Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Getting my anti-oxidents in today! Just ate a pint of blueberries!!

    LittleSpy - That's great you got a call back on your resume. More money - annoying people = good opportunity!
    Cris - Love the photo booth! I love stuff like that at weddings.
    Jess - I love that you shared your clothes with Deb and that she now gets a whole new wardrobe! There's someone here at work that is also losing weight and I've offered to go through my old clothes and give her some. Hopefully that's not overstepping any boundaries.
    lstpaul - Thinking of you and your tests!
    Meokk - Eeek on the challenge....I'm being lazy and not looking back. Is this is challenge for a DAY or a WEEK?
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I guess I'm just a little confused about what we're considering "processed." For example, natural peanut butter is definitely processed, but it's just peanuts and salt. Some things are inarguably "processed" like protein bars and "light" butter. But, when it comes to things like bread or dairy it's not like you can have UNprocessed bread and cheese (or even milk as far as most of us are concerned). :tongue: So, that's where I start getting lost on the clean eating thing. :huh: Sorry I'm slow, I just don't know where the line should be drawn.
    I consider processed stuff to be like hamburger helper or lean cuisine or stuff like that. Stuff like peanut butter, or bread, or dairy... I don't have time to bake loafs of bread or go milk a cow. :smile: I could go to the farm down the road and get them to grind peanuts into peanut butter for me, but I'm ok with buying it at the supermarket already ground up. :smile:

    I wouldn't even consider stuff like light butter to be processed. With butter/cheese/milk, usually "light" just means they were made with lowfat milk.
  • Hellooo Ladies!

    Yall sure do go through so much! I miss so much when I go out of town for the weekend. I slipped up a little over the weekend, going home means so much yummy food that isnt always the best for you. BUT I am still drinking my 100+ oz of water and going to the bathroom at what seems like every few hours lol :b Back on track for the week and only 2 more lbs to reach my goal this month yayy! Getting the week started on a good note! :) Hope yall are doing the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey Tes, not to worry, several of us have bad weekend days from time to time as you can see in the past few pages :blushing:
    As long as we all hop back on the wagon our bodies don't punish us too much :happy:

    Pos me, I just read the part about the drowning and saving and injuring...OMG, that's very scary and dramatic, I'm so happy that everyone came out of it OK. You poor thing having to go through it though....:heart: HUGS:heart:

    So the challenge,
    LilSpy asks a valid question and while some are very strict with foods I think along the lines of Miranda (welcome back BTW, missed you)
    - I would consider any frozen meals processed but not a bag of frozen peas,
    - 10 ingredient PB bad, 2 ingredient good,
    - Milk, butter, bread all OK as long as it's not 10 ingredient bread.
    - Most breakfast cereals BAD but I've now discovered the perfect cereal (for me) Shredded Wheat, old school, but good....one ingredient, Wheat.
    - any type of meal replacement bars - bad
    IMPORTANT - I'm not saying no processed foods, just for this week only don't eat the processed foods you rely on the most. I would hope that you would replace with non processed foods but you don't have to do that.
    I already ate my fave chocolate today so I'm starting tomorrow........whoops.

    Here is my entire list of favorites and what I will omit this week:
    Lindt Wafer - Chocolate OMIT
    Milk - Nonfat (fat free or skim)
    Wesson - Canola Oil
    Horizon Organic - Non-Fat Milk
    Megafood - Women's One Daily Whole Food Vitamin
    Tomatoes - Red, ripe, raw, year round average
    Generic - Salt
    Cascadian Farm - Multi Grain Squares - Cereal OMIT
    Amy's - Vegetable Lasagne Light In Sodium OMIT
    Thomas - English Muffin Light Multi-Grain OMIT
    Oil - Vegetable, canola
    Organic Weetabix - Cereal OMIT
    the Laughing Cow - Original Creamy Swiss Wedges
    Lettuce - Cos or romaine, raw
    Boneless, Skinless - Chicken Breast - Grilled
    Earthbound Farms - Organic Baby Spinach Leaves
    Rainbow Light - Just Once Naturals - Food Based Calcium Supplement
    Earthbound Farm Organic - Spring Mix Salad Greens
    Amy's - Vegetable Lasagne OMIT
    Cabot - Extra Sharp Vermont Cheddar Cheese
    Beef - Sirloin Steak - Lean Only, Grilled
    Siggi's - Icelandic Style Skyr Strained Non-Fat Yogurt Blueberry
    Kellog's - Crunchy Nut Cornflakes OMIT
    Broccoli - Steamed
    Generic - Whole Raw Milk
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Ok so I'm finally all caught up! :laugh: I am home for a week and then back to camping. Next week it's real camping, in a tent, no bathrooms. Well kind of a bathroom but not even flushable toilets, and no showers! :noway: It's a hassle, but my hubby enjoys it, and really I have enough fun to out weigh the inconveniences. (And he lets me take my air mattress, so I don't have to sleep on the ground!) This will be the first "real" camping trip with the baby and he will get his first swimming experience, in Lake Michigan. I'm super stoked about that! Tons of excercise to be had next week too. Swimming every day, we are about half a mile (or less) from Lake Michigan so walking back and forth each and every day! Plus walking the sand dune to get up and down. It's HUGE!! I'll have to take pictures and post them. My first year I was on crutches and everyone was shocked that I still attempted it every day, but I wanted to swim dang it! And last year I was pregnant with an over stressed heart and high BP so I had to go VERY slowly up and down and try to keep my heart rate down. But this year, I'm using that baby to my advantage!!

    SO I did VERY good last week......until friday night. Hubby and I went on a date (to the movies) and got popcorn, but it was a small with only a little butter. (normally we get the huge bucket :laugh: ) But I was ok with that. My brother was down, we only get to see him like twice a year, July and December. Saturday was just a BAD day. 15x15 cabin, with mom, sister, baby, daughter and husband. Emotions tend to rise!! My hubby went home on friday night cuz he had to work and I ended up getting in a fight with my sister and then my daughter was misbehaving. All the while I was not drinking water and feeling worse and worse. I didn't count my food that day, I can't even go back and re enter it now cuz I literally have no idea how much or what I ate! :grumble: And then Sunday I discovered my purse had been stolen, right out of my car, in my parents driveway! :explode: Like seriously I was P##@ off!! Then we get home last night and I take a hot shower and then get out and I feel really weak and my hips are sore (no big suprise) Then I feel like I'm gonna pass out. And it hits me, all I've eaten today is 4 Zingers (yes 4!!) right after I discovered my purse gone and then like 4 oz of cheese later in the afternoon. Needless to say my blood sugar was dropping and very rapidly. So I got some juice, it wasn't helping so my hubby got scared cuz I started shaking really bad and felt cold and got really pale so he gave me like 2 handfuls of white chocolate chips! :laugh: He just kept shoving them in my mouth and then pouring fruit punch down my throat. I slowly started to feel better then I had a turkey and cheese sandwich. But I was so angry with myself. But it's all better now! I'm determined to be back on track.

    I weighed myself this morning and I'm up 4lbs. Not bad considering my feet, ankles and fingers are all chubby like sausages! So I'm hoping I can take it back off by friday's weigh in. I am going to start getting up and excercising before work. I know I was reluctant to give up my sleep to do this, but I have a little over a month to make my first goal, and I really want to be closer than i am right now! So we will see how that goes! :laugh:

    And happy, be-lated birthdays to everyone, and congrats on all the lowest weights I've seen, that is an awesome accomplishment!

    :heart: Danielle:heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Still not caught up on posts...will be tomorrow. I miss everyone:cry:

    Check in
    calories: under, but not by much 1,168
    exercise: elliptical 30 = 415 calories
    water: not enough!
    proud: I still have my WHOLE family..I am still shaken by the whole ordeal but I thank GOD things came to a positve end.

    have a great nite gals:heart:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- 1040
    water- ok, had diet coking for lunch so im still trying to catch up to water i would have drank then...trying for 60 more oz
    sodium- about 1800
    excercise- none
    proud- that I am listening to my body - getting rest equals no gym today and going to bed early!

  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    I am so proud of myself....I did level 1 of the 30 day shred, all the way through!! :drinker: :bigsmile: I did "modified" jumping jacks, butt kicks, and jumping rope but other than that I was right there doing it all! I am so proud of myself I can't even begin to tell you. Let's see how I feel in the morning :laugh:

    Does anyone know how long you are supposed to stay on each level? My hubby found a burned copy for me, (I think from my sister in law) but she doesn't have the "how to" either.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    I am so proud of myself....I did level 1 of the 30 day shred, all the way through!! :drinker: :bigsmile: I did "modified" jumping jacks, butt kicks, and jumping rope but other than that I was right there doing it all! I am so proud of myself I can't even begin to tell you. Let's see how I feel in the morning :laugh:

    Does anyone know how long you are supposed to stay on each level? My hubby found a burned copy for me, (I think from my sister in law) but she doesn't have the "how to" either.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Danielle - congratulations on the shred! That is fantastic! We are proud of you, too! :flowerforyou:
    cris - listening to your body = very good.

    I ate a very rich risotto tonight. I feel sick! :sick: I start the birthday detox tomorrow. In other words, only clean food from here on out! :sick: :sick: :sick: My gallbladder will be soooo happy. :ohwell:

    check in:
    calories: under a bit because my PT tore me up for 90 minutes!
    water: still working on 100
    exercise: 90 mins of PT
    proud: I only ate one piece of cake today? :embarassed: No more cake starting tomorrow! :drinker:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    check in for yesterday
    Calories - Over
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - None
    Proud - Was proud that I stuck to my food plan during the day. But not so proud that I messed it up at dinner.

    Myworld - Great Job on doing Day 1 of the Shred. I have never done it so I don't know anything about it. Sorry no help but I do know that there are some ladies that are doing it or have done it on here. I don't remember who they were.

    Nancy - Hope you feel better after your risotto! One piece of cake is much to be proud for!! Just think before you would have eaten more than just one. As far as the birthday detox goes, I started mine but apparently my dad and my step mom want to take me to Cheddar's tomorrow night. My birthday was 2 weeks ago, I can't believe we are still celebrating!!

    Day 2 of bring healthy foods has begun. Tonight I am going with my sisters and their mom to find my youngest sister's wedding dress. So I will have to find something healthy to eat. They are usually wanting to eat healthy any ways so I am sure it will all work out. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    skimmed thorugh the posts...busy night of cleaning last night and serena breakdown (and more today - hopefully the cleaning not the breakdown).

    Got my party at my house tomorrow night....soo much to doo...so little time.

    My arm, i am not sure what i did, i might of pulled a muscle or something, it is like my right upper arm, like up by my shoulder (but not on my shouldar...May sit out working out today too...got soo much to do in the house anyway...This will be the longest i haven't worked out since i joined the gym :sad: right now if i don't go today or tomorrow, that will be 4 days...ouch..

    TOM decided to join the party yesterday:grumble: :grumble: I wasn't really expecting it, but of course i looked at the calender and i am like yep..guess so..

    The good news is i am still at lowest weight ever (262.2) with TOM here...THat makes me feel good :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Myworld -- My understanding is that the actual "30 day shred" is you do each level for 10 days. So, level 1 every day for 10 days, then straight into level 2 every day for 10 days and then level 3 every day for 10 days. BUT, I'd say if you're a beginner, you're going to want to stick with each level a little longer than 10 days. And you may not want to do it every day, either, because some of those moves are hard on the joints. So you just do whatever you feel comfortable with doing.

    TOM is killing me. :ohwell:

    Edit: WOW, I'm kind of incoherent right now. Sorry. :laugh: I blame Tylenol PM. I'm seriously loopy.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Hope the arm gets better soon, but in the meantime take it easy! Congrats on the low weight with TOM...I see the 250s in your near future!

    Danielle: Make sure you're taking care of yourself! I'm glad your husband was there to shove chocolate chips in your mouth. As for 30 Day Shred, Jillian Michaels recommends you stay on a level as long as you need to. Once you feel comfortable, move to the next level. I've heard a lot of people on MFP who do 10 workouts at each level. Go at your own pace and it will all work out.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 63
    Sodium: under by 123
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: None, unless I can count swinging at the park.
    Proud: My sodium being on target yesterday and not eating any snacks until after I had logged all meals for the day.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning all :)

    Yesterday was a weird day. No motivation to do anything. I didn't do too badly except for water... my throat is still terrible. I have woken up the last three nights with throat/ear pain. Not exciting. If this doesn't feel better by 12:00 I'm calling the doctor.

    This is me being accountable about things other than food/exercise :) I think I am also going to employ an idea from a high school teacher. When I graduated, she gave me a journal and said "No matter how bad your day is, write something positive." I feel like I've been so worrisome lately. Very stressful and unnecessary. So here we go!

    I missed a lot of posts yesterday, so I apologize for not commenting on everyones :)

    Jess - Sorry to hear the boy took it so badly... he's right, in a way, he never will find a girl like you but that shouldn't guilt you into being with him! Good for you, sister, for knowing what you do (and don't) want!

    Pos - Glad to hear everyone is safe!

    Also happy to hear our birthday girls all had a great weekend!

    Check in for yesterday -

    food - under! and not TOO under :)
    water - not enough... something like 70 ounces
    exercise - took the girls swimming for about an hour (hooray for Chicago parks! Free and two blocks from the house)
    sodium - under!
    proud - I put the kabosh on the destructive feeling I was having yesterday. Usually it tail spins and I end up eating too much and laying on the couch for a week. But NO! :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- LOOK AT YOU!!! Under in cals AND sodium plus a good amount of water! Way to go girlie! I hope you see the 180's soon!

    My weird period is still here, but its slowing down...I've been having TOM since July 4...what a freaking joy right?! Bobby thinks I may have miscarried (since I was in severe pain for two days before the bleeding started) but I am not sure thats the case. He seems kind of upset about it so it made me feel kinda bad.

    I was at 192.8 this morning so NEW lowest!!!! I go on vacay tomorrow so dont be surprised if Im missing! I wont be back until Sunday so if Monday I am not here then send out the troops :laugh: :wink:

    Gotta go get everything at work ready so my dad can take over my duties for the rest of the week, be back later to stalk


  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning all! Sorry I didn't comment yesterday at all. I was in a funk and couldn't seem to shake it off. I think I am better today. I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for my life change. I am still doing it, but I just don't have the gusto that I once did. I also find that I am really, really tired lately. I am getting enough sleep and I haven't been too crazy with junk. Maybe I am eating too many carbs?? I will figure it out I guess.

    lildeb: Im sorry your arm is hurting and I really hope it feels better soon. I hope its just rest you need.

    Cris: vacay is always a hard time, I know for me my family gets together and food is always involved. It's hard to make the right choices EVERYTIME. But if you can make some good choices sometimes, that will help.

    tstout: I think its def time to call the doc. You have been feeling so yucky for a while now. It may be something serious. Better to be safe than sorry.

    I find that I have been wearing more colorful clothes this summer, usually I just wear black also. One good thing from this weekend for me was that I went shopping at JC Penny (I haven't shopped in a regular store in years, mostly LB or Avenue) I got a new bathing suit!!! I was soooo happy to have found one in my size there (22 top OMG and 24 bottom since I have a booty!) AMAZING!!!!! I have been in 26/28 and 30/32 for so long, I had no idea that a 22 would fit. Yeah me!!! Granted its a bathing suit and not regular clothes but still. I am happy!

    check in for yesterday

    Cals - under with exercise cals (I don't like to use these, but sometimes I just gotta have my dipped cone from DQ!) I really need to quit and this will be part of my challenge this week.
    Water - 96 oz
    execise: yep
    proud: that I only had the medium cone and not the large like I really wanted!

    The challenge is going to be hard for me because I really like my Thomas everything bagel thin and Dipped cone, but I will abstain from it this week after today. I will try really hard to eat clean this week. I keep losing and gaining the same 5 pounds and I just want to stop doing that.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Way to go on the new low of 192.8! Hopefully this will be your motivation to behave on vacation!

    I was at 191.4 this morning, so if I really stick to my guns this week, it is possible to see 189. Wouldn't that be lovely? I think TOM should take a few pounds with him when he leaves, that jerk!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    myworld-I agree with the others. Listen to your body and take it slow. I have yet to be able to do the 30 Day Shred more then 3 days in a week. I like to take a rest day in between to give my body some time to recover.

    lilDebbie-Hope your arm gets better soon. Congrats on maintain your weight though, that's great!

    Heahter-Awesome job getting that sodium under control. Mine's getting out of hand again! Hope you see the 180's this week! That would rock!

    tstout-I like that idea of the journal! So sweet of you to say he wont every find someone like me. But I wasn't going to rub it in and tell him that. LOL

    Cris-Hope that isn't the case for the dreaded extended TOM. Our body does weird things. I went 3 months in a row where I had a period for 2 or more weeks. Have a great time on vacation though. We will miss you!!

    Kerri-As far as being so tired. I notice when I don't eat as healthy and clean I feel really lazy and just don't want to do anything. Maybe this is the case for you? You will find that motivation. We all go through it. Congrats on the swimsuit!

    Yesterday after I got off work all I wanted to do was lay around and be lazy. I had a headache, my body hurt, my ears hurt. Please God don't let me be sick! So I went to be at like 8:30. Feel better today but still have a headache. I had anxiety all day because of this new girl that we have. UGH! I don't like it at all. I hate fake people. But today will be better! Going to do 30 Day Shred and clean my apartment tonight. NO being lazy!

    The rest of my dress is in so I'm going to go pick it up this week and get some pictures taken so I can hang them up everywhere! Keep me from snacking!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning gals,
    I missed :heart: so much since I last posted…

    Thanks ladies for all the congrats on “lowest weight” hopefully it will stick for Friday’s weigh in…I am sticking to my routine to see that loss I want so bad.

    Blue: yes that is my real name..Laila Ali and NO I am not the boxer..I get that a lot. At times I wish I was..haha..You’re so sweet:blushing:

    Raderape, Meokk, and Tstout you are going to love the Couch to 5k program…I loved it the first time (completed) and my second time around. I especially love the interval training in the beginning. I think I burn the most calories doing that then running for 15 minutes at a time. Best of luck to all and hopefully you’ll complete it with success :)

    Raiderape: :flowerforyou: job well done going to the grocery store and buying healthier food options..so proud of you. Tip, if you want to buy veggies, I usually buy mine from the frozen section and fresh..I use to buy it canned until I realized the sodium..and well you know sodium is not your friend when trying to lose weight …it all take practice. Before you know it – you’ll know what’s good and what’s bad for you.

    Irandamay, welcome back! We missed you ;)..before you kow it the weight you gain will come off..brush yourself off and move on..I know you can do this!

    Litspy: congrats on going to the gym early in the morning and burning 500 calories…WELL DONE!!!!
    And good luck on the job hunt…or a new job..hope it works in your favor

    Cris: you said it yourself, you are back again this morning and moving on..hopefully by Friday you will see a loss..crossing my fingers for you girl..:)

    Heather: :flowerforyou: for staying somewhat on track…hopefully you will see 190 or even 18X by Friday. If I do remember correctly..Is your photo shoot this week or next week?…I know it will turn out great..you’re an amazing woman..

    Raiderape or heather, not sure who mentioned the black or dark clothing…BUTit is true about the Black clothing..when I was 40 pounds heavier I lived in sweats pants and shirts mostly dark clothing and my shirts were black, brown, and navy blue…I never really liked light color clothing until now..40 pounds lighter..I have an assortment of light color shirts and I even bought a khaki skirt ( an it looks nice on me.. sorry if it sounded conceited..not intended..)

    Jess: sorry to hear about the breakup..hopefully you will find the *right* man..Hugs :)

    I saw the same advertisement for the Smurf movie when I took my kids to see Toy Story 3 (which we ALL loved)..but anyway, I did see the cartoon the other day on some channel but it wasn’t the same experience ( that I remember when I was a kid)..for some reason it had no point..Hopefully the movie is more interesting..

    Istpaul: you’ll be in my prayers..:heart:

    Meokk: congrats for being biggest loser of the week and Thanks for the great challenge:drinker: . Lately I have been eating some processed foods..mostly snacking..but not this week.

    Elmox: I love blueberries or any kind of berrys for that matter.. we’ve been eating A LOT of watermelon lately because my younger son LOVES it…we buy 2 watermelons a week and finish it plus the other fruits we buy: apples, peaches, apricot, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and grapes…and for the most days my calories is over because of all the fruit I consume…I love summer because of this…

    Tes: glad your back in the swing of things…congrats for downing the water..I have to get back to doing that..thanks for the reminder :)

    Myworld898: have fun camping…

    A word of advice, be careful of any lake..this past weekend my son ( almost 5 y/o) almost drowned, he was a few feet away from land. We were waiting for the boat rentals and he wanted to play in the lake…my hubby and I thought nothing of it and we let him..he knows how to swim..not a great swimmer but manages some swimming. We ( my older kids, hubby, and I) were watching him playing in the water and all of a sudden..in a matter of seconds he is complaining he CAN”T touch the floor…and then he started to sink..ya, that is when my hubby jumped in..it went from 1 – 3 feet of water to about 6 -7 feet in one shot, yea it was scary..and I had a panic attack..my older kids had to calm me down..but all is good now.

    I am glad you are fine..after your sugar drop…Are you diabetic? I am glad you back on track and before you kown it that gain will soon come off. Congrats on doing level 1 of the shred..I think you each level is ment to be done for 10 days for a total of 30 days, however, you can do it based on how your body responds..or how comfortable you feel in moving on to the next level..

    Thanks for the kind words..my little man is doing great…he keeps mention it how daddy saved him from drowning..I just thank GOD that everything turned into a happy ending…I couldn’t face..well ya all know where I am going..I can’t bear to say it or even write it…but thanks girls.

    Hubby has a bad scrap/bruise/ swollen front calf..he can’t really walk because of pain. He didn’t want to go to the ER so I need to know what to do to help him heal. The wound is closed and no sign of an infection..just pain..so should I put a cold compress or heating pad..
    I did apply Neosporin and a bandage, is that fine for should I do more? please let me know how to take care of the love of my life....

    check back in a few..
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