Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Well this morning I wake up and had an early (really late but another story) visit from TOM. I guess this is why my back was aching a little this weekend. So hopefully this bloatedness (making up words) will go away before Friday for weigh in. I really want to see a loss this week. It has been way too long since I have lost anything!

    I discovered something yesterday when I was reading some posts about before and after pics. Someone mentioned that they always wore black and not much color because it made them feel that it slimmed them down. I realized that I do that. I know that black makes you look slimmer but I guess subconsiously I was thinking it while I shopped. I do wear a lot of black and yesterday when I wore some color I felt more self consious (sp).

    So far so good today. Remembered my lunch and I am going to stick to it! Already plugged everything in except for dinner because I don't know what we are having yet.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Think I just lost those 1.4lbs :laugh: :wink: ....Julie is always telling me Im full of crap! :tongue:

    Jess- How about we just aim to get day 2 in either today or tomorrow and we can finish up when I come back? I am going to try it tonight....ugh I just cant wait to be done, it stresses me out!

    Raider- great job on the planning! I hope you stick to it!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Blue: Glad you had a great birthday weekend. Sorry some of your "friends" have been trying to take the credit for your amazing weight loss, but I think it's just sad that they don't have anything awesome in their own lives to take credit for. You know and we know it was all you.

    Jess: Sorry you and Mike didn't have the spark or chemistry you were looking for, but on to greener pastures! Hopefully he won't get too ugly about it and realize that it's better things ended now rather than later when he's even more attached. I can't wait to hear about the next lucky guy (when you find him)!

    Raider: Be careful about any canned foods because they do tend to be high in sodium. Personally, I buy bags of frozen veggies to cut out the sodium, when fresh isn't my best option. I've also heard that the canning process takes out some of the nutritional value and freezing doesn't, so that's another thing to keep in mind.

    Cris: I'm at 193.6 this morning (hello, sodium!). Where are you at? Can we make it to 190 this Friday?

    This weekend's eating wasn't great, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it has been the past several weekends. I did shopping with friends on Friday then dinner with the bf, but Famous Dave's has quite a bit of sodium so that's the worst part for Friday. On

    Saturday, the bf and I went to Duluth for the day but went over calories...mine was mostly due to the ice cream I HAD to have after dinner. Had I waited until I got home, I could have had some of my frozen yogurt for about 1/3 of the calories.

    Yesterday, we went to Denny's for breakfast and the waitress never brought my hashbrowns out, which worked out okay because it saved money and calories but accident. When I left the restaurant I realized I didn't have room for them anyway...things happen for a reason. My eating schedule was off all day but yesterday after dinner the bf and I went hiking at the nearest County park and burned 344 calories in less than an hour. I felt like we needed that to get ourselves back on track.

    All in all, it's an improvement from where I've been lately. Here's to hoping TOM and the sodium induced water retention will leave by Friday's weigh-in!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Raider: Regarding the black wardrobe, I used to be the same way. All of my clothes when I was at my heaviest (besides my jeans) were black, gray, brown and deep red. When I lost some weight, I started seeing more blues and greens and now that I'm 30 lbs. lighter, I have a TON of really bright colors. Amazing how our subconscious does things, isn't it? I definitely think for me it's a confidence thing. Now I don't mind drawing attention to myself when before I wanted to blend in a bit.

    For any of you gals who have mostly dark, slimming clothes in your closet, I dare you to go out in the next week or two and purchase a shirt or other clothing item in a bright, eye-catching color. Wear it proudly!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    raider-Definitely true about black! I never wanted to wear bright colors before and draw attention to myself. Black slimmed me down and I never stood out. Now, different story! But I still do wear a lot of black. Trying to work on that! Great job on planning. Stick to your guns. Set a goal. Only eating out so many times this week. That's what I try and do. Seems to help. Or reward yourself. Go all week without eating out, Friday treat yourself to something, in moderation of course.

    Cris-I think that's a good plan. We will do day 2 before you leave and pick up when you come back. And we will put this beast behind us! And we can say WE DID IT!!

    Heather-You know me. Always meeting new men to tell everybody about! HAHA! He did go nuts. He blew up my phone with guilt trip texts all day and all night. After I started drinking I put my phone away. I was trying to be nice about it but it got old and he was about to see mean Jessica. I'm sorry. But after a month he shouldn't be complaining about how he can't eat or sleep and he's just so depressed and he will never find another like me. Come on! Did you do you photoshoot? How did it go!?

    My morning has started off rough. I forgot my breakfast, again! This is so not like me. So Jimmy Dean breakfast for back up. DANGIT! But I have nothing but fruit and veggies to snack on all day and I did remember my lunch this time. And I have steak out for dinner tonight. Trying to get it all planned out.

    Okay so I'm such a big kid. I went and saw Toy Story 3 and there was a preview for the Smurf movie in 2011. I'm so excited! Makes me want to go buy all the Smurf DVD's. Anybody else a fan of the smurfs? :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I suggest you gals try CORAL on top.

    Looks great on pretty much all skin tones. :wink: You may not believe me, but seriously, try something coral on, it'll look awesome.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Okay so I'm such a big kid. I went and saw Toy Story 3 and there was a preview for the Smurf movie in 2011. I'm so excited! Makes me want to go buy all the Smurf DVD's. Anybody else a fan of the smurfs? :laugh:

    I was the same way when I saw Toy Story 3!! LOL! I loved the Smurfs!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I'm such a big kid. I went and saw Toy Story 3 and there was a preview for the Smurf movie in 2011. I'm so excited! Makes me want to go buy all the Smurf DVD's. Anybody else a fan of the smurfs? :laugh:

    I was the same way when I saw Toy Story 3!! LOL! I loved the Smurfs!!
    My friend and I already have plans to go see it. He still has his little smurf collectables from when he was a kid. His Mom saved them. He had told me about it when he saw Toy Story 3 with his daughter. Now I'm super excited that I saw it for myself!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: It's funny that you should mention the color Coral....I bought a coral colored tank top for $5 yesterday at Target. The color looks phenomenal with my tan. I'm also a huge fan of turquoise, especially when it comes to necklaces.

    Jess: The photo shoot was postponed due to an issue with the photographer's family. I was so looking forward to it, but she plans on rescheduling it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Is the Smurfs movie going to be a cartoon or similar animation to Toy Story? The Smurfs and Care Bears were my favorite shows as a kid!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-It looks like animation like Toy Story and Shrek. It didn't look like a cartnoon. It's not much of a preview so far. Maybe 10 seconds. That's a bummer it got postponed! Hopefully you will get to do it soon!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Julie: It's funny that you should mention the color Coral....I bought a coral colored tank top for $5 yesterday at Target. The color looks phenomenal with my tan. I'm also a huge fan of turquoise, especially when it comes to necklaces.
    I wish I could shop at Target! The plus size dept at my store is terrible, there's never any clothes in it. :( I have been wearing the same jeans and shorts and t-shirts and a few jersey v-neck shirts forever. I managed to get a few ok things from Old Navy's website a couple years ago but I never like any of their stuff anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old! I used to get some stuff at Lane Bryant a while ago too but their store closed in my mall a couple years ago so no more Lane Bryant.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie: It's funny that you should mention the color Coral....I bought a coral colored tank top for $5 yesterday at Target. The color looks phenomenal with my tan. I'm also a huge fan of turquoise, especially when it comes to necklaces.
    I wish I could shop at Target! The plus size dept at my store is terrible, there's never any clothes in it. :( I have been wearing the same jeans and shorts and t-shirts and a few jersey v-neck shirts forever. I managed to get a few ok things from Old Navy's website a couple years ago but I never like any of their stuff anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old! I used to get some stuff at Lane Bryant a while ago too but their store closed in my mall a couple years ago so no more Lane Bryant.
    Yes Targets is pretty sad. Do you have a Kohl's or Walmart?
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Julie: It's funny that you should mention the color Coral....I bought a coral colored tank top for $5 yesterday at Target. The color looks phenomenal with my tan. I'm also a huge fan of turquoise, especially when it comes to necklaces.
    I wish I could shop at Target! The plus size dept at my store is terrible, there's never any clothes in it. :( I have been wearing the same jeans and shorts and t-shirts and a few jersey v-neck shirts forever. I managed to get a few ok things from Old Navy's website a couple years ago but I never like any of their stuff anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old! I used to get some stuff at Lane Bryant a while ago too but their store closed in my mall a couple years ago so no more Lane Bryant.
    Yes Targets is pretty sad. Do you have a Kohl's or Walmart?

    I agree that Target's plus size section has gone down hill. I used to be able to find some really good deals there. Now I do a lot of my shopping at Kohl's. Lane Bryant seems to be a little out of my budget for the most part.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie: It's funny that you should mention the color Coral....I bought a coral colored tank top for $5 yesterday at Target. The color looks phenomenal with my tan. I'm also a huge fan of turquoise, especially when it comes to necklaces.
    I wish I could shop at Target! The plus size dept at my store is terrible, there's never any clothes in it. :( I have been wearing the same jeans and shorts and t-shirts and a few jersey v-neck shirts forever. I managed to get a few ok things from Old Navy's website a couple years ago but I never like any of their stuff anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old! I used to get some stuff at Lane Bryant a while ago too but their store closed in my mall a couple years ago so no more Lane Bryant.
    Yes Targets is pretty sad. Do you have a Kohl's or Walmart?

    I agree that Target's plus size section has gone down hill. I used to be able to find some really good deals there. Now I do a lot of my shopping at Kohl's. Lane Bryant seems to be a little out of my budget for the most part.

    I agree. I like Kohl's as well. And they have lots of different styles of clothing. Lane Bryant is super expensive. The only way I shop there is if I have a coupon and they are having a sale. I just can't bring myself to pay like $40 for a shirt.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions guys. :smile: I will try Kohl's! We do have one but I never went to it before... I didn't realize they had plus sizes.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Miranda: Where do you live that you're lacking selection? Luckily, I live so close to the Twin Cities that I have easy access to just about anything.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Jess, you just made my day....I LOVE the smurfs, my fave cartoon growing up and I had loads of the figurines.
    I'm gonna look up the movie now. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Glad you got rid of that guy then If that's how he reacts then he's probably a little emotionally immature. Onwards & upwards !!!!!

    I had an awful day yesterday calories wise, I was eating everything in sight and it was BAD food. I did do tons of exercise yesterday but even then I was still over by about 120 cals. Felt yucky and tired in the evening and then boom this morning, TOM in your face!!!!
    Worst one in quite some time, like audibly groaning in pain bad. :sad: :sad: :sad:
    So it explains the eating binge yesterday and why I am super bloated today. Interestingly I notice more and more each month how bloated I am. When I was heavier it was much harder to tell the difference.

    So I looked back and because Jess and Elmox counted their losses last week as 0% then I think I'm biggest loser.
    I'll think of a challenge and post soon.

    xoxo all
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Interestingly I notice more and more each month how bloated I am. When I was heavier it was much harder to tell the difference.
    Ew, I know me too!
    It's like... I can feel the bloat jiggling around. :sick: :embarassed: And I can SEE it. So weird.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Miranda: Where do you live that you're lacking selection? Luckily, I live so close to the Twin Cities that I have easy access to just about anything.
    I live in the Seacoast area in NH. We have most dept stores and stuff around here, just the Lane Bryant at the mall closed a couple years ago and the nearest one is at the mall in Concord, which is like 45+ min drive. I hate shopping, so that is way too far to go to buy clothes, IMO. :bigsmile:
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