Over 200 New Year New Me Part 28



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-Almost a size 12? That's amazing!

    elmox-Your stay cation sounds amazing! Have a great time.

    blue-I know exactly how you feel. Chargeing more money for bigger clothes just blows my top. As far as what if you gain weight back? That's why I got rid of mine. I'm not as willing to buy clothes as I get bigger, only as I get smaller. I feel if I keep them I could slowly start to pack on the pounds. I'm so proud of you for doing it. And I'm right there with you on no being able to afford new clothes. You will learn to bargan shop like no other. I seriously only buy a few pairs of pants and tops in each size now. People see me wearing the same thing over and over. HUGS!! Hope you get to feeling better.

    LilDebbie-WOW!! 250's here you come! You are just blowin and going girl!

    meokk-Take care of yourself. We miss you.

    POS Me-Onederville here you come!!!

    So I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my lower back or it's just really sore. I didn't wanna push it and go to spin class this morning so I rested. Still going out dancing tonight. I'm going to yoga in the morning with my best friend so maybe that will stretch it out. I'm shooting for 4 days of working out next week. And packing in the evenings. Then lots of moving next weekend! I'm excited for all the exercise I'm going to get!

    We're having an event today at work. We have a refer a friend campagin going on so we made our branch into a "friendship garden" And posted friendship quotes everywhere and flowers and everything. I tried to dress like I was a garderner with my big old hat pigtails and rubber boots..I posted a pic...I feel like I look pretty silly! :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie.....-2.5 ............0.95%
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    My friend came over today and helped me get rid of two boxes of clothes that are too big for me and can't be altered by my novice sewing skills (mainly blouses and tunics). Wow. Not sure how to describe all of the flooding of emotions that happened with that. :ohwell: Angry because I paid a lot for those clothes and barely wore them and now I'll get what, a dollar; Bitter because stores charge way higher prices for big sizes; Sad because some were my favorites; Scared because what if I need them if I gain back the weight; Embarrassed because of the last emotion and its reasoning; Mad because I don't have enough money to buy smaller versions of my favorites; Melancholy because I went through a LOT of rough times wearing those clothes. There were many more, but I'm sure you get the gist. :indifferent:

    Blue, I think you forgot some important emotions. Feel PROUD of yourself because you don't need those clothes anymore. Feel proud because you have made an important life decsion that has affected your health and well-being for the rest of your life. Proud because you will never need those clothes again because you know that this is a lifestyle and not a diet. Proud because you have lost 93 lbs and they are never coming back. You've made a decision (let's add DETERMINED!) and you are going to stick with it, ensuring you will never need those old clothes again. And that makes you BRAVE! Because it's brave to give up things that we love but are holding us back. Knowing that you'll have those clothes again if you needed them is a crutch. You have to be brave fo give up the security blanket and know that you aren't going back.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My friend came over today and helped me get rid of two boxes of clothes that are too big for me and can't be altered by my novice sewing skills (mainly blouses and tunics). Wow. Not sure how to describe all of the flooding of emotions that happened with that. :ohwell: Angry because I paid a lot for those clothes and barely wore them and now I'll get what, a dollar; Bitter because stores charge way higher prices for big sizes; Sad because some were my favorites; Scared because what if I need them if I gain back the weight; Embarrassed because of the last emotion and its reasoning; Mad because I don't have enough money to buy smaller versions of my favorites; Melancholy because I went through a LOT of rough times wearing those clothes. There were many more, but I'm sure you get the gist. :indifferent:

    Blue, I think you forgot some important emotions. Feel PROUD of yourself because you don't need those clothes anymore. Feel proud because you have made an important life decsion that has affected your health and well-being for the rest of your life. Proud because you will never need those clothes again because you know that this is a lifestyle and not a diet. Proud because you have lost 93 lbs and they are never coming back. You've made a decision (let's add DETERMINED!) and you are going to stick with it, ensuring you will never need those old clothes again. And that makes you BRAVE! Because it's brave to give up things that we love but are holding us back. Knowing that you'll have those clothes again if you needed them is a crutch. You have to be brave fo give up the security blanket and know that you aren't going back.

    I love this! Very well said!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Blue: I know what you were feeling. I have some clothes now that I never want to wear again, but I just can't part with them! Don't really know why, but it is a range of emotions and I can't even sort through them....

    Pos: Yeah almost onederville!!!! Woo hoo!!!

    littlespy: hubby is cute. Mine kinda looks like a serial killer in all his pics.... I find him extremely handsome, what does that say about me... :laugh:

    I am sooooo proud of myself! couple of things!

    Lost 2 pounds from last Friday!! I do not know how to do the formula. I tried to do the one that lildeb gave me last week and its all coming up weird!! (I gained 5 pounds over the weekend gotta stop doing that! and I lost those 5 + 2)

    Second is that after dinner last night I walked with my mom and kids to the park in the next neighborhood!!! It was my idea!!!!!! This is soooo new to me. I was always way too tired after work to even suggest such a thing.

    I am going to be super busy at work today even though its only a half day so I will be back this evening!

    Hope you all have a great day!!!!

    Kerri, simply do loss ÷ last weeks weight and move the decimal 2 places.
    e.g. 1lb ÷ 200lbs = 0.005, move decimal = 0.5%
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Jess - love the photo - I was wondering what you were up to in wellie boots???? :laugh: :laugh: Hope your back feels better oxoxoxo

    Elmox - just lovely :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Nancy and Kerr, I had a hard time given my big clothing away. Nevertheless, I told myself if I hold on to them I will give myself the chance to gain all the weight back. I don’t want to get to that weight (ever again) I hated that feeling!. Since I gave all my big clothing away; now I wish I would have saved a shirt and pants as my “before and after” clothing. I say let it go. It will be hard , but when you get use to it - it will be so easy, especially if it’s going to a great cause:flowerforyou: .

    Litdeb, OMG, your progress amazes me every single week. Congrats on your weight loss!

    Julie, What a cute married couple. Adorable!

    Meokk, sounds like you had a rough week and weekend…don’t leave us for too long:cry:

    Elmox, I need one of those “stay-cation” I probably need more girlfriends for a girl’s day :laugh: Way 2 go on hot yoga!

    Jess, sorry to hear you pulled a muscle:heart: ..get plenty of rest..no going to the gym this weekend for you, unless you are going to do miner things..rest and relax your muscles.

    I like the pic..you look so cute:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    My friend came over today and helped me get rid of two boxes of clothes that are too big for me and can't be altered by my novice sewing skills (mainly blouses and tunics). Wow. Not sure how to describe all of the flooding of emotions that happened with that. :ohwell: Angry because I paid a lot for those clothes and barely wore them and now I'll get what, a dollar; Bitter because stores charge way higher prices for big sizes; Sad because some were my favorites; Scared because what if I need them if I gain back the weight; Embarrassed because of the last emotion and its reasoning; Mad because I don't have enough money to buy smaller versions of my favorites; Melancholy because I went through a LOT of rough times wearing those clothes. There were many more, but I'm sure you get the gist. :indifferent:

    Blue, I think you forgot some important emotions. Feel PROUD of yourself because you don't need those clothes anymore. Feel proud because you have made an important life decsion that has affected your health and well-being for the rest of your life. Proud because you will never need those clothes again because you know that this is a lifestyle and not a diet. Proud because you have lost 93 lbs and they are never coming back. You've made a decision (let's add DETERMINED!) and you are going to stick with it, ensuring you will never need those old clothes again. And that makes you BRAVE! Because it's brave to give up things that we love but are holding us back. Knowing that you'll have those clothes again if you needed them is a crutch. You have to be brave fo give up the security blanket and know that you aren't going back.

    I love this! Very well said!

    Yes, very well said:flowerforyou: Thanks Elmox!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I love my boots! :laugh: When they told me I could wear jeans if I dressed like a gardener I had to dig out my boots. They come in handy when it rains when I have to wak my dog. I hate wet feet!

    POS Me-I am staying away from the gym except for yoga tomorrow morning. I have a busy day tomorrow but nothing strenious. My cousin will be in town on so Sunday we are going to relax and lay by the pool. She's really into my lifestyle change so I'm not worried about over eating or anything this weekend. Thanks for the well wishes. :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I posted my weigh-in and then went back and caught up, so now I'm back to post again.

    Pos_Me: Tubing was canceled due to rain yesterday, so my friend and I went to the Mall of America and Ikea. I didn't spend much money and ate pretty reasonably, too. Hopefully we'll get another chance to go tubing. Yesterday I did discover that the MOA has a Rainbow store, but we didn't go in because we were getting hungry and decided that eating was at the top of our list.

    Jess: I agree with Nancy that packing any apartment always takes more than a day. Even when I thought I had very little stuff and a small apartment, it took forever to pack and move. I've moved a ton of times and it's never any fun. Along with Laila's advice to pack the stuff you don't use right away, I'm going to add that you should throw away things you haven't used in a long time or know you won't use again. It's so much easier than moving it to your parent's and then moving it again down the road. Best of luck...I hate moving!

    Nancy: We were going to go tubing down the Cannon River, which in most spots is chest-deep or lower (I'm 5'6"). There are very few spots deeper than that, so you can pretty much see everything you're headed toward. Two years ago when we went, the water was a bit low over the mild rapids and it hurt dragging butt on the rocks. We learned to do a position where we were laying over the tube so our butts didn't touch.
    As far as the emotions while getting rid of clothes, I've been there, too! I'm still having a hard time getting rid of my size 14 jeans because they've been the size I've been able to squeeze in during a wide range of weights. Now, I can take them off without undoing them...well they fall off without undoing them. The boyfriend keeps telling me to replace them, but it's been hard and I still wear them. Tomorrow, we're going "Wheeling' in his Jeep and he said to take clothes that I can throw away if they get greasy/dirty, so I'm taking the size 14 jeans and am secretly hoping they get wrecked because I will be able to justify throwing them.

    Julie: I love your comment about your bonier shoulders. I truly think I'm seeing a difference in my arms, so I know what you mean. Your animals are too precious! I love the story behind Peebie's name. My cats are the "beer boys" being named Bud (Budweiser) and Leinie (Leinenkugel). But Bud's name actually came from us nursing him back to live when his mother rejected him and my mom saying "Come on little bud, hang in there. Don't leave us, little bud." When I picked out the second kitten to live with Bud, the name Leinie sounded like a good match, but he is striped so I sometimes tell kids that's why his name is Leinie. For a while, I think people wondered if I was an alcoholic for naming my "children" after beer, even though I don't even drink very often!

    Pos_Me: Congrats on the 201.8! You'll be in the 190s in no time!

    Meokk: I failed miserably on the challenge! It's something I'll keep working on. This weekend will be filled with grilled brats and hamburgers, along with hotel continental breakfast.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over by 188
    Sodium: WAY over...thanks, Famous Daves.
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: None, unless you count walking around the Mall of America and Ikea.
    Proud: That I've dipped a toe into the 180s again!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - love the boots...

    I guess my advantage, nobody sees me :) I work in shorts and a t-shirt (some days just jammies ) ...so really i only need clothes for going out and about on the weekends and so...i do think i will need new gym clothes before too long ..trying to make them last as long ..i know soon as my pants actually fall down that will probably be the last of them :smile:

    Elmo - Well said !!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Can I just say I love that you and your boyfriend and going wheeling in his jeep! That sounds like so much fun! Have always wanted to do that!! And floating down the river is a blast!! I love it! I love your pets names. That's awesome. I had my first Leinenkugel about a month ago. Some kind of summer shasta or something. Not sure. Congrats on your loss this week!

    LilDebbie-If I can get my weight loss going I can keep passing clothes down to you. At the rate your going, your going to catch up to me then pass me! You are just rockin'!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I love your rain boots! So funny, I was JUST looking at them on the Target website. Target's having a Black Friday sale and most of their rain boots are $14.99! I couldn't decide between 3, and then I started eliminating and then I got down to 1 pair but couldn't commit and then I saw a pair I really loved & wanted and those ones weren't on sale so I got frustrated and closed the internet browser. :tongue: I'd never remember to wear them anyway. I have like 8 umbrellas yet I'm still always the girl running umbrellaless through the rain. :laugh:

    Heather -- my supervisor's boss's dogs were named after beer -- Bud and Mic. When Bud passed away, she got a female dog & named her Mona. I didn't know her until after she got the dog & named her but I told her she should definitely change her dog's name to Nattie instead. She really let me down. Nattie is totally a cute name! Oh well, her loss.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess -- I love your rain boots! So funny, I was JUST looking at them on the Target website. Target's having a Black Friday sale and most of their rain boots are $14.99! I couldn't decide between 3, and then I started eliminating and then I got down to 1 pair but couldn't commit and then I saw a pair I really loved & wanted and those ones weren't on sale so I got frustrated and closed the internet browser. :tongue: I'd never remember to wear them anyway. I have like 8 umbrellas yet I'm still always the girl running umbrellaless through the rain. :laugh:

    How funny! I got mine on sale at target 2 years ago or so. Best money I ever spent! I even wear them when it snows here so I don't get my feet all wet. I'll play in the rain and get my hair and everything wet but not my feet, nope not having it! Wait till they go on sale and get the ones you like. I kinda want some polka dot ones now. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather-Can I just say I love that you and your boyfriend and going wheeling in his jeep! That sounds like so much fun! Have always wanted to do that!! And floating down the river is a blast!! I love it! I love your pets names. That's awesome. I had my first Leinenkugel about a month ago. Some kind of summer shasta or something. Not sure. Congrats on your loss this week!

    LilDebbie-If I can get my weight loss going I can keep passing clothes down to you. At the rate your going, your going to catch up to me then pass me! You are just rockin'!

    Thanks :smile: Just realized by looking at your sig...that i am not officially under where you were when you started:wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright, giving rain boots another chance. HELP!
    These are supposedly blue & green (they look purplish on my monitor which I would love even more than blue)
    I think these are pretty rad. But a lot of the reviews say they crack quickly. I would think all the rain boots by the same company would have this problem, but these consumers seem to be reporting the problem on these boots much more often than the other designs.

    So yeah, help please. :smile:

    I really wanted the purple polka dot ones but they're still $24.99 which is when I got frustrated the first time and closed the browser window.
    When I went back I painstakingly settled on a pair of solid purple ones and they were sold out of my size. :laugh:
    So then I went back to my initial fave (the 2nd pic) and a new contender (the peacocks grew on me..). I also like the polka dot ones that are on sale (red, black, white, navy, green, orange.. yeah.. pretty much any color other than purple. :grumble:).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm lovin the 2nd pair! Those are funky and I freaking LOVE it!! I would think that the same brand would wear the same. I haven't had any problems with mine. It's worth a shot!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Alright, giving rain boots another chance. HELP!
    These are supposedly blue & green (they look purplish on my monitor which I would love even more than blue)
    I think these are pretty rad. But a lot of the reviews say they crack quickly. I would think all the rain boots by the same company would have this problem, but these consumers seem to be reporting the problem on these boots much more often than the other designs.

    So yeah, help please. :smile:

    I really wanted the purple polka dot ones but they're still $24.99 which is when I got frustrated the first time and closed the browser window.
    When I went back I painstakingly settled on a pair of solid purple ones and they were sold out of my size. :laugh:
    So then I went back to my initial fave (the 2nd pic) and a new contender (the peacocks grew on me..). I also like the polka dot ones that are on sale (red, black, white, navy, green, orange.. yeah.. pretty much any color other than purple. :grumble:).

    Julie, I like the second ones too...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I like them both, but have to say i like the 1st ones,they do look purple...and i am a purple freak..i love purple:smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You know what guys? Sorry about that. I give up.
    Target wants to charge me $7 to ship them the slowest cheapest way. They can keep 'em.