losing but very slowly

Hi - I've been following this program religiously. Staying within and sometimes my calories each day and completing the exercise goals each week. I'm only losing about 1 pound a week. This is very discouraging. Any suggestions?


  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    It really depends on how much weight you need to lose. If you don't have that much to lose (for instance 20 pounds), 1 pound per week is a very good number.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    1 to 1-1/2 lb per week is what the site suggest & most ppl are doing - what were you expecting to lose?
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Stick at it!

    I have 50lbs to lose and I too am losing very slowly, 3.5 pounds in 7 weeks, some weeks it's nothing then others it's a pound. As discouraging as it is even if the numbers aren't dropping quickly your waistline will be and your health will thank you for it too :smile:

    I started at 1,200 calories and just this week have upped it to 1,400 to see if that helps as it was suggested I may have been consuming too little, putting my body in to starvation mode.

    1 pound a week is a healthy loss - so don't get too down. It'll happen.

    "just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen"
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Have you taken your measurements yet? How are your clothes fitting? I have done a lot of reading on this site and many people say to stop looking at the scale and use other measuring parameters instead. That said, 1 lb a week is 1 lb in the right direction. (there is also the question of getting enough calories, how much you want to lose etc.
  • tavery3700
    tavery3700 Posts: 42 Member
    I understand and feel your pain.

    I have been doing this since October
    I have only lost 35 pounds, and it has been very hard
    Some people have lost over 50lbs in the same time frame.
    Why not me?
  • lerachase
    Like others have said, 1to 1&1/12 pounds per week is the healthy way to loose weight. Loose much more than that and you can throw your body into all kinds of fits that will just lead to either some serious health problems or simply rebounding and putting it back on. Methods that help you loose weight super quick tend to lead to the yo-yo effect.

    Big applauds on wanting to make a lifestyle change, that's the best way to not only loose weight and get healthy but to keep it that way to.

    Also, this is something I always have to keep in mind, especially when I hit the "damn this is slow" wall too...loosing weight 1lb a week also allows your skin to adjust as you loose weight. Just think, if you've got lots to loose like me then you've got more skin than you're gonna need at the end. Going slow lets it adjust so that you don't wind up with extra at the end! After all, what's the point of loosing the flab if you just wind up with the flap! :tongue:
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    I think you're doing great! 1 pound/week reliably is awesome. Are you finding it hard to keep under calories? Maybe take some time to indulge a bit here and there, it's OK to treat yourself, this is meant to be a lifestyle change.
  • Quiltmania
    Hi - I've been following this program religiously. Staying within and sometimes my calories each day and completing the exercise goals each week. I'm only losing about 1 pound a week. This is very discouraging. Any suggestions?

    That's how it is supposed to be coming off. One pound per week is a healthy weight loss. Look at it this way -- it took time for the weight to come on, why shouldn't it take time for the weight to come off?
  • lean1
    lean1 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the comments and support everyone! I was feeling discouraged because I have been exercising more than I ever have in my life and thought that it would increase the weight loss at least a little since I lost the same without any exercise the last time I tried this. I know that a lb a week is good and appreciate all of the points that were made by the commentators! ( I just have to say that it doesn't take any time at all to put it on but takes a very long time to take it off!)
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Just keep telling yourself you'd rather lose it once, slowly, than fast 3 times.
    Lose too fast and you lose muscle because you aren't eating enough calories so as soon as you go back to your old ways you'll start putting it back on, and next time it'll be harder to lose because at the same weight you have more fat % and less lean body mass.
    Just keep at it. Remember- it was the tortoise that won the race.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    wow i lost 1lb in a month. you are doing good.
  • br0wnie
    br0wnie Posts: 2
    You're losing and that's fantastic! The slower it comes off, i've heard the longer and easier it is to stay off. So great job!

    When you watch "Biggest Loser" and see people losing tons of weight each week, it's discouraging, but those people work out 24-7, and have food provided for them, with nothing else to focus on except weight loss.
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    Try to have some other goals/measures at the same time as weight loss. Like, "I worked out 3 times this week" could be a great accomplishment in itself because maybe it's more than the last 6 months put together!
  • Chainsaw_Flowerchild
    Remember this isn't supposed to be a quick fix it's a life style change that should teach you how to eat and exercise for the rest of your life. Good job on loosing.

    I've been following the program for about 5 months and in that time I've lost 12 pounds. It is possible that I was eating to little so I just bumped up my eating from 1350 to 1590 and have committed my self to try harder to eat back my exercise calories. Hopefully I'll be able to get up 1 pound loss per week that you're getting.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    any loss counts...so even if you loose 1/2 a pound consider that a VICTORY!!