lmarshel Member


  • The flaw is in raw vs baked chicken. Your calculations are based on the raw weight. You didn't eat 13 ounces of cooked chicken. 22.4 ounces (raw) - 6 ounces cooked -3.4 ounces water/juices = 13 ounces chicken That's based on the starting raw weight, so that's the calorie measurement you should be using. 13oz = 357.5…
  • Disclaimer: I live in Florida. Last week was out for my morning run about 6am and saw one of my neighbors putting out trash dressed in a speedo and sandals. I said "Morning". He said "You're out early". And I continued on my way...
  • One of the worst feelings in the world is being at the turn-around point in the run and having the "urge". But that really builds the glutes, huh?
  • Had to go out of town unexpectedly for a family emergency, but I managed one run during my time there. There's a lake in a beautiful park in my hometown, so I drove down and ran there. Had the whole place to myself in the morning...just me and the ducks, swans and geese. :smile:
  • I don't have a cool one myself. :\ But I bought this one as Christmas gifts for my girlfriends. I thought it was perfect for the gym.
  • You have to get in the mindset that it's not an option. I just tell myself that I HAVE to get up. I'm usually dressed and out the door before I'm fully awake. :smile:
  • "You choose happiness - It doesn't choose you." Seems simple, but it really changed my life at one point. Sometimes you just have to wake up and tell yourself it's going to be a good day, then you make it so. :)
  • It's warming up in the desert. Temps this morning were just about perfect!
  • I run on a paved trail near my house with mostly open desert on one side. I am usually out about 4:30 in the morning, so I'm only sharing the trail with bunnies and jackrabbits (and the occasional brave cyclist). A couple weeks back, I saw a pack of coyotes hanging around. I am also an avid hiker, so I love being out with…
  • If it's in the bottom of your foot, it could possibly be Plantar Fasciitis or a heel spur. Neither of those is going to get better on its own. See a doctor and get a rehab plan going. Normally, they recommend exercises to stretch the tissues and anti-inflammatories. I was just diagnosed with a heel spur related to PF, and…
  • It was tough getting out this morning... VERY chilly in the desert. But I made it! :)
  • I'm in for 25 miles in January. I'm just getting back to running after resting a heel spur. I've only been able to run once a week in December. We'll see if I can up that in January.
  • No squishy! I cannot eat jelly candy, orange slice candy, jelly beans and absolutely NO gummy anything. Just before Christmas, a lot of stores had those giant gummy bears, and I was physically sick just looking at them. The very idea makes me break out in a cold sweat. :#
  • I ride in the mornings at about 4AM, and I just got one of these for my birthday. Can't wait to try it out!!
  • I had laser hair removal over the past 2 years, so I don't grow a lot of body hair any longer. I just have some white fuzzy hair on my legs, and I shave that about once a month or when it starts to blow in the wind when I cycle. LOL
  • I love this expression! Birds have very high metabolism, so they may eat up to their own body weight in food daily. I doubt any of us "eat like a bird". LOL My estimate for yesterday was just over 3800...much less than I thought it would be.
  • I don't have any recipes for you, but I do have some advice. Buy your protein in bulk and then portion out into servings for 2 people. It's just me and hubby at home. We eat a lot of lean, boneless pork chops and chicken breasts. I buy the family pack to save money then bring it home and put 2 chops/breasts in bags and…
  • Yep! My "holidays" actually start when I have my Christmas party, the first Thursday in December. We have a cookie exchange, and most of the cookies just take up residence at my house. From then until NYE, it's basically one loooong party. Some people need a plan to make it work. When you're 10 or 15 pounds from goal,…
  • ^^^ THIS! I <3 <3 <3 cookies! But I wouldn't turn down one of these...
  • For turkey day, my hubby and I will be hiking that morning. It's just the 2 of us at home now, so we'll have Thanksgiving dinner but it will be minimal... just the things we like most. I'm planning to get a turkey breast from the grocery store and have mac&cheese for him and baked sweet potato for me (+ lots of my favorite…
  • Agree. I have an elliptical machine at home. I program in my height and weight, and for a 40 minute workout it shows I burn about 950 cals. My HRM shows about 400. Don't believe those machines at the gym!!
  • Why not take those favorite jeans to a tailor and have them cut down to fit? It's easy for a professional to take in pants and skirts up to 2 sizes. Jackets and tops are harder, depending on the construction. But for $10-15 you could have a "new" pair of jeans that fit the new you! :)
  • Land O' Lakes has a "light" spreadable butter that is half butter and half canola oil and tastes pretty good. It's about the closest I've come to the taste of true butter for toast and things like that. It's about half the calories.
  • If you were recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and treated for it, that would explain the sudden drop in your weight. Hashimoto's causes hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid, which can cause weight gain. If you were given hormone therapy to replace the thyroid hormone, that would probably cause you weight to…
  • You have to think about things long-term. You say you don't want to go back, but Graves' is a VERY serious disease that can have real health consequences if you don't treat it and/or follow your doctor's advice. I was diagnosed with Graves' back in 2007. I was treated on Methimazole off and on until last year, when I had…
  • I quit cold turkey with a half pack sitting on the kitchen counter. I was so afraid I wouldn't succeed that I didn't tell anyone (even my hubby) that I was trying to quit. I kept chocolate in my desk at work to treat myself whenever I worked through the urge to smoke. Within 7 months I had gained 25 pounds. But, honestly,…
  • Jillian explains in the video intro what the intention is. She says "when you think you're ready, move on to the next level". So I don't think there's a hard and fast rule about how many days you have to do each level. But I almost guarantee you'll be ready to "move on" sooner than 30 days. :wink:
  • That I can make mojitos at home better than any bar or restaurant...and even better than the ones they served at the Bacardi factory in PR. My mojitos are really delicious, and I could drink them all day long. At over 100 cals a pop...that's not a good idea. :'(