

  • I ran at the gym on the tredmil today for a 6mph for 15 mins but on a 2% incline and was sweating pretty good. How can I figure out how many calories I burned? Its not on here
  • Im just curious how many calories I would be burning at work. I work retail, so I am on my feet all day( my shifts are about 5 hours), folding, walking back and fourth throughout the store, carrying clothes to the dressing room, and various other things. How many calories do you think this would burn? Or how would I…
  • I run every day. I usually walk half of it though. The only reason I did this one was because my uncle was supposed to go with my mom but he got sick, so I went instead. Sooo glad I did. Ive been running since I was like, 15, o 3 years!
  • I know! I may just start getting addicted. I feel like I could go run again right now/
  • Me and my mom ran a 5k! We finised the race in 36 minutes, but it took about 10 minutes to even reach the starting line beacause of all the people, and then having to navigate through all the people. So subtracting that we figure its about 26minutes at the most so we did at least a 10 minute mile!!
  • lol I guess when y'all put it that way its not so bad! : D. I guess I got mad cuz I really wanted a dessert and I was like, 100 calories over. I really wanted one of those low fat creamcicles. However, I snuck some grapes later. I still had my dessert....but it was healthy. I went to town on those grapes! HAHA
  • It still only says i burned 184 calories
  • So I did the eiliptical trainer today. I did it for 12 minutes on level 9 (high intensity), and was pouring sweat. My heart rate even got up to 178. However, the exercise log on here says I burned 160 cals. I just dont think that can be right! I feel like I burned wayyyyy more than that.
  • When I was about 14 i weighed about 150. I was heavy and unhealthy. I finally got frustrated and decided it was time. I was crying at the thought of my weight and finally just got pissed off. My parents admitted that I was unhealthy, ate portons too big, and my dad said that at one point when he went to pick me up from…
  • Definitely, lol. I want to get healthy for me definitely. When I finally get money again I want to be able to buy some smaller jeans and cute little stuff. I do want to be healthy because right now I am not. The whole ex thing will just be a result, lol.
  • It has been a while, so here is my story. Back near the end of October I got incredibly stressed. This made me not want to eat at all. I lost quite a bit of weight and looked the best I ever had because all I coul really handle was soup and maybe a small dinner for about a month. During this time I finally started dating…
  • Forrest Gump Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Im a woman, and can safely say that other women confuse me...i confuse me
  • people who walk really really really really slow.......when they have the capability of walking fast and youre stuck behind them.
  • people who walk really really really really slow.......when they have the capability of walking fast and youre stuck behind them.
  • I find I crave sweets after dinner or in the middle of the day. To tackle middle of the day sweet attacks- Low cal fruit smoothies- try odwalla there is a 100 calorie chocolat ebar that hersheys makes Ghiradelli chocolate squares one or two kisses Dessert Skinny Cow Low cal creamcicles any low cal/fat popsicle orrrrrr…
  • So I live at home, and I am currently the only one eating healthy. My famly has tried to do it before many times, so they know what they should and shouldnt eat. They are also aware that I am logging my food and trying to lose weight. However, I feel sabotaged on a day to day basis. My mom buys some healthy stuff, but buys…
  • I agree with that, the way they display certain food makes you never want to eat it again! Also eat some fruit, its naturally sweet, and i usually eat it for dessert. YOu can also eat 60% dark chocolate or darker if you choose. Its not that bad for you, and its a nice treat
  • What I learned is that its normal to have to pee a lot when you first start drinking a lot of water regularly. What happens is the water we do drink gets stored in our body just in case it needs it, and to keep itself hydrated. So when we start to drink a lot of water the body lets go of the excess along with what we do…
  • Anyone else watch this show on BBC America? Im obsessed with it!!
  • i work at subway!! LOL. I love the turkey, the ham, and the roast beef, separate or all together but with avacado. yummmmmmmmm
  • I know I had to have spelt that wrong but oh well. First you take your pick of an either regular flour tortilla, or any variation if you want to make it healthier. Sprinkle your choice of cheese on it and put into the microwave so that a layer of cheese is melted. Place avacado, olives, tomato, salsa if you want, and any…
  • I did much better today!! LOL! YAY!!
  • Thank you guys so much for setting me straight, I feel a lot better this morning, and Im going to do so much better today, go to the gym, eat better, and try to forget about yesterday. Hopefuly its like you all said, a shock to the system. thanks again all you guys!!
  • I ate well all day, really low cal lunch, walking all around campus, i went running, then my mom brought home popeyes because there was nothing to cook. I had 2 small pieces of chicen, 1 biscuit and a handful of popcorn shrimp. I found out that each piece of popcorn shrimp has 280 calories, i ate about 10, so i ate 2800…
  • On the road by Jack Kerouack
  • So I am a freshman at the local junior college. On monday and wednesday im basically at school all day with a 3 hour break. So Im starting to take a 10-15 min walk down to safeway, picking up one of their small salads( no dressing, and about 200 calories!!) for lunch along with an O organics calorie free vitamin water. The…
  • I drank diet coke for most of my life, ever since I could remember, Im 18 now, so you can imagine all the ones ive had. Its been in the house for literally my entire life so for as long as I was old enough to open my own can I would drink a diet coke. However, last month I noticed more than ever that when I drank them,…
  • I rememember when I first started losing weight I would eat salads without any dressing on them so I cam to love the natural taste of veggies. Now if i see a plate of them my mouth waters!!! I also love Bok Choy, of course with a little bit of Brummel and Brown and it is soooooooooooo good.
  • Im a saltaholic, seriously. I daydream of french fries, love salty chips, steak fat, and especially love corned beef because of how salty it is. I even much on pickle slices(i work at subway) and eat them like other eat potato chips. How can I curb these cravings?