are like 5 in my city. :laugh: I'll check it out. Thanks. :smile:
    As far as Ramadan goes, I agree with the other ladies. Eat sensibly, log your food, and try to be sure you're eating enough.

    Thanks girls for all your help with Ramadan. My biggest fear is eating/drinking so much and then going to bed. last year I had a very hard time going to bed on a full stomach becasuse of all the water, coffee, and food I ate...I don't want to go through that feeling again. you can only fit but so much in your stomach..I hate to be overstuffed.

    Julie: glad there is a Rainbow near you..happy shopping:bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Whew, only 15 minutes and I'm done with work until Tuesday.

    Tomorrow, I'm going tubing down the river with a friend, so that should be relaxing if the weather cooperates (it's supposed to rain). We'll see, though. I'll try checking in sometime tomorrow. See you later!