Hello everyone!

Hi I am August2011, I am a semi-acrtive 55 year old, ( i know my site says i am 35, I have tryed changing this, no luck), looking to loose about 30 lbs, and I know that this will be hard, but I am determined to do it. I just started on here August 1, 2011. I would like to get know some of you and trade ideas/recipes/excercise secrets.

Everytime I come to this site, I learn more about it. I already have 1 great diet pal who has given alot of info, and would like to hear from more.,..Please drop me drop me a line, its hard for us all to go on this by ourselves, and I know that the more friends we have on here the better for our motivation.




  • Maura5
    Maura5 Posts: 30
    Good morning August!
    I've only been on here a short time but already I've gained so much from everyone. The support & encouragement REALLY helps! Let's be MFPals? I'm also 55 & can relate to alot of what you're experiencing as a 'mature' woman. Check out my profile & adopt my pals. They're great!
  • erinfaye1

    I am Erin and I am 26. My weight has fluctuated over the last ten years to the point that I have totes of clothing ranging from size 6 to 26! I am a stress eater so my biggest achievement is going to be learning how to deal with daily stressors without chowing down on calorie filled foods. I have a goal of 60 lbs. and wish you good luck on your 30! I spend my 8 hour day in front of a computer so I like to search healthy recipes and will be glad to share any and all of what I find!!!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    This is a great site for support! I've been on since June and with exercise and posting what I eat, I have finally been able to wake up my metabolism that was almost dead!! The best thing is all of the friends that I have "met" and the fact that I have motivated my husband to start working out!! Also, last week my best friend told me that I had inspired her to get off her bottom and make time to walk and start losing the weight that she had gained in the past year. It doesn't get much better than when you can get healthier and help others do the same!! I'm 56 and losing weight is slow and steady, but that is the best way. Good luck on your journey..........Add me if you need another friend :-)
  • rocktheages
    OMG do I relate! Hang in there I really believe we can do this! I am just starting and journaling has really helped me see how over my calories I am every single day. You can do it I know you can... Good luck....:glasses: