Cheap, quick, under 300 cal breakfast? Any ideas?

zkitty Posts: 6 Member
Im looking for something to eat in the morning that is minimal effort while I'm rushing to get to work.

I've been eating bagels with a small amount of weight watchers cream cheese.


  • spar1grep
    2 x Cups of Tea with Skimmed Milk = 10.
    2 x Toasted Brown Bread & Marmite = 200.
    1 x Small Bannana = 90.

    Dot on 300 calories.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    1 cup of low fat cottage cheese= 180 cals, with
    1/3 cup of craisins=130

    310 cals, and loads of protein to keep you going all morning till lunchtime!

    (the only drawback is sodium is a bit high)
  • CinthyNair
    CinthyNair Posts: 261
    4 scoops of low fat skim milk
    2 scoops of organic soy protein powder
    4 tbsp of low fat granola

    Total cal - 308 :flowerforyou:
  • hadham72
    hadham72 Posts: 5 Member
    Quaker oats-so-simple porridge sachets - 216 calories with semi skimmed milk - even less with skimmed.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Porridge! Rolled oats! Yummy, porride oats last for ages, really fill you up and even if you make it in a pan and not microwave it takes like 3/4 minutes! I add a teasoon of linseed to mine for some crunch and some agave natural sweetener kind of like honey for a bit of sweeet (it's 14 cals and really makes the porridge tasty!) also if you buy a massive bag of porridge and just weigh yourself out 40g you could also buy a big bag of raisins or mixed fruit and put a tbsp of that in! Yummy!
  • jordan_vakil
    Kashi Go Lean Vanilla Oatmeal and some fresh fruit. I have it alot for breakfast.
    Or special K cereal with cranberries.

    And if I'm really in a hurry I just drink a protein shake.

    I also love whole grain toast with almond butter. yum!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    1 serving of mini wheats and a sliced apple.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I usually boil a few eggs (I <3 boiled eggs) and I'll eat one boiled egg for breakfast with a piece of fruit...usually an apple

    tends to come out to only 156cals....and another thing u could do is the instant oatmeals...theyre only about 150-160 cals add in some skim milk to drink with it and it runs to about 240ish in cals

    A slice of whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp of Peanut butter (depending on the bread you use) ...mines only 45 cals a slice so thats only 125 cals

    On my treat days i make a one egg omlette where i find half a serving of lite keilbase to be enough meat to fill it, throw in a handful of corn and a slice of 2% cheese's a little under 200 cals
  • DennisHarrison
    Actually, according to my wifes trainer(45 yrs old with a 6 pack a 20 yr old would kill for!!!), breakfast should be ur highest calorie meal of the day. U want to really stoke that metabolism 4 the day!! Otherwise, I eat Basic 4 cereal, 2% milk, and a glass of OJ. If u can squeeze in 2 slices of Arnold bread 100% whole wheat toast, u'd b closer to what u should have for the first meal of the day.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    A hard boiled egg and a glass of V8
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Quick oats have better nutrition than instant & don't have a bunch of added crud.

    1/2 cup quick oats, 1 tbs natural peanut butter, vanilla protein powder (I use 1/4th of a scoop for my oatmeal -- adds not many calories & just enough protein). I eat this a lot and it keeps me totally satisfied for hours and hours. Plus I make it in my cubicle by boiling 8oz of water in an electric kettle & pouring it over the oatmeal & then I get some work done while I'm waiting for it to "cook."

    I mean, *peanut butter* = YUM!

    Anyway, you're looking at about 275 calories. About 240 if you leave out the protein powder.

    Another fav of mine is 6oz 2% plain greek yogurt (110 cals), 1/2 cup Kashi Go Lean high fiber/high protein cereal (70 calories) and 1/2 tbs honey (30 calories). You can add some berries, too. 100g strawberries is 32 calories. :wink:
  • cthellen
    cthellen Posts: 3
    English muffin, toasted, with 1 tbsp peanut butter!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I'm eating clean, so for breakfast I eat one piece of fruit, usually an apple or a banana, and 24 almonds (1 oz.) It's quick and easy, literally grab and go, and 240-250 calories.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    instant oatmeal, or you could make your own smoothies with protein powder and drink it on your way.
    maybe fruit salad?