What is your plan of attack for the food heavy holiday season?



  • sarahjane135
    sarahjane135 Posts: 40 Member
    I plan to attack the stuffing first...because that's my favorite. I plan to eat half of what's on my plate of that before I even consider a mashed potato or turkey bite. Then I will do Turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy for a few minutes. Then I will move onto turkey with cranberry for the last half of the turkey. This is where I go back to attacking the stuffing. Then I will probably have to get up to get more stuffing and will attack anyone who gets in my way and/or is taking the last of the stuffing. Probably at this time I will pick up a dinner roll which I forgot to get in my zeal for stuffing and I will attack that roll with more butter than a paula dean episode. Then I will attack the roll and stuffing together like so much peanut butter and chocolate, corn flakes and milk, tequila and salt, pretzels and chocolate. For some reason to me the combo of a buttered roll and stuffing is a classic that is often overlooked.

    Then I will rest in my LaZBoy and when I get my second wind I will attack the stuffing again, this time with cubes of turkey on top and some more gravy. As a snack. Like a rice bowl but with stuffing. Yeah stuffing. Stuffing.

    That's what I'm talkin' bout
  • sarahjane135
    sarahjane135 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not worried about it. Holidays are the stuff that your life's memories are made of and you only get so many. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas I am so busy that I actually end up getting a lot of extra exercise like deep cleaning, cooking, shopping, buying the tree and decorating, extra church functions, the kids' extra functions, we heat mainly with wood also so there's some extra exercise carrying multiple heavy logs around every couple hours. Every little bit adds up. I also tend to only eat the one big meal on holidays instead of my usual 3 small meals a day.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Portion control, moderation, tracking and my daily exercise. It is doable, and has gotten me through almost three years on MFP.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    ^this. I chow on the protein first and in larger quantity and take a spoonful of the other stuff I love.

    it's like I found my holiday kindred spirits.

    no panic, just protein hunters!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    As a friend of mine once said, "too many people are concerned with what they eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when they should worry about how they eat between Christmas and thanksgiving."


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Eat until I'm content. One day of going over calories won't make you obese. If you are fat / obese... it's from months & years of overeating... I don't mean to sound rude/mean/etc., but, it's the truth.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member

    "too many people are concerned with what they eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when they should worry about how they eat between Christmas and thanksgiving."[/quote]

    I LOVE THIS!!!

  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I am not as concerned with the actual Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, more about all of the goodies and munchies that surround them.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    GothyFaery wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    GothyFaery wrote: »
    I plan to be over on Thanksgiving, my birthday weekend, and Christmas (eve and day) and I will not regret a single thing I eat on those days. I'll be good every other day in between.

    ETA: I started losing weight last October and that was my same plan of attack then. One year and 42 pounds later, I think it's still a really good plan.

    Is your hubby gonna let you? :p

    Personally I hate Thanksgiving. I don't like turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, gravy and I'm allergic to cinnamon and pumpkin spice. I work all day to prepare a huge meal for just the two of us. I nibble on the turkey so he doesn't feel bad that I worked so hard just for him. I'm mostly going to shove my face full of mashed potatoes and rolls and chocolate pie. Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday of the year so I'm sure he'll be pretty damn happy with the feast I prepare for him.

    So I don't think he's going to have a problem.

    Wait, wait, wait. You hate the day and can't or won't eat the food. It's all for your husband, but he doesn't help with any of it ...

    And you hate the food or are allergic to it, but you're still going to stuff yourself? Or you're just going to pick at it? Your story is inconsistent.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My plans just fell through for thanksgiving. So it's just the two of us and the dog.

    I'll probably make a small dish of pumpkin bread pudding, a lightly smoked turkey, maybe some sweet potato, and a small bowl of egg nog or a victorian punch.
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I will work out that Thanksgiving morning so I won't feel any guilt, first of all. Then, I will totally enjoy myself and eat what I want. However, I also plan to rope a few family members into taking a few walks that day too!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I plan on gaining 10+ lbs.
  • RiseandGrind77
    RiseandGrind77 Posts: 54 Member
    1) extra hard fasted cardio first thing in the morning
    2) protein shake
    3) hold off on holiday meal as late as possible
    4) fill my plate with any and everything and enjoy
    5) go to sleep
  • librarial
    librarial Posts: 61 Member
    I'm going to try to do my best, both diet and exercise-wise, for the whole season - and if I slip a bit on big days, I can make up for it on the other ones. I'm cutting back on drinking a lot this month and next, to help make up for the treats that'll be all around me soon enough. :)

    As for actually choosing what to eat for big meals, I'm going to give myself a little bit of everything, and really try to load up my plate on the healthiest parts of the meals. Lots of veggies, a fair amount of lean meat. Probably won't even try logging Thanksgiving meals, as nothing will be properly measured, I have no idea what kinds of recipes people are using, etc - will just try to make good decisions.

    I also just spent part of my morning putting exercise on my calendar - easier to keep myself accountable for going to yoga and getting in home workouts when it's already accounted for in my schedule!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    For turkey day, my hubby and I will be hiking that morning. It's just the 2 of us at home now, so we'll have Thanksgiving dinner but it will be minimal... just the things we like most. I'm planning to get a turkey breast from the grocery store and have mac&cheese for him and baked sweet potato for me (+ lots of my favorite wine). Then we'll have pecan pie for dessert. Shouldn't be many leftovers.

    Christmas is another story. I absolutely LOVE <3<3<3 cookies!! That's my downfall during the holiday season. I think I'm going to allow myself a few days right around the actual holiday to indulge but do some extra workouts those days. Our son will be visiting for Christmas, and we'll probably eat out a few times at his favorite places so probably no weight loss during those last couple weeks of the year. But I can't make myself feel guilty about spending time with the people I love enjoying great food and company. I'll just have to deal with the fallout. LOL

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I will be working most of the day Thanksgiving and then overnight Thanksgiving night so I won't be able to do the family dinner this year. I may make myself a turkey sandwich before a nap that day just to be festive. This week at work we did a pitch in which means copious amounts of leftovers all week and I am overindulging to pre-make-up for my disappointment on missing out. I don't know what's in store for Christmas, yet, but I hope a lot of food and less work is involved.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    For days when have big dinners planned-- I'm not that worried about it. But really concerned about the days leading up to Christmas. Holiday parties, bake sales, family/friends visits, treats people bring in to work, all the alcoholic 'holiday cheer'.... they don't all happen on one day!! And the big plus: all the chocolate that is gifted to me for Christmas! Obviously I'm not going to tell people not to buy me chocolate, but I am going to have to ration it out over a much longer period that I used to. No more half a toblerone bar in one night :(

    Anyway, I am going to do my best to control what I make myself at home and try to balance out calories over a week. Don't lose track how much I eat: ie: log alllll the christmas cookies. And keep working out! Much better than how I used to deal with the holidays!
  • octhawk
    octhawk Posts: 51 Member
    I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving / Thanksgiving food and my family is far away, so my husband and I are going to use the day to drive up north and take a mini-vacation for 3 days.

    Christmas is different. I need a plan for that and I don't have one yet!

    I agree with the other poster, all the little treats and candies are the hardest and they are everywhere! Work, peoples homes, in magazines tempting me to make them and have them in my home. Something about this season screams "you must bake!". And the season starts early for me because my birthday in in mid-late October, so there's birthday celebrations with friends, spread out because none of my friends know each other. Then Halloween, then Christmas (Because we all know Christmas season starts Nov 1, if not earlier). Somewhere in there is Thanksgiving (which I'm ignoring) and my husband's birthday, which is also spread out.
  • CoxTX
    CoxTX Posts: 30 Member
    I decided to host Thanksgiving for my family this year. I'll make the standard fare, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, etc., but I'm also planning some low-carb options -- loaded cauliflower, broccoli salad, a low-carb dessert.

    The only thing I really plan on indulging in is a left-over turkey and stuffing sandwich. Yum!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I will eat whatever I want on Christmas Day and the following days..then eat whatever I want again on New Years Eve ...

    it will be glorious

    thanksgiving was in October and I did not celebrate because I think its *kitten*