Bug263 Member


  • Alright, I'm at the point where I am ready to quit smoking! Not the topic you expected probably, but if there are any people out there that have been successful in this area I could use some advice. But to inform many I do not take prescriptions, I am looking for the alternative, I know there are a lot of drugs that can…
  • that's just nasty!:huh:
    in OH MY GOD ! Comment by Bug263 March 2009
  • this doesn't seem very healthy, here's a link about it you can copy and paste into the address bar for more info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketosis
  • lean pockets, lean cuisine(myfavorite!!), 100 cal. bag popcorn (snack), granola bars, anything really thats lean , low fat, or even low carb helps! good luck.
  • You can do it, just remember that when you feel like you don't want to stay on track, use it as motivation.
  • That's what I tell myself everytime I get off the phone with her, as soon as my 3yr. old is down for a nap I put taebo in and get kicking, it helps cuz I'm upset and feel much better when I'm done. I guess the anger would be my motivation there.:laugh:
  • I found a website called lowsaltfoods.com hope it helps.
  • That's awesome, good job, I can't wait for that moment to hit me.
  • I'm a little peeved today becuase my friend and I started going to the gym on the 8th (restarted my nutrition journey) and she cancels a lot. I told her yesterday that after my membership for the month was up I wasn't going to renew it cuz I can just exercise at home (only 1 vehicle til Sat.), plus, I burn more cals doing…
  • hilarious, especially the last one!:bigsmile: :laugh:
  • Same here, water, water, water, even before, during, and after i eat, helps me stay full. i do still snack but it's healthy snacking not cookie snacking:noway: good luck, happy losing!!:drinker:
    in Hello!! Comment by Bug263 February 2009
  • hi, congrats on a job well done so far, happy losing!!:drinker:
  • i've heard the same thing and i think on the fitness magazine website you can find a routine for it!
  • wow great job so far, if you gained 200 and are now 145 you can definitely accomplish a 15 lb. goal. good luck!:drinker:
  • same here, and me personally try to workout as much as possible when i'm sore, even if it's a 30 min. walk or whatever because when i'm done i usually don't feel as sore after all is said and done. but i think you are perfectly fine, like vanessadawn said "exercise is exercise!"
  • not mine:noway: , get a heart rate monitor to better track the cals you burn when lifting it's way more accurate than a site that doesn't factor in weight, sets, reps, and heart rate, plus after lifting weights your body has an after burn (up to 48 hrs post workout). cardio is important though especially for melting belly…
  • if you go 1000 cals for one day it really won't affect you, it's when you do it consistently that it becomes a problem (starvation). But if it were me i wouldn't do 1000 cals just do your regular routine, you a least addressed the fact that you fell off the wagon for a day, just get back on and keep on pushing. it's hard…
  • OOPS!
  • hi, i see this thread every once in awhile and decided to respond, i started on here last september and fell off the face of the earth for 4 months:cry: had a lot of things to deal with but i just wanted to pop in and say hi to all the stay at home moms, i am one myself for the past 3.5 yrs. with the exeption of extremely…
  • hi, i see this thread every once in awhile and decided to respond, i started on here last september and fell off the face of the earth for 4 months:cry: had a lot of things to deal with but i just wanted to pop in and say hi to all the stay at home moms, i am one myself for the past 3.5 yrs. with the exeption of extremely…
  • don't get down on yourself, you went 5 days with doing good, and yes gained a pound but use it as motivaton to make you want to get the next 7 days right. you can do it. sometimes you'll slip but it just makes you want to go that much harder.
  • thanx for the reminder, my b-day's this weekend and my hubby and i are taking the day to ourselves but it just so happens that when i eat junk i'm always around him, i know it's not his fault it's mine but seeing the stuff he's eating just looks so darn good. so this is a good thing to rewind in my brain this weekend,…
  • hi, welcome, there is a recipe section in the community section to use. if you ever have any question or are feeling just plain crappy about your diet don't hesitate to post, everyone on here is super friendly so far and can help boost your confidence and motivation.good luck!:wink:
  • wow, great job that's a huge accomplishment, keep it up!:bigsmile:
  • good question??? i'm a stay at home mom and i clean everyday but the amount varies(depending on how messy the family is:laugh: ) but i don't ever record it cuz i'm scared that i'll eat more calories that maybe i shouldn't be. anyone?
  • don't know what happened in that qoute , here's what i wrote(poet:laugh: ) thanx for the props!! kudos! cardio is really awesome and the fastest way to get rid of the "belly" is jogging or running. also doing core strenghtening helps too, like planks and stuff!
  • first off don't give up, you will feel worse if you do!! keep at it, what are you doing as far as exercise goes?how many times per week? are you eating your burn calories? if you are looking to loose a smaller amount of weight like 10lbs. it's probably hard because that's the most difficult for a lot of people "the last 10…
  • you could also buy mini cupcakes, they are about half the size of a regular one and not as many calories especially if you are going to want some it's an easy way to keep portion control but also satisfy a craving, if you bake you can make them yourself also, that way you know whats going in it and you can tweak them…
  • I listened to Jillian Micheals today on KFIAM640 and she said you actually burn more lifting weights but that cardio is definitely important for weight loss as well. From what she said, if you lift weights alternating between the top and bottom halves of your body for a half hour, you burn the same amount as if you ran a 6…