Over 200 New Year New Me Part 28



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'll be check in early today.

    check in
    calories, under but not by much 1,189
    exercise: 35 minutes elliptical..I might take a walk later with hubby ( If I can pry him off the couch when he get home)
    water: not bad..but not good either
    proud: I stay with in calories all week (except for a miner setback on Sunday) and I might acually see a loss..

    Have a great day/evening/nite gals!

  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Laila~ I gained weight while breastfeeding both kiddos. WIth my daughter I gained 70 pounds in 4 months!! :noway: I slowly took it back off but it took me a long time. With my son I gained 40 pounds before I finally managed to pull myself up and do something about it. I think that whole myth about losing weight while breastfeeding is just that, A MYTH!! :laugh: But I agree, I am VERY lucky about TOM taking a vacation while breastfeeding, it's the BEST side effect for me personally not including the benefits to the kids.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - you look awesome as usual.

    I never have a hard time not using sick time, mostly for my sick kiddos...or the sick kiddos making me sick ..ugg

    Took serena to her 7 yr old check up....so she is 1/4 " from 4' 5"
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in (yes this is the 1st one this week :sad:

    Cals - 1550
    water - 26 oz
    exercise - 30 min of misc cardio (burn of 240 cals0
    Proud - I made it to the gym...wans't pretty i was struggling...having a hard time after no working out for a week...but i am going to get back on the schedule.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1248 if I have the orange cream pop... and I really want it so I probably will.
    Exercise: Yeah... not much more than walking around Target. But I was walking quickly... :laugh: That counts, right? And darn being size 14. Target had a pair of capris I really wanted and the ONLY size they didn't have was 14. I tried on the 16 and it was way too big. So I tried on the 12 and it was just a little too tight. Would be perfect in 5 pounds or so but I need new pants NOW. I have plenty that will fit perfectly in 5-10 pounds already. Wow, that was a tangent.
    Water: Probably only around 8 cups.
    Challenge: I fell back on a lean cuisine for lunch because I WAY overslept this morning and ended up being 15 minutes late for work.... Should have said I was sick so I could've used 15 min sick leave instead of vacation. :tongue:
    Proud: I weigh 195.8 TONIGHT after dinner! YAY! I'll be recording a loss tomorrow for sure unless something insane happens between now and 7.30am. I think I'll even be logging a new lowest weight ever since my current lowest weight ever is 194.6. I normally weigh at least 2 pounds less in the morning. Usually around 3. OMG, could I see a 192? :happy:
    Also, I got 2 comments at work today about me looking thinner. Haven't gotten any in a couple months because I've pretty much been up and down and up and down between 195 and 200. Must be on the right track again. I'm not doing too much differently (other than logging EVERYTHING). Don't know if I was really underestimating my cals before or if my body was really just kind of adjusting to my new weight. Very happy to see this steady progression down though.

    And thanks for the compliments ladies. :blushing: I just took the picture because I was bored at work and then thought "woah... that's not me."
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I decided to do a 9 p.m. hot yoga class tonight and I'm so glad I did! Feels so so good!

    Cals: 1360, with some remaining exercise
    Water: 120 oz and counting - I sweat a lot in hot yoga
    Exercise: Hot yoga! I put it in as 400 cals b/c a site gave me a 500 cal estimate.
    Proud: That I went to hot yoga all by myself. It is definitely something I enjoy, even though it whoops me!

    I'm taking tomorrow off for a girls' day. I'm planning on hitting the gym in the am for some cardio. Then it's on to the spa for a few hours. We rented a hotel room for the night, so we'll go back there and hang out. Then we'll get pretty and go out to dinner. Then back to the hotel for girl talk. I'm doing this with 3 of my closest friends here in NYC, so it should be a fun day all around. We're calling it our stay-cation. I'm also counting it as an extended birthday celebration! But NO CAKE!!! :laugh: to Nancy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK, first, Julie OMG I would NEVER think those two pics were the same person, and second, in a non-pervy way, you have such beautiful eyes! And third, YOUR BABIES ARE PRECIOUS. I swear that could be a pic for an animal calendar or something! I adore greyhounds - always have - and who could not resist that furrball with the BEST name ever? :laugh:

    OK and fourth, your husband is GOOD LOOKIN' GIRL! :bigsmile:

    check in:
    calories: pretty good, close to the max, which is what I am trying for.
    water: uh...not as good as usual...about 70 oz.
    exercise: 75 mins at PT - he reduced my weight today since I told him my knee was killing me after the last session. :ohwell: I hate going backwards, but what's a girl to do when her knee hurts? :cry:
    proud: I made it through the PT session without a lot of pain. :smile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    My friend came over today and helped me get rid of two boxes of clothes that are too big for me and can't be altered by my novice sewing skills (mainly blouses and tunics). Wow. Not sure how to describe all of the flooding of emotions that happened with that. :ohwell: Angry because I paid a lot for those clothes and barely wore them and now I'll get what, a dollar; Bitter because stores charge way higher prices for big sizes; Sad because some were my favorites; Scared because what if I need them if I gain back the weight; Embarrassed because of the last emotion and its reasoning; Mad because I don't have enough money to buy smaller versions of my favorites; Melancholy because I went through a LOT of rough times wearing those clothes. There were many more, but I'm sure you get the gist. :indifferent:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Guess i will be the first to weigh in...pretty happy with 2.5 lbs this week since i didn't do anything..not eating really good, not exerercise and TOM ..so i will take that :smile:

    lildebbie.....-2.5 ...........0.95%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie.....-2.5 ...........0.95%

    I was bouncing around between 212.2 and 212. So I took the higher number. So I stayed exactly the same. I'm okay with that considering I had an awful weekend of eating, TOM is due anyday and I only got 2 really good workouts in this week, and I had 1 day where I minute of eaten some exercise calories for sweets. So all things aside. I'm happy with staying the same. Next week I'm gonna show a loss. I feel it!

    Congrats lildebbie on your loss!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - you will have a huge loss next week i feel it...especially wiht all that packing and moving boxes and such :smile:

    I am soo excited, as of this morning i am .5 lbs away from being in the 250's...yes 250ville here i come. The last time i was this size was after i had abby, i was down to the lowest i think 252 , and that was 3 1/2 yrs ago...Under than i honestly couldn't tell you when i was that small, i think before serena was born.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lildebbie.....-2.5 ...........0.95%

    So, not as awesome as I was hoping. I was at 194.4 this morning. I drank a lot of water before bed so I must have been dehydrated when I was at 195.8 last night. OH WELL! I haven't been able to record any loss on weigh in day since July 2nd so it's hard to be disappointed. :laugh:

    LilDeb, you are completely and totally rocking it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- dh IS good lookin! :love: :laugh: That's actually a terrible picture of him. I just realized he looks bald in it, too. :tongue: He's not, his hair is just really really blonde. :laugh: Not that there's anything wrong with being bald because bald can be pretty hot, too. :wink: There are pics of him in existance I think I've literally drooled over before (before we started dating). :blushing: I semi-stalked him on MySpace for a year 5 years ago after meeting him at a party. :indifferent:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    lildebbie.....-2.5 ............0.95%

    My offical weight is 201.8...I am so happy.

    Congrats to all the loser so far:flowerforyou: !

    be back in a few..I have to go read all the post.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    lildebbie.....-2.5 ............0.95%

    TOM is still kicking my butt so I expect I'll be down in the next few days but not today. I was up by at least 5 lbs on Monday so the retention is slowly leaving my body.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I've been off the boards the past few days and just catching up.......
    Busy day on Wednesday, came home to a power outage that lasted until the next morning then out all day yesterday so I'm pleased that I have the day off today although it does not mean rest.......

    I'll never remember everything but here are a few highlights.......

    Ann - So sorry to hear about your Aunt and I hope you and your family are coping well. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cris - you must be on vacation by now - hope you are having a great trip and see you soon !!

    Pos Me - ouch, tough Ramadan in August. Your body is going to just have to deal with it I suppose. If you lose and then put some back on, don't worry, it's just your body getting back to normal. If I were you I'd eat before dawn as well as after sunset. 1 meal a day just seems like a bad idea. I hear that's how Sumo wrestlers eat, one huge evening meal fattens them up and slows their metabolisms.

    LilSpy - you look so beautiful in your new photo, I would never guess that both were of the same person, NEVER.

    Lildeb - great job with the losses this month, you are kicking butt !!!!!

    Great job on the challenge everyone - thanks for making the effort!!!!!

    Don't think I'll be on here much again until maybe Tuesday, I have guests arriving today for the weekend and some until Tuesday.

    xoxo to all, have a great weekend,
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - WTG on recording a loss...I think i may still be dehydrated and why showing such a good loss,...but i will take it :smile: TOM i think is about to leave and thinking that is helping too!!!

    POS - WTG on 201.8 you are almost to onderville...
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Blue: I know what you were feeling. I have some clothes now that I never want to wear again, but I just can't part with them! Don't really know why, but it is a range of emotions and I can't even sort through them....

    Pos: Yeah almost onederville!!!! Woo hoo!!!

    littlespy: hubby is cute. Mine kinda looks like a serial killer in all his pics.... I find him extremely handsome, what does that say about me... :laugh:

    I am sooooo proud of myself! couple of things!

    Lost 2 pounds from last Friday!! I do not know how to do the formula. I tried to do the one that lildeb gave me last week and its all coming up weird!! (I gained 5 pounds over the weekend gotta stop doing that! and I lost those 5 + 2)

    Second is that after dinner last night I walked with my mom and kids to the park in the next neighborhood!!! It was my idea!!!!!! This is soooo new to me. I was always way too tired after work to even suggest such a thing.

    I am going to be super busy at work today even though its only a half day so I will be back this evening!

    Hope you all have a great day!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Kerri & Blue -- I'm with you on letting clothes go. This month I've donated several boxes full of clothes to the doggies and kitties (local thrift store that benefits local no-kill shelter. I had a terrible time at first. I was having a hard time letting go of size 22 pants even though I wear a size 14. :laugh: Yeah.. I'm NEVER going to be able to wear those again.
    Now I think it's pretty fun to get rid of clothes. I still have a hard time letting go of skirts because they're so easily altered. And I'm still clinging to a couple pairs of size 18 pants because I have so few sizes 14 and 16 (since I've not been this size since I was 12 years old).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have only got rid of a few things mainly because when i hit 26 i didn't buy that much , i had only a couple things as i didn't want to stay that size, i still have some work clothes that were 26 that i will never wear (as i used to have to wear them, i work at home now), I plan to go through stuff this weekend...

    I am keeping one pair of my size 26 jeans (that i was busting out of at 318 )just as a reminder how far i came and not to ever go back EVER...Once i get out of that size (like they are too big i plan to get rid of (or at least put in a box or bag to get rid of) ), I don't want a comfort closet of stuff that would fit me "if" i gained weight...maybe keep some looser close for those days when i am bloated and such..

    That said...hubby has informed me i need new panties...i admit they are a little big, but funny when i look at the sizing it said i should wear the size i am wearing but they are wayyyy to big...oh and i was informed my materentiy panties i have need to go...yes i still have them...and wear them when i am feeling icky and bloated...they are comfy :smile: