

  • I've done a number of things and I think changing it up helps prevent boredom. I have been known to walk, swim, jog, strength train with weights or body weight exercises, do videos, take classes at the gym, do yoga, umm...I think that covers it. Right now, I'm doing the Tap Out XT series. I get bored quickly and boredom is…
  • This may be a bit different than the weight watchers plan, however, you have to same body now as you did then so if it worked for you on another program, it'll work here. It's more about your body and your life than any particular plan. MFP doesn't subscribe to any particular method as far as I'm aware, but just gives you…
  • The first few pounds of weight loss are often largely fluid rather than fat and you may also lose more visceral fat (this is the fat between your organs) before you lose more obvious fat stores. Don't give up. If other's are noticing a difference, then something is changing so keep plugging away. Your pant size will go…
  • Snacking before and during cooking time is a problem for me also. I try to make sure that I have a snack that is within my plan around that time so that I'm not hungry while I prep/cook and also have a glass of water. Water helps a lot. But, it you do screw up, log it and once you see the effects in your diary and realize…
  • You can weigh as often as you like, however, choose one day a week (the same day and time every week) that you count. For instance, I weigh on Friday mornings before I have anything to eat/drink, after I got to the restroom and just before I step in the tub. I may step on the scale intermittently during the week but I only…
  • I start my morning w/a 16oz glass. From there, the water cravings take over and I have another 16 oz before lunch, one w/lunch w/a flavor packet and at least one more 16oz glass before 4...I usually have another 2-3 glasses at home in the evening. If i miss that glass to start my day, I find I don't get enough water in.…
  • Congratulations!! That's a wonderful accomplishment!
    in My own NSV Comment by Cokamo August 2012
  • Don't rely on others to provide for your dietary needs. If you want something healthy at things like that, bring them and eat them. I'm quite sure that sabotaging your diet was not their intention. It's more likely that they planned to celebrate the events with foods they like. Plan and prepare for yourself if you have…
  • It doesn't have to be confusing, complicated or frustrating. If it is those things, you'll quit because you'll get tired of it. Here is the simplicity I use in my approach. I do journal my food and aim for budgeting my food within my calorie goal. I aim to exercise 3-5 times a week. I do strength to build muscle and shape…
  • Simplest, yummiest chicken at my house as we speak :) 3lb chicken breast 1pkg ranch dressing mix (powdered) 1pkg taco seasoning 1can chicken broth Combine in crock pot, plug and go. If I use frozen chicken breast I cook on high for several hours, or if they are defrosted, I go with low. Once cooked, pull…
  • I start with a glass of water first thing in the morning...grab it on my way to the tub. This starts my water craving and keeps me wanting more all day.
  • If you starve yourself and work out a lot, it may be possible, but you probably won't like the results when you're done. You will have lost significant muscle mass and your skin won't have time to respond to your weight loss. That will make you lighter, true, but you won't have attained the look you may hope for.…
  • How heavy you are is less important than how conditioned you are for the amount of stress running puts on your body. You have to start with a small amount (especially if you've never run before), gradually increase your run time and listen to your body. As you gradually increase the stress you put on your body, it…
  • You have no obligation to be considerate, however, that doesn't mean you should not try to be or that you shouldn't teach your child to be. Of course, I'd be willing to bet that the mother of this child will make sure her child has a back up if she's unable to enjoy the group snack. Every person, small or large, wants to…
  • Could be glycogen depletion or dehydration...try some good carbs and water then try again. You can definately overtrain...running every other day gives your body time to repair and restore itself...running everyday may be too much. Be careful. Also, do you use gels of any kind during a log run? Over 4 or so, you may find…
  • What about other natural sweeteners like stevia root or agave nectar?
  • Believe every word of the quote above...I was derailed from my half marathon training by a stress fracture because I over trained. If you have been a runner for a long time and this would just be a longer than usual run for you, you may be able to do it if you slow your pace and put some walk breaks in, but be absolutely…
  • Part of feeling bad today is likely the withdrawl from the caffeine. That will get better with time. Flavored waters/packets help with the need for flavor/sweetness in your water. I try to limit myself to one of those a day, however, and focus the rest of the time on clear water. I do still allow myself one diet coke a day…
  • Italian isn't synonymous w/pasta...they usually have some good protein dishes w/vegetable sides. I love grilled fish so I'm usually easily satisfied with that and if you want some pasta, just have it as a side or a small amount...on the bread, this is also my weakness. Either allow yourself a controlled amount or make sure…
  • Whether you eat before or after, you'll burn the same number of calories and even if you burn the calories you just ate, your body will have to dip into your fat for your body functions. So, it seems to me, it's 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other. It's really a matter of comfort...for me, if I eat too close to exercise,…
    in Cardio Comment by Cokamo September 2011
  • Dilute the lemon juice in your water...I imagine straight would be way too strong!
  • It's general, doesn't consider whether you are male or female, your body structure or you muscle mass...only 2 numbers...height and weight. As a woman, I am aiming for a healthy BMI...but for a male, I think it would likely be unrealistic.
  • I have plantar fascitis. It is not inflamed right now, thank goodness, but here is what has helped me. First, stretch. Keeping the splint on at night will help, but you need to do these stretches 2-3X a day while it's inflamed: Also, you can ice it.…
  • swimming, aerobics, zumba, lots and lots of options.
  • Sounds like something to let your doc check out.
  • Try that and also, if you are truly hungry, don't starve yourself. Just choose a healthy snack and have plenty of water with it...that will at least prevent you from gorging on something that will be more detrimental to your long term goals.
  • When you buy his fattening foods and soda, also buy things that you'll like. Having things on hand that are healthy but satisfying can help you avoid feasting on fattening items just because they are there or because someone else is having them. You can have what he's having in a smaller portions sometimes or have…
  • For me, keeping my water intake up helps decrease my cravings and also my weight gain during my TOM. If you have a huge craving, satisfy it with a little of what you're wanting but just control your portion. I've read that your metabolism actually does increase slighty during TOM so there is good reason for your body to…
  • Weekend events, dinners out, etc are going to happen in your normal life now and forever. Sometimes you'll do better at them than others. In order to keep your self on tract, you have to see it as just part of your life and not a major setback. Get back on track, don't beat yourself up and move forward. I like to consider…
  • A favorite quick meal for us is tacos...use 96/4 lean ground beef, hard taco shells, 2% cheese and some salsa and you've got a great meal...2 tacos for around 350-400. Also, you can use lean ground beef to make a meat sauce. I use Hunt's no sugar added sauce. Meat sauce over a cup of paste for another 350 cal meal. Another…