

  • Count me in also! I'm on an extended plateau, it seems, but I keep at it!
  • Hi, I've seen the same problem in my body. My legs & butt have gotten bulkier than I wish. I do a weight training class twice a week so I have someone I can ask about this. We do squats, lunges, step-ups (sometimes w/a 25lb weight) between upper body sets so I wonder if that's affecting the bulk. Other women in the class…
  • Hi, I've seen the same problem in my body. My legs & butt have gotten bulkier than I wish. I do a weight training class twice a week so I have someone I can ask about this. We do squats, lunges, step-ups (sometimes w/a 25lb weight) between upper body sets so I wonder if that's affecting the bulk. Other women in the class…
  • Also have a look at this slideshow from WebMD:
  • Hi 'my' Maura! I find that if I consume salt &/or sugars even a bit more than usual, I bloat up & feel terrible. That's why my weight progress has stalled. Knowing that you'd think I'd behave myself! Haha, yet another obstacle to add to the list. Anyhow, what works for me when I work for it is bumping up protein levels &…
  • Couldn't agree more. The human spirit is amazing. Mine becomes stronger each day living in faith that I'm not alone.
    in Courage Comment by Maura5 October 2011
  • Any & all may add me! I'm 55 & working hard to beat the battle of the middle age bulge. I'm learning a mature version of discipline! Maura
  • I'm right there with you. My epiphany came just over 8 months ago. Life is still a challenge but a new way of living it makes it more rewarding & peaceful. I wish you continued growth :smile: Maura
    in Honesty Comment by Maura5 October 2011
  • Hi maura! I'm a Maura also (obviously)! I wanted to say hi & invite you to be my pal on here. One of my MFPals is also a Maura. She is on the same wavelength as you. When she noticed my complaining about being under on my food diary but still not losing weight, she clued me in on the HRM notion. Going to go get one this…
  • Good afternoon! This is a very friendly, supportive place to be. I've gotten suggestions on my diet that I never thought of on my own. I've gotten down & discouraged but all of my MFPals rally around & lift my spirits. A nice bunch of people. You can add me if you'd like :-) Stick with works! Maura
  • Hi, My daughter ran her first 1/2 marathon over Labor Day Weekend after having trained with the Higdon regimen. She did great & said she felt very good the whole run. She passed the regimen on to me & said, "Mom, you can do it, too!" So, I'm now looking forward to that goal & I'm 55 & def NOT a runner. Believe in yourself…
  • Yep, enjoy whatever metabolism you have left! Air sandwiches put weight on me now :-(
  • Superb effort! I'm impressed & inspired. It's time for an adventure of some kind. There's a popular hike here up Old Rag Mountain that I will do sooner rather than later as a result of reading your post. I find that when I do long hikes & carry trail mix with me I eat way too much of it & end up picking up weight. Maybe…
  • Hey! I just started running 'for real' also. My youngest daughter send me this website to guide my training. She used his program to train for a 1/2 marathon she ran over Labor day. She did great so I figured I could at least do ok. Check it out. And keep on running! Maura
  • Yes, DO IT! As I just responded to mk, ALL the Beachbody programs show you how to modify if you can't do all the moves. It's great for all ages. And the music is 'hoppin' :-)
  • Hi ALL, Please add me as a pal! I'm having challenges daily trying to navigate through this menopausal weight loss (or lack thereof) thing! I need all the encouragement & tips I can get. I'm nice, too, just ask my pals :-) Maura5
  • Hi Chicago, Congrats on starting college! I hope you have a GREAT experience. You'll find lots of great support & encouragement on here, from people of ALL kinds. We all want each other to succeed. Nourish your body well so your brain will get you to the Dean's List! Here's to your success :-) Maura5
  • Me too, me too! Add me! I'm 55 & benefit greatly from my MFPals on here who get what being in the 50's is all about. I'd love to be on the journey with you :-) Maura
  • I'd like to recommend Beachbody's Slim in Six &/or ChaLean Extreme. I've done them both & really like them. Both can be modified to be lower impact/lower weights. ChaLean Extreme comes with a great guide book, a cookbook, a leg band & a resistance band. Pretty much all you need to start. You're making great progress! I…
  • Good morning August! I've only been on here a short time but already I've gained so much from everyone. The support & encouragement REALLY helps! Let's be MFPals? I'm also 55 & can relate to alot of what you're experiencing as a 'mature' woman. Check out my profile & adopt my pals. They're great!
  • How long do we hold each plank? As long as we can?
  • It's a process. Your progress already is great...25 lbs will be a big accomplishment! Rather than scrutinize each & every day, look at your overall success & remember that you didn't gain the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight either. We all have setbacks but I can tell you that having this bunch of friends on…
  • I use Shakeology for a 3-day cleanse. It helps get rid of a lot of toxins & helps eliminate that bloat that often comes along with dieting, in my experience.
  • GREAT advice from everyone :-) The comraderie you get on here is so helpful, Even tho we don't 'know' each other, we seem to be sharing the same experience.It helps to know you're not ALONE. Let's be MFP pals?
  • It's a very worthwhile journey. Not easy but it's certainly easier & more fun on this site with all the great folks sending you encouragement. Good luck! Maura :wink:
  • Hi Lisa! I'm feeling the effects of a slowing metabolism & I just don't want to admit it! This site is great for motivation & keeping you honest. I'm looking for more pals for support & encouragement. I'm going to send you a friend request :-)
  • Thanks! Can't wait to try it. Today!!:wink: