vdegraff Member


  • How wonderful for you! You are an inspiration.
  • My initial weight loss that started a year ago began with walking. I had WLS on 10/19/2011, but by then, I had lost almost 40 lbs by walking and calories deficit. Walking is still my favorite exercose, although I can now bike, jog, eliptical, etc.
  • Hi. Banded on 10/19/2011. Glad to see someone has successfully lost weight with the band.122 pounds is amazing! Slow going for me. Lost more weigh pre-band than I have with the band. Don't really have a lot of restriction, so I can't see benefits thus far, but I'm going to stick with it. Welcome to the group
  • What type of protein powder do you use. My protein powder is 150 cals for 16g of protein
  • Amazing! Congrats
  • Welcome to all the newbies. I guess we are all newbies. I don't get to the forums that often because I mostly use MFP using my phone. But just wanted to say hi and look forward to your posts.
  • I am so-so on my decision to go ahead and get banded. Like you, I lost weight using MFP -- over 35 lbs between June and October. After banding, I lost another 20 lbs. But I've beeen in a stall for the past 1.5 months, so I'm not seeing the benefits of the band right now. It is psychological. I am fitter. I know I've lost…
  • I didn't tell my family and coworkers until after I had surgery. For those who haven't seen me in a while and see that I've lost weight, I tell them that I lost weight by changing my eating habits, exercising a lot and then after losing over 30 lbs, I had lapband surgery. And what do they concentrate on?? The surgery of…
  • You rock
  • My bat wings are not from excess skin. I've always had huge flabby arms. I hate them. I work out my arms every morning!
  • Spent the first part of day with kids. Attended Christmas Parade and then the grand reopening of a much beloved park in my area. Lots of standing and walking this morning. (Do I burn calories if I stand for 2 hours?). For the past few hours, I have been lazing on the couch! Need to get up and get moving. My choices are: do…
  • I want the recipe!! Sounds so yummy
  • :( so sorry
    in CPAP Comment by vdegraff November 2011
  • I hope. No, I pray, that I will lose weight in my feet. I wear wide width shoes now. I didn't think it possible before reading this, but I hope I see a difference in my feet like I've seen elsewhere (like in my rack).
  • After reading your posts, I am getting a little nervous about what to expect after next week.
  • My first fill will be next week. Two days before Thanksgiving. Yikes! Wonder how much I'll get initially.....
  • Thanks for starting the group Lesley. I live in Raleigh. Where in NC do you live?
  • Hi looking forward to getting to know you both. I recently had lap band surgery. I started my WL journey in June and lost over 30 lbs prior to my surgery. I have now lost over 50 lbs, and I want to lose about 65 more. I can't wait to see onederland too! I hope to be there by end of year. I am not losing right now, but I…
  • Hi, I had lap band surgery on 10/19. Feel great, but after losing 2-3 lbs a day, I am now not losing, in fact my weight is going up and down. I haven't had my first fill yet, so that may be the problem. But my cals are low and I am exercising, so I am trying not to be discouraged. Since June 2011, I have lost 50 lbs. I…
  • Hope all goes well for you.
    in Hi!!!! Comment by vdegraff November 2011
  • I came home and went for a walk although I really didn't feel like it. I even did a jogging walk! When I got home, I felt great!
  • You guys are so inspirational! I think even with 8 lbs a month, your progress is awesome. And what is hitting home with me right now is the fact that you are successful because you are exercising your butts off. That really is the key, isn't it?! The lap band is just a tool. There is no magic bullet. I am rededicating…
  • Hope all went well for you on Tuesday.
  • BTW. I have stalled and have actually gone up a few pounds this week. Is that normal? I will not get my first fill until 11/21.
  • 106 pounds is AMAZING! How are you feeling and are you done or do you have more to lose?
  • 1. Scanner to check his brain for live activity. 2. Task killer - to shut him down at times. 3. Truth-o-meter. 4. Zapper - to be used at opportune times. 5. In-law blocker. 6. Recording device. 7. Rewind button. 8. Future predictor 9. Instant fumigator 10. Recharger
  • I loved wii fit plus when we still had our wii. Stupidly, we got rid of our wii when my kids wanted the xbox and kinect. I want my wii back. I liked the yoga exercises the best. The strength exercises where kind of boring, but they were nice to do to help with toning. I used to cringe doing the weight thing and when it…
  • Funny. I'm a ways off from running though (and your legs) . . . but a girl can dream
  • Congrats to you. That is awesome. I've gone about 3 sizes in 125 days. It feels wonderful.
    in NSV Comment by vdegraff October 2011
  • Welcome aboard!