Losing weight while pregant



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Wasn't sure exactly where to categorize this topic, but I wanted to get other thoughts/opinions on this. To give you some context, my current weight is 299.9, so it's not like I am already at a healthy weight and worried about gaining during a pregnancy (btw, not pregnant yet, just thinking about it-this will be my 5th). So what do you think? Safe, for a person of my size, to continue to lose weight while pregnant? Obviously, I won't be "dieting" and I will try my best to stick to a whole foods, limited sugar/carb, high-protein diet and be sure I am taking in adequate calories.

    Opinions? Please be respectful.

    This is obvious that you need to consult with your OBGYN and any other healthcare professional who is overseeing you through this pregnancy....
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    ... Just wait until after you've had the baby. Why put them at risk? Any weight loss goals should be put on hold during pregnancy.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    It is not the time to try and lose weight. But it is an excellent time to change your eating habits. Make healthier choices, limit junk food. When the baby comes you will already be on the right path to lose weight.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The general rule of thumb would be to not lose while pregnant. You could try for maintenance, under the supervision of your doctor (so your weight would be shifting from you to baby, etc). But you don't want to drop calories (and with it, essential nutrition) too much during the pregnancy. Your best bet would be to work on losing before getting pregnant - it will make getting pregnant easier, staying healthy during your pregnancy easier, etc. As long as you are not losing too quickly it shouldn't affect your ability to get pregnant at any time.

    FYI, there used to be a discussion group called Fit for Future Families, for women who were trying to lose weight before/while TTC. I don't know if they are still around, but you can search for them. :smile:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi there,

    I run a private group on here called Fit For Future Families - it is a group of women who are trying to conceive and losing weight while trying, or before they start to try. If you're interested in joining us, send me a private message and we'll get you introduced.

    Also, I would like to add that I understand the need for a baby, and I understand the risks associated with high BMI pregnancies. Some previous posters on here mentioned it would be best to seek medical advice and I agree 100%. In doing so you will most likely encounter the same professional opinion with varying details. For example, every MD will tell you to lose weight BEFORE you get pregnant (and the lower the better for you and baby, with which I agree) and you will have others put you on a calorie count while pregnant, or actually tell you to not gain a single pound while pregnant. This is all normal for high BMI pregnancies, but the specifics of your body, your health and your baby's health need to be evaluated by someone who has you medical background in hand.

    Good luck in what you decide!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    From what I've read if you are obese, your goal should be to maintain while pregnant, not put on weight and definitely not lose it.

    However talking to your doctor is the best option.
  • HSmamato4
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I think maybe some failed to read what I wrote as I tried to make it clear that I would not be TRYING to lose weight while pregnant. Of course, I would not voluntarily put my child at risk. To suggest so is a bit insulting. I was just curious what other's experiences were. I won't wait to reach my goal weight before getting pregnant because that will probably be at least 2 years down the road. I am 34 years old, so I'm not getting any younger as far as my fertility goes. Also, I have already had 4, very successful, relatively uneventful pregnancies-all while overweight. I have just never been trying to lose weight before getting pregnant before and wondered if it is safe to continue to lose. Not TRY to lose-that would not be my goal. But if I continue to lose just because I am eating better and exercising-things that I haven't focused on in previous pregnancies-will weight-loss just be a natural thing and as long as I am meeting my nutritional needs required to sustain a healthy pregnancy, would that be okay. Maybe I didn't word it clearly to begin with.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    During mys sister last pregnancy she changed her eating habits, ate healthier and didnt overeat "because the baby needed it". She did in fact lose about 15 pounds. Her doctor was ok with it as the baby was growing fine but it did result in extra ultrasounds to verify this.