Blender suggestions

With Summer approaching I love love love to make fruit and veggie meal replacement shakes since they will be in season and easier to grab at the store. My blender decided to give up its will to live when I moved and now am I having a hard time finding a good replacement blender that is not just for milkshakes and margaritas size, yet also not a full price industrial strength type even though I might use it that hard.
Any suggestions?


  • Candyrot89
    First stores that come to mind are walmart, kohls, and maybe costco or sams club. Or you could check and see if someone has one for sale on craigslist? You never know!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I always check out for prices and to read reviews!
  • jkstoysich
    jkstoysich Posts: 11 Member
    We have been through several traditional blenders and the Magic Bullet because my kids like blended drinks. When the Bullet died (after much use), I decided to try the Ninja. We got it at Christmas time and it's probably the easiest and most powerful device we have ever had and it gives great results for blended drinks. It even has a chopper blade and container for vegetables that I use occasionally.for chopping onions. I purchased it at Bed, Bath & Beyond, because I had a 20% off coupon, but I see it even cheaper now at at Sam's and Wal-Mart, around $40. I watched a promo video on youtube that should still be there that will show you how it works. But as another suggested, Amazon is great for checking prices and product reviews. Good Luck!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Blenders are easy to kill - for sure. We have a Tiger juicer to pre-pare the vegetables for blending but have given up on finding the perfect blender. We go to New Uses and get someone's discarded wedding present at a price that makes it a real value. You might try that.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Magic bullet. It runs about 50$, has smaller sizes as well as a full blender attachment, and works like a charm. I have a love affair with mine, I probably use it 3-4 times a day, and its pretty much guaranteed against anything for life.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Magic bullet. It runs about 50$, has smaller sizes as well as a full blender attachment, and works like a charm. I have a love affair with mine, I probably use it 3-4 times a day, and its pretty much guaranteed against anything for life.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I could not live without my blender. I have killed off a few but it was probably due to the ice I threw in.
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I know you mentioned that you didn't want to pay a high price for a fancier blender, but if you're planning on using a blender as often as it sounds and you don't want to replace one every year or so, you should really think about investing in either a Vitamix or a Blendtec. I've seen both at Costco at one time or another. I know sometimes companies make cheaper versions for Costco, but I think they're still going to be far better than a cheaper blender. Plus, both companies offer great warranties if anything happens to it. I had a vitamix, loved it, but sold it to a friend because I got a great deal on a blendtec (I used to manage a health food store and was able to get one wholesale). I actually blew out the motor on it and they sent me a new one for free, no questions asked.

    You may be able to find one online for not too much money and maybe even a used one on ebay or craig's list or something. It's worth looking in to. I bet the money you spend on a great blender will eventually end up saving you money on many cheap blenders you won't have to buy in the future :)
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I bought an Oster at Target about 6 years ago because it has a glass container instead of plastic. It was 20 or 30 bucks, they still carry it and I think wal mart does too, the motor looks like a bee hive design and comes in several colors. We found an attachment at walmart later that makes a single smoothie, like previously stated, the magic bullet or generic version died long before the blender and the single drink accessory provides the same idea but with a much better blender to power it.
  • jordan_vakil
    I just have a one serving blender, nothing fancy, but I don't put ice in it very often. just fruits, juices and whey protein.
  • SnuggleBunny
    I have a Kitchen Aid blender with glass. It has survived 12 years, 3 relationships, 6 moves, and countless parties. I use it every morning to make fruit smoothies for breakfast. My hubby met my blender before he met me :laugh: My roomie borrowed it for a party at his place when I was out of town.
  • batzinger
    Thanks!! yes, the more i thought about the more I realize I am going to have to spend a nice amount of money for one that will last under the pressure I will give it. The kitchen aid with glass - made me smile - NOW THAT is a blender I am willing to spend money on!! =)