

  • Maybe add some fiber to your lunch. Or eat a big lunch with some carbs, and eat a smaller dinner. I miss you. :(
  • I have really come to love water. I used to drink alot of Mt. Dew and found myself in the hospital 3 times in 6 months with kidney problems due to drinking so many sodas. I drink up to 3 liters of water a day and I love it. It's pretty much the only thing I drink. I will have a cup of coffee in the morning ( 3 or 4 days a…
  • Good luck! I myself lost some weight, and got away from the sight fopr several months, and with all the holiday feasts, I have gained my weight back. But I am back and ready to get back on my journey. Just track EVERYTHING and you will be fine!
  • my friend makes this lasagna in the crock pot that is awesome. add whole wheat pasta (cooked) and low cal spaghetti sauce (or just add some diced tomatoes) and some onions and peppers and maybe some zucchini and throw it in the crock pot. Its delicious
  • I just started today trying the whole shakes with whey protein thing. I really liked it. I mixed vanilla whey protein powder, strawberries, orange juice and a banana. It was delicious... Maybe I should add another one pre or post workout?!
  • I eat around 1300.. but when I go to the gym I usually burn around 500 calories. So should I eat my exercise calories or just stick to eating around 1300? I am trying to revamp my whole life and completely change my eating habits. I do not drink soda anymore, I stay away from fried foods, limit bread... so I am finally…
  • Totally agree. I think just finally realizing that your life isn't a game and seeing the negative effect that some of our choices are having on our body are definately an eye opener. I finally decided that I was tired of being tired and sluggish and weighed down all the time. This website has been amazing so far. All the…
  • Welcome Paula. My advice would be to be as active as you can be. The Wii workout may just not be intensive enough. Try to get out of the house for walks or runs if you can do so. Hitting the gym for some cardio is my go-to. But I'm sure these are prob things you have already thought of yourself. Also try to change your…
  • I always get an iced vanilla latte with skim milk and sugar free syrup, the only calories are the milk. I used to work at a coffee shop like starbucks, and you can serouslt rack up some calories with some of the drinks, just bypass the Whipped cream and whole milk at least.
  • I live in Germany right now and will have to order it, so it'll be like 2 weeks before I could start, but I plan to buy it today!Really excited about it.... My husband is in the army and there is a formal in mid May, just enough time!! Thanks. :blushing: I will keep posted on progress once I get it..
  • I have got to get this 30 day shred.... everyone is talking about it. I am gonna be looking for it today!
  • I just have a one serving blender, nothing fancy, but I don't put ice in it very often. just fruits, juices and whey protein.
  • Oh, sorry I didnt put myself in alphabetical order.... I just threw myself at the bottom... :/
  • I am in! Trying to lose 20-25 pounds I guess. 7 down so far, CW 169. Everybody keep up ithe good work... see you all on Monday I guess! Name ______________SW___________CW__________#LOST alisonengland_______187___________182____________0 arnolda4____________245___________245____________0…
  • Awesome idea. I would buy a shirt or waterbottle or something. Somebody get on it!
  • great idea... I want to start roller blading, I loved it when I was younger, I am so looking for some when I get off work tonight!!
  • congratulations! Keep it up. My major mini goal is to get to 165, I'm now at 169 and cannot wait to get those 4 pounds off!! I hope I can do it by the 11th when I go to Paris. *fingers crossed*
  • The naked convo one is a definate dislike. I am somewhat modest and change in a stall, but i guess about a month ago I was getting my stuff together and a somwhat bigger, older lady just walks through completely naked like its her house.. I laughed about that for about a week, but was somewhat disgusted actually. I live on…
  • so glad there are some military spouses here. Good to know were all going through the same thing. My husband is in Afghanistan again right now and will be home around October, I'm trying to get fit for me and for him, because hes gonna come home tan and sexy. lol. :love:
  • baby carrots and hummus. :wink:
  • Kashi Go Lean Vanilla Oatmeal and some fresh fruit. I have it alot for breakfast. Or special K cereal with cranberries. And if I'm really in a hurry I just drink a protein shake. I also love whole grain toast with almond butter. yum!
  • I love to just do frozen stir fry veggies.. and maybe add some chicken grilled on my george foreman. lol. Quick, easy and delicious.
  • I love trailmix. :)
  • I drink almost 3 liters of water a day, which I have been told could be a little excessive... but I have kidney problems and they have gotten better with all the water. So I prob drink over 100 oz everyday easy... and I play Softball for my post, so I drink more when were playing... I love water though. Its delicious.
  • I used to drink 3 liters of mt dew a day most days and was hospitalized for kidney infrctions 3 times in one year as a result. So I have completely cut sodas out of my diet, but I still drink a cup of iced coffee maybe once or twice a week. I have really noticed a difference. I don't feel so blah and weighed down all the…
  • Weight watchers really worked for me. The meetings were great too. It was very motivating. Maybe you want to try that..
  • I do situps on a decline bench.... they are killer. Then I get on the dip bar its called.. maybe.... It has the a piece for your back and you hold on and then you bring your knees up to your chest.... Those I can really feel and get results pretty quickly.
  • I have played softball and volleyball my whole life. So my legs are big.... they are always gonna be big. I just want them to not juggle while I walk and rub together. lol. :blushing: I'm got an athletic build and like it that way.... just really wanting to lose some weight and tone up.
  • Well I haven't been training for a run or anything, but I am losing weight for myself and my husband. I know when he gets home from Afghanistan he is gonna be skinny and in great shape. I don't want to look the same after he comes home so different. Everytime I think about skipping the gym I think about him and how proud…
  • I'm in yout boat too. I work til after 6 most days then try to hit the gym.... but out gym closes at 8, so I totally feel rushed too when I am really trying to get a good workout in. Then my problem becaomes when to eat, so I guess I'm gonna start eating at 5"30 while I'm still at work... and when I get home after my…