vinlop Member


  • The best and most accurate way would be to get a heart rate monitor. But until you have one, use the aerobics category for the length of time you work out.
  • I've almost always stayed a couple hundred calories under because I feel I sometimes underestimate my calories throughout the day. I guess I feel that staying under kind of evens things out.
  • Have to agree with all this. Have you ever heard of a bizarre movie from the early 80's called Forbidden Zone? Completely obscure movie, with the score by Danny Elfman, and that score is amazing.
  • Thanks for the info. I think I will still use it during resistance days with the understanding it may be a little off because of the type exercise.
  • Actually I feel like I'm doing a cardio work out when doing the resistance days of P90X. There are not that many breaks where your heart rate has a chance to go down, and I am in the fitness range the entire time except for warmup and cool down.
  • My duration was 1:17 21 min in Fat Burn Zone 56 min in Fitness Zone 136 avg HR 171 max HR
  • I'm doing a combination of Insanity and P90X (I know, I've been sucked into two infomercials :tongue: ). If you stick with it, Insanity will kick your butt. At least it did mine more than any other aerobics workout at the gym. I used to do step aerobics, and this is just way harder, but it is so worth it for me anyways. I…
  • I always eat at least an hour before exercising. I feel this gives me the energy necessary to get the most out of it. Afterwards, I'll always have my protein shake. Just my routine.
  • Congratulations on taking the steps towards doing this for yourself. There is no reason to be shy here, just about everyone is so friendly and helpful. Keep logging on and entering in your food diary information, and you will see success. I have been here for about 4 months and I really love it, it has been working for me…
  • Congratulations. 9 pounds is a very nice accomplishment. Keep up the hard work.
  • I think more than genetics, this type of situation is caused by family culture. Through generations, families have a way of eating and living where all the men can look the same. That is how it is in my family. I had a keg too, but now, after several months of working hard and eating much better, that keg is slowly turning…
  • Hi Alex, I'm currently on my 2nd round of P90X, and I thought the same thing the first several times doing ARX. At this point, I know it made a huge difference. After losing most of the excess fat around my mid section, my abs are actually showing through. Keep working on form and keeping your legs straight. I have found…
  • You have lost 2 pounds already. I know it may not seem like much, but stick with it, and keep logging on, and your weight loss journey will continue in that direction. You are doing great with your exercise. Keep it up and you will continue to see change.
  • Personally, I like a little of both. I live in Vegas, and it gets pretty hot here in the summer. I have to exercise inside during those times, and I just put on my music and don't think about anything else. It is almost like meditation at the same time - pretty therapeutic. But, I just came back from vacation where it was…
  • I am doing P90X, and I have also missed a few days within my workout calendar. If I miss a day during the week I will make up for it on Sunday like you said, but there was a week where, like you, I missed two days. I just pushed the entire schedule back one day. For the second question. Try not to judge yourself so much on…
  • Trying on clothes that used to fit is a big one. Also, look to the success stories section of the message boards here and browse all the people that share their victories. They are always quite inspirational to me and help keep my motivation up.
  • Stay with it. After a little education on nutrition and all the help from the amazing people here, It really does get easier, even fun if you can believe that.
  • I couldn't agree more. This site has turned things around for so many people, including myself. Stay with it, you're doing great!
  • I have the same problem. I have a potluck to go to tomorrow. I think what I will do is eat most of my calories before I go, then eat very light at the party.
  • OH, and one more thing... be sure to take before pictures now. It would have been really nice to take "before" pictures specifically to compare to the ones I can take now, but I regret that I didn't do it. Trust me, stick with the program and you will see a BIG difference.
  • I'm in my final week of P90X, and I haven't used a heart rate monitor either. I have been logging 400 calories for cardio days and 450 for strength training when I do abs too. I think those numbers are a little low, but I have been eating most of those calories back. So far, I have lost over 20 pounds and that seems to be…
  • Even though you might not be able to see a huge change, I bet your friends, family and co-workers have made a lot of comments. You look great. Keep up the hard work!
  • I wanted to get to my high school weight as well. I'm getting close, and with weight training, I feel I will be even healthier and more cut than I was in high school.
  • It really depends on how much weight you need to lose. If you don't have that much to lose (for instance 20 pounds), 1 pound per week is a very good number.
  • You have made incredible progress and look amazing. Keep up the hard work.
  • Awesome job. You look terrific!
  • Stick with it, and log on here every day. You will be successful. There are so many inspirational and helpful people here.
  • Why not carrots??? I always thought carrots were healthy.
  • Thank you. I have used this app daily, and never realized that was there. This will help quite a bit.
  • This is correct. If it is actual pain, something might be wrong and you might want to see your doctor. If it is soreness and it is so bad you find it difficult to walk or move until it goes away, you are probably training too hard at this point. A little soreness is ok, it let's you know something is happening. Too much is…