MjDavis1981 Member


  • I'm a total mess on this. I'm not at all eating right. I told my advisor that I just needed a personal chef, or to move out to Indiana with her. I totally feel like a failure.
  • Wow! Awesome results!! I think I'm going to have to repeat the challenge. I've messed up something awful.
  • I started the challenge 23 days ago. During the challenge, a myriad of things have happened. We were hit ith a very bad wind storm and had no power for six days (meaning eating out), I had a gallbladder attack, and this week has been very emotional due to the loss of a family member. I'm pretty sure I'll have to do the…
  • I thought I had replied to this last night. Lol. My mind has it's own sense of pacing. I was diagnosed almost two years ago with PCOS. I started my period at age 9. And from then on, have had lots of issues. I've been to about 6 different doctors before getting the diagnosis. Mom would take me and they'd just tell her it…
  • Three years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS. Last June I was told that I have Insulin Resistance. In October I was told that I also have hypothyroidism. So it's like,what's next? Now I am having chronic bowel issues and get to see a specialist for that this June. I am on Celexa for moderate depression, I take synthroid for…
  • I go to the gym. I do Zumba 6 days a week. And also step aerobics.
  • Same here!!! Makes ya feel completely miserable doesn't it? My Dr and Nutritionist has cut me down to 45g of carbs and 120g of protein. It's hard sometimes to stay within that range. So if I mess up, I don't make it too hard on myself. I try to do my best. I have cut out soda, I drink Pepsi Max, which my Dr recommended. I…
  • HikerChic, I totally agree! I started doing Zumba back in October. I was totally lost at first. Now I know most of the routines. And we have switched about three times. I love doing Zumba. It doesn't at all feel like a workout. But at the end I am sweating buckets full.
  • I wish I was that motivated. I do Zumba 5 days a week. And that's about all I can handle. With my health issues, my body just wears down easily. And every now and then, I will take a day and sleep for like 20+ hours. Dr says it's okay for me, and I should just let me body tell me what it wants. But to learn the difference…
  • Monica, I would love to see your diary to see your daily food. I was placed on a restricted carb plan because I am Insulin Resistant. I have been on this almost a year. I was down 28 lbs from June to October, then the holidays came around and the carbs came in and the weight came on. I am back on track, finally. And I have…
  • Is this the Jillian Michae's video? I would like to lose more weight before doing something similar to this.
  • I would like to know how many steps I take during the day and such. I teach Kindergarten, and I think it would be interesting to see just how much I move during the day. I also never feel rested. So I think the sleep data would be very beneficial to me.
    in FITBIT Comment by MjDavis1981 May 2012
  • I do not care for the Zumba 1 for Wii. It is hard to follow the blobs of color. In Zumba 2, it's actual people, so you can see the movement more clearly. Now, when I said I loved it, I didn't say I was a trained dancer. In fact, I can't dance. I just enjoy trying.
  • I haven't got one, but I did look at them at Best Buy the other day. Are they worth the price?
    in FITBIT Comment by MjDavis1981 May 2012
  • I have Zumba 2 for Wii and I love it. I don't do it often, because I am at the gym on most days. But, when I do it at home, I love it.
  • My nutritionist says low carb is best. And really if you think about it, cutting carbs makes you lose fast and eating carbs makes you gain it back even quicker. So it's my opinion that carbs are bad. Well, the wrong carbs are bad. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains are all complex carbs and turn into energy to fuel your…
  • You need to purchas 100% Whey Isolate Protein. It is a bit pricey, but it is what you want for tone and repair. My nutritionist recommends that. My favorite is from Target it is Market Pantry Whey Protein powder. But I am currently using Jillian Michael's brand. I had a better deal on price at Sam's Club. I will ask my…
  • My problem is my belly and thighs. Kim, I am going to meet up with my Zumba instructor after class this evening and she's going to show me some tips. Would you want to sign up with me?
  • OKay, quick question.....does gum count as carbs? If so, how much??
  • Thank you. Now where do I get flax meal and baking powder?
  • I am very tired today! No energy what so ever. Supposed to go to Zumba, but I'm just completely worn out.
  • Are these hard to make? I'm not much for cooking.
  • My name is Malena Davis. I am 30 yrs old. Two years ago I was diagnosed with IR complications brought on by PCOS. This past September, I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have been told losing weight with thyroid issues is very difficult but I'm proving dr wrong. Since June I have lost 27 lbs doing low carb. I see…
  • Most of the time I rely on the Atkins products for breakfast. They are quick and easy. I do the shakes or the oatmeal squares. I haven't had an MIM before. Are they hard to make?
  • I don't really watch them strictly, but I try to stay under 1500. My goals say 1200 but meat is so high in calories it is hard sometimes.
  • I am thinking about purchasing the Exhilarate. Is it really that good? I asked some people at the class last night and they didn't recommend them.
  • Last night was my second class, and I do love it. Though I wasn't feeling good last night so I didn't put my all into it. Actually got sick after, but I didn't want to skip. Question is, what do you do the other days you aren't in class? I run the treadmill, but it's not as much a work out as Zumba. I've thought about…
  • I did have candy at Halloween, two walking tacos, POP, and cake! But it was just that day, and I went straight into Induction the day after. I must say, I've lost more weight in two weeks than I have in two months. But I have also added Zumba into my fitness routine. I do that two days a week and run the treadmill for…