Over 200 New Year New Me Part 28



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey girls,

    question throwing out there,

    I planned on having homemade chicken stir fry for dinner...is that considered breaking this week's challenge?

    I plan on putting lots of veggies, canola oil, chicken pieces, spices, and soysauce ( not sure if this breaks the challenge because of all the sodium, but I plan on putting a little..)..

    what do you all think?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Whew, only 15 minutes and I'm done with work until Tuesday.

    Tomorrow, I'm going tubing down the river with a friend, so that should be relaxing if the weather cooperates (it's supposed to rain). We'll see, though. I'll try checking in sometime tomorrow. See you later!

    Have fun Heathier, and don't forget stay on track:laugh:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Ann - Sorry to hear about your Aunt! I started on MFP in April at 285.7 and at the same time I started a Biggest Loser contest at my gym (workout 2x a week with 3 other people and a trainer). I am "officially" at 272.4 right now, but in reality I am hovering more around 274, as I have really not been very good for the past month so I'm kinda stalled! I have had the same calorie goal the whole time... 1600 calories. Sometimes I go over, but I try to only go over on days that I have exercise calories. Try being the operative word... what I really need to do is to exercise more days so that I have extra calories more days! :laugh:

    Check in for 7/20:
    Calories - I was doing good until dinner. I had 700 or so calories to play with, plus like 700 exercise calories. I think that I ate them all... I got baked ziti with meatballs and a couple of garlic knots from a brick oven place. :indifferent:
    Exercise - good, 30 min cardio strength training w/ trainer and W3 C25K workout (about another 25 min)
    Water - good! lots of water and Crystal Light
    Proud - That I have stuck with these trainer workouts so long. I'm basically paying this woman to make me workout, but I've finally at least gotten off my butt and done it! And I am getting stronger even if the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Pos: I think it depends on what is in the soy sauce? I looked up ingredients but it varies from brand to brand. Could you do without the soy sauce and use your own concoction of spices? Just asking.

    Check in for today:

    Cals: looks good for now. I plugged in everything I plan to eat for dinner at a church function and it all looks ok....
    Water: 128 oz
    exercise: yep 30 mins cardio and 15 mins strenght
    proud: That I am still on the journey!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    :yawn: Whew...it's been a day. Started with a 4 hour meeting at 9 a.m. My morning routine was all off and I totally caved and ate a muffin from the deli at the meeting. Tasty but terrifying in terms of cals (prob around 420). Then they ordered in pizza and I had a slice. Not 2 or 3, just 1. I'm proud that I kept it to 1. In other sad news, the vending machine was out of Diet Coke and it wouldn't give me back my dollar, so I had a Coke Diesel (what I call a Coca-Cola) instead. Goodbye 160 meaningless calories and hello to grimey sugary teeth!

    Ate an apple when I got back to my desk and got the munchies hard core at 5 p.m. Decided to chew some sugar-free gum to beat that. Still. Chewing. I've got Bible study tonight so I know I'll eat in like an hour. Hopefully the snack-bringer is a regular person and does not feel the need to make a 4 course meal.... :wink: :tongue:

    Thinking of you Ann in your loss. So sorry to hear about it.

    In terms of me and my journey, I started on February 22 at 226 lbs. Initially I was at about 1500 cals (I can't remember exactly), but know I was at 1340 for awhile (210-195 I think) and now I'm at 1200 cals. I exercise 3-5 times a week (yup, that's a pretty big range) and usually eat most of my exercise cals back. I've been hanging out around 185 (ranged from 183-187) for the past month, mainly due to not a lot of exercise, "big" weekends, and events/travel. I know everyone is different, but I hope this is helpful for you. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Elmox-Way to go on only eating 1 slice of pizza!

    LittleSpy-I LOVE Rainbow. Don't think we have one here but they did when I use to go visit my best friend in Minnesota!

    Does anybody do crunches? I have heard that when you are bigger in the tummy section that they aren't as effective. My co worker has an ab lounge in the back and was thinking about doing 50-100 crunches on that daily. Just want to make sure it's giong to be effective. Haven't done much research. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    LittleSpy-I LOVE Rainbow. Don't think we have one here but they did when I use to go visit my best friend in Minnesota!

    Does anybody do crunches? I have heard that when you are bigger in the tummy section that they aren't as effective. My co worker has an ab lounge in the back and was thinking about doing 50-100 crunches on that daily. Just want to make sure it's giong to be effective. Haven't done much research. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Jess: glad someone else LOVES Rainbow..I thought I was the only odd ball who's ever heard of it..people always assume something differently because of the name. But I have to go in every once in a while..I also like Aspen Casuals..but NOTas much as Rainbow and Kohl's.

    I don't do much crunches. I should go back to doing them..I did see a result when I *was* doing it..

    Hope I can somewhat help:wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Kerr: thanks for the help:flowerforyou: . I used lots of spice in place of some of the lite soy sauce.

    Check in
    calories: under, but not by much...I will probably eat some celery today and tomorrow because of the bloating that might occurs from too much sodium..But suprisingly I was below 1500 in sodium..so I was good:bigsmile:
    exercise: 30 minutes elliptical burned 350 calories
    water: somewhat better than the past couple of days
    proud: I found alternatives ( spices: corriander, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, ginger) to flavor my food without using too much preservatives:tongue:

    Have a great evening gals!

  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Hey everyone! First off....

    Check in:
    Calories: Under, I ate half of my excercise calories, which I didn't intend to but wasn't paying attention to serving size when I ate
    last night
    Water: Good, about 96 oz but trying to do more
    Excercise: Day 2 of Level 1 of 30 day Shred.
    Proud: that I am managing to fit excercising in my schedule

    I am a little irritated with myself today, I ate a piece of cake at work. I don't even really like cake but I ate it and then figured out the calories. Stupid, stupid stupid.....
    And I overslept this morning so I wasn't able to excercise before work like I had intended to. And I won't be able to tomorrow since I work 12 hours.

    Ann: so sorry about your loss, you'll be in my prayers

    Laila: As far as your fasting goes, I guess I tend to look at it from a different point of view. I am a very spiritual person. And I guess I say there is nothing as important as your faith. You should put that before everything else. So take a break from "dieting" and I'd definitely hold on the vigorous excercise. But if you take in lower calories for that month, it is just that 1 month and your body is meant to survive that, people have been fasting for a very long time. I'm guessing that once you come off of that if you do it gradually you'll probably maintain some if not all of that weight loss. I guess what I'm saying is focus on you're faith and not on the food you are eating or rather the amount of food you are eating. Take this time to center yourself, like you are supposed to :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I'm super stressed out. Moving date has been moved from the 2nd weekend in August to July 30th...last weekend in July. I have nothing packed and that's 8 days away! AHHH!!! And we're moving everything ourself. At lest a weekend of moving should be a badass workout, right!? I'm planning on taking Friday off and doing the majority of the packing then. I don't think it would take more then an entire day to pack an apartment. What do y'all think? I'm going to pack a little at night during the week. Between moving and fitting into my dress I feel stressed to the max. Not good. I need to relax! Worse comes to worse I move the important stuff that weekend and move everything else later. And I'm rambling so I'm going to shut up. Be back later ladies.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    Thanks girls for all your help with Ramadan. My biggest fear is eating/drinking so much and then going to bed. last year I had a very hard time going to bed on a full stomach becasuse of all the water, coffee, and food I ate...I don't want to go through that feeling again. you can only fit but so much in your stomach..I hate to be overstuffed.
    Laila, how about eating higher caloric good-for-you foods so that you won't feel as stuffed? You know, like peanut butter, which can use a lot of calories up. Or avocados. Or Cliff Bars. I don't know, really - I am just guessing here! Higher healthy calorie, less quantity is what I am trying to say! :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Heather - I LOVE tubing! What river? Have fun and be safe - I don't know if the rivers are high by you, but they certainly are here in Lou. Never feels good when the river is high and you tube over a tree and a branch goes up your butt. :grumble:
    Laila - I know I am late in this stir fry answer, but methinks the soy sauce would be processed....well, and the canola oil...GREAT JOB finding alternate ways to avoid the chemicals!
    Miranda - whatever it takes, sister. If you need/want a trainer, you do it. Trainers are awesome when they really fit your personality (and budget)! I am so grateful I have a physical therapist. He is like a personal trainer to me and I absolutely LOVE it.
    Kerri - we're glad you're still on the journey, too. :smile:
    Lauren, I think considering the hunger challenges you faced today, you did pretty damn well. One piece of pizza? What the...? I could never stop at one! :laugh:
    Jess - when you wrote "Does anybody do crunches?" I thought it read "Does anybody do Krunchers?" and I got really excited. The Hawaiian Onion ones are DELISH! I mean, er...I have no idea... :smokin:
    myworld - yeah, cake hindsight is always 20/20. :ohwell:
    And Jess - it always takes more than one day to pack up an apartment, no matter what size. Take it from Nancy Nomad here, who has moved more times in her life than the law allows. Or is it that I am running from the law...I can't remember...:wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    GONNA BE REALLY HONEST HERE. Half of my calories came from corn chips. :embarassed:
    calories: amazingly under a bit
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 mins treadmill, 20 mins this sort of elliptical where you sit down (hurt my *kitten*), and 20 mins arm work
    proud: I stopped myself from eating the entire bag of corn chips. I actually threw the darn bag away! I just can't have that crap in my house! I blew the challenge today - sorry! :frown:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals,

    Hot and Humid here in Pa:explode:, again!

    Thanks Nancy and Myworld on help wiht Ramadan:flowerforyou:

    I am going to look at it as taking it one day at a time. Ramadan is about 3 weeks away, and I do it last year. I lost weight, but I know it was not real weight I lost because most days I was dehydrated from lack of water. This year, since I do all the cooking and sweets ( that goes with Ramadan), I am going to make healthier options of fatty meals...during this holiday we tend to eat really rich foods..I am going to try to do some health wholesome foods that way I will be within calories ( I know how fast calories add up).

    We ( people who celebrate Ramadan) are suppose to get up a hour before cut off time to pray and eat something before the fasting begins, however, if I eat something at 4am..no way I can get back to sleep ... then that would require me to take a nap later in the day...I don't know what to do...I guess I have to experience it - to make alterations when it comes. SOrry for all the rambling..

    Jess: When my family moved from appartment to a home it took us a week. Hubby thought one day would be enough to pack and load...but he was very wrong. My advice would be to pack things ( now) that you don't use. ( I was going to say something else but forgot --ugh!!!)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the tips on moving. I hate moving and I always stress out over it. We usually have movers but since we are moving apart and both of us are broke we decided to do it ourselves. I'm going to get boxes this weekend and just pack every night next week. My Mom said she would come help me as well if I needed. Wrong time to break up with Mike. So could of used his help moving! HAHA, just kidding! But we will see how it goes. I have the apartment till the end of September and the only stuff that's really mine is stuff in my bedroom and very few kitchen supplies, washer and dryer and that's it. So shouldn't be too bad on my part. Have I mentioned I hate packing and moving?

    Pretty proud, I got up and hit the gym this morning again. I kicked my own butt on the elliptical machine. I love that thing. I was POURING sweat. And I drank 24oz of water, get home and somehow weigh less. Figure that one out. Maybe I sweat out a pound. Who knows. Be back later! Hope everybody has a fabulous day!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies -

    Jess - Good luck with packing, I moved 2x in the last 3 years and took me months to pack...but i am packing a family of 4...we are doing it again next summer then that will be it.! At least you do have the apt till end of september, so if you don't get some stuff you can get it later

    Well today is the today...i am stopping my insanse scnacking and no exerercise today...suprise i am still down 2 lbs from friday ...yes 2...with all that...i know i went over my cals yesterday not sure by how much but i ate lots of cookies, cookie dough, grahm crackers, crackers, and a whole bunch other snack foods...but yep i was at 261.0 this morning, i haven't drank water all week either...i am done rolling the dice thought cause i am sure it will catchup to me. I am eating good, and we are working out tonight (can't go at lunch asw i am working thorugh my lunch to take serena to her 7 yr checkup today).

    I will be estatic if i can hold on to this 2 lbs loss tomorrow.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have so much to do at work and I don't want to do a darn thing. :ohwell:

    TOM is still trying to kill me but the number on the scale was only 1 pound up from my lowest weight ever and 0.2 pounds up from my lowest weigh-in ever so I'm thinking I'll actually record a loss tomorrow for the first time in a few weeks. Hooray!

    This is weird, but I can tell I've lost fat over the last couple of weeks because my shoulders are bonier. :huh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, you're "picked the wrong time to break up with Mike" has me rolling. So fuinny...and true! You'll be great and moving is a great work out! Hooray to you for your morning workout!!

    Julie, I am totally with you on the so much to do and don't want to do it. I've got another 4 hour meeting this afternoon, and about 90 minutes of meetings this morning. I've been putting off a project that HAS to be done today. I'm going to be a busy lady and if you see me back on here later, you should yell at me to get back to work.

    There are more of you I want to "talk" to, but I've got to pay more attention in this meeting I'm in.

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over by 260...considering the mega muffin and pizza, I'll take 1460 cals
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise -None. Get it together Lauren!
    Proud - Stopping at 1 piece of pizza. It's the little victories.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie-If you haven't had any water it's quite possible you could be dehydrated. You will still most likely see a loss this week though. Glad you gave your body a rest. Is your arm feeling better today?

    LittleSpy-Sorry to hear TOM is knocking you on your butt. But that's great news that you should see a loss this week

    Elmox-I am excited about it being a workout. I will reward myself with a day or two off from the gym after the move is complete. I'm sure 3 flights of stairs I will be hurting. But we are going to rent a dolly. Hope you get all your work done!

    Check in for 7/21 (I Need to get better at this)

    Calories: 1530
    Water: 144oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes of interval running. I was running at a 5.5 and then 10 minutes on the stair stepper thing and last night I did 20 minutes of Bollywood. It's fun but I am NOT coordinated! Glad nobody but my dog was watching me!
    Proud: I commited to working out in the morning and at night and I did it. It felt great!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Good morning everyone!

    Check in
    Calories: over by 200 (not bad considering the cake)
    Water: 88oz
    Excercise: none, I overslept then had to work
    Proud: that I didn't make myself throw up the cake! :laugh: No eating problems but it really made me sick to my stomach and I wanted it out of my system

    So I am at work, 12 hours today, no chance to excercise today. I still feel sick. Ever since I woke up this morning I feel like I'm gonna puke. :sick: I'm hoping it's cuz I'm hungry and need something in my belly. So I'm trying to eat a yogurt to see if that helps.

    Jess-I feel your pain with moving. I too have moved WAY TO MUCH in my lifetime. And my husband and I are facing 1 maybe 2 more moves before we are done. Maybe even this summer for the first....I'm not looking forward to it!

    LittleSpy-I am sorry TOM is knocking you out. I feel for you, my TOM is murder. I am loving the fact that I'm breastfeeding and no TOM yet! I'm hoping it holds off for a LONG time. :laugh: I'm guessing it'll be soon though, it started back up after my daughter at 11 months.

    Be back later :smile: