Dining out tonight and need suggestions.

Hi all!
I'm heading out for dinner this evening with a group to celebrate my best friends 25th birthday. She opted for a small Italian place that has no website...hence no nutrition information either. Eek. I get semi-anxiety if I dont know exactly what i'm putting into my body.

Any suggestions on the healthiest entree choices from an Italian restaurant?

Thank you all for any help you can give to ease my mind tonight. Its going to be a struggle to stay away from the bread :sad: lol


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i wouldn't worry about it, enjoy yourself, don't go too overboard and get on track tomorrow. if you really wanted to avoid things, you could prob stay away from cream based sauce dishes
  • apsmith51
    apsmith51 Posts: 48 Member
    Salad with low-fat Italian or Italian on the side. Spaghetti (preferably whole wheat) and marinara sauce and only eat half. Won't hurt you too badly.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    i wouldn't worry about it, enjoy yourself, don't go too overboard and get on track tomorrow. if you really wanted to avoid things, you could prob stay away from cream based sauce dishes

    Agreed. Stay away from the white sauces and thicker pastas if you would like to cut down a bit (e.g. no Alfredo, no fettuccine, no linguine, etc.)

    You best bet if you are going to pasta route is Angel Hair and some type of Meat Sauce (at least that is the better route at Olive Garden). :)

    Other than that, just enjoy yourself and throw in an extra workout if you have time tonight! :D Have fun!

    (I hear you on the bread. It is one of my weaknesses :P)
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Just don't go overboard on bread or large portions. Box up half. You can call the restaurant or ask your waiter for suggestions. Also, Italian places usually have a grilled fish or chicken on the menu, ask for it grilled dry (no butter or oil in cooking). Good luck!

    Or... just exercise more in the next few days and enjoy a splurge day. For my birthday last month I went to an Italian restaurant. I faithfully logged every bite and every drink into MFP. My calorie count was 2,400, eek! Not for the day, for the dinner... I don't recommend that :)
  • macylane4
    Eat before you go..just enjoy the company!! I don't think any spaghetti or italian is good for you..maybe a salad, or some type of chicken entree.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Have fun! Just don't go crazy!!! Marinas are always better than alfredos or cheese sauces. And I'm sure they will have tons of bread so just don't go overboard. ENJOY your night out :smile:
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I eat out often and when we go Italian I just stay away from the pastas and order the chicken or fish - sans most sauces with a side of steamed veggies. They often give me double veggies because the "pasta side" is held back. You can always ask for Lemon to squeeze over it. I usually do have one piece of bread with no butter - love my bread and that is my treat!
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I have the same anxiety when I go to restaurants without nutritional info. I usually try to order basic stuff like grilled chicken, etc., something I can probably find something in the database that I can use as an approximation.
  • Cokamo
    Italian isn't synonymous w/pasta...they usually have some good protein dishes w/vegetable sides. I love grilled fish so I'm usually easily satisfied with that and if you want some pasta, just have it as a side or a small amount...on the bread, this is also my weakness. Either allow yourself a controlled amount or make sure you order something that you'll be satisfied with so that you're full and not tempted.

    Unfortunately, you can't know or control everything about your diet if you want to also enjoy times w/friends and family. Moderation is the key. Be sensible, allow yourself to enjoy it, and even if you splurge a little, tomorrow will be a new day.

    Also, don't go hungry...have a sensible snack and plenty of water before you go. It'll help you control yourself.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Without a menu it's hard to say, but here are some suggestions.

    Order whole grain pasta if they offer it.
    Avoid cream sauces!!!
    Limit bread to none or just one piece.
    Order vinegrette salad dressing on the side so you can control how much goes on.
    Look for veggie, shrimp or chicken sauces instead of ground meat.
    Many Italian restaurants offer grilled chicken or fish dishes for those that don't want pasta.

    Order as healthy as you can without spoiling your enjoyment, then celebrate with your friend and get back on track tomorrow. Life isn't just about dieting.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you must choose pasta be sure NOT to pick a cream sauce.

    A salad with chicken, dressing on the side is your best bet. Workout today and you can have pasta in tomato sauce with chicken breast NOT fatty meats like sausage or anything breaded.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm heading out for dinner this evening with a group to celebrate my best friends 25th birthday. She opted for a small Italian place that has no website...hence no nutrition information either. Eek. I get semi-anxiety if I dont know exactly what i'm putting into my body.

    Any suggestions on the healthiest entree choices from an Italian restaurant?

    Thank you all for any help you can give to ease my mind tonight. Its going to be a struggle to stay away from the bread :sad: lol

    You can never go wrong by asking if you can order just a grilled chicken breast and a side of steamed/grilled/roasted veggies (without seasoning if possible). I've done this at every restaurant that didn't have something on the healthier side or if they didn't have nutritional information available. It is low cal, low fat, low sugar, low sodium. :) Don't be afraid to ask for anything you want, prepared the way you want. Most restaurants will accommodate you if they can. Good luck and have fun!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    usually a primavera sauce is loaded with veggies...not quite as bad as alfredo. Check the Olive Garden website to get a few ideas of general stuff (I know their stuff is pretty bad, but they have a few dishes that aren't as bad as the others).
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I eat at Italian restaurants once or twice a week sometimes - it is possible to eat healthy food out! Order a salad as an appetizer, but ask for the dressing on the side. Don't get anything with cheese. Don't fill up on bread before the meal. As an entree, I would avoid pasta. However, if you must, order something with a tomato based sauce and order whole wheat (or kamut - that's my new favourite!) pasta. Only eat half of it. Save the rest for lunch tomorrow. A better choice would be grilled fish with steamed veggies on the side. If you go with fish (or meat), be sure to ask how it is cooked and if anything is used on it before it is grilled. And order all sauces on the side.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat before you go..just enjoy the company!! I don't think any spaghetti or italian is good for you..maybe a salad, or some type of chicken entree.

    I'm not sure that it's not "good for you" Pasta dishes are high calorie for sure and so not great for dieting. But I can't imagine going through the rest of my life never again having a big plate of spaghetti with red sauce, a piece of garlic bread and glass of good red wine. That may be my all time favorite meal so having that occasionally is good for me But maybe that's just me.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    As mentioned by someone earlier, have something to eat before you go. Have a banana or some nuts. Something filling. That will help take the edge off your hunger and it will be much easier to stick to a plan once you are ready to order. Ask for a To-Go box to be brought out right away as well. When your meal arrives, put half of it in the box so you are not tempted to eat everything. Then you will also have a pre-portioned lunch for the next day. :)
  • trac30
    trac30 Posts: 52 Member
    How about a bowl of soup? Italian places usually have some good minestrone!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    How about a bowl of soup? Italian places usually have some good minestrone!

    The only problem with soup is the amount of sodium in them. Take Olive Garden's minestrone for example: 1,020 mg of sodium. That is nearly half of MFP's daily requirement (2,500 mg) and 2/3 of the American Heart Association's daily requirement (1,500 mg). I love soup but I rarely have it anymore.
  • trac30
    trac30 Posts: 52 Member
    How about a bowl of soup? Italian places usually have some good minestrone!

    The only problem with soup is the amount of sodium in them. Take Olive Garden's minestrone for example: 1,020 mg of sodium. That is nearly half of MFP's daily requirement (2,500 mg) and 2/3 of the American Heart Association's daily requirement (1,500 mg). I love soup but I rarely have it anymore.

    Oh wow! Wasn't thinking about sodium, just calories.
  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 135 Member
    Be careful! You would think that salads would be a more healthy choice, but my husband and I ordered on the other night and it was 780cals.. Crazy.. So what I would do is order something that you will like, but half it before you even start to eat it.. I do this a Red Lobster and places like that. Still maybe around 600 or so cals but its good and a treat plus you have leftovers..