

  • googled it.
  • Yeah I believe one egg white straight up is 15 - 17 calories. So add the pam spray calories and you have your total. Egg whites are really one of my favourite low calorie protein sources. Egg white omelette with veggies and low cal toast all the way!
  • not sure, but water itself flushes water weight. So it is probably just the water doing it's magic, not the lemon although the added flavour kick is nice!
  • Yes at least I got a free salad. tomorrow will be better I think!
  • i agree with mojogirl, diet mountain dew is not very popular in canada from what I can tell. diet coke and diet root beer are my faves. I barely drink them but on occasion I think it's fine
  • Soup sounds about right. The sub calories might be without cheese and condiments.
  • I also bulk up the frozen meals with about a cup of frozen veggies, to any of the dishes and just add it to the tray. Is more filling and healthy, and cheap if you buy big bags of frozen veggies!
  • Let's hope it's contagious, so posting on this discussion might mean the miracle happens to me too lol
  • well now I know what thread to read when I want to lose my appetite ;) most of these combos aren't for me lol, the most I stretch it is cheez whiz and jam on toast
  • I actually agree that a scale would be very helpful, deli meats have always alluded me in guessing the calories. Also things like chicken breasts, steaks, etc.
  • I've heard the concentrate in boxes is actually pretty good for calories. But tea bag is definitely better, and also I have heard Unsweetened almond breeze works really well in replace of the milk, you can use more for less calories!
  • I had this issue before, for me it is being hungry. I usually had a little warm almond breeze, carrots, or some cereal something under 100 calories so I knew it wouldn't hurt my count for the day too bad.
  • I heard the average women should try for 25 grams a day. But I think with anything it can vary slightly, some days I go over 30.
  • Are you staying with in your calorie count? If you are I think it is fine, some of the suggested numbers for protein, fibre etc. are estimates and each person may be different. Extra protein is good for if you work out a lot too, helps build muscle mass.
  • We always baked. Home made bread, buns, cinnamon buns are impossible to resist. Then there are brownies, pies, squares (confetti squares with coconut yum!), cookies etc. Always homemade, always delicious, but dangerous in large scale consumption lol
  • 3 hours is a lot of mowing lol.
  • Egg white omelet with lots of veggies yum.
  • Gardenburger with light teriyaki sauce. pineapple ring, veggie mozza cheese. lettuce, mustard. best tropical burger ever yummy.
  • yeah most restaurant dressings are 300 calories plus. You can get some single serving packs of dressings to take on the go, they really cut down the calories significantly.
  • Guys are clueless to woman's weight, in my opinion they can stay that way lol. I am almost 5'9 and I don't think I will ever get close to the 120 some girls can be. It's not really about the number, it's about where you feel comfortable I know lots of women who look great at over 200 pounds, they wear it well!
  • if a microwave digests my food for me that would be scary, I really don't think it does though. Have you tried using fibre powder it is good too
  • Wow what a great many of answers I'm sure you will get, just to warn you lol. You might want to take a look at some previous threads to give you a basic idea. good luck, weight loss should be an slow process, quick and easy isn't going to be sustainable usually.
  • On mythbusters they said ginger was really good. I also agree with peppermint tea, or gingerale.
  • They are putting out better food options, and I heard their spinach, feta egg wrap is deliciousness and not that bad in stats.
  • I always go over in sugar, it is in a lot of veggies too. I think they are more important aspects of your diet to track ie fibre, vitamins, fat, protein, sodium. Especially if most of the sugar comes from fruits and veggies.
  • I hope it touches on lack of genetic diversity in crops. Because that is something I have always felt strongly about. Also being from a small farming community it would be interesting to see, as I am sure there are biases for both sides depending on who you talk to.
  • Wor Wonton soup, veggies and wontons in a clear broth. I love it, but add extra soy sauce so the sodium content is through the roof!
    in Chinese Comment by vanessadawn July 2009
  • How do you get your fibre? Veggies I suppose. Anyways I have tried a low carb diet, too restrictive for me. But I read an article a while back on a study that discovered that any diet be it South Beach, Atkins, Low fat etc. that was successful, each came down to the individuals taking in less calories. So Atkins may work…
  • I was actually surprised at the calorie content, because I thought it would be way more! Most sugary, creamy coffees are lots of calories. Though usually if you look into the low fat options they aren't that bad, I love low fat starbucks choices, they have several sugarfree shots too! yum!
  • yeah you can't target your face to lose fat unfortunately, (anyone who tells you that probably is getting a kick out of seeing you try out some exercises lol). once you start losing weight one of the first place people seem to notice is your face, and you will notice it too with time!
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