Hey guys!

Hi guys! I just joined myfitnesspal a few days ago. I lost twenty pounds by eating less and moving more from April to June. Since June I've been stuck at the same weight, but I still have another 10-15 pounds to go. In hopes of breaking this plateau, I joined this website. I have problems with overeating (I overate tonight :( ) that I'm still struggling to deal with. I am an emotional eater, a boredom eater, and an I-have-homework-to-do-so-I'll-eat procrastinator. I generally eat healthily, but even then it's so easy to overeat and go overboard with the calories. I tend to eat better when I don't have "moderate"/little pieces of treats because they just make me crave and crave until I finish the entire package.

Having a calorie counter will make me accountable and make me think about overeating and hopefully, help me stop before I even start. I'm also working out more -- I really want to get into yoga and running. I start college on Sunday and I want the freshman 15 to be a NEGATIVE. :)


  • Maura5
    Hi Chicago,
    Congrats on starting college! I hope you have a GREAT experience. You'll find lots of great support & encouragement on here, from people of ALL kinds. We all want each other to succeed. Nourish your body well so your brain will get you to the Dean's List! Here's to your success :-)
  • HankFit247

    We're all here to provide assistance and support. Just let me know how I can be of personal assistance.

  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Chicago, Congrats on beginning a new step in your life. I too am a boredom eater. I have to make everyday goals and strive to do my best. I feel better in the mornings if I didn't eat too much after supper and I find I also sleep better. A friend told me that her son just tells himself that when I eat sugar it doesn't make me feel good about myself, so he just stays away from it. I love dark chocolate and I do like the sweets, but I battle with sugar everyday, so not quite sure how I can give you advice when I am struggling myself. Maybe we can help each other.
  • mum_of_three
    i laughed when I read your blog as it sounds just like me. Goodluck on here. let me know if there is anything I can do to help you keep motivated.