

  • Thanks everyone! ;)
  • I also nurse my 20 month old, but I don't add in my calories because I have SO. MUCH. TO. LOSE. I get the calories/nutrition I need and still have a good supply. If I was still exclusively nursing I would eat more, but since he's down to 5-6 times a day and eating plenty of other foods, I don't count them.
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. I think maybe some failed to read what I wrote as I tried to make it clear that I would not be TRYING to lose weight while pregnant. Of course, I would not voluntarily put my child at risk. To suggest so is a bit insulting. I was just curious what other's experiences were. I won't wait…
  • Thanks for all of the replies. To be clear, I will not be trying to lose weight while pregnant. Also, as stated this would be my 5th child (6th pregnancy), so I've been around this block a few times and have always had VERY healthy pregnancies, and yes I have been overweight with all of them. As a previous commenter stated…
  • You are doing a great job mama!!! My guess is your body is just responding to her increased needs-it is doing exactly what it should. She nurses more and the next day or two your supply goes up because she is demanding it. You are doing fine-if she's peeing and pooping and gaining weight steadily I wouldn't fear. Just keep…
  • Is baby on solids yet? I would delay that as much as possible (we do baby-led weaning, you can google it) to help keep up your milk supply. Also if you are hungry try to avoid mindless snacking but have lots of nutrient-dense, healthy fat foods that will keep you filled up (almonds, peanut butter with some fruit etc...).…
  • Hi, I am a fellow BF mom, though my little nurser is now 17 months old. But I have BFed all 4 of my babies exclusively-13 mos, 17, mos, 22 mos and then the current one. Feel free to friend me! As far as losing your supply-just keep nursing as often as possible and be sure to keep up your water intake. If your baby is…
  • Love you too Kylie! Did you see my FB post?
  • Thank you for posting those pictures for me! You're awesome! They are labeled that because they were in a folder with a bunch of other pictures for craigslist. I totally have no good system for keeping my photos organized. Thanks for the encouragement everyone! It IS so helpful to have my hubby along for the ride. It helps…
  • True-I need to learn to stop insulting myself. Half this battle is mental for me and I am never going to get anywhere with that attitude.
  • Thanks everyone! You all are so encouraging!
  • Give yourself a break sweetie-YOU.ARE.BEAUTIFUL
  • Calories burned breastfeeding depends on how often you are nursing at this point. If it's just naptime/bedtimes, it is probably less than 300. Type "breastfeeding" into the food search and it will give you multiple options. I don't count in my calories though. I am eating plenty without it and having a 16 mo old there is…
  • Pregnant? ;) Just kidding. Have you taken measurements?
  • My husband was telling me about it today. I personally think that is an awful message to be sending to our children, especially our daughters, whether it is true or not. And while it may be reality in our society it is not that way everywhere and it is a reality that needs to change and will only change as we continue to…
  • My husband and I are taking each other on a cruise when we both reach our goal weight. But I still have about 180 to go and he has just under 100 to go, so it will be a while. And then there is the whole issue of who is going to take care of our four kids (which will probably be 5 or 6 by the time we actually make it…
  • Thanks again everyone! I just checked my blog and this has been my most popular post by far. I hope I have many more awesome progress pictures in the future. I still can't get over my hubby! So thankful for MFP-it has been the single most important change I have made to help with my weight-loss. Love it!!!
  • Thanks everyone! It is hard to see a difference day-to-day but when I saw the pictures side-by-side last night I was shocked. It was just the motivation-boost I needed to keep pressing forward. My husband has only been exercising for about 2 weeks and he ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill today in 36 minutes. So proud of him!
  • So interested in this discussion as my 8 (almost 9) year old as well is wanting to become a vegetarian. I personally have no desire to do so as well but I do want to respect her and be sure she is still taking in adequate protein levels and is a little more responsible for her own food (in terms of her being sure she is…
  • Well, I am just starting out-have about 180 left to lose. I am doing some calisthenics (push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks and squats) and then I usually do a video, a fave is Prevention's Walk Yourself FIt-there are a few different tracks for that one-a 20 min mile and a half cardio workout, 15 minute mile interval workout…
  • Nursing mama of 4 here. I have nursed all of mine exclusively and am currently nursing my 15 month old. I don't normally add my calories for nursing because since he's older he is not nursing as much and some days it is hardly at all and some days it is a lot. Also it is notoriously hard to track and you never know if it's…
  • It WILL change the taste of your eggs unless you buy expeller pressed (no coconut flavor). Extra virgin coconut oil does have a slight coconut flavor. It's not overpowering by any means and when used in baked goods it is SO decadent (plus with the added flavor you can cut back on sugar content).
  • Oh, wow, no, Coconut oil is the BEST fat nutritionally-here are some links to some articles that can explain it better than I can. And go to your local library and check out the book "Real Food" by Nina Planck-fabulous! http://www.organicfacts.net/organic-oils/organic-coconut-oil/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil.html…
  • Coconut is one of the most healthy fats you can consume. It can be used for pretty much anything, including skin moisturizer-works wonders! I love to use it when baking-it can be used to subsitute for butter or any oil. The coconutty flavor adds depth and dimenstion to any baked goods. LOVE, love, love it in my pancakes. I…
  • Funny story, I did 100 yesterday in celebration of my FB page getting 100 likes (www.facebook.com/FatChickFedUp). Today, a fellow weight-loss blogger got to 1000 likes on her page and I jokingly challenged her to do 1000 jumping jacks and she is doing it over the course of this week! She did 300 today! Glad to hear there…
  • WOW! I didn't realize there were so many homeschoolers on here-feel free to friend me yall! I too am a Christian homeschool mom of 4. My kids are almost 9, 6, almost 3 and 15 months-so this year I will have a 4th grader, a 1st grader a pre-schooler and a toddler. I don't have good curriculum advice because we are pretty…
  • Another SAHM here. Sounds like you are on the right track. Feel free to add me.
  • I have had lots of people recommend that to me but I am very overweight. I have just started my journey and am doing well, but still have a long way to go. Is it designed for people of all fitness levels or should I start somewhere else first? Would love your recommendations! TIA
    in Turbofire Comment by HSmamato4 July 2011
  • Very helpful-thank you!