What If I miss a two days of exercise while following a fitn

I am following Slim in 6... This week is my second week and I missed two days. I know I can make up one day if I just work our during my scheduled rest day (Sunday), But what about the other day? should I just work out twice (once in the morning and once at night) one day to make up the second missed day?

I have another question, I did not miss any workout during week 1 and did not loose any weight or inches... :frown: Does anyone have any idea why this happened? I have read that some people loose around 2-4 lbs during the first week... What am I doing wrong??


  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    I am doing P90X, and I have also missed a few days within my workout calendar. If I miss a day during the week I will make up for it on Sunday like you said, but there was a week where, like you, I missed two days. I just pushed the entire schedule back one day.

    For the second question. Try not to judge yourself so much on what other people have experienced with their weight loss. You worked out 5 days in your first week, that is awesome. Even though the scale didn't change, your body is getting healthier and stronger. Everyone is different. Don't be discouraged and stick with it and you will see the change in the scale. Good luck.
  • AndreaXoXo
    Thanks Vinlop.. ! :-) I'll follow your advise..!
    Have a great day...